
 * TOracleTableInfo class file.
 * @author Marcos Nobre <marconobre[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2012 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Data.Common

 * TDbTableInfo class describes the meta data of a database table.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizho[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Data.Common
 * @since 3.1
class TOracleTableInfo extends TComponent
	private $_info=array();

	private $_primaryKeys;
	private $_foreignKeys;

	private $_columns;

	private $_lowercase;

	 * Sets the database table meta data information.
	 * @param array table column information.
	public function __construct($tableInfo=array(),$primary=array(),$foreign=array())
		$this->_columns=new TMap;

	 * @param TDbConnection database connection.
	 * @return TDbCommandBuilder new command builder
	public function createCommandBuilder($connection)
		return new TOracleCommandBuilder($connection,$this);

	 * @param string information array key name
	 * @param mixed default value if information array value is null
	 * @return mixed information array value.
	public function getInfo($name,$default=null)
		return isset($this->_info[$name]) ? $this->_info[$name] : $default;

	 * @param string information array key name
	 * @param mixed new information array value.
	protected function setInfo($name,$value)

	 * @return string name of the table this column belongs to.
	public function getTableName()
		return $this->getInfo('TableName');

	 * @return string full name of the table, database dependent.
	public function getTableFullName()
		return $this->_info['SchemaName'].'.'.$this->getTableName();

	 * @return boolean whether the table is a view, default is false.
	public function getIsView()
		return $this->getInfo('IsView',false);

	 * @return TMap TDbTableColumn column meta data.
	public function getColumns()
		return $this->_columns;

	 * @param string column id
	 * @return TDbTableColumn column information.
	public function getColumn($name)
		if(($column = $this->_columns->itemAt($name))!==null)
			return $column;
		throw new TDbException('dbtableinfo_invalid_column_name', $name, $this->getTableFullName());

	 * @param array list of column Id, empty to get all columns.
	 * @return array table column names (identifier quoted)
	public function getColumnNames()
		foreach($this->getColumns() as $column)
			$names[] = $column->getColumnName();
		return $names;

	 * @return string[] names of primary key columns.
	public function getPrimaryKeys()
		return $this->_primaryKeys;

	 * @return array tuples of foreign table and column name.
	public function getForeignKeys()
		return $this->_foreignKeys;

	 * @return array lowercased column key names mapped to normal column ids.
	public function getLowerCaseColumnNames()
			foreach($this->getColumns()->getKeys() as $key)
				$this->_lowercase[strtolower($key)] = $key;
		return $this->_lowercase;