 * TDbTableColumn class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2014 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @package Prado\Data\Common

namespace Prado\Data\Common;
use PDO;

 * TDbTableColumn class describes the column meta data of the schema for a database table.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizho[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @package Prado\Data\Common
 * @since 3.1
class TDbTableColumn extends \Prado\TComponent
	const UNDEFINED_VALUE= INF; //use infinity for undefined value

	private $_info=array();

	 * Sets the table column meta data.
	 * @param array table column information.
	public function __construct($columnInfo)

	 * @param string information array key name
	 * @param mixed default value if information array value is null
	 * @return mixed information array value.
	protected function getInfo($name,$default=null)
		return isset($this->_info[$name]) ? $this->_info[$name] : $default;

	 * @param string information array key name
	 * @param mixed new information array value.
	protected function setInfo($name,$value)

	 * Returns the derived PHP primitive type from the db type. Default returns 'string'.
	 * @return string derived PHP primitive type from the column db type.
	public function getPHPType()
		return 'string';

	 * @param integer PDO bind param/value types, default returns string.
	public function getPdoType()
			case 'boolean': return PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
			case 'integer': return PDO::PARAM_INT;
			case 'string' : return PDO::PARAM_STR;
		return PDO::PARAM_STR;

	 * @return string name of the column in the table (identifier quoted).
	public function getColumnName()
		return $this->getInfo('ColumnName');

	 * @return string name of the column with quoted identifier.
	public function getColumnId()
		return $this->getInfo('ColumnId');

	 * @return string size of the column.
	public function getColumnSize()
		return $this->getInfo('ColumnSize');

	 * @return integer zero-based ordinal position of the column in the table.
	public function getColumnIndex()
		return $this->getInfo('ColumnIndex');

	 * @return string column type.
	public function getDbType()
		return $this->getInfo('DbType');

	 * @return boolean specifies whether value Null is allowed, default is false.
	public function getAllowNull()
		return $this->getInfo('AllowNull',false);

	 * @return mixed default column value if column value was null.
	public function getDefaultValue()
		return $this->getInfo('DefaultValue', self::UNDEFINED_VALUE);

	 * @return string precision of the column data, if the data is numeric.
	public function getNumericPrecision()
		return $this->getInfo('NumericPrecision');

	 * @return string scale of the column data, if the data is numeric.
	public function getNumericScale()
		return $this->getInfo('NumericScale');

	public function getMaxiumNumericConstraint()
			return $scale===null ? pow(10,$precision) : pow(10,$precision-$scale);

	 * @return boolean whether this column is a primary key for the table, default is false.
	public function getIsPrimaryKey()
		return $this->getInfo('IsPrimaryKey',false);

	 * @return boolean whether this column is a foreign key, default is false.
	public function getIsForeignKey()
		return $this->getInfo('IsForeignKey',false);

	 * @param string sequence name, only applicable if column is a sequence
	public function getSequenceName()
		return $this->getInfo('SequenceName');

	 * @return boolean whether the column is a sequence.
	public function hasSequence()
		return $this->getSequenceName()!==null;

	 * @return boolean whether this column is excluded from insert and update.
	public function getIsExcluded()
		return false;