<?php /** * TLazyLoadList, TObjectProxy classes file. * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2008 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.SqlMap */ /** * TLazyLoadList executes mapped statements when the proxy collection is first accessed. * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizho[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.SqlMap * @since 3.1 */ class TLazyLoadList { private $_param; private $_target; private $_propertyName=''; private $_statement=''; private $_loaded=false; private $_innerList; private $_connection; /** * Create a new proxy list that will execute the mapped statement when any * of the list's method are accessed for the first time. * @param TMappedStatement statement to be executed to load the data. * @param mixed parameter value for the statement. * @param object result object that contains the lazy collection. * @param string property of the result object to set the loaded collection. */ protected function __construct($mappedStatement, $param, $target, $propertyName) { $this->_param = $param; $this->_target = $target; $this->_statement = $mappedStatement; $this->_connection=$mappedStatement->getManager()->getDbConnection(); $this->_propertyName = $propertyName; } /** * Create a new instance of a lazy collection. * @param TMappedStatement statement to be executed to load the data. * @param mixed parameter value for the statement. * @param object result object that contains the lazy collection. * @param string property of the result object to set the loaded collection. * @return TObjectProxy proxied collection object. */ public static function newInstance($mappedStatement, $param, $target, $propertyName) { $handler = new self($mappedStatement, $param, $target, $propertyName); $statement = $mappedStatement->getStatement(); $registry=$mappedStatement->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); $list = $statement->createInstanceOfListClass($registry); if(!is_object($list)) throw new TSqlMapExecutionException('sqlmap_invalid_lazyload_list',$statement->getID()); return new TObjectProxy($handler, $list); } /** * Relay the method call to the underlying collection. * @param string method name. * @param array method parameters. */ public function intercept($method, $arguments) { return call_user_func_array(array($this->_innerList, $method), $arguments); } /** * Load the data by executing the mapped statement. */ protected function fetchListData() { if($this->_loaded == false) { $this->_innerList = $this->_statement->executeQueryForList($this->_connection,$this->_param); $this->_loaded = true; //replace the target property with real list TPropertyAccess::set($this->_target, $this->_propertyName, $this->_innerList); } } /** * Try to fetch the data when any of the proxy collection method is called. * @param string method name. * @return boolean true if the underlying collection has the corresponding method name. */ public function hasMethod($method) { $this->fetchListData(); if(is_object($this->_innerList)) return in_array($method, get_class_methods($this->_innerList)); return false; } } /** * TObjectProxy sets up a simple object that intercepts method calls to a * particular object and relays the call to handler object. * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizho[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Data.SqlMap * @since 3.1 */ class TObjectProxy { private $_object; private $_handler; /** * @param object handler to method calls. * @param object the object to by proxied. */ public function __construct($handler, $object) { $this->_handler = $handler; $this->_object = $object; } /** * Relay the method call to the handler object (if able to be handled), otherwise * it calls the proxied object's method. * @param string method name called * @param array method arguments * @return mixed method return value. */ public function __call($method,$params) { if($this->_handler->hasMethod($method)) return $this->_handler->intercept($method, $params); else return call_user_func_array(array($this->_object, $method), $params); } }