* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Data\SqlMap\Statements */ namespace Prado\Data\SqlMap\Statements; use Prado\Collections\TList; use Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\TActiveRecord; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\Configuration\TResultProperty; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\Configuration\TSqlMapInsert; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\Configuration\TSqlMapStatement; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\DataMapper\TLazyLoadList; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\DataMapper\TPropertyAccess; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\DataMapper\TSqlMapExecutionException; use Prado\Data\SqlMap\TSqlMapManager; use Prado\Exceptions\TInvalidDataValueException; /** * TMappedStatement class executes SQL mapped statements. Mapped Statements can * hold any SQL statement and use Parameter Maps and Result Maps for input and output. * * This class is usualy instantiated during SQLMap configuration by TSqlDomBuilder. * * @author Wei Zhuo * @package Prado\Data\SqlMap\Statements * @since 3.0 */ class TMappedStatement extends \Prado\TComponent implements IMappedStatement { /** * @var TSqlMapStatement current SQL statement. */ private $_statement; /** * @var TPreparedCommand SQL command prepareer */ private $_command; /** * @var TSqlMapper sqlmap used by this mapper. */ private $_manager; /** * @var TPostSelectBinding[] post select statement queue. */ private $_selectQueue=array(); /** * @var boolean true when data is mapped to a particular row. */ private $_IsRowDataFound = false; /** * @var TSQLMapObjectCollectionTree group by object collection tree */ private $_groupBy; /** * @var Post select is to query for list. */ const QUERY_FOR_LIST = 0; /** * @var Post select is to query for list. */ const QUERY_FOR_ARRAY = 1; /** * @var Post select is to query for object. */ const QUERY_FOR_OBJECT = 2; /** * @return string Name used to identify the TMappedStatement amongst the others. * This the name of the SQL statement by default. */ public function getID() { return $this->_statement->ID; } /** * @return TSqlMapStatement The SQL statment used by this MappedStatement */ public function getStatement() { return $this->_statement; } /** * @return TSqlMapper The SqlMap used by this MappedStatement */ public function getManager() { return $this->_manager; } /** * @return TPreparedCommand command to prepare SQL statements. */ public function getCommand() { return $this->_command; } /** * Empty the group by results cache. */ protected function initialGroupByResults() { $this->_groupBy = new TSqlMapObjectCollectionTree(); } /** * Creates a new mapped statement. * @param TSqlMapper an sqlmap. * @param TSqlMapStatement An SQL statement. */ public function __construct(TSqlMapManager $sqlMap, TSqlMapStatement $statement) { $this->_manager = $sqlMap; $this->_statement = $statement; $this->_command = new TPreparedCommand(); $this->initialGroupByResults(); } public function getSqlString() { return $this->getStatement()->getSqlText()->getPreparedStatement()->getPreparedSql(); } /** * Execute SQL Query. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param array SQL statement and parameters. * @return mixed record set if applicable. * @throws TSqlMapExecutionException if execution error or false record set. * @throws TSqlMapQueryExecutionException if any execution error */ /* protected function executeSQLQuery($connection, $sql) { try { if(!($recordSet = $connection->execute($sql['sql'],$sql['parameters']))) { throw new TSqlMapExecutionException( 'sqlmap_execution_error_no_record', $this->getID(), $connection->ErrorMsg()); } return $recordSet; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new TSqlMapQueryExecutionException($this->getStatement(), $e); } }*/ /** * Execute SQL Query with limits. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param array SQL statement and parameters. * @return mixed record set if applicable. * @throws TSqlMapExecutionException if execution error or false record set. * @throws TSqlMapQueryExecutionException if any execution error */ protected function executeSQLQueryLimit($connection, $command, $max, $skip) { if($max>-1 || $skip > -1) { $maxStr=$max>0?' LIMIT '.$max:''; $skipStr=$skip>0?' OFFSET '.$skip:''; $command->setText($command->getText().$maxStr.$skipStr); } $connection->setActive(true); return $command->query(); /*//var_dump($command); try { $recordSet = $connection->selectLimit($sql['sql'],$max,$skip,$sql['parameters']); if(!$recordSet) { throw new TSqlMapExecutionException( 'sqlmap_execution_error_query_for_list', $connection->ErrorMsg()); } return $recordSet; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new TSqlMapQueryExecutionException($this->getStatement(), $e); }*/ } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns a List of result objects. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param object result collection object. * @param integer The number of rows to skip over. * @param integer The maximum number of rows to return. * @return array a list of result objects * @param callback row delegate handler * @see executeQueryForList() */ public function executeQueryForList($connection, $parameter, $result=null, $skip=-1, $max=-1, $delegate=null) { $sql = $this->_command->create($this->_manager, $connection, $this->_statement, $parameter,$skip,$max); return $this->runQueryForList($connection, $parameter, $sql, $result, $delegate); } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns a List of result objects. * * This method should only be called by internal developers, consider using * executeQueryForList() first. * * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param array SQL string and subsititution parameters. * @param object result collection object. * @param integer The number of rows to skip over. * @param integer The maximum number of rows to return. * @param callback row delegate handler * @return array a list of result objects * @see executeQueryForList() */ public function runQueryForList($connection, $parameter, $sql, $result, $delegate=null) { $registry=$this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); $list = $result instanceof \ArrayAccess ? $result : $this->_statement->createInstanceOfListClass($registry); $connection->setActive(true); $reader = $sql->query(); //$reader = $this->executeSQLQueryLimit($connection, $sql, $max, $skip); if($delegate!==null) { foreach($reader as $row) { $obj = $this->applyResultMap($row); $param = new TResultSetListItemParameter($obj, $parameter, $list); $this->raiseRowDelegate($delegate, $param); } } else { //var_dump($sql,$parameter); foreach($reader as $row) { // var_dump($row); $list[] = $this->applyResultMap($row); } } if(!$this->_groupBy->isEmpty()) { $list = $this->_groupBy->collect(); $this->initialGroupByResults(); } $this->executePostSelect($connection); $this->onExecuteQuery($sql); return $list; } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns all rows selected in a map that is keyed on * the property named in the keyProperty parameter. The value at each key * will be the value of the property specified in the valueProperty parameter. * If valueProperty is null, the entire result object will be entered. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the key. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the value (or null). * @param callback row delegate handler * @return array An array of object containing the rows keyed by keyProperty. */ public function executeQueryForMap($connection, $parameter, $keyProperty, $valueProperty=null, $skip=-1, $max=-1, $delegate=null) { $sql = $this->_command->create($this->_manager, $connection, $this->_statement, $parameter, $skip, $max); return $this->runQueryForMap($connection, $parameter, $sql, $keyProperty, $valueProperty, $delegate); } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns all rows selected in a map that is keyed on * the property named in the keyProperty parameter. The value at each key * will be the value of the property specified in the valueProperty parameter. * If valueProperty is null, the entire result object will be entered. * * This method should only be called by internal developers, consider using * executeQueryForMap() first. * * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param array SQL string and subsititution parameters. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the key. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the value (or null). * @param callback row delegate, a callback function * @return array An array of object containing the rows keyed by keyProperty. * @see executeQueryForMap() */ public function runQueryForMap($connection, $parameter, $command, $keyProperty, $valueProperty=null, $delegate=null) { $map = array(); //$recordSet = $this->executeSQLQuery($connection, $sql); $connection->setActive(true); $reader = $command->query(); if($delegate!==null) { //while($row = $recordSet->fetchRow()) foreach($reader as $row) { $obj = $this->applyResultMap($row); $key = TPropertyAccess::get($obj, $keyProperty); $value = ($valueProperty===null) ? $obj : TPropertyAccess::get($obj, $valueProperty); $param = new TResultSetMapItemParameter($key, $value, $parameter, $map); $this->raiseRowDelegate($delegate, $param); } } else { //while($row = $recordSet->fetchRow()) foreach($reader as $row) { $obj = $this->applyResultMap($row); $key = TPropertyAccess::get($obj, $keyProperty); $map[$key] = ($valueProperty===null) ? $obj : TPropertyAccess::get($obj, $valueProperty); } } $this->onExecuteQuery($command); return $map; } /** * Raises delegate handler. * This method is invoked for each new list item. It is the responsibility * of the handler to add the item to the list. * @param object event parameter */ protected function raiseRowDelegate($handler, $param) { if(is_string($handler)) { call_user_func($handler,$this,$param); } else if(is_callable($handler,true)) { // an array: 0 - object, 1 - method name/path list($object,$method)=$handler; if(is_string($object)) // static method call call_user_func($handler,$this,$param); else { if(($pos=strrpos($method,'.'))!==false) { $object=$this->getSubProperty(substr($method,0,$pos)); $method=substr($method,$pos+1); } $object->$method($this,$param); } } else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('sqlmap_invalid_delegate', $this->getID(), $handler); } /** * Executes an SQL statement that returns a single row as an object of the * type of the $result passed in as a parameter. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The parameter data (object, arrary, primitive) used to set the parameters in the SQL * @param mixed The result object. * @return ${return} */ public function executeQueryForObject($connection, $parameter, $result=null) { $sql = $this->_command->create($this->_manager, $connection, $this->_statement, $parameter); return $this->runQueryForObject($connection, $sql, $result); } /** * Executes an SQL statement that returns a single row as an object of the * type of the $result passed in as a parameter. * * This method should only be called by internal developers, consider using * executeQueryForObject() first. * * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param array SQL string and subsititution parameters. * @param object The result object. * @return object the object. * @see executeQueryForObject() */ public function runQueryForObject($connection, $command, &$result) { $object = null; $connection->setActive(true); foreach($command->query() as $row) $object = $this->applyResultMap($row, $result); if(!$this->_groupBy->isEmpty()) { $list = $this->_groupBy->collect(); $this->initialGroupByResults(); $object = $list[0]; } $this->executePostSelect($connection); $this->onExecuteQuery($command); return $object; } /** * Execute an insert statement. Fill the parameter object with the ouput * parameters if any, also could return the insert generated key. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The parameter object used to fill the statement. * @return string the insert generated key. */ public function executeInsert($connection, $parameter) { $generatedKey = $this->getPreGeneratedSelectKey($connection, $parameter); $command = $this->_command->create($this->_manager, $connection, $this->_statement, $parameter); // var_dump($command,$parameter); $result = $command->execute(); if($generatedKey===null) $generatedKey = $this->getPostGeneratedSelectKey($connection, $parameter); $this->executePostSelect($connection); $this->onExecuteQuery($command); return $generatedKey; } /** * Gets the insert generated ID before executing an insert statement. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed insert statement parameter. * @return string new insert ID if pre-select key statement was executed, null otherwise. */ protected function getPreGeneratedSelectKey($connection, $parameter) { if($this->_statement instanceof TSqlMapInsert) { $selectKey = $this->_statement->getSelectKey(); if(($selectKey!==null) && !$selectKey->getIsAfter()) return $this->executeSelectKey($connection, $parameter, $selectKey); } } /** * Gets the inserted row ID after executing an insert statement. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed insert statement parameter. * @return string last insert ID, null otherwise. */ protected function getPostGeneratedSelectKey($connection, $parameter) { if($this->_statement instanceof TSqlMapInsert) { $selectKey = $this->_statement->getSelectKey(); if(($selectKey!==null) && $selectKey->getIsAfter()) return $this->executeSelectKey($connection, $parameter, $selectKey); } } /** * Execute the select key statement, used to obtain last insert ID. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed insert statement parameter * @param TSqlMapSelectKey select key statement * @return string last insert ID. */ protected function executeSelectKey($connection, $parameter, $selectKey) { $mappedStatement = $this->getManager()->getMappedStatement($selectKey->getID()); $generatedKey = $mappedStatement->executeQueryForObject( $connection, $parameter, null); if(strlen($prop = $selectKey->getProperty()) > 0) TPropertyAccess::set($parameter, $prop, $generatedKey); return $generatedKey; } /** * Execute an update statement. Also used for delete statement. * Return the number of rows effected. * @param IDbConnection database connection * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @return integer The number of rows effected. */ public function executeUpdate($connection, $parameter) { $sql = $this->_command->create($this->getManager(),$connection, $this->_statement, $parameter); $affectedRows = $sql->execute(); //$this->executeSQLQuery($connection, $sql); $this->executePostSelect($connection); $this->onExecuteQuery($sql); return $affectedRows; } /** * Process 'select' result properties * @param IDbConnection database connection */ protected function executePostSelect($connection) { while(count($this->_selectQueue)) { $postSelect = array_shift($this->_selectQueue); $method = $postSelect->getMethod(); $statement = $postSelect->getStatement(); $property = $postSelect->getResultProperty()->getProperty(); $keys = $postSelect->getKeys(); $resultObject = $postSelect->getResultObject(); if($method == self::QUERY_FOR_LIST || $method == self::QUERY_FOR_ARRAY) { $values = $statement->executeQueryForList($connection, $keys, null); if($method == self::QUERY_FOR_ARRAY) $values = $values->toArray(); TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $property, $values); } else if($method == self::QUERY_FOR_OBJECT) { $value = $statement->executeQueryForObject($connection, $keys, null); TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $property, $value); } } } /** * Raise the execute query event. * @param array prepared SQL statement and subsititution parameters */ public function onExecuteQuery($sql) { $this->raiseEvent('OnExecuteQuery', $this, $sql); } /** * Apply result mapping. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object, will create if necessary. * @return object the result filled with data, null if not filled. */ protected function applyResultMap($row, &$resultObject=null) { if($row === false) return null; $resultMapName = $this->_statement->getResultMap(); $resultClass = $this->_statement->getResultClass(); $obj=null; if($this->getManager()->getResultMaps()->contains($resultMapName)) $obj = $this->fillResultMap($resultMapName, $row, null, $resultObject); else if(strlen($resultClass) > 0) $obj = $this->fillResultClass($resultClass, $row, $resultObject); else $obj = $this->fillDefaultResultMap(null, $row, $resultObject); if(class_exists('TActiveRecord',false) && $obj instanceof TActiveRecord) //Create a new clean active record. $obj=TActiveRecord::createRecord(get_class($obj),$obj); return $obj; } /** * Fill the result using ResultClass, will creates new result object if required. * @param string result object class name * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object, will create if necessary. * @return object result object filled with data */ protected function fillResultClass($resultClass, $row, $resultObject) { if($resultObject===null) { $registry = $this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); $resultObject = $this->_statement->createInstanceOfResultClass($registry,$row); } if($resultObject instanceOf \ArrayAccess) return $this->fillResultArrayList($row, $resultObject); else if(is_object($resultObject)) return $this->fillResultObjectProperty($row, $resultObject); else return $this->fillDefaultResultMap(null, $row, $resultObject); } /** * Apply the result to a TList or an array. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object result object, array or list * @return object result filled with data. */ protected function fillResultArrayList($row, $resultObject) { if($resultObject instanceof TList) foreach($row as $v) $resultObject[] = $v; else foreach($row as $k => $v) $resultObject[$k] = $v; return $resultObject; } /** * Apply the result to an object. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object result object, array or list * @return object result filled with data. */ protected function fillResultObjectProperty($row, $resultObject) { $index = 0; $registry=$this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); foreach($row as $k=>$v) { $property = new TResultProperty; if(is_string($k) && strlen($k) > 0) $property->setColumn($k); $property->setColumnIndex(++$index); $type = gettype(TPropertyAccess::get($resultObject,$k)); $property->setType($type); $value = $property->getPropertyValue($registry,$row); TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $k,$value); } return $resultObject; } /** * Fills the result object according to result mappings. * @param string result map name. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object result object to fill, will create new instances if required. * @return object result object filled with data. */ protected function fillResultMap($resultMapName, $row, $parentGroup=null, &$resultObject=null) { $resultMap = $this->getManager()->getResultMap($resultMapName); $registry = $this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); $resultMap = $resultMap->resolveSubMap($registry,$row); if($resultObject===null) $resultObject = $resultMap->createInstanceOfResult($registry); if(is_object($resultObject)) { if(strlen($resultMap->getGroupBy()) > 0) return $this->addResultMapGroupBy($resultMap, $row, $parentGroup, $resultObject); else foreach($resultMap->getColumns() as $property) $this->setObjectProperty($resultMap, $property, $row, $resultObject); } else { $resultObject = $this->fillDefaultResultMap($resultMap, $row, $resultObject); } return $resultObject; } /** * ResultMap with GroupBy property. Save object collection graph in a tree * and collect the result later. * @param TResultMap result mapping details. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object * @return object result object. */ protected function addResultMapGroupBy($resultMap, $row, $parent, &$resultObject) { $group = $this->getResultMapGroupKey($resultMap, $row); if(empty($parent)) { $rootObject = array('object'=>$resultObject, 'property' => null); $this->_groupBy->add(null, $group, $rootObject); } foreach($resultMap->getColumns() as $property) { //set properties. $this->setObjectProperty($resultMap, $property, $row, $resultObject); $nested = $property->getResultMapping(); //nested property if($this->getManager()->getResultMaps()->contains($nested)) { $nestedMap = $this->getManager()->getResultMap($nested); $groupKey = $this->getResultMapGroupKey($nestedMap, $row); //add the node reference first if(empty($parent)) $this->_groupBy->add($group, $groupKey, ''); //get the nested result mapping value $value = $this->fillResultMap($nested, $row, $groupKey); //add it to the object tree graph $groupObject = array('object'=>$value, 'property' => $property->getProperty()); if(empty($parent)) $this->_groupBy->add($group, $groupKey, $groupObject); else $this->_groupBy->add($parent, $groupKey, $groupObject); } } return $resultObject; } /** * Gets the result 'group by' groupping key for each row. * @param TResultMap result mapping details. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @return string groupping key. */ protected function getResultMapGroupKey($resultMap, $row) { $groupBy = $resultMap->getGroupBy(); if(isset($row[$groupBy])) return $resultMap->getID().$row[$groupBy]; else return $resultMap->getID().crc32(serialize($row)); } /** * Fill the result map using default settings. If $resultMap is null * the result object returned will be guessed from $resultObject. * @param TResultMap result mapping details. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object * @return mixed the result object filled with data. */ protected function fillDefaultResultMap($resultMap, $row, $resultObject) { if($resultObject===null) $resultObject=''; if($resultMap!==null) $result = $this->fillArrayResultMap($resultMap, $row, $resultObject); else $result = $row; //if scalar result types if(count($result) == 1 && ($type = gettype($resultObject))!= 'array') return $this->getScalarResult($result, $type); else return $result; } /** * Retrieve the result map as an array. * @param TResultMap result mapping details. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object * @return array array list of result objects. */ protected function fillArrayResultMap($resultMap, $row, $resultObject) { $result = array(); $registry=$this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); foreach($resultMap->getColumns() as $column) { if(($column->getType()===null) && ($resultObject!==null) && !is_object($resultObject)) $column->setType(gettype($resultObject)); $result[$column->getProperty()] = $column->getPropertyValue($registry,$row); } return $result; } /** * Converts the first array value to scalar value of given type. * @param array list of results * @param string scalar type. * @return mixed scalar value. */ protected function getScalarResult($result, $type) { $scalar = array_shift($result); settype($scalar, $type); return $scalar; } /** * Set a property of the result object with appropriate value. * @param TResultMap result mapping details. * @param TResultProperty the result property to fill. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object */ protected function setObjectProperty($resultMap, $property, $row, &$resultObject) { $select = $property->getSelect(); $key = $property->getProperty(); $nested = $property->getNestedResultMap(); $registry=$this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); if($key === '') { $resultObject = $property->getPropertyValue($registry,$row); } else if(strlen($select) == 0 && ($nested===null)) { $value = $property->getPropertyValue($registry,$row); $this->_IsRowDataFound = $this->_IsRowDataFound || ($value != null); if(is_array($resultObject) || is_object($resultObject)) TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $key, $value); else $resultObject = $value; } else if($nested!==null) { if($property->instanceOfListType($resultObject) || $property->instanceOfArrayType($resultObject)) { if(strlen($resultMap->getGroupBy()) <= 0) throw new TSqlMapExecutionException( 'sqlmap_non_groupby_array_list_type', $resultMap->getID(), get_class($resultObject), $key); } else { $obj = $nested->createInstanceOfResult($this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers()); if($this->fillPropertyWithResultMap($nested, $row, $obj) == false) $obj = null; TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $key, $obj); } } else //'select' ResultProperty { $this->enquequePostSelect($select, $resultMap, $property, $row, $resultObject); } } /** * Add nested result property to post select queue. * @param string post select statement ID * @param TResultMap current result mapping details. * @param TResultProperty current result property. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object */ protected function enquequePostSelect($select, $resultMap, $property, $row, $resultObject) { $statement = $this->getManager()->getMappedStatement($select); $key = $this->getPostSelectKeys($resultMap, $property, $row); $postSelect = new TPostSelectBinding; $postSelect->setStatement($statement); $postSelect->setResultObject($resultObject); $postSelect->setResultProperty($property); $postSelect->setKeys($key); if($property->instanceOfListType($resultObject)) { $values = null; if($property->getLazyLoad()) { $values = TLazyLoadList::newInstance($statement, $key, $resultObject, $property->getProperty()); TPropertyAccess::set($resultObject, $property->getProperty(), $values); } else $postSelect->setMethod(self::QUERY_FOR_LIST); } else if($property->instanceOfArrayType($resultObject)) $postSelect->setMethod(self::QUERY_FOR_ARRAY); else $postSelect->setMethod(self::QUERY_FOR_OBJECT); if(!$property->getLazyLoad()) $this->_selectQueue[] = $postSelect; } /** * Finds in the post select property the SQL statement primary selection keys. * @param TResultMap result mapping details * @param TResultProperty result property * @param array current row data. * @return array list of primary key values. */ protected function getPostSelectKeys($resultMap, $property,$row) { $value = $property->getColumn(); if(is_int(strpos($value.',',0)) || is_int(strpos($value, '=',0))) { $keys = array(); foreach(explode(',', $value) as $entry) { $pair =explode('=',$entry); $keys[trim($pair[0])] = $row[trim($pair[1])]; } return $keys; } else { $registry=$this->getManager()->getTypeHandlers(); return $property->getPropertyValue($registry,$row); } } /** * Fills the property with result mapping results. * @param TResultMap nested result mapping details. * @param array a result set row retrieved from the database * @param object the result object * @return boolean true if the data was found, false otherwise. */ protected function fillPropertyWithResultMap($resultMap, $row, &$resultObject) { $dataFound = false; foreach($resultMap->getColumns() as $property) { $this->_IsRowDataFound = false; $this->setObjectProperty($resultMap, $property, $row, $resultObject); $dataFound = $dataFound || $this->_IsRowDataFound; } $this->_IsRowDataFound = $dataFound; return $dataFound; } public function __wakeup() { parent::__wakeup(); if (is_null($this->_selectQueue)) $this->_selectQueue = array(); } public function __sleep() { $exprops = array(); $cn = __CLASS__; if (!count($this->_selectQueue)) $exprops[] = "\0$cn\0_selectQueue"; if (is_null($this->_groupBy)) $exprops[] = "\0$cn\0_groupBy"; if (!$this->_IsRowDataFound) $exprops[] = "\0$cn\0_IsRowDataFound"; return array_diff(parent::__sleep(),$exprops); } }