 * TGettext_MO class file.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the BSD License.
 * Copyright(c) 2004 by Qiang Xue. All rights reserved.
 * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:qiang.xue@gmail.com Qiang Xue}
 * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from:
 * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/}
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.3 $  $Date: 2005/08/27 03:21:12 $
 * @package System.I18N.core

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR :: File :: Gettext :: MO                                        |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,       |
// | that is available at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt              |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable      |
// | to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to       |
// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2004 Michael Wallner <mike@iworks.at>                  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$

 * File::Gettext::MO
 * @author      Michael Wallner <mike@php.net>
 * @license     PHP License

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/TGettext.php';

 * File_Gettext_MO
 * GNU MO file reader and writer.
 * @author      Michael Wallner <mike@php.net>
 * @version     $Revision: 1.3 $
 * @access      public
 * @package System.I18N.core
class TGettext_MO extends TGettext
     * file handle
     * @access  private
     * @var     resource
    protected $_handle = null;

     * big endianess
     * Whether to write with big endian byte order.
     * @access  public
     * @var     bool
    protected $writeBigEndian = false;

     * Constructor
     * @access  public
     * @return  object      File_Gettext_MO
     * @param   string      $file   path to GNU MO file
    function TGettext_MO($file = '')
        $this->file = $file;

     * _read
     * @access  private
     * @return  mixed
     * @param   int     $bytes
    function _read($bytes = 1)
        if (0 < $bytes = abs($bytes)) {
            return fread($this->_handle, $bytes);
        return null;

     * _readInt
     * @access  private
     * @return  int
     * @param   bool    $bigendian
    function _readInt($bigendian = false)
		//unpack returns a reference????
		$unpacked = unpack($bigendian ? 'N' : 'V', $this->_read(4));
        return array_shift($unpacked);

     * _writeInt
     * @access  private
     * @return  int
     * @param   int     $int
    function _writeInt($int)
        return $this->_write(pack($this->writeBigEndian ? 'N' : 'V', (int) $int));

     * _write
     * @access  private
     * @return  int
     * @param   string  $data
    function _write($data)
        return fwrite($this->_handle, $data);

     * _writeStr
     * @access  private
     * @return  int
     * @param   string  $string
    function _writeStr($string)
        return $this->_write($string . "\0");

     * _readStr
     * @access  private
     * @return  string
     * @param   array   $params     associative array with offset and length
     *                              of the string
    function _readStr($params)
        fseek($this->_handle, $params['offset']);
        return $this->_read($params['length']);

     * Load MO file
     * @access   public
     * @return   mixed   Returns true on success or PEAR_Error on failure.
     * @param    string  $file
    function load($file = null)
        if (!isset($file)) {
            $file = $this->file;

        // open MO file
        if (!is_resource($this->_handle = @fopen($file, 'rb'))) {
            return false;
        // lock MO file shared
        if (!@flock($this->_handle, LOCK_SH)) {
            return false;

        // read (part of) magic number from MO file header and define endianess

		//unpack returns a reference????
		$unpacked = unpack('c', $this->_read(4));
        switch ($magic = array_shift($unpacked))
            case -34:
                $be = false;

            case -107:
                $be = true;

                return false;

        // check file format revision - we currently only support 0
        if (0 !== ($_rev = $this->_readInt($be))) {
            return false;

        // count of strings in this file
        $count = $this->_readInt($be);

        // offset of hashing table of the msgids
        $offset_original = $this->_readInt($be);
        // offset of hashing table of the msgstrs
        $offset_translat = $this->_readInt($be);

        // move to msgid hash table
        fseek($this->_handle, $offset_original);
        // read lengths and offsets of msgids
        $original = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $original[$i] = array(
                'length' => $this->_readInt($be),
                'offset' => $this->_readInt($be)

        // move to msgstr hash table
        fseek($this->_handle, $offset_translat);
        // read lengths and offsets of msgstrs
        $translat = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $translat[$i] = array(
                'length' => $this->_readInt($be),
                'offset' => $this->_readInt($be)

        // read all
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $this->strings[$this->_readStr($original[$i])] =

        // done
        @flock($this->_handle, LOCK_UN);
        $this->_handle = null;

        // check for meta info
        if (isset($this->strings[''])) {
            $this->meta = parent::meta2array($this->strings['']);

        return true;

     * Save MO file
     * @access  public
     * @return  mixed   Returns true on success or PEAR_Error on failure.
     * @param   string  $file
    function save($file = null)
        if (!isset($file)) {
            $file = $this->file;

        // open MO file
        if (!is_resource($this->_handle = @fopen($file, 'wb'))) {
            return false;
        // lock MO file exclusively
        if (!@flock($this->_handle, LOCK_EX)) {
            return false;

        // write magic number
        if ($this->writeBigEndian) {
            $this->_write(pack('c*', 0x95, 0x04, 0x12, 0xde));
        } else {
            $this->_write(pack('c*', 0xde, 0x12, 0x04, 0x95));

        // write file format revision

        $count = count($this->strings) + ($meta = (count($this->meta) ? 1 : 0));
        // write count of strings

        $offset = 28;
        // write offset of orig. strings hash table

        $offset += ($count * 8);
        // write offset transl. strings hash table

        // write size of hash table (we currently ommit the hash table)

        $offset += ($count * 8);
        // write offset of hash table

        // unshift meta info
        if ($this->meta) {
            $meta = '';
            foreach ($this->meta as $key => $val) {
                $meta .= $key . ': ' . $val . "\n";
            $strings = array('' => $meta) + $this->strings;
        } else {
            $strings = $this->strings;

        // write offsets for original strings
        foreach (array_keys($strings) as $o) {
            $len = strlen($o);
            $offset += $len + 1;

        // write offsets for translated strings
        foreach ($strings as $t) {
            $len = strlen($t);
            $offset += $len + 1;

        // write original strings
        foreach (array_keys($strings) as $o) {

        // write translated strings
        foreach ($strings as $t) {

        // done
        @flock($this->_handle, LOCK_UN);
        return true;