* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2007 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.ActiveRecord.Vendor */ Prado::using('System.Data.ActiveRecord.Vendor.TDbMetaDataInspector'); Prado::using('System.Data.ActiveRecord.Vendor.TSqliteColumnMetaData'); Prado::using('System.Data.ActiveRecord.Vendor.TSqliteMetaData'); /** * Table meta data inspector for Sqlite database. * * @author Wei Zhuo * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.ActiveRecord.Vendor * @since 3.1 */ class TSqliteMetaDataInspector extends TDbMetaDataInspector { /** * Create a new instance of meta data. * @param string table name * @param array column meta data * @param array primary key meta data * @param array foreign key meta data. * @return TDbMetaData table meta data. */ protected function createMetaData($table, $columns, $primary, $foreign) { $pks = array(); foreach($columns as $name=>$column) if($column->getIsPrimaryKey()) $pks[] = $name; return new TSqliteMetaData($table,$columns,$pks); } /** * Get the column definitions for given table. * @param string table name. * @return array column name value pairs of column meta data. */ protected function getColumnDefinitions($table) { $conn=$this->getDbConnection(); $conn->setActive(true); $table = $conn->quoteString($table); $command = $conn->createCommand("PRAGMA table_info({$table})"); $command->prepare(); $cols = array(); foreach($command->query() as $col) $cols[$col['name']] = $this->getColumnMetaData($col); return $cols; } /** * Returns the column details. * @param array column details. * @return TPgsqlColumnMetaData column meta data. */ protected function getColumnMetaData($col) { $name = '"'.$col['name'].'"'; //quote the column names! $type = $col['type']; $notNull = $col['notnull']==='99'; $primary = $col['pk']==='1'; $autoIncrement = strtolower($type)==='integer' && $primary; $default = $col['dflt_value']; return new TSqliteColumnMetaData($name,$type,$notNull,$autoIncrement,$default,$primary); } /** * Not implemented, sqlite does not have foreign key constraints. */ protected function getConstraintKeys($table) { return array('primary'=>array(), 'foreign'=>array()); } } ?>