
 * MessageSource_XLIFF class file.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the BSD License.
 * Copyright(c) 2004 by Qiang Xue. All rights reserved.
 * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:qiang.xue@gmail.com Qiang Xue}
 * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from:
 * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/}
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.8 $  $Date: 2005/12/17 06:11:28 $
 * @package System.I18N.core

 * Get the MessageSource class file.

 * MessageSource_XLIFF class.
 * Using XML XLIFF format as the message source for translation.
 * Details and example of XLIFF can be found in the following URLs.
 * # http://www.opentag.com/xliff.htm
 * # http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-localis2/
 * See the MessageSource::factory() method to instantiate this class.
 * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version v1.0, last update on Fri Dec 24 16:18:44 EST 2004
 * @package System.I18N.core
class MessageSource_XLIFF extends MessageSource
	 * Message data filename extension.
	 * @var string
	protected $dataExt = '.xml';

	 * Separator between culture name and source.
	 * @var string
	protected $dataSeparator = '.';

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param string the directory where the messages are stored.
	 * @see MessageSource::factory();
	function __construct($source)
		$this->source = (string)$source;

	 * Load the messages from a XLIFF file.
	 * @param string XLIFF file.
	 * @return array of messages.
	protected function &loadData($filename)
		//load it.

		$XML = simplexml_load_file($filename);

		if(!$XML) return false;

		$translationUnit = $XML->xpath('//trans-unit');

		$translations = array();

		foreach($translationUnit as $unit)
			$source = (string)$unit->source;
			$translations[$source][] = (string)$unit->target;
			$translations[$source][]= (string)$unit['id'];
			$translations[$source][]= (string)$unit->note;

		return $translations;

	 * Get the last modified unix-time for this particular catalogue+variant.
	 * Just use the file modified time.
	 * @param string catalogue+variant
	 * @return int last modified in unix-time format.
	protected function getLastModified($source)
			return filemtime($source);
			return 0;

	 * Get the XLIFF file for a specific message catalogue and cultural
	 * vairant.
	 * @param string message catalogue
	 * @return string full path to the XLIFF file.
	protected function getSource($variant)
		return $this->source.'/'.$variant;

	 * Determin if the XLIFF file source is valid.
	 * @param string XLIFF file
	 * @return boolean true if valid, false otherwise.
	protected function isValidSource($source)
		return is_file($source);

	 * Get all the variants of a particular catalogue.
	 * @param string catalogue name
	 * @return array list of all variants for this catalogue.
	protected function getCatalogueList($catalogue)
		$variants = explode('_',$this->culture);
		$source = $catalogue.$this->dataExt;

		$catalogues = array($source);

		$variant = null;

		for($i = 0, $k = count($variants); $i < $k; ++$i)
				$variant .= ($variant)?'_'.$variants[$i]:$variants[$i];
				$catalogues[] = $catalogue.$this->dataSeparator.

		$byDir = $this->getCatalogueByDir($catalogue);
		$catalogues = array_merge($byDir,array_reverse($catalogues));
		return $catalogues;

	 * Traverse through the directory structure to find the catalogues.
	 * This should only be called by getCatalogueList()
	 * @param string a particular catalogue.
	 * @return array a list of catalogues.
	 * @see getCatalogueList()
	private function getCatalogueByDir($catalogue)
		$variants = explode('_',$this->culture);
		$catalogues = array();

		$variant = null;

		for($i = 0, $k = count($variants); $i < $k; ++$i)
				$variant .= ($variant)?'_'.$variants[$i]:$variants[$i];
				$catalogues[] = $variant.'/'.$catalogue.$this->dataExt;
		return array_reverse($catalogues);

	 * Returns a list of catalogue and its culture ID.
	 * E.g. array('messages','en_AU')
	 * @return array list of catalogues
	 * @see getCatalogues()
	public function catalogues()
		return $this->getCatalogues();

	 * Returns a list of catalogue and its culture ID. This takes care
	 * of directory structures.
	 * E.g. array('messages','en_AU')
	 * @return array list of catalogues
	protected function getCatalogues($dir=null,$variant=null)
		$dir = $dir?$dir:$this->source;
		$files = scandir($dir);

		$catalogue = array();

		foreach($files as $file)
				&& preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2,3})?$/',$file))
				$catalogue = array_merge($catalogue,
								$this->getCatalogues($dir.'/'.$file, $file));

			$pos = strpos($file,$this->dataExt);
			if($pos >0
				&& substr($file,-1*strlen($this->dataExt)) == $this->dataExt)
				$name = substr($file,0,$pos);
				$dot = strrpos($name,$this->dataSeparator);
				$culture = $variant;
				$cat = $name;
					$culture = substr($name, $dot+1,strlen($name));
					$cat = substr($name,0,$dot);
				$details[0] = $cat;
				$details[1] = $culture;

				$catalogue[] = $details;
		return $catalogue;

	 * Get the variant for a catalogue depending on the current culture.
	 * @param string catalogue
	 * @return string the variant.
	 * @see save()
	 * @see update()
	 * @see delete()
	private function getVariants($catalogue='messages')
			$catalogue = 'messages';

		foreach($this->getCatalogueList($catalogue) as $variant)
			$file = $this->getSource($variant);
				return array($variant, $file);
		return false;

	 * Save the list of untranslated blocks to the translation source.
	 * If the translation was not found, you should add those
	 * strings to the translation source via the <b>append()</b> method.
	 * @param string the catalogue to add to
	 * @return boolean true if saved successfuly, false otherwise.
	public function save($catalogue='messages')
		$messages = $this->untranslated;
		if(count($messages) <= 0) return false;

		$variants = $this->getVariants($catalogue);

			list($variant, $filename) = $variants;
			list($variant, $filename) = $this->createMessageTemplate($catalogue);

		if(is_writable($filename) == false)
			throw new TIOException("Unable to save to file {$filename}, file must be writable.");

		//create a new dom, import the existing xml
		$dom = DOMDocument::load($filename);

		//find the body element
		$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
    	$body = $xpath->query('//body')->item(0);

		$count = $xpath->query('//trans-unit')->length;

		//for each message add it to the XML file using DOM
    	foreach($messages as $message)
			$unit = $dom->createElement('trans-unit');

			$source = $dom->createElement('source', $message);
			$target = $dom->createElement('target','');



    	$fileNode = $xpath->query('//file')->item(0);
    	$fileNode->setAttribute('date', @date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'));

    	//save it and clear the cache for this variant
	    	$this->cache->clean($variant, $this->culture);

    	return true;

	 * Update the translation.
	 * @param string the source string.
	 * @param string the new translation string.
	 * @param string comments
	 * @param string the catalogue to save to.
	 * @return boolean true if translation was updated, false otherwise.
	public function update($text, $target, $comments, $catalogue='messages')
		$variants = $this->getVariants($catalogue);
			list($variant, $filename) = $variants;
			return false;

		if(is_writable($filename) == false)
			throw new TIOException("Unable to update file {$filename}, file must be writable.");

		//create a new dom, import the existing xml
		$dom = DOMDocument::load($filename);

		//find the body element
		$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
		$units = $xpath->query('//trans-unit');

		//for each of the existin units
		foreach($units as $unit)
			$found = false;
			$targetted = false;
			$commented = false;

			//in each unit, need to find the source, target and comment nodes
			//it will assume that the source is before the target.
			foreach($unit->childNodes as $node)
				//source node
				if($node->nodeName == 'source'
				  && $node->firstChild->wholeText == $text)
					 	$found = true;

				//found source, get the target and notes
					//set the new translated string
					if($node->nodeName == 'target')
						$node->nodeValue = $target;
						$targetted = true;
					//set the notes
					if(!empty($comments) && $node->nodeName == 'note')
						$node->nodeValue = $comments;
						$commented = true;

			//append a target
			if($found && !$targetted)

			//append a note
			if($found && !$commented && !empty($comments))

			//finished searching
			if($found) break;

    	$fileNode = $xpath->query('//file')->item(0);
    	$fileNode->setAttribute('date', @date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'));

		if($dom->save($filename) >0)
				$this->cache->clean($variant, $this->culture);
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Delete a particular message from the specified catalogue.
	 * @param string the source message to delete.
	 * @param string the catalogue to delete from.
	 * @return boolean true if deleted, false otherwise.
	public function delete($message, $catalogue='messages')
		$variants = $this->getVariants($catalogue);
			list($variant, $filename) = $variants;
			return false;

		if(is_writable($filename) == false)
			throw new TIOException("Unable to modify file {$filename}, file must be writable.");

		//create a new dom, import the existing xml
		$dom = DOMDocument::load($filename);

		//find the body element
		$xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
		$units = $xpath->query('//trans-unit');

		//for each of the existin units
		foreach($units as $unit)
			//in each unit, need to find the source, target and comment nodes
			//it will assume that the source is before the target.
			foreach($unit->childNodes as $node)
				//source node
				if($node->nodeName == 'source'
				  && $node->firstChild->wholeText == $message)

					//we found it, remove and save the xml file.

    				$fileNode = $xpath->query('//file')->item(0);
    				$fileNode->setAttribute('date', @date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'));

					if($dom->save($filename) >0)
							$this->cache->clean($variant, $this->culture);
						return true;
					else return false;



		return false;

	protected function createMessageTemplate($catalogue)
			$catalogue = 'messages';
		$variants = $this->getCatalogueList($catalogue);
		$variant = array_shift($variants);
		$file = $this->getSource($variant);
		$dir = dirname($file);
		if(!is_dir($dir)) @mkdir($dir);
			throw new TException("Unable to create directory $dir");
		file_put_contents($file, $this->getTemplate($catalogue));
		return array($variant, $file);

	protected function getTemplate($catalogue)
		$date = @date('c');
$xml = <<<EOD
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.0">
		return $xml;
