<?php /** * TDbCommandBuilder class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ prado::using('System.Db.Schema.TDbSchema'); prado::using('System.Db.Schema.TDbCriteria'); /** * TDbCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for tables. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id: TDbCommandBuilder.php 2679 2009-06-15 07:49:42Z Christophe.Boulain $ * @package System.Db.Schema * @since 1.0 */ class TDbCommandBuilder extends TComponent { const PARAM_PREFIX=':yp'; private $_schema; private $_connection; /** * @param TDbSchema the schema for this command builder */ public function __construct($schema) { $this->_schema=$schema; $this->_connection=$schema->getDbConnection(); } /** * @return TDbConnection database connection. */ public function getDbConnection() { return $this->_connection; } /** * @return TDbSchema the schema for this command builder. */ public function getSchema() { return $this->_schema; } /** * Returns the last insertion ID for the specified table. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @return mixed last insertion id. Null is returned if no sequence name. */ public function getLastInsertID($table) { $this->ensureTable($table); if($table->sequenceName!==null) return $this->_connection->getLastInsertID($table->sequenceName); else return null; } /** * Creates a SELECT command for a single table. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria * @return TDbCommand query command. */ public function createFindCommand($table,$criteria) { $this->ensureTable($table); $select=is_array($criteria->select) ? implode(', ',$criteria->select) : $criteria->select; $sql="SELECT {$select} FROM {$table->rawName}"; $sql=$this->applyJoin($sql,$criteria->join); $sql=$this->applyCondition($sql,$criteria->condition); $sql=$this->applyGroup($sql,$criteria->group); $sql=$this->applyHaving($sql,$criteria->having); $sql=$this->applyOrder($sql,$criteria->order); $sql=$this->applyLimit($sql,$criteria->limit,$criteria->offset); $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); $this->bindValues($command,$criteria->params); return $command; } /** * Creates a COUNT(*) command for a single table. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria * @return TDbCommand query command. */ public function createCountCommand($table,$criteria) { $this->ensureTable($table); $criteria->select='COUNT(*)'; return $this->createFindCommand($table,$criteria); } /** * Creates a DELETE command. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria * @return TDbCommand delete command. */ public function createDeleteCommand($table,$criteria) { $this->ensureTable($table); $sql="DELETE FROM {$table->rawName}"; $sql=$this->applyJoin($sql,$criteria->join); $sql=$this->applyCondition($sql,$criteria->condition); $sql=$this->applyGroup($sql,$criteria->group); $sql=$this->applyHaving($sql,$criteria->having); $sql=$this->applyOrder($sql,$criteria->order); $sql=$this->applyLimit($sql,$criteria->limit,$criteria->offset); $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); $this->bindValues($command,$criteria->params); return $command; } /** * Creates an INSERT command. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param array data to be inserted (column name=>column value). If a key is not a valid column name, the corresponding value will be ignored. * @return TDbCommand insert command */ public function createInsertCommand($table,$data) { $this->ensureTable($table); $fields=array(); $values=array(); $placeholders=array(); $i=0; foreach($data as $name=>$value) { if(($column=$table->getColumn($name))!==null && ($value!==null || $column->allowNull)) { $fields[]=$column->rawName; if($value instanceof TDbExpression) $placeholders[]=(string)$value; else { $placeholders[]=self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i; $values[self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i]=$column->typecast($value); $i++; } } } $sql="INSERT INTO {$table->rawName} (".implode(', ',$fields).') VALUES ('.implode(', ',$placeholders).')'; $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); foreach($values as $name=>$value) $command->bindValue($name,$value); return $command; } /** * Creates an UPDATE command. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param array list of columns to be updated (name=>value) * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria * @return TDbCommand update command. */ public function createUpdateCommand($table,$data,$criteria) { $this->ensureTable($table); $fields=array(); $values=array(); $bindByPosition=isset($criteria->params[0]); $i=0; foreach($data as $name=>$value) { if(($column=$table->getColumn($name))!==null) { if($value instanceof TDbExpression) $fields[]=$column->rawName.'='.(string)$value; else if($bindByPosition) { $fields[]=$column->rawName.'=?'; $values[]=$column->typecast($value); } else { $fields[]=$column->rawName.'='.self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i; $values[self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i]=$column->typecast($value); $i++; } } } if($fields===array()) throw new TDbException('No columns are being updated for table "{0}".', $table->name); $sql="UPDATE {$table->rawName} SET ".implode(', ',$fields); $sql=$this->applyJoin($sql,$criteria->join); $sql=$this->applyCondition($sql,$criteria->condition); $sql=$this->applyOrder($sql,$criteria->order); $sql=$this->applyLimit($sql,$criteria->limit,$criteria->offset); $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); $this->bindValues($command,array_merge($values,$criteria->params)); return $command; } /** * Creates an UPDATE command that increments/decrements certain columns. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria * @param array counters to be updated (counter increments/decrements indexed by column names.) * @return TDbCommand the created command * @throws CException if no counter is specified */ public function createUpdateCounterCommand($table,$counters,$criteria) { $this->ensureTable($table); $fields=array(); foreach($counters as $name=>$value) { if(($column=$table->getColumn($name))!==null) { $value=(int)$value; if($value<0) $fields[]="{$column->rawName}={$column->rawName}-".(-$value); else $fields[]="{$column->rawName}={$column->rawName}+".$value; } } if($fields!==array()) { $sql="UPDATE {$table->rawName} SET ".implode(', ',$fields); $sql=$this->applyJoin($sql,$criteria->join); $sql=$this->applyCondition($sql,$criteria->condition); $sql=$this->applyOrder($sql,$criteria->order); $sql=$this->applyLimit($sql,$criteria->limit,$criteria->offset); $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); $this->bindValues($command,$criteria->params); return $command; } else throw new TDbException('No counter columns are being updated for table "{0}".', $table->name); } /** * Creates a command based on a given SQL statement. * @param string the explicitly specified SQL statement * @param array parameters that will be bound to the SQL statement * @return TDbCommand the created command */ public function createSqlCommand($sql,$params=array()) { $command=$this->_connection->createCommand($sql); $this->bindValues($command,$params); return $command; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply JOIN clause. * @param string the SQL statement to be altered * @param string the JOIN clause (starting with join type, such as INNER JOIN) * @return string the altered SQL statement */ public function applyJoin($sql,$join) { if($join!=='') return $sql.' '.$join; else return $sql; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply WHERE clause. * @param string the SQL statement without WHERE clause * @param string the WHERE clause (without WHERE keyword) * @return string the altered SQL statement */ public function applyCondition($sql,$condition) { if($condition!=='') return $sql.' WHERE '.$condition; else return $sql; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply ORDER BY. * @param string SQL statement without ORDER BY. * @param string column ordering * @return string modified SQL applied with ORDER BY. */ public function applyOrder($sql,$orderBy) { if($orderBy!=='') return $sql.' ORDER BY '.$orderBy; else return $sql; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply LIMIT and OFFSET. * Default implementation is applicable for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite. * @param string SQL query string without LIMIT and OFFSET. * @param integer maximum number of rows, -1 to ignore limit. * @param integer row offset, -1 to ignore offset. * @return string SQL with LIMIT and OFFSET */ public function applyLimit($sql,$limit,$offset) { if($limit>=0) $sql.=' LIMIT '.(int)$limit; if($offset>0) $sql.=' OFFSET '.(int)$offset; return $sql; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply GROUP BY. * @param string SQL query string without GROUP BY. * @param string GROUP BY * @return string SQL with GROUP BY. */ public function applyGroup($sql,$group) { if($group!=='') return $sql.' GROUP BY '.$group; else return $sql; } /** * Alters the SQL to apply HAVING. * @param string SQL query string without HAVING * @param string HAVING * @return string SQL with HAVING * @since 1.0.1 */ public function applyHaving($sql,$having) { if($having!=='') return $sql.' HAVING '.$having; else return $sql; } /** * Binds parameter values for an SQL command. * @param TDbCommand database command * @param array values for binding (integer-indexed array for question mark placeholders, string-indexed array for named placeholders) */ public function bindValues($command, $values) { if(($n=count($values))===0) return; if(isset($values[0])) // question mark placeholders { for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i) $command->bindValue($i+1,$values[$i]); } else // named placeholders { foreach($values as $name=>$value) { if($name[0]!==':') $name=':'.$name; $command->bindValue($name,$value); } } } /** * Creates a query criteria. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param mixed query condition or criteria. * If a string, it is treated as query condition (the WHERE clause); * If an array, it is treated as the initial values for constructing a {@link TDbCriteria} object; * Otherwise, it should be an instance of {@link TDbCriteria}. * @param array parameters to be bound to an SQL statement. * This is only used when the first parameter is a string (query condition). * In other cases, please use {@link TDbCriteria::params} to set parameters. * @return TDbCriteria the created query criteria * @throws CException if the condition is not string, array and TDbCriteria */ public function createCriteria($condition='',$params=array()) { if(is_array($condition)) $criteria=new TDbCriteria($condition); else if($condition instanceof TDbCriteria) $criteria=clone $condition; else { $criteria=new TDbCriteria; $criteria->condition=$condition; $criteria->params=$params; } return $criteria; } /** * Creates a query criteria with the specified primary key. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param mixed primary key value(s). Use array for multiple primary keys. For composite key, each key value must be an array (column name=>column value). * @param mixed query condition or criteria. * If a string, it is treated as query condition; * If an array, it is treated as the initial values for constructing a {@link TDbCriteria}; * Otherwise, it should be an instance of {@link TDbCriteria}. * @param array parameters to be bound to an SQL statement. * This is only used when the second parameter is a string (query condition). * In other cases, please use {@link TDbCriteria::params} to set parameters. * @return TDbCriteria the created query criteria */ public function createPkCriteria($table,$pk,$condition='',$params=array()) { $this->ensureTable($table); $criteria=$this->createCriteria($condition,$params); if(!is_array($pk)) // single key $pk=array($pk); if(is_array($table->primaryKey) && !isset($pk[0]) && $pk!==array()) // single composite key $pk=array($pk); $condition=$this->createInCondition($table,$table->primaryKey,$pk); if($criteria->condition!=='') $criteria->condition=$condition.' AND ('.$criteria->condition.')'; else $criteria->condition=$condition; return $criteria; } /** * Generates the expression for selecting rows of specified primary key values. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param array list of primary key values to be selected within * @param string column prefix (ended with dot). If null, it will be the table name * @return string the expression for selection */ public function createPkCondition($table,$values,$prefix=null) { $this->ensureTable($table); return $this->createInCondition($table,$table->primaryKey,$values,$prefix); } /** * Creates a query criteria with the specified column values. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param array column values that should be matched in the query (name=>value) * @param mixed query condition or criteria. * If a string, it is treated as query condition; * If an array, it is treated as the initial values for constructing a {@link TDbCriteria}; * Otherwise, it should be an instance of {@link TDbCriteria}. * @param array parameters to be bound to an SQL statement. * This is only used when the second parameter is a string (query condition). * In other cases, please use {@link TDbCriteria::params} to set parameters. * @return TDbCriteria the created query criteria */ public function createColumnCriteria($table,$columns,$condition='',$params=array()) { $this->ensureTable($table); $criteria=$this->createCriteria($condition,$params); $bindByPosition=isset($criteria->params[0]); $conditions=array(); $values=array(); $i=0; foreach($columns as $name=>$value) { if(($column=$table->getColumn($name))!==null) { if($value!==null) { if($bindByPosition) { $conditions[]=$table->rawName.'.'.$column->rawName.'=?'; $values[]=$value; } else { $conditions[]=$table->rawName.'.'.$column->rawName.'='.self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i; $values[self::PARAM_PREFIX.$i]=$value; $i++; } } else $conditions[]=$table->rawName.'.'.$column->rawName.' IS NULL'; } else throw new TDbException('Table "{0}" does not have a column named "{1}".', $table->name,$name); } $criteria->params=array_merge($values,$criteria->params); if(isset($conditions[0])) { if($criteria->condition!=='') $criteria->condition=implode(' AND ',$conditions).' AND ('.$criteria->condition.')'; else $criteria->condition=implode(' AND ',$conditions); } return $criteria; } /** * Generates the expression for searching the specified keywords within a list of columns. * The search expression is generated using the 'LIKE' SQL syntax. * Every word in the keywords must be present and appear in at least one of the columns. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param array list of column names for potential search condition. * @param mixed search keywords. This can be either a string with space-separated keywords or an array of keywords. * @param string optional column prefix (with dot at the end). If null, the table name will be used as the prefix. * @param boolean whether the search is case-sensitive. Defaults to true. This parameter * has been available since version 1.0.4. * @return string SQL search condition matching on a set of columns. An empty string is returned * if either the column array or the keywords are empty. */ public function createSearchCondition($table,$columns,$keywords,$prefix=null,$caseSensitive=true) { $this->ensureTable($table); if(!is_array($keywords)) $keywords=preg_split('/\s+/u',$keywords,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if(empty($keywords)) return ''; if($prefix===null) $prefix=$table->rawName.'.'; $conditions=array(); foreach($columns as $name) { if(($column=$table->getColumn($name))===null) throw new TDbException('Table "{0}" does not have a column named "{0}".', $table->name,$name); $condition=array(); foreach($keywords as $keyword) { if($caseSensitive) $condition[]=$prefix.$column->rawName.' LIKE '.$this->_connection->quoteValue('%'.$keyword.'%'); else $condition[]='LOWER('.$prefix.$column->rawName.') LIKE LOWER('.$this->_connection->quoteValue('%'.$keyword.'%').')'; } $conditions[]=implode(' AND ',$condition); } return '('.implode(' OR ',$conditions).')'; } /** * Generates the expression for selecting rows of specified primary key values. * @param mixed the table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or the table name (string). * @param mixed the column name(s). It can be either a string indicating a single column * or an array of column names. If the latter, it stands for a composite key. * @param array list of key values to be selected within * @param string column prefix (ended with dot). If null, it will be the table name * @return string the expression for selection * @since 1.0.4 */ public function createInCondition($table,$columnName,$values,$prefix=null) { if(($n=count($values))<1) return '0=1'; $this->ensureTable($table); if($prefix===null) $prefix=$table->rawName.'.'; $db=$this->_connection; if(is_array($columnName) && count($columnName)===1) $columnName=reset($columnName); if(is_string($columnName)) // simple key { if(!isset($table->columns[$columnName])) throw new TDbException('Table "{0}" does not have a column named "{1}".', $table->name, $columnName); $column=$table->columns[$columnName]; foreach($values as &$value) { $value=$column->typecast($value); if(is_string($value)) $value=$db->quoteValue($value); } if($n===1) return $prefix.$column->rawName.($values[0]===null?' IS NULL':'='.$values[0]); else return $prefix.$column->rawName.' IN ('.implode(', ',$values).')'; } else if(is_array($columnName)) // composite key: $values=array(array('pk1'=>'v1','pk2'=>'v2'),array(...)) { foreach($columnName as $name) { if(!isset($table->columns[$name])) throw new TDbException('Table "{0}" does not have a column named "{1}".', $table->name, $name); for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i) { if(isset($values[$i][$name])) { $value=$table->columns[$name]->typecast($values[$i][$name]); if(is_string($value)) $values[$i][$name]=$db->quoteValue($value); else $values[$i][$name]=$value; } else throw new TDbException('The value for the column "{1}" is not supplied when querying the table "{0}".', $table->name,$name); } } if(count($values)===1) { $entries=array(); foreach($values[0] as $name=>$value) $entries[]=$prefix.$table->columns[$name]->rawName.($value===null?' IS NULL':'='.$value); return implode(' AND ',$entries); } return $this->createCompositeInCondition($table,$values,$prefix); } else throw new TDbException('Column name must be either a string or an array.'); } /** * Generates the expression for selecting rows with specified composite key values. * @param TDbTableSchema the table schema * @param array list of primary key values to be selected within * @param string column prefix (ended with dot) * @return string the expression for selection * @since 1.0.4 */ protected function createCompositeInCondition($table,$values,$prefix) { $keyNames=array(); foreach(array_keys($values[0]) as $name) $keyNames[]=$prefix.$table->columns[$name]->rawName; $vs=array(); foreach($values as $value) $vs[]='('.implode(', ',$value).')'; return '('.implode(', ',$keyNames).') IN ('.implode(', ',$vs).')'; } /** * Checks if the parameter is a valid table schema. * If it is a string, the corresponding table schema will be retrieved. * @param mixed table schema ({@link TDbTableSchema}) or table name (string). * If this refers to a valid table name, this parameter will be returned with the corresponding table schema. * @throws TDbException if the table name is not valid * @since 1.0.4 */ protected function ensureTable(&$table) { if(is_string($table) && ($table=$this->_schema->getTable($tableName=$table))===null) throw new TDbException('Table "{0}" does not exist.', $tableName); } }