
 * TTranslate, I18N translation component.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the BSD License.
 * Copyright(c) 2004 by Xiang Wei Zhuo. 
 * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:qiang.xue@gmail.com Qiang Xue}
 * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from:
 * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/}
 * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.11 $  $Date: 2005/10/09 10:24:12 $
 * @package System.I18N


 * TTranslate class.
 * This component performs message/string translation. The translation
 * source is set in the TGlobalization handler. The following example
 * demonstrated a simple message translation.
 * <code>
 * <com:TTranslate Text="Goodbye" />
 * </code>
 * Depending on the culture set on the page, the phrase "Goodbye" will
 * be translated.
 * The values of any attribute in TTranslate are consider as values for 
 * substitution. Strings enclosed with "{" and "}" are consider as the 
 * parameters. The following example will substitution the string 
 * "{time}" with the value of the attribute "time="#time()". Note that
 * the value of the attribute time is evaluated.
 * <code>
 * <com:TTranslate time="#time()">
 *   The unix-time is "{time}".
 * </com:TTranslate>
 * </code>
 * More complex string substitution can be applied using the
 * TParam component. 
 * Namespace: System.I18N
 * Properties
 * - <b>Text</b>, string, 
 *   <br>Gets or sets the string to translate. 
 * - <b>Catalogue</b>, string,
 *   <br>Gets or sets the catalogue for message translation. The
 *    default catalogue can be set by the @Page directive.
 * - <b>Key</b>, string, 
 *   <br>Gets or sets the key used to message look up.
 * - <b>Trim</b>, boolean,
 *   <br>Gets or sets an option to trim the contents.
 *   Default is to trim the contents.
 * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version v1.0, last update on Fri Dec 24 21:38:49 EST 2004
 * @package System.I18N
class TTranslate extends TI18NControl
	 * @return string the text to be localized/translated.
	function getText()
		return $this->getViewState('Text','');

	 * Sets the text for localization.
	 * @param string the text for translation.
	function setText($value)

	 * Set the key for message lookup.
	 * @param string key
	function setKey($value)
	 * Get the key for message lookup.
	 * @return string key
	function getKey()
		return $this->getViewState('Key','');
	 * Get the message catalogue.
	 * @return string catalogue. 
	function getCatalogue()
		return $this->getViewState('Catalogue','');
	 * Set the message catalogue.
	 * @param string catalogue. 
	function setCatalogue($value)
	 * Set the option to trim the contents.
	 * @param boolean trim or not.
	function setTrim($value)
	 * Trim the content or not.
	 * @return boolean trim or not. 
	function getTrim()
		return $this->getViewState('Trim',true);
	 * renders the translated string.
	protected function render($writer)
		$textWriter=new TTextWriter;
		$htmlWriter=new THtmlWriter($textWriter);
		$subs = array();
		foreach($this->getControls() as $control)
			if($control instanceof TTranslateParameter)
				$subs['{'.$control->getKey().'}'] = $control->getParameter();
			elseif($control instanceof TControl)

		$text = $this->getText();
			$text = $textWriter->flush();		
			$text = trim($text);

		$writer->write($this->translateText($text, $subs));

	 * Translates the text with subsititution.
	 * @param string text for translation
	 * @param array list of substitutions
	 * @return string translated text
	protected function translateText($text, $subs)
		$app = $this->Application->getGlobalization();

		//no translation handler provided
		if(is_null($config = $app->getTranslationConfiguration()))
			return strtr($text, $subs);
		$catalogue = $this->getCatalogue();
		if(empty($catalogue) && isset($config['catalogue']))
			$catalogue = $config['catalogue'];
		$key = $this->getKey();
		if(!empty($key)) $text = $key;
		//translate it
		return Translation::formatter()->format($text,
										$subs, $catalogue, $this->getCharset());
