<?php class TEzpdo extends TDatabaseProvider { /** * @var array list of default ezpdo options. */ private $_options = array( 'source_dirs' => null, 'recursive' => true, 'compiled_dir' => null, // default to compiled under current dir 'compiled_file' => 'compiled_file', // the default class map file 'backup_compiled' => true, // whether to backup old compiled file 'check_table_exists' => true, // whether always check if table exists before db operation 'table_prefix' => '', // table prefix (default to none) 'relation_table' => '_ez_relation_', // the table name for object relations 'split_relation_table' => true, // whether to split relation table 'auto_flush' => false, // enable or disable auto flush at the end of script 'flush_before_find' => true, // enable or disable auto flush before find() 'auto_compile' => true, // enable or disable auto compile 'autoload' => false, // enable or disable class autoloading 'log_queries' => false, // enable logging queries (for debug only) 'dispatch_events' => true, // whether to dispatch events (true by default) 'default_oid_column' => 'eoid', // oid column name is default to 'eoid' now ); /** * @var array List of source directories. */ private $_sources = array(); /** * @var epManager ezpdo manager instance. */ private $_manager; /** * Initialize the ezpdo module, sets the default compile directory to use * the Prado runtime directory. */ public function init($config) { parent::init($config); include($this->getEzpdoLibrary().'/ezpdo.php'); $path = $this->getApplication()->getRuntimePath().'/ezpdo'; $this->_options['compiled_dir'] = $path; if($this->getApplication()->getMode() != TApplication::STATE_PERFORMANCE) { if(!is_dir($path)) throw new TConfigurationException('ezpdo_compile_dir_not_found', $path); $this->_options['auto_compile'] = false; } } /** * @return string ezpdo library directory. */ protected function getEzpdoLibrary() { return Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.3rdParty.ezpdo'); } /** * @return array merged database connection options with the other options. */ protected function getOptions() { if(strlen($dsn = $this->getConnectionString()) > 0) $options['default_dsn'] = $dsn; else $options['default_dsn'] = $this->buildDsn(); return array_merge($this->_options, $options); } /** * Initialize the ezManager once. */ protected function initialize() { Prado::using('System.3rdParty.ezpdo.src.base.epConfig'); include($this->getEzpdoLibrary().'/src/runtime/epManager.php'); if(is_null($this->_manager)) { $this->_manager = new epManager; foreach($this->_sources as $source) Prado::using($source.'.*'); $this->_manager->setConfig(new epConfig($this->getOptions())); } } /** * @return epManager the ezpdo manager for this module. */ public function getConnection() { $this->initialize(); return $this->_manager; } /** * @param string The intput directory, using dot path aliases, that contains * class source files to be compiled. Use commma for multiple directories */ public function setSourceDirs($values) { $paths = array(); foreach(explode(',', $values) as $value) { $dot = Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value); $this->_sources[] = $value; if(($path = realpath($dot)) !== false) $paths[] = $path; } $this->_options['source_dirs'] = implode(',', $paths); } /** * @return string comma delimited list of source directories. */ public function getSourceDirs() { return $this->_options['source_dir']; } /** * @param boolean Whether to compile subdirs recursively, default is true. */ public function setRecursive($value) { $this->_options['recursive'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return boolean true will compile subdirectories recursively. */ public function getRecursive() { return $this->_options['recursive']; } /** * @param string database table prefix. */ public function setTablePrefix($value) { $this->_options['table_prefix'] = $value; } /** * @param string the table name for object relations, default is * '_ez_relation_' */ public function setRelationTableName($value) { $this->_options['relation_table'] = $value; } /** * @return string the table name for object relations. */ public function getRelationTableName() { return $this->_options['relation_table']; } /** * @param boolean whether to split relation table, default is true. */ public function setSplitRelationTable($value) { $this->_options['split_relation_table'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @string boolean true will split relation table. */ public function getSplitRelationTable() { return $this->_options['split_relation_table']; } /** * @param boolean enable or disable auto flush at the end of script, default * is false. */ public function setAutoFlush($value) { $this->_options['auto_flush'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return boolean whether to auto flush at the end of script. */ public function getAutoFlush() { return $this->_options['auto_flush']; } /** * @param boolean enable or disable auto flush before find(), default is * true. */ public function setFlushBeforeFind($value) { $this->_options['flush_before_find'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return boolean whether to auto flush before find() */ public function getFlushBeforeFind() { return $this->_options['flush_before_find']; } /** * @param boolean enable or disable auto compile, default is true. */ public function setAutoCompile($value) { $this->_options['auto_compile'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return boolean whether to auto compile class files. */ public function getAutoCompile() { return $this->_options['auto_compile']; } /** * @param string default oid column name, default is 'eoid'. */ public function setDefaultOidColumn($value) { $this->_options['default_oid_column'] = $value; } /** * @return string default oid column name. */ public function getDefaultOidColumn($value) { return $this->_options['default_oid_column']; } } ?>