* $client = new TSqlMapClient; * $sqlmap = $client->configure($configFile, true); //load from cache. * $products = $sqlMap->queryForList('statementName'); * * * To save the TSqlMapper instance to cache for later usage, call * cacheConfiguration(). * * @author Wei Zhuo * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.DataAccess.SQLMap * @since 3.0 */ class TSqlMapClient { private $_mapper; private $_cache; public function configure($configFile, $loadFromCache=false) { if(is_null($this->_mapper)) $this->initMapper($configFile, $loadFromCache); return $this->_mapper; } public function getInstance() { return $this->_mapper; } public function cacheConfiguration() { if(!is_null($this->_mapper) && $this->_cache !== false) { if(!is_file($this->_cache)) { var_dump('saving cache to file', $this->_cache); file_put_contents($this->_cache,serialize($this->_mapper)); return true; } } return false; } protected function initMapper($file=null,$loadFromCache=false) { $this->_cache = $this->getCacheFile($file); if($loadFromCache && $this->_cache !== false && is_file($this->_cache)) { var_dump('loading from cache: '.$this->_cache); $this->_mapper = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->_cache)); } else { // var_dump('build from *.xml'); $builder = new TDomSqlMapBuilder(); $this->_mapper = $builder->configure($file); } } protected function getCacheFile($file) { $path = realpath($file); if($path !== false) return substr($path,0, strrpos($path,'.')).'.cache'; else return false; } } ?>