body_contents_not_allowed	= %s: body contents are not allowed.
control_id_not_unique		= Control ID '%s' is not unique for control type '%s'.
control_not_found		= Unable to find a control with ID '%s'.
control_not_in_form		= Control '%s' is not enclosed within a server form.
data_not_iterable		= Data is not iterable. An array or an object implementing Traversable is required.
event_not_defined		= %s: event is not defined.
expecting_closing_tag		= Line %d: expecting closing tag %s.
index_out_of_range		= Index '%s' is out of range.
invalid_accesskey		= %s.AccessKey: only one character is allowed.
invalid_control_id		= Invalid control ID '%s' for control type '%s'.
invalid_enum_value		= Invalid value '%s' for enumeration type (%s)
invalid_event_handler		= Invalid event handler '%s' for event '%s'.
invalid_expression		= Invalid expression '%s': %s.
invalid_statements		= Invalid statements '%s': %s.
invalid_subproperty		= Invalid sub-property '%s'.
invalid_style_value		= %s.Style: only string is allowed.
multiple_form_not_allowed	= Multiple server forms are not allowed.
must_be_component		= %s must extend from TComponent.
no_comments_in_property		= Line %d: comments are not allowed in property values.
property_not_defined		= %s: property is not defined.
property_read_only		= %s: property is read-only.
skinid_set_after_applied	= %s: SkinID cannot be set after the skin is applied.
skinid_set_after_preinit	= %s: SkinID cannot be set after PreInit stage.
stylesheet_applied		= %s: StyleSheet skin is already applied.
enabletheming_after_preinit	= %s: EnableTheme cannot be set after PreInit stage.
nonunique_template_directive	= Line %d: at most one template directive is allowed.
unexpected_closing_tag		= Line %d: unexpected closing tag %s.
unexpected_matching		= Unexpected matching: %s. Please report this problem to PRADO developer team.