getDbConnection()->setActive(true); $sql = "SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM {$table}"; $command = $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); $tableInfo = $this->createNewTableInfo($table); $index=0; foreach($command->query() as $col) { $col['index'] = $index++; $this->processColumn($tableInfo,$col); } return $tableInfo; } /** * @param TMysqlTableInfo table information. * @param array column information. */ protected function processColumn($tableInfo, $col) { $columnId = $col['Field']; $info['ColumnName'] = "`$columnId`"; //quote the column names! $info['ColumnIndex'] = $col['index']; if($col['Null']!=='NO') $info['AllowNull'] = true; if(is_int(strpos(strtolower($col['Extra']), 'auto_increment'))) $info['AutoIncrement']=true; if($col['Default']!=="") $info['DefaultValue'] = $col['Default']; if($col['Key']==='PRI' || in_array($columnId, $tableInfo->getPrimaryKeys())) $info['IsPrimaryKey'] = true; if($this->isForeignKeyColumn($columnId, $tableInfo)) $info['IsForeignKey'] = true; if(in_array($columnId, $tableInfo->getUniqueKeys())) $info['IsUnique'] = true; $info['DbType'] = $col['Type']; $match=array(); //find SET/ENUM values, column size, precision, and scale if(preg_match('/\((.*)\)/', $col['Type'], $match)) { $info['DbType']= preg_replace('/\(.*\)/', '', $col['Type']); //find SET/ENUM values if($this->isEnumSetType($info['DbType'])) $info['DbTypeValues'] = preg_split('/\s*,\s*|\s+/', preg_replace('/\'|"/', '', $match[1])); //find column size, precision and scale $pscale = array(); if(preg_match('/(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?+/', $match[1], $pscale)) { if($this->isPrecisionType($info['DbType'])) { $info['NumericPrecision'] = intval($pscale[1]); if(count($pscale) > 2) $info['NumericScale'] = intval($pscale[2]); } else $info['ColumnSize'] = intval($pscale[1]); } } $tableInfo->Columns[$columnId] = new TMysqlTableColumn($info); } /** * @return boolean true if column type if "numeric", "interval" or begins with "time". */ protected function isPrecisionType($type) { $type = strtolower(trim($type)); return $type==='decimal' || $type==='dec' || $type==='float' || $type==='double' || $type==='double precision' || $type==='real'; } /** * @return boolean true if column type if "enum" or "set". */ protected function isEnumSetType($type) { $type = strtolower(trim($type)); return $type==='set' || $type==='enum'; } /** * @param string table name, may be quoted with back-ticks and may contain database name. * @return array tuple ($schema,$table), $schema may be null. * @throws TDbException when table name contains invalid identifier bytes. */ protected function getSchemaTableName($table) { //remove the back ticks and separate out the "database.table" $result = explode('.', str_replace('`', '', $table)); foreach($result as $name) { if(!$this->isValidIdentifier($name)) { $ref = ''; throw new TDbException('dbcommon_invalid_identifier_name', $table, $ref); } } return count($result) > 1 ? $result : array(null, $result[0]); } /** * * @param unknown_type $name */ protected function isValidIdentifier($name) { return !preg_match('#/|\\|.|\x00|\xFF#', $name); } /** * @param string table schema name * @param string table name. * @return TMysqlTableInfo */ protected function createNewTableInfo($table) { list($schemaName,$tableName) = $this->getSchemaTableName($table); $info['SchemaName'] = $schemaName; $info['TableName'] = $tableName; $info['IsView'] = $this->getIsView($schemaName,$tableName); list($primary, $foreign, $unique) = $this->getConstraintKeys($schemaName, $tableName); return new TMysqlTableInfo($info,$primary,$foreign, $unique); } /** * @param string database name, null to use default connection database. * @param string table or view name. * @return boolean true if is view, false otherwise. * @throws TDbException if table or view does not exist. */ protected function getIsView($schemaName,$tableName) { if($schemaName!==null) $sql = "SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `{$schemaName}` LIKE :table"; else $sql = 'SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE :table'; $command = $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); $command->bindValue(':table', $tableName); try { return count($result = $command->queryRow()) > 0 && $result['Table_type']==='VIEW'; } catch(TDbException $e) { $table = $schemaName===null?$tableName:$schemaName.'.'.$tableName; throw new TDbException('dbcommon_invalid_table_name',$table,$e->getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the primary, foreign key, and unique column details for the given table. * @param string schema name * @param string table name. * @return array tuple ($primary, $foreign, $unique) */ protected function getConstraintKeys($schemaName, $tableName) { $table = $schemaName===null ? "`{$tableName}`" : "`{$schemaName}`.`{$tableName}`"; $sql = "SHOW INDEX FROM {$table}"; $command = $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); $primary = array(); $foreign = $this->getForeignConstraints($schemaName,$tableName); $unique = array(); foreach($command->query() as $row) { if($row['Key_name']==='PRIMARY') $primary[] = $row['Column_name']; else if(intval($row['Non_unique'])===0) $unique[] = $row['Column_name']; } return array($primary,$foreign,$unique); } /** * Gets foreign relationship constraint keys and table name * @param string database name * @param string table name * @return array foreign relationship table name and keys. */ protected function getForeignConstraints($schemaName, $tableName) { $andSchema = $schemaName !== null ? 'AND TABLE_SCHEMA = :schema' : ''; $sql = <<getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); $command->bindValue(':table', $tableName); if($schemaName!==null) $command->bindValue(':schema', $schemaName); $fkeys=array(); foreach($command->query() as $col) { $fkeys[$col['con']]['keys'][$col['col']] = $col['fkcol']; $fkeys[$col['con']]['table'] = "`{$col['fkschema']}`.`{$col['fktable']}`"; } return array_values($fkeys); } /** * @param string column name. * @param TPgsqlTableInfo table information. * @return boolean true if column is a foreign key. */ protected function isForeignKeyColumn($columnId, $tableInfo) { foreach($tableInfo->getForeignKeys() as $fk) { if(in_array($columnId, array_keys($fk['keys']))) return true; } return false; } } ?>