 * TSqlMapManager class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link https://github.com/pradosoft/prado
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2015 The PRADO Group
 * @license https://github.com/pradosoft/prado/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
 * @package System.Data.SqlMap


 * TSqlMapManager class holds the sqlmap configuation result maps, statements
 * parameter maps and a type handler factory.
 * Use {@link SqlMapGateway getSqlMapGateway()} property to obtain the gateway
 * instance used for querying statements defined in the SqlMap configuration files.
 * <code>
 * $conn = new TDbConnection($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass);
 * $manager = new TSqlMapManager($conn);
 * $manager->configureXml('mydb-sqlmap.xml');
 * $sqlmap = $manager->getSqlMapGateway();
 * $result = $sqlmap->queryForObject('Products');
 * </code>
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @package System.Data.SqlMap
 * @since 3.1
class TSqlMapManager extends TComponent
	private $_mappedStatements;
	private $_resultMaps;
	private $_parameterMaps;
	private $_typeHandlers;
	private $_cacheModels;

	private $_connection;
	private $_gateway;
	private $_cacheDependencies;

	 * Constructor, create a new SqlMap manager.
	 * @param TDbConnection database connection
	 * @param string configuration file.
	public function __construct($connection=null)

		$this->_mappedStatements=new TMap;
		$this->_resultMaps=new TMap;
		$this->_parameterMaps=new TMap;
		$this->_cacheModels=new TMap;

	 * @param TDbConnection default database connection
	public function setDbConnection($conn)

	 * @return TDbConnection default database connection
	public function getDbConnection()
		return $this->_connection;

	 * @return TTypeHandlerFactory The TypeHandlerFactory
	public function getTypeHandlers()
			$this->_typeHandlers= new TSqlMapTypeHandlerRegistry();
		return $this->_typeHandlers;

	 * @return TSqlMapGateway SqlMap gateway.
	public function getSqlmapGateway()
		return $this->_gateway;

	 * Loads and parses the SqlMap configuration file.
	 * @param string xml configuration file.
	public function configureXml($file)
		$config = new TSqlMapXmlConfiguration($this);

	 * @return TChainedCacheDependency
	 * @since 3.1.5
	public function getCacheDependencies()
		if($this->_cacheDependencies === null)
			$this->_cacheDependencies=new TChainedCacheDependency();

		return $this->_cacheDependencies;

	 * Configures the current TSqlMapManager using the given xml configuration file
	 * defined in {@link ConfigFile setConfigFile()}.
	 * @return TSqlMapGateway create and configure a new TSqlMapGateway.
	protected function createSqlMapGateway()
		return new TSqlMapGateway($this);

	 * @return TMap mapped statements collection.
	public function getMappedStatements()
		return $this->_mappedStatements;

	 * Gets a MappedStatement by name.
	 * @param string The name of the statement.
	 * @return IMappedStatement The MappedStatement
	 * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException
	public function getMappedStatement($name)
		if($this->_mappedStatements->contains($name) == false)
			throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException('sqlmap_contains_no_statement', $name);
		return $this->_mappedStatements[$name];

	 * Adds a (named) MappedStatement.
	 * @param string The key name
	 * @param IMappedStatement The statement to add
	 * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException
	public function addMappedStatement(IMappedStatement $statement)
		$key = $statement->getID();
		if($this->_mappedStatements->contains($key) == true)
			throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException('sqlmap_already_contains_statement', $key);
		$this->_mappedStatements->add($key, $statement);

	 * @return TMap result maps collection.
	public function getResultMaps()
		return $this->_resultMaps;

	 * Gets a named result map
	 * @param string result name.
	 * @return TResultMap the result map.
	 * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException
	public function getResultMap($name)
		if($this->_resultMaps->contains($name) == false)
			throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException('sqlmap_contains_no_result_map', $name);
		return $this->_resultMaps[$name];

	 * @param TResultMap add a new result map to this SQLMap
	 * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException
	public function addResultMap(TResultMap $result)
		$key = $result->getID();
		if($this->_resultMaps->contains($key) == true)
			throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException('sqlmap_already_contains_result_map', $key);
		$this->_resultMaps->add($key, $result);

	 * @return TMap parameter maps collection.
	public function getParameterMaps()
		return $this->_parameterMaps;

	 * @param string parameter map ID name.
	 * @return TParameterMap the parameter with given ID.
	 * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException
	public function getParameterMap($name)
		if($this->_parameterMaps->contains($name) == false)
			throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException('sqlmap_contains_no_parameter_map', $name);
		return $this->_parameterMaps[$name];

	 * @param TParameterMap add a new parameter map to this SQLMap.
	 * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException
	public function addParameterMap(TParameterMap $parameter)
		$key = $parameter->getID();
		if($this->_parameterMaps->contains($key) == true)
			throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException('sqlmap_already_contains_parameter_map', $key);
		$this->_parameterMaps->add($key, $parameter);

	 * Adds a named cache.
	 * @param TSqlMapCacheModel the cache to add.
	 * @throws TSqlMapConfigurationException
	public function addCacheModel(TSqlMapCacheModel $cacheModel)
			throw new TSqlMapConfigurationException('sqlmap_cache_model_already_exists', $cacheModel->getID());
			$this->_cacheModels->add($cacheModel->getID(), $cacheModel);

	 * Gets a cache by name
	 * @param string the name of the cache to get.
	 * @return TSqlMapCacheModel the cache object.
	 * @throws TSqlMapConfigurationException
	public function getCacheModel($name)
			throw new TSqlMapConfigurationException('sqlmap_unable_to_find_cache_model', $name);
		return $this->_cacheModels[$name];

	 * Flushes all cached objects that belong to this SqlMap
	public function flushCacheModels()
		foreach($this->_cacheModels as $cache)