 * Translation table cache.
 * @author $Author: weizhuo $
 * @version $Id: MessageCache.php 3188 2012-07-12 12:13:23Z ctrlaltca $
 * @package System.I18N.core

 * Load the cache lite library.

 * Cache the translation table into the file system.
 * It can cache each cataloug+variant or just the whole section.
 * @package System.I18N.core
 * @author $Author: weizhuo $
 * @version $Id: MessageCache.php 3188 2012-07-12 12:13:23Z ctrlaltca $
class MessageCache 

	 * Cache Lite instance.
	 * @var TCache_Lite
	protected $cache;

	 * Caceh life time, default is 1 year.
	protected $lifetime = 3153600;

	 * Create a new Translation cache.
	 * @param string $cacheDir Directory to store the cache files.
	public function __construct($cacheDir)
		$cacheDir = $cacheDir.'/';
			throw new Exception(
				'The cache directory '.$cacheDir.' does not exists.'.
				'The cache directory must be writable by the server.');
			throw new Exception(
				'The cache directory '.$cacheDir.' must be writable '.
				'by the server.');
		$options = array(
			'cacheDir' => $cacheDir,
			'lifeTime' => $this->getLifeTime(),
			'automaticSerialization' => true

		$this->cache = new TCache_Lite($options);

	 * Get the cache life time.
	 * @return int Cache life time.
	public function getLifeTime()
		return $this->lifetime;

	 * Set the cache life time.
	 * @param int $time Cache life time.
	public function setLifeTime($time)
		$this->lifetime = (int)$time;

	 * Get the cache file ID based section and locale.
	 * @param string $catalogue The translation section.
	 * @param string $culture The translation locale, e.g. "en_AU".
	protected function getID($catalogue, $culture)
		return $catalogue.':'.$culture;

	 * Get the cache file GROUP based section and locale.
	 * @param string $catalogue The translation section.
	 * @param string $culture The translation locale, e.g. "en_AU".
	protected function getGroup($catalogue, $culture)
		return $catalogue.':'.get_class($this);

	 * Get the data from the cache.
	 * @param string $catalogue The translation section.
	 * @param string $culture The translation locale, e.g. "en_AU".
	 * @param string $filename If the source is a file, this file's modified
	 * time is newer than the cache's modified time, no cache hit. 
	 * @return mixed Boolean FALSE if no cache hit. Otherwise, translation
	 * table data for the specified section and locale.
	public function get($catalogue, $culture, $lastmodified=0) 
		$ID = $this->getID($catalogue, $culture);
		$group = $this->getGroup($catalogue, $culture); 

		$this->cache->_setFileName($ID, $group);

		$cache = $this->cache->getCacheFile();
		if(is_file($cache) == false) 
			return false;

		$lastmodified = (int)$lastmodified;
		if($lastmodified <= 0 || $lastmodified > filemtime($cache))
			return false;		
		//echo '@@ Cache hit: "'.$ID.'" : "'.$group.'"';
		//echo "<br>\n";
		return $this->cache->get($ID, $group);

	 * Save the data to cache for the specified section and locale.
	 * @param array $data The data to save.
	 * @param string $catalogue The translation section.
	 * @param string $culture The translation locale, e.g. "en_AU".
	public function save($data, $catalogue, $culture) 
		$ID = $this->getID($catalogue, $culture);
		$group = $this->getGroup($catalogue, $culture); 
		//echo '## Cache save: "'.$ID.'" : "'.$group.'"';
		//echo "<br>\n";
		return $this->cache->save($data, $ID, $group);
	 * Clean up the cache for the specified section and locale.
	 * @param string $catalogue The translation section.
	 * @param string $culture The translation locale, e.g. "en_AU".
	public function clean($catalogue, $culture) 
		$group = $this->getGroup($catalogue, $culture); 
	 * Flush the cache. Deletes all the cache files.
	public function clear()
