* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2007 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.ActiveRecord.Relations */ /** * Load active record relationship context. */ Prado::using('System.Data.ActiveRecord.Relations.TActiveRecordRelationContext'); /** * Base class for active record relationships. * * description * * @author Wei Zhuo * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.ActiveRecord.Relations * @since 3.1 */ abstract class TActiveRecordRelation { private $_context; public function __construct(TActiveRecordRelationContext $context) { $this->_context = $context; } /** * @return TActiveRecordRelationContext */ protected function getContext() { return $this->_context; } /** * @return TActiveRecord */ protected function getSourceRecord() { return $this->getContext()->getSourceRecord(); } /** * Dispatch the method calls to the source record finder object. When * an instance of TActiveRecord or an array of TActiveRecord is returned * the corresponding foreign objects are also fetched and assigned. * * Multiple relationship calls can be chain together. * * @param string method name called * @param array method arguments * @return mixed TActiveRecord or array of TActiveRecord results depending on the method called. */ public function __call($method,$args) { static $stack=array(); $results = call_user_func_array(array($this->getSourceRecord(),$method),$args); if(is_array($results) || $results instanceof TActiveRecord) { $this->collectForeignObjects($results); while($obj = array_pop($stack)) $obj->collectForeignObjects($results); } else if($results instanceof TActiveRecordRelation) array_push($stack,$this); //call it later return $results; } /** * Returns foreign keys in $fromRecord with source column names as key * and foreign column names in the corresponding $matchesRecord as value. * The method returns the first matching foreign key between these 2 records. * @param TActiveRecord $fromRecord * @param TActiveRecord $matchesRecord * @return array foreign keys with source column names as key and foreign column names as value. */ protected function findForeignKeys($from, $matchesRecord) { $gateway = $matchesRecord->getRecordGateway(); $matchingTableName = $gateway->getRecordTableInfo($matchesRecord)->getTableName(); $tableInfo=$from; if($from instanceof TActiveRecord) $tableInfo = $gateway->getRecordTableInfo($from); foreach($tableInfo->getForeignKeys() as $fkeys) { if($fkeys['table']===$matchingTableName) return $fkeys['keys']; } throw new TActiveRecordException('no fk defined for '.$tableInfo->getTableFullName()); } /** * @param mixed object or array to be hashed * @param array name of property for hashing the properties. * @return string object hash using crc32 and serialize. */ protected function getObjectHash($obj, $properties) { $ids=array(); foreach($properties as $property) $ids[] = is_object($obj) ? $obj->{$property} : $obj[$property]; return sprintf('%x',crc32(serialize($ids))); } /** * Fetches the foreign objects using TActiveRecord::findAllByIndex() * @param array field names * @param array foreign key index values. * @return TActiveRecord[] foreign objects. */ protected function findForeignObjects($fields, $indexValues) { $criteria = $this->getContext()->getCriteria(); $finder = $this->getContext()->getForeignRecordFinder(); return $finder->findAllByIndex($criteria, $fields, $indexValues); } /** * Obtain the foreign key index values from the results. * @param array property names * @param array TActiveRecord results * @return array foreign key index values. */ protected function getIndexValues($keys, $results) { if(!is_array($results)) $results = array($results); foreach($results as $result) { $value = array(); foreach($keys as $name) $value[] = $result->{$name}; $values[] = $value; } return $values; } /** * Populate the results with the foreign objects found. * @param array source results * @param array source property names * @param array foreign objects * @param array foreign object field names. */ protected function populateResult(&$results,$properties,&$fkObjects,$fields) { $collections=array(); foreach($fkObjects as $fkObject) $collections[$this->getObjectHash($fkObject, $fields)][]=$fkObject; $this->setResultCollection($results, $collections, $properties); } /** * Populates the result array with foreign objects (matched using foreign key hashed property values). * @param array $results * @param array $collections * @param array property names */ protected function setResultCollection(&$results, &$collections, $properties) { if(is_array($results)) { for($i=0,$k=count($results);$i<$k;$i++) $this->setObjectProperty($results[$i], $properties, $collections); } else $this->setObjectProperty($results, $properties, $collections); } /** * Sets the foreign objects to the given property on the source object. * @param TActiveRecord source object. * @param array source properties * @param array foreign objects. */ protected function setObjectProperty($source, $properties, &$collections) { $hash = $this->getObjectHash($source, $properties); $prop = $this->getContext()->getProperty(); $source->{$prop} = isset($collections[$hash]) ? $collections[$hash] : array(); } } ?>