* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Collections */ namespace Prado\Collections; use Prado\TPropertyValue; use Prado\Exceptions\TInvalidOperationException; use Prado\Exceptions\TInvalidDataTypeException; /** * TPriorityMap class * * TPriorityMap implements a collection that takes key-value pairs with * a priority to allow key-value pairs to be ordered. This ordering is * important when flattening the map. When flattening the map, if some * key-value pairs are required to be before or after others, use this * class to keep order to your map. * * You can access, add or remove an item with a key by using * {@link itemAt}, {@link add}, and {@link remove}. These functions * can optionally take a priority parameter to allow access to specific * priorities. TPriorityMap is functionally backward compatible * with {@link TMap}. * * To get the number of the items in the map, use {@link getCount}. * TPriorityMap can also be used like a regular array as follows, * * $map[$key]=$value; // add a key-value pair * unset($map[$key]); // remove the value with the specified key * if(isset($map[$key])) // if the map contains the key * foreach($map as $key=>$value) // traverse the items in the map * $n=count($map); // returns the number of items in the map * * Using standard array access method like these will always use * the default priority. * * An item that doesn't specify a priority will receive the default * priority. The default priority is set during the instantiation * of a new TPriorityMap. If no custom default priority is specified, * the standard default priority of 10 is used. * * Priorities with significant digits below precision will be rounded. * * A priority may also be a numeric with decimals. This is set * during the instantiation of a new TPriorityMap. * The default is 8 decimal places for a priority. If a negative number * is used, rounding occurs into the integer space rather than in * the decimal space. See {@link round}. * * @author Brad Anderson * @package Prado\Collections * @since 3.2a */ class TPriorityMap extends TMap { /** * @var array internal data storage */ private $_d=array(); /** * @var boolean whether this list is read-only */ private $_r=false; /** * @var boolean indicates if the _d is currently ordered. */ private $_o=false; /** * @var array cached flattened internal data storage */ private $_fd=null; /** * @var integer number of items contain within the map */ private $_c=0; /** * @var numeric the default priority of items without specified priorities */ private $_dp=10; /** * @var integer the precision of the numeric priorities within this priority list. */ private $_p=8; /** * Constructor. * Initializes the array with an array or an iterable object. * @param map|array|Iterator|TPriorityMap the intial data. Default is null, meaning no initialization. * @param boolean whether the list is read-only * @param numeric the default priority of items without specified priorities. * @param integer the precision of the numeric priorities * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException If data is not null and neither an array nor an iterator. */ public function __construct($data=null,$readOnly=false,$defaultPriority=10,$precision=8) { if($data!==null) $this->copyFrom($data); $this->setReadOnly($readOnly); $this->setPrecision($precision); $this->setDefaultPriority($defaultPriority); } /** * @return boolean whether this map is read-only or not. Defaults to false. */ public function getReadOnly() { return $this->_r; } /** * @param boolean whether this list is read-only or not */ protected function setReadOnly($value) { $this->_r=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return numeric gets the default priority of inserted items without a specified priority */ public function getDefaultPriority() { return $this->_dp; } /** * This must be called internally or when instantiated. * @param numeric sets the default priority of inserted items without a specified priority */ protected function setDefaultPriority($value) { $this->_dp = (string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value), $this->_p); } /** * @return integer The precision of numeric priorities, defaults to 8 */ public function getPrecision() { return $this->_p; } /** * This must be called internally or when instantiated. * @param integer The precision of numeric priorities. */ protected function setPrecision($value) { $this->_p=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); } /** * Returns an iterator for traversing the items in the map. * This method is required by the interface \IteratorAggregate. * @return Iterator an iterator for traversing the items in the map. */ public function getIterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->flattenPriorities()); } /** * Orders the priority list internally. */ protected function sortPriorities() { if(!$this->_o) { ksort($this->_d, SORT_NUMERIC); $this->_o=true; } } /** * This flattens the priority map into a flat array [0,...,n-1] * @return array array of items in the list in priority and index order */ protected function flattenPriorities() { if(is_array($this->_fd)) return $this->_fd; $this->sortPriorities(); $this->_fd = array(); foreach($this->_d as $priority => $itemsatpriority) $this->_fd = array_merge($this->_fd, $itemsatpriority); return $this->_fd; } /** * Returns the number of items in the map. * This method is required by \Countable interface. * @return integer number of items in the map. */ public function count() { return $this->getCount(); } /** * @return integer the number of items in the map */ public function getCount() { return $this->_c; } /** * Gets the number of items at a priority within the map. * @param numeric optional priority at which to count items. if no parameter, * it will be set to the default {@link getDefaultPriority} * @return integer the number of items in the map at the specified priority */ public function getPriorityCount($priority=null) { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); if(!isset($this->_d[$priority])||!is_array($this->_d[$priority])) return false; return count($this->_d[$priority]); } /** * This returns a list of the priorities within this map, ordered lowest to highest. * @return array the array of priority numerics in decreasing priority order */ public function getPriorities() { $this->sortPriorities(); return array_keys($this->_d); } /** * Returns the keys within the map ordered through the priority of each key-value pair * @return array the key list */ public function getKeys() { return array_keys($this->flattenPriorities()); } /** * Returns the item with the specified key. If a priority is specified, only items * within that specific priority will be selected * @param mixed the key * @param mixed the priority. null is the default priority, false is any priority, * and numeric is a specific priority. default: false, any priority. * @return mixed the element at the offset, null if no element is found at the offset */ public function itemAt($key,$priority=false) { if($priority===false){ $map=$this->flattenPriorities(); return isset($map[$key])?$map[$key]:null; } else { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); return (isset($this->_d[$priority])&&isset($this->_d[$priority][$key]))?$this->_d[$priority][$key]:null; } } /** * This changes an item's priority. Specify the item and the new priority. * This method is exactly the same as {@link offsetGet}. * @param mixed the key * @param numeric|null the priority. default: null, filled in with the default priority numeric. * @return numeric old priority of the item */ public function setPriorityAt($key,$priority=null) { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); $oldpriority=$this->priorityAt($key); if($oldpriority!==false&&$oldpriority!=$priority) { $value=$this->remove($key,$oldpriority); $this->add($key,$value,$priority); } return $oldpriority; } /** * Gets all the items at a specific priority. * @param numeric priority of the items to get. Defaults to null, filled in with the default priority, if left blank. * @return array all items at priority in index order, null if there are no items at that priority */ public function itemsAtPriority($priority=null) { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); return isset($this->_d[$priority])?$this->_d[$priority]:null; } /** * Returns the priority of a particular item within the map. This searches the map for the item. * @param mixed item to look for within the map * @return numeric priority of the item in the map */ public function priorityOf($item) { $this->sortPriorities(); foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) if(($index=array_search($item,$items,true))!==false) return $priority; return false; } /** * Retutrns the priority of an item at a particular flattened index. * @param integer index of the item within the map * @return numeric priority of the item in the map */ public function priorityAt($key) { $this->sortPriorities(); foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) if(array_key_exists($key,$items)) return $priority; return false; } /** * Adds an item into the map. A third parameter may be used to set the priority * of the item within the map. Priority is primarily used during when flattening * the map into an array where order may be and important factor of the key-value * pairs within the array. * Note, if the specified key already exists, the old value will be overwritten. * No duplicate keys are allowed regardless of priority. * @param mixed key * @param mixed value * @param numeric|null priority, default: null, filled in with default priority * @return numeric priority at which the pair was added * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the map is read-only */ public function add($key,$value,$priority=null) { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); if(!$this->_r) { foreach($this->_d as $innerpriority=>$items) if(array_key_exists($key,$items)) { unset($this->_d[$innerpriority][$key]); $this->_c--; if(count($this->_d[$innerpriority])===0) unset($this->_d[$innerpriority]); } if(!isset($this->_d[$priority])) { $this->_d[$priority]=array($key=>$value); $this->_o=false; } else $this->_d[$priority][$key]=$value; $this->_c++; $this->_fd=null; } else throw new TInvalidOperationException('map_readonly',get_class($this)); return $priority; } /** * Removes an item from the map by its key. If no priority, or false, is specified * then priority is irrelevant. If null is used as a parameter for priority, then * the priority will be the default priority. If a priority is specified, or * the default priority is specified, only key-value pairs in that priority * will be affected. * @param mixed the key of the item to be removed * @param numeric|false|null priority. False is any priority, null is the * default priority, and numeric is a specific priority * @return mixed the removed value, null if no such key exists. * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the map is read-only */ public function remove($key,$priority=false) { if(!$this->_r) { if($priority===null) $priority=$this->getDefaultPriority(); if($priority===false) { $this->sortPriorities(); foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) if(array_key_exists($key,$items)) { $value=$this->_d[$priority][$key]; unset($this->_d[$priority][$key]); $this->_c--; if(count($this->_d[$priority])===0) { unset($this->_d[$priority]); $this->_o=false; } $this->_fd=null; return $value; } return null; } else { $priority=(string)round(TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($priority),$this->_p); if(isset($this->_d[$priority])&&(isset($this->_d[$priority][$key])||array_key_exists($key,$this->_d[$priority]))) { $value=$this->_d[$priority][$key]; unset($this->_d[$priority][$key]); $this->_c--; if(count($this->_d[$priority])===0) { unset($this->_d[$priority]); $this->_o=false; } $this->_fd=null; return $value; } else return null; } } else throw new TInvalidOperationException('map_readonly',get_class($this)); } /** * Removes all items in the map. {@link remove} is called on all items. */ public function clear() { foreach($this->_d as $priority=>$items) foreach(array_keys($items) as $key) $this->remove($key); } /** * @param mixed the key * @return boolean whether the map contains an item with the specified key */ public function contains($key) { $map=$this->flattenPriorities(); return isset($map[$key])||array_key_exists($key,$map); } /** * When the map is flattened into an array, the priorities are taken into * account and elements of the map are ordered in the array according to * their priority. * @return array the list of items in array */ public function toArray() { return $this->flattenPriorities(); } /** * Combines the map elements which have a priority below the parameter value * @param numeric the cut-off priority. All items of priority less than this are returned. * @param boolean whether or not the input cut-off priority is inclusive. Default: false, not inclusive. * @return array the array of priorities keys with values of arrays of items that are below a specified priority. * The priorities are sorted so important priorities, lower numerics, are first. */ public function toArrayBelowPriority($priority,$inclusive=false) { $this->sortPriorities(); $items=array(); foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority) { if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority>=$priority)||$itemspriority>$priority) break; $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority); } return $items; } /** * Combines the map elements which have a priority above the parameter value * @param numeric the cut-off priority. All items of priority greater than this are returned. * @param boolean whether or not the input cut-off priority is inclusive. Default: true, inclusive. * @return array the array of priorities keys with values of arrays of items that are above a specified priority. * The priorities are sorted so important priorities, lower numerics, are first. */ public function toArrayAbovePriority($priority,$inclusive=true) { $this->sortPriorities(); $items=array(); foreach($this->_d as $itemspriority=>$itemsatpriority) { if((!$inclusive&&$itemspriority<=$priority)||$itemspriority<$priority) continue; $items=array_merge($items,$itemsatpriority); } return $items; } /** * Copies iterable data into the map. * Note, existing data in the map will be cleared first. * @param mixed the data to be copied from, must be an array, object implementing * Traversable, or a TPriorityMap * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException If data is neither an array nor an iterator. */ public function copyFrom($data) { if($data instanceof TPriorityMap) { if($this->getCount()>0) $this->clear(); foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority) { foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $key => $value) { $this->add($key,$value,$priority); } } } else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof \Traversable) { if($this->getCount()>0) $this->clear(); foreach($data as $key=>$value) $this->add($key,$value); } else if($data!==null) throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable'); } /** * Merges iterable data into the map. * Existing data in the map will be kept and overwritten if the keys are the same. * @param mixed the data to be merged with, must be an array, object implementing * Traversable, or a TPriorityMap * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException If data is neither an array nor an iterator. */ public function mergeWith($data) { if($data instanceof TPriorityMap) { foreach($data->getPriorities() as $priority) { foreach($data->itemsAtPriority($priority) as $key => $value) $this->add($key,$value,$priority); } } else if(is_array($data)||$data instanceof \Traversable) { foreach($data as $key=>$value) $this->add($key,$value); } else if($data!==null) throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('map_data_not_iterable'); } /** * Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset. * This method is required by the interface \ArrayAccess. * @param mixed the offset to check on * @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->contains($offset); } /** * Returns the element at the specified offset. * This method is required by the interface \ArrayAccess. * @param integer the offset to retrieve element. * @return mixed the element at the offset, null if no element is found at the offset */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->itemAt($offset); } /** * Sets the element at the specified offset. * This method is required by the interface \ArrayAccess. * @param integer the offset to set element * @param mixed the element value */ public function offsetSet($offset,$item) { $this->add($offset,$item); } /** * Unsets the element at the specified offset. * This method is required by the interface \ArrayAccess. * @param mixed the offset to unset element */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { $this->remove($offset); } }