 * TGlobalization class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System.I18N

 * TGlobalization contains settings for Culture, Charset
 * and TranslationConfiguration.
 * TGlobalization can be subclassed to change how the Culture, Charset
 * are determined. See TGlobalizationAutoDetect for example of
 * setting the Culture based on browser settings.
 * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.66 $  $Date: ${DATE} ${TIME} $
 * @package System.I18N
 * @since 3.0
class TGlobalization extends TModule
	 * Default character set is 'UTF-8'.
	 * @var string 
	private $_defaultCharset = 'UTF-8';

	 * Default culture is 'en'.
	 * @var string	 
	private $_defaultCulture = 'en';

	 * Translation source parameters.
	 * @var TMap
	private $_translation;

	 * The current charset.
	 * @var string 
	protected $_charset='UTF-8';

	 * The current culture.
	 * @var string 
	protected $_culture='en';

	 * Initialize the Culture and Charset for this application.
	 * You should override this method if you want a different way of
	 * setting the Culture and/or Charset for your application.
	 * If you override this method, call parent::init($xml) first.
	 * @param TXmlElement application configuration
	public function init($xml)
		$this->_defaultCharset = $this->getCharset();
		$this->_defaultCulture = $this->getCulture();

		$config = $xml->getElementByTagName('translation')->getAttributes();

	 * @return string current application culture
	public function getCulture()
		return $this->_culture;

	 * @param string culture, e.g. <tt>en_US</tt> for American English 
	public function setCulture($culture)
		$this->_culture = str_replace('-','_',$culture);

	 * @return string localization charset
	public function getCharset()
		return $this->_charset;

	 * @param string localization charset, e.g. <tt>UTF-8</tt>
	public function setCharset($charset)
		$this->_charset = $charset;

	 * @return TMap translation source configuration.
	public function getTranslationConfiguration()
		return $this->_translation;

	 * Sets the translation configuration. Example configuration:
	 * <code>
	 * $config['type'] = 'XLIFF'; //XLIFF, gettext, mysql or sqlite
	 * $config['source'] = 'Path.to.directory'; //or database connection string
	 * $config['catalogue'] = 'messages'; //default catalog
	 * $config['autosave'] = 'true'; //save untranslated message
	 * $config['cache'] = 'true'; //cache translated message
	 * </code>
	 * Throws exception is source is not found.
	 * @param TMap configuration options
	 * @return ${return}
	protected function setTranslationConfiguration(TMap $config)
		if($config['type'] == 'XLIFF' || $config['type'] == 'gettext')
			$config['source'] = Prado::getPathOfNamespace($config['source']);
				throw new TException("invalid source dir '{$config['source']}'");
			$config['cache'] = $this->getApplication()->getRunTimePath().'/i18n';
		$this->_translation = $config;

	 * @return string current translation catalogue.
	public function getTranslationCatalogue()
		return $this->_translation['catalogue'];

	 * @param string update the translation catalogue.
	public function setTranslationCatalogue($value)
		return $this->_translation['catalogue'] = $value;
	 * @return string default charset set in application.xml
	public function getDefaultCharset()
		return $this->_defaultCharset;

	 * @return string default culture set in application.xml
	public function getDefaultCulture()
		return $this->_defaultCulture;

	 * Gets all the variants of a specific culture. If the parameter
	 * $culture is null, the current culture is used.
	 * @param string $culture the Culture string
	 * @return array variants of the culture.
	public function getCultureVariants($culture=null)
		if(is_null($culture)) $culture = $this->getCulture();
		$variants = explode('_', $culture);
		$result = array();
		for(; count($variants) > 0; array_pop($variants))
			$result[] = implode('_', $variants);
		return $result;

	 * Returns a list of possible localized files. Example
	 * <code>
	 * $files = $app->getLocalizedResource("path/to/Home.page","en_US");
	 * </code>
	 * will return
	 * <pre>
	 * array
	 *   0 => 'path/to/en_US/Home.page'
	 *   1 => 'path/to/en/Home.page'
	 *   2 => 'path/to/Home.en_US.page'
	 *   3 => 'path/to/Home.en.page'
	 *   4 => 'path/to/Home.page'
	 * </pre>
	 * Note that you still need to verify the existance of these files.
	 * @param string filename
	 * @param string culture string, null to use current culture
	 * @return array list of possible localized resource files.
	public function getLocalizedResource($file,$culture=null)
		$files = array();
		$variants = $this->getCultureVariants($culture);
		$path = pathinfo($file);
		foreach($variants as $variant)
			$files[] = $path['dirname'].'/'.$variant.'/'.$path['basename'];
		$filename = substr($path['basename'],0,strrpos($path['basename'],'.'));
		foreach($variants as $variant)
			$files[] = $path['dirname'].'/'.$filename.'.'.$variant.'.'.$path['extension'];
		$files[] = $file;
		return $files;

