<?php /** * DateFormat class file. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the BSD License. * * Copyright(c) 2004 by Qiang Xue. All rights reserved. * * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:qiang.xue@gmail.com Qiang Xue} * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from: * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/} * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2005/12/15 07:14:49 $ * @package System.I18N.core */ /** * Get the DateTimeFormatInfo class. */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/DateTimeFormatInfo.php'); /** * Get the encoding utilities */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/util.php'); /** * DateFormat class. * * The DateFormat class allows you to format dates and times with * predefined styles in a locale-sensitive manner. Formatting times * with the DateFormat class is similar to formatting dates. * * Formatting dates with the DateFormat class is a two-step process. * First, you create a formatter with the getDateInstance method. * Second, you invoke the format method, which returns a string containing * the formatted date. * * DateTime values are formatted using standard or custom patterns stored * in the properties of a DateTimeFormatInfo. * * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version v1.0, last update on Sat Dec 04 14:10:49 EST 2004 * @package System.I18N.core */ class DateFormat { /** * A list of tokens and their function call. * @var array */ protected $tokens = array( 'G'=>'Era', 'y'=>'Year', 'M'=>'Month', 'd'=>'Day', 'h'=>'Hour12', 'H'=>'Hour24', 'm'=>'Minutes', 's'=>'Seconds', 'E'=>'DayInWeek', 'D'=>'DayInYear', 'F'=>'DayInMonth', 'w'=>'WeekInYear', 'W'=>'WeekInMonth', 'a'=>'AMPM', 'k'=>'HourInDay', 'K'=>'HourInAMPM', 'z'=>'TimeZone' ); /** * A list of methods, to be used by the token function calls. * @var array */ protected $methods = array(); /** * The DateTimeFormatInfo, containing culture specific patterns and names. * @var DateTimeFormatInfo */ protected $formatInfo; /** * Initialize a new DateFormat. * @param mixed either, null, a CultureInfo instance, * a DateTimeFormatInfo instance, or a locale. * @return DateFormat instance */ function __construct($formatInfo=null) { if(is_null($formatInfo)) $this->formatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo::getInvariantInfo(); else if($formatInfo instanceof CultureInfo) $this->formatInfo = $formatInfo->DateTimeFormat; else if($formatInfo instanceof DateTimeFormatInfo) $this->formatInfo = $formatInfo; else $this->formatInfo = DateTimeFormatInfo::getInstance($formatInfo); $this->methods = get_class_methods($this); } /** * Format a date according to the pattern. * @param mixed the time as integer or string in strtotime format. * @return string formatted date time. */ public function format($time, $pattern='F', $charset='UTF-8') { if(is_string($time)) $time = @strtotime($time); if(is_null($pattern)) $pattern = 'F'; $date = @getdate($time); $pattern = $this->getPattern($pattern); $tokens = $this->getTokens($pattern); for($i = 0; $i<count($tokens); $i++) { $pattern = $tokens[$i]; if($pattern{0} == "'" && $pattern{strlen($pattern)-1} == "'") { $tokens[$i] = preg_replace('/(^\')|(\'$)/','',$pattern); } else { $function = $this->getFunctionName($pattern); if($function != null) { $fName = 'get'.$function; if(in_array($fName, $this->methods)) { $rs = $this->$fName($date, $pattern); $tokens[$i] = $rs; } else throw new Exception('function '.$function.' not found.'); } } } return I18N_toEncoding(implode('',$tokens), $charset); } /** * For a particular token, get the corresponding function to call. * @param string token * @return mixed the function if good token, null otherwise. */ protected function getFunctionName($token) { if(isset($this->tokens[$token{0}])) return $this->tokens[$token{0}]; } /** * Get the pattern from DateTimeFormatInfo or some predefined patterns. * If the $pattern parameter is an array of 2 element, it will assume * that the first element is the date, and second the time * and try to find an appropriate pattern and apply * DateTimeFormatInfo::formatDateTime * See the tutorial documentation for futher details on the patterns. * @param mixed a pattern. * @return string a pattern. * @see DateTimeFormatInfo::formatDateTime() */ protected function getPattern($pattern) { if(is_array($pattern) && count($pattern) == 2) { return $this->formatInfo->formatDateTime( $this->getPattern($pattern[0]), $this->getPattern($pattern[1])); } switch($pattern) { case 'd': return $this->formatInfo->ShortDatePattern; break; case 'D': return $this->formatInfo->LongDatePattern; break; case 'p': return $this->formatInfo->MediumDatePattern; break; case 'P': return $this->formatInfo->FullDatePattern; break; case 't': return $this->formatInfo->ShortTimePattern; break; case 'T': return $this->formatInfo->LongTimePattern; break; case 'q': return $this->formatInfo->MediumTimePattern; break; case 'Q': return $this->formatInfo->FullTimePattern; break; case 'f': return $this->formatInfo->formatDateTime( $this->formatInfo->LongDatePattern, $this->formatInfo->ShortTimePattern); break; case 'F': return $this->formatInfo->formatDateTime( $this->formatInfo->LongDatePattern, $this->formatInfo->LongTimePattern); break; case 'g': return $this->formatInfo->formatDateTime( $this->formatInfo->ShortDatePattern, $this->formatInfo->ShortTimePattern); break; case 'G': return $this->formatInfo->formatDateTime( $this->formatInfo->ShortDatePattern, $this->formatInfo->LongTimePattern); break; case 'M': case 'm': return 'MMMM dd'; break; case 'R': case 'r': return 'EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss'; break; case 's': return 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'; break; case 'u': return 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z'; break; case 'U': return 'EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss'; break; case 'Y': case 'y': return 'yyyy MMMM'; break; default : return $pattern; } } /** * Tokenize the pattern. The tokens are delimited by group of * similar characters, e.g. 'aabb' will form 2 tokens of 'aa' and 'bb'. * Any substrings, starting and ending with a single quote (') * will be treated as a single token. * @param string pattern. * @return array string tokens in an array. */ protected function getTokens($pattern) { $char = null; $tokens = array(); $token = null; $text = false; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($pattern); $i++) { if($char==null || $pattern{$i} == $char || $text) { $token .= $pattern{$i}; } else { $tokens[] = str_replace("''","'",$token); $token = $pattern{$i}; } if($pattern{$i} == "'" && $text == false) $text = true; else if($text && $pattern{$i} == "'" && $char == "'") $text = true; else if($text && $char != "'" && $pattern{$i} == "'") $text = false; $char = $pattern{$i}; } $tokens[] = $token; return $tokens; } /** * Get the year. * "yy" will return the last two digits of year. * "yyyy" will return the full integer year. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string year */ protected function getYear($date, $pattern='yyyy') { $year = $date['year']; switch($pattern) { case 'yy': return substr($year,2); case 'yyyy': return $year; default: throw new Exception('The pattern for year is either "yy" or "yyyy".'); } } /** * Get the month. * "M" will return integer 1 through 12 * "MM" will return the narrow month name, e.g. "J" * "MMM" will return the abrreviated month name, e.g. "Jan" * "MMMM" will return the month name, e.g. "January" * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string month name */ protected function getMonth($date, $pattern='M') { $month = $date['mon']; switch($pattern) { case 'M': return $month; case 'MM': return str_pad($month, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); case 'MMM': return $this->formatInfo->AbbreviatedMonthNames[$month-1]; break; case 'MMMM': return $this->formatInfo->MonthNames[$month-1]; default: throw new Exception('The pattern for month '. 'is "M", "MM", "MMM", or "MMMM".'); } } /** * Get the day of the week. * "E" will return integer 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday). * "EE" will return the narrow day of the week, e.g. "M" * "EEE" will return the abrreviated day of the week, e.g. "Mon" * "EEEE" will return the day of the week, e.g. "Monday" * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string day of the week. */ protected function getDayInWeek($date, $pattern='EEEE') { $day = $date['wday']; switch($pattern) { case 'E': return $day; break; case 'EE': return $this->formatInfo->NarrowDayNames[$day]; case 'EEE': return $this->formatInfo->AbbreviatedDayNames[$day]; break; case 'EEEE': return $this->formatInfo->DayNames[$day]; break; default: throw new Exception('The pattern for day of the week '. 'is "E", "EE", "EEE", or "EEEE".'); } } /** * Get the day of the month. * "d" for non-padding, "dd" will always return 2 characters. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string day of the month */ protected function getDay($date, $pattern='d') { $day = $date['mday']; switch($pattern) { case 'd': return $day; case 'dd': return str_pad($day, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); default: throw new Exception('The pattern for day of '. 'the month is "d" or "dd".'); } } /** * Get the era. i.e. in gregorian, year > 0 is AD, else BC. * @todo How to support multiple Eras?, e.g. Japanese. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string era */ protected function getEra($date, $pattern='G') { if($pattern != 'G') throw new Exception('The pattern for era is "G".'); $year = $date['year']; if($year > 0) return $this->formatInfo->getEra(1); else return $this->formatInfo->getEra(0); } /** * Get the hours in 24 hour format, i.e. [0-23]. * "H" for non-padding, "HH" will always return 2 characters. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string hours in 24 hour format. */ protected function getHour24($date, $pattern='H') { $hour = $date['hours']; switch($pattern) { case 'H': return $hour; case 'HH': return str_pad($hour, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); default: throw new Exception('The pattern for 24 hour '. 'format is "H" or "HH".'); } } /** * Get the AM/PM designator, 12 noon is PM, 12 midnight is AM. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string AM or PM designator */ protected function getAMPM($date, $pattern='a') { if($pattern != 'a') throw new Exception('The pattern for AM/PM marker is "a".'); $hour = $date['hours']; $ampm = intval($hour/12); return $this->formatInfo->AMPMMarkers[$ampm]; } /** * Get the hours in 12 hour format. * "h" for non-padding, "hh" will always return 2 characters. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string hours in 12 hour format. */ protected function getHour12($date, $pattern='h') { $hour = $date['hours']; $hour = ($hour==12|$hour==0)?12:($hour)%12; switch($pattern) { case 'h': return $hour; case 'hh': return str_pad($hour, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); default: throw new Exception('The pattern for 24 hour '. 'format is "H" or "HH".'); } } /** * Get the minutes. * "m" for non-padding, "mm" will always return 2 characters. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string minutes. */ protected function getMinutes($date, $pattern='m') { $minutes = $date['minutes']; switch($pattern) { case 'm': return $minutes; case 'mm': return str_pad($minutes, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); default: throw new Exception('The pattern for minutes is "m" or "mm".'); } } /** * Get the seconds. * "s" for non-padding, "ss" will always return 2 characters. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string seconds */ protected function getSeconds($date, $pattern='s') { $seconds = $date['seconds']; switch($pattern) { case 's': return $seconds; case 'ss': return str_pad($seconds, 2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); default: throw new Exception('The pattern for seconds is "s" or "ss".'); } } /** * Get the timezone from the server machine. * @todo How to get the timezone for a different region? * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return string time zone */ protected function getTimeZone($date, $pattern='z') { if($pattern != 'z') throw new Exception('The pattern for time zone is "z".'); return @date('T', @mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year'])); } /** * Get the day in the year, e.g. [1-366] * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return int hours in AM/PM format. */ protected function getDayInYear($date, $pattern='D') { if($pattern != 'D') throw new Exception('The pattern for day in year is "D".'); return $date['yday']; } /** * Get day in the month. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return int day in month */ protected function getDayInMonth($date, $pattern='FF') { switch ($pattern) { case 'F': return @date('j', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year'])); break; case 'FF': return @date('d', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year'])); break; default: throw new Exception('The pattern for day in month is "F" or "FF".'); } } /** * Get the week in the year. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return int week in year */ protected function getWeekInYear($date, $pattern='w') { if($pattern != 'w') throw new Exception('The pattern for week in year is "w".'); return @date('W', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year'])); } /** * Get week in the month. * @param array getdate format. * @return int week in month */ protected function getWeekInMonth($date, $pattern='W') { if($pattern != 'W') throw new Exception('The pattern for week in month is "W".'); return @date('W', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year'])) - date('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], 1, $date['year'])); } /** * Get the hours [1-24]. * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return int hours [1-24] */ protected function getHourInDay($date, $pattern='k') { if(is_null($dateTimeInfo)) $dateTimeInfo = $this->dateTimeInfo; if($pattern != 'k') throw new Exception('The pattern for hour in day is "k".'); return $date['hours']+1; } /** * Get the hours in AM/PM format, e.g [1-12] * @param array getdate format. * @param string a pattern. * @return int hours in AM/PM format. */ protected function getHourInAMPM($date, $pattern='K') { if($pattern != 'K') throw new Exception('The pattern for hour in AM/PM is "K".'); return ($date['hours']+1)%12; } } ?>