<?php Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.DataMapper.*'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.Configuration.*'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.Statements.*'); Prado::using('System.Collections.*'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.DataMapper.TTypeHandlerFactory'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.DataMapper.TSqlMapCache'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.SQLMap.DataMapper.TDataMapperException'); Prado::using('System.DataAccess.TAdodb'); /** * DataMapper client, a facade to provide access the rest of the DataMapper * framework. It provides three core functions: * * # execute an update query (including insert and delete). * # execute a select query for a single object * # execute a select query for a list of objects * * Do not create this class explicitly, use TDomSqlMapBuilder to obtain * an instance by parsing through the xml configurations. Example: * <code> * $builder = new TDomSqlMapBuilder(); * $mapper = $builder->configure($configFile); * </code> * * Otherwise use convient classes TMapper or TSqlMap to obtain singleton * instances. * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.DataAccess.SQLMap * @since 3.0 */ class TSqlMapper extends TComponent { private $_connection; private $_mappedStatements; private $_provider; private $_resultMaps; private $_parameterMaps; private $_typeHandlerFactory; private $_cacheModelsEnabled = true; private $_cacheMaps; /** * Create a new SqlMap. * @param TTypeHandlerFactory */ public function __construct($typeHandlerFactory=null) { $this->_mappedStatements = new TMap; $this->_resultMaps = new TMap; $this->_parameterMaps = new TMap; $this->_typeHandlerFactory = $typeHandlerFactory; $this->_cacheMaps = new TMap; } /** * Cleanup work before serializing. * This is a PHP defined magic method. * @return array the names of instance-variables to serialize. */ public function __sleep() { if(!is_null($this->_connection) && !$this->_connection->getIsClosed()) $this->closeConnection(); $this->_connection = null; return array_keys(get_object_vars($this)); } /** * This method will be automatically called when unserialization happens. * This is a PHP defined magic method. */ public function __wake() { } /** * Set the falg to tell us if cache models were enabled or not. * This should only be called during configuration parsing. * It does not disable the cache after the configuration phase. * @param boolean enables cache. */ public function setCacheModelsEnabled($value) { $this->_cacheModelsEnabled = $value; } /** * @return boolean true if cache models were enabled when this SqlMap was * built. */ public function getIsCacheModelsEnabled() { return $this->_cacheModelsEnabled; } /** * @return TTypeHandlerFactory The TypeHandlerFactory */ public function getTypeHandlerFactory() { return $this->_typeHandlerFactory; } /** * @return TMap mapped statements collection. */ public function getStatements() { return $this->_mappedStatements; } /** * @return TMap result maps collection. */ public function getResultMaps() { return $this->_resultMaps; } /** * Adds a named cache. * @param TSqlMapCacheModel the cache to add. * @throws TSqlMapConfigurationException */ public function addCache(TSqlMapCacheModel $cacheModel) { if($this->_cacheMaps->contains($cacheModel->getID())) throw new TSqlMapConfigurationException( 'sqlmap_cache_model_already_exists', $cacheModel->getID()); else $this->_cacheMaps->add($cacheModel->getID(), $cacheModel); } /** * Gets a cache by name * @param string the name of the cache to get. * @return TSqlMapCacheModel the cache object. * @throws TSqlMapConfigurationException */ public function getCache($name) { if(!$this->_cacheMaps->contains($name)) throw new TSqlMapConfigurationException( 'sqlmap_unable_to_find_cache_model', $name); return $this->_cacheMaps[$name]; } /** * Flushes all cached objects that belong to this SqlMap */ public function flushCaches() { foreach($this->_cacheMaps as $cache) $cache->flush(); } /** * @return TMap parameter maps collection. */ public function getParameterMaps() { return $this->_parameterMaps; } /** * Gets a MappedStatement by name. * @param string The name of the statement. * @return IMappedStatement The MappedStatement * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException */ public function getMappedStatement($name) { if($this->_mappedStatements->contains($name) == false) throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException( 'sqlmap_contains_no_statement', $name); return $this->_mappedStatements[$name]; } /** * Adds a (named) MappedStatement. * @param string The key name * @param IMappedStatement The statement to add * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException */ public function addMappedStatement(IMappedStatement $statement) { $key = $statement->getID(); if($this->_mappedStatements->contains($key) == true) throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException( 'sqlmap_already_contains_statement', $key); $this->_mappedStatements->add($key, $statement); } /** * Gets a named result map * @param string result name. * @return TResultMap the result map. * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException */ public function getResultMap($name) { if($this->_resultMaps->contains($name) == false) throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException( 'sqlmap_contains_no_result_map', $name); return $this->_resultMaps[$name]; } /** * @param TResultMap add a new result map to this SQLMap * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException */ public function addResultMap(TResultMap $result) { $key = $result->getID(); if($this->_resultMaps->contains($key) == true) throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException( 'sqlmap_already_contains_result_map', $key); $this->_resultMaps->add($key, $result); } /** * @param string parameter map ID name. * @return TParameterMap the parameter with given ID. * @throws TSqlMapUndefinedException */ public function getParameterMap($name) { if($this->_parameterMaps->contains($name) == false) throw new TSqlMapUndefinedException( 'sqlmap_contains_no_parameter_map', $name); return $this->_parameterMaps[$name]; } /** * @param TParameterMap add a new parameter map to this SQLMap. * @throws TSqlMapDuplicateException */ public function addParameterMap(TParameterMap $parameter) { $key = $parameter->getID(); if($this->_parameterMaps->contains($key) == true) throw new TSqlMapDuplicateException( 'sqlmap_already_contains_parameter_map', $key); $this->_parameterMaps->add($key, $parameter); } /** * @param TDatabaseProvider changes the database provider. */ public function setDataProvider($provider) { $this->_provider = $provider; } /** * @return TDatabaseProvider database provider. */ public function getDataProvider() { return $this->_provider; } /** * Get the current connection, opens the connection if necessary. * @return TDbConnection database connection. */ protected function getConnection() { if(is_null($this->_connection)) $this->_connection = $this->getDataProvider()->getConnection(); $this->_connection->open(); return $this->_connection; } /** * Open a connection, on the specified connection string if provided. * @param string The connection DSN string * @return TDbConnection database connection. */ public function openConnection($connectionString=null) { if(!is_null($connectionString)) { if(!is_null($this->_connection)) throw new TSqlMapConnectionException( 'sqlmap_connection_already_exists'); $this->getDataProvider()->setConnectionString($connectionString); } return $this->getConnection(); } /** * Close the current database connection. */ public function closeConnection() { if(is_null($this->_connection)) throw new TSqlMapConnectionException( 'sqlmap_unable_to_close_null_connection'); $this->_connection->close(); } /** * Executes a Sql SELECT statement that returns that returns data * to populate a single object instance. * * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input * data for the WHERE clause parameter(s) of the SELECT statement. * * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param mixed An object of the type to be returned. * @return object A single result object populated with the result set data. */ public function queryForObject($statementName, $parameter=null, $result=null) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeQueryForObject($connection, $parameter, $result); } /** * Executes a Sql SELECT statement that returns data to populate a number * of result objects. * * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input * data for the WHERE clause parameter(s) of the SELECT statement. * * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param TList An Ilist object used to hold the objects, * pass in null if want to return a list instead. * @param int The number of rows to skip over. * @param int The maximum number of rows to return. * @return TList A List of result objects. */ public function queryForList($statementName, $parameter=null, $result=null, $skip=-1, $max=-1) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeQueryForList($connection, $parameter, $result, $skip, $max); } /** * Runs a query for list with a custom object that gets a chance to deal * with each row as it is processed. * * Example: $sqlmap->queryWithRowDelegate('getAccounts', array($this, 'rowHandler')); * * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param callback Row delegate handler, a valid callback required. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param TList An Ilist object used to hold the objects, * pass in null if want to return a list instead. * @param int The number of rows to skip over. * @param int The maximum number of rows to return. * @return TList A List of result objects. */ public function queryWithRowDelegate($statementName, $delegate, $parameter=null, $result=null, $skip=-1, $max=-1) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeQueryForList($connection, $parameter, $result, $skip, $max, $delegate); } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns a subset of the results in a dynamic * TPagedList that can be used to automatically scroll through results * from a database table. * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param integer The maximum number of objects to store in each page. * @return TPagedList A PaginatedList of beans containing the rows. */ public function queryForPagedList($statementName, $parameter=null, $pageSize=10) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); return new TSqlMapPagedList($statement, $parameter, $pageSize); } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns a subset of the results in a dynamic * TPagedList that can be used to automatically scroll through results * from a database table. * * Runs paged list query with row delegate * Example: $sqlmap->queryForPagedListWithRowDelegate('getAccounts', array($this, 'rowHandler')); * * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param callback Row delegate handler, a valid callback required. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param integer The maximum number of objects to store in each page. * @return TPagedList A PaginatedList of beans containing the rows. */ public function queryForPagedListWithRowDelegate($statementName, $delegate, $parameter=null, $pageSize=10) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); return new TSqlMapPagedList($statement, $parameter, $pageSize, $delegate); } /** * Executes the SQL and retuns all rows selected in a map that is keyed on * the property named in the keyProperty parameter. The value at each key * will be the value of the property specified in the valueProperty * parameter. If valueProperty is null, the entire result object will be * entered. * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the key. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the value. * @return TMap Array object containing the rows keyed by keyProperty. */ public function queryForMap($statementName, $parameter=null, $keyProperty=null, $valueProperty=null) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeQueryForMap($connection, $parameter, $keyProperty, $valueProperty); } /** * Runs a query with a custom object that gets a chance to deal * with each row as it is processed. * * Example: $sqlmap->queryForMapWithRowDelegate('getAccounts', array($this, 'rowHandler')); * * @param string The name of the sql statement to execute. * @param callback Row delegate handler, a valid callback required. * @param mixed The object used to set the parameters in the SQL. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the key. * @param string The property of the result object to be used as the value. * @return TMap Array object containing the rows keyed by keyProperty. */ public function queryForMapWithRowDelegate($statementName, $delegate, $parameter=null, $keyProperty=null, $valueProperty=null) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeQueryForMap($connection, $parameter, $keyProperty, $valueProperty, $delegate); } /** * Executes a Sql INSERT statement. * * Insert is a bit different from other update methods, as it provides * facilities for returning the primary key of the newly inserted row * (rather than the effected rows), * * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input data for the * INSERT values. * * @param string The name of the statement to execute. * @param string The parameter object. * @return mixed The primary key of the newly inserted row. * This might be automatically generated by the RDBMS, * or selected from a sequence table or other source. */ public function insert($statementName, $parameter=null) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); $generatedKey = $statement->executeInsert($connection, $parameter); return $generatedKey; } /** * Executes a Sql UPDATE statement. * * Update can also be used for any other update statement type, such as * inserts and deletes. Update returns the number of rows effected. * * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input data for the * UPDATE values as well as the WHERE clause parameter(s). * * @param string The name of the statement to execute. * @param mixed The parameter object. * @return integer The number of rows effected. */ public function update($statementName, $parameter=null) { $statement = $this->getMappedStatement($statementName); $connection = $this->getConnection(); return $statement->executeUpdate($connection, $parameter); } /** * Executes a Sql DELETE statement. Delete returns the number of rows effected. * @param string The name of the statement to execute. * @param mixed The parameter object. * @return integer The number of rows effected. */ public function delete($statementName, $parameter=null) { return $this->update($statementName, $parameter); } /** * Begins a database transaction on the currect session. * Some databases will always return false if transaction support is not * available * @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise. */ public function beginTransaction() { return $this->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); } /** * End a transaction successfully. If the database does not support * transactions, will return true also as data is always committed. * @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise. */ public function commitTransaction() { return $this->getConnection()->commit(); } /** * End a transaction, rollback all changes. If the database does not * support transactions, will return false as data is never rollbacked. * @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise. */ public function rollbackTransaction() { return $this->getConnection()->rollback(); } } ?>