<?php /** * NumberFormatInfo class file. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the BSD License. * * Copyright(c) 2004 by Qiang Xue. All rights reserved. * * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:qiang.xue@gmail.com Qiang Xue} * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from: * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/} * * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/08/04 05:27:19 $ * @package System.I18N.core */ /** * Get the CultureInfo class file. */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/CultureInfo.php'); /** * NumberFormatInfo class * * Defines how numeric values are formatted and displayed, * depending on the culture. Numeric values are formatted using * standard or custom patterns stored in the properties of a * NumberFormatInfo. * * This class contains information, such as currency, decimal * separators, and other numeric symbols. * * To create a NumberFormatInfo for a specific culture, * create a CultureInfo for that culture and retrieve the * CultureInfo->NumberFormat property. Or use * NumberFormatInfo::getInstance($culture). * To create a NumberFormatInfo for the invariant culture, use the * InvariantInfo::getInvariantInfo(). * * * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version v1.0, last update on Sun Dec 05 14:48:26 EST 2004 * @package System.I18N.core */ class NumberFormatInfo { /** * ICU number formatting data. * @var array */ private $data = array(); /** * A list of properties that are accessable/writable. * @var array */ protected $properties = array(); /** * The number pattern. * @var array */ protected $pattern = array(); const DECIMAL = 0; const CURRENCY = 1; const PERCENTAGE = 2; const SCIENTIFIC = 3; /** * Allow functions that begins with 'set' to be called directly * as an attribute/property to retrieve the value. * @return mixed */ function __get($name) { $getProperty = 'get'.$name; if(in_array($getProperty, $this->properties)) return $this->$getProperty(); else throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' does not exists.'); } /** * Allow functions that begins with 'set' to be called directly * as an attribute/property to set the value. */ function __set($name, $value) { $setProperty = 'set'.$name; if(in_array($setProperty, $this->properties)) $this->$setProperty($value); else throw new Exception('Property '.$name.' can not be set.'); } /** * Initializes a new writable instance of the NumberFormatInfo class * that is dependent on the ICU data for number, decimal, and currency * formatting information. <b>N.B.</b>You should not initialize this * class directly unless you know what you are doing. Please use use * NumberFormatInfo::getInstance() to create an instance. * @param array ICU data for date time formatting. * @see getInstance() */ function __construct($data=array(), $type=NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL) { $this->properties = get_class_methods($this); if(empty($data)) throw new Exception('Please provide the ICU data to initialize.'); $this->data = $data; $this->setPattern($type); } /** * Set the pattern for a specific number pattern. The validate patterns * NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL, NumberFormatInfo::CURRENCY, * NumberFormatInfo::PERCENTAGE, or NumberFormatInfo::SCIENTIFIC * @param int pattern type. */ function setPattern($type=NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL) { if(is_int($type)) $this->pattern = $this->parsePattern($this->data['NumberPatterns'][$type]); else $this->pattern = $this->parsePattern($type); $this->pattern['negInfty'] = $this->data['NumberElements'][6]. $this->data['NumberElements'][9]; $this->pattern['posInfty'] = $this->data['NumberElements'][11]. $this->data['NumberElements'][9]; } function getPattern() { return $this->pattern; } /** * Gets the default NumberFormatInfo that is culture-independent * (invariant). * @return NumberFormatInfo default NumberFormatInfo. */ public function getInvariantInfo($type=NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL) { static $invariant; if(is_null($invariant)) { $culture = CultureInfo::getInvariantCulture(); $invariant = $culture->NumberFormat; $invariant->setPattern($type); } return $invariant; } /** * Returns the NumberFormatInfo associated with the specified culture. * @param CultureInfo the culture that gets the NumberFormat property. * @param int the number formatting type, it should be * NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL, NumberFormatInfo::CURRENCY, * NumberFormatInfo::PERCENTAGE, or NumberFormatInfo::SCIENTIFIC * @return NumberFormatInfo NumberFormatInfo for the specified * culture. * @see getCurrencyInstance(); * @see getPercentageInstance(); * @see getScientificInstance(); */ public static function getInstance($culture=null, $type=NumberFormatInfo::DECIMAL) { if ($culture instanceof CultureInfo) { $formatInfo = $culture->NumberFormat; $formatInfo->setPattern($type); return $formatInfo; } else if(is_string($culture)) { $cultureInfo = new CultureInfo($culture); $formatInfo = $cultureInfo->NumberFormat; $formatInfo->setPattern($type); return $formatInfo; } else { $cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(); $formatInfo = $cultureInfo->NumberFormat; $formatInfo->setPattern($type); return $formatInfo; } } /** * Returns the currency format info associated with the specified culture. * @param CultureInfo the culture that gets the NumberFormat property. * @return NumberFormatInfo NumberFormatInfo for the specified * culture. */ public static function getCurrencyInstance($culture=null) { return self::getInstance($culture, self::CURRENCY); } /** * Returns the percentage format info associated with the specified culture. * @param CultureInfo the culture that gets the NumberFormat property. * @return NumberFormatInfo NumberFormatInfo for the specified * culture. */ public static function getPercentageInstance($culture=null) { return self::getInstance($culture, self::PERCENTAGE); } /** * Returns the scientific format info associated with the specified culture. * @param CultureInfo the culture that gets the NumberFormat property. * @return NumberFormatInfo NumberFormatInfo for the specified * culture. */ public static function getScientificInstance($culture=null) { return self::getInstance($culture, self::SCIENTIFIC); } /** * Parse the given pattern and return a list of known properties. * @param string a number pattern. * @return array list of pattern properties. */ protected function parsePattern($pattern) { $pattern = explode(';',$pattern); $negative = null; if(count($pattern) > 1) $negative = $pattern[1]; $pattern = $pattern[0]; $comma = ','; $dot = '.'; $digit = '0'; $hash = '#'; //find the first group point, and decimal point $groupPos1 = strrpos($pattern,$comma); $decimalPos = strrpos($pattern,$dot); $groupPos2 = false; $groupSize1 = false; $groupSize2 = false; $decimalPoints = is_int($decimalPos)?-1:false; $info['negPref'] = $this->data['NumberElements'][6]; $info['negPost'] = ''; $info['negative'] = $negative; $info['positive'] = $pattern; //find the negative prefix and postfix if($negative) { $prefixPostfix = $this->getPrePostfix($negative); $info['negPref'] = $prefixPostfix[0]; $info['negPost'] = $prefixPostfix[1]; } $posfix = $this->getPrePostfix($pattern); $info['posPref'] = $posfix[0]; $info['posPost'] = $posfix[1]; //var_dump($pattern); //var_dump($decimalPos); if(is_int($groupPos1)) { //get the second group $groupPos2 = strrpos(substr($pattern,0,$groupPos1),$comma); //get the number of decimal digits if(is_int($decimalPos)) { $groupSize1 = $decimalPos - $groupPos1-1; } else { //no decimal point, so traverse from the back //to find the groupsize 1. for($i=strlen($pattern)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { if($pattern{$i} == $digit || $pattern{$i}==$hash) { $groupSize1 = $i - $groupPos1; break; } } } //get the second group size if(is_int($groupPos2)) $groupSize2 = $groupPos1 - $groupPos2-1; } if(is_int($decimalPos)) { for($i=strlen($pattern)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { if($pattern{$i} == $dot) break; if($pattern{$i} == $digit) { $decimalPoints = $i - $decimalPos; break; } } } $info['groupPos1'] = $groupPos1; $info['groupSize1'] = $groupSize1; $info['groupPos2'] = $groupPos2; $info['groupSize2'] = $groupSize2; $info['decimalPos'] = $decimalPos; $info['decimalPoints'] = $decimalPoints; return $info; } /** * Get the prefix and postfix of a pattern. * @param string pattern * @return array of prefix and postfix, array(prefix,postfix). */ protected function getPrePostfix($pattern) { $regexp = '/[#,\.0]+/'; $result = preg_split($regexp, $pattern); return array($result[0],$result[1]); } /** * Indicates the number of decimal places. * @return int number of decimal places. */ function getDecimalDigits() { return $this->pattern['decimalPoints']; } /** * Set the number of decimal places. * @param int number of decimal places. */ function setDecimalDigits($value) { return $this->pattern['decimalPoints'] = $value; } /** * Gets the string to use as the decimal separator. * @return string decimal separator. */ function getDecimalSeparator() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][0]; } /** * Set the string to use as the decimal separator. * @param string the decimal point */ function setDecimalSeparator($value) { return $this->data['NumberElements'][0] = $value; } /** * Gets the string that separates groups of digits to the left * of the decimal in currency values. * @param parameter * @return string currency group separator. */ function getGroupSeparator() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][1]; } /** * Set the string to use as the group separator. * @param string the group separator. */ function setGroupSeparator($value) { return $this->data['NumberElements'][1] = $value; } /** * Gets the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal * There can be two grouping sizes, this fucntion * returns <b>array(group1, group2)</b>, if there is only 1 grouping size, * group2 will be false. * @return array grouping size(s). */ function getGroupSizes() { $group1 = $this->pattern['groupSize1']; $group2 = $this->pattern['groupSize2']; return array($group1, $group2); } /** * Set the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal. * There can be two grouping sizes, the value should * be an <b>array(group1, group2)</b>, if there is only 1 grouping size, * group2 should be false. * @param array grouping size(s). */ function setGroupSizes($groupSize) { $this->pattern['groupSize1'] = $groupSize[0]; $this->pattern['groupSize2'] = $groupSize[1]; } /** * Gets the format pattern for negative values. * The negative pattern is composed of a prefix, and postfix. * This function returns <b>array(prefix, postfix)</b>. * @return arary negative pattern. */ function getNegativePattern() { $prefix = $this->pattern['negPref']; $postfix = $this->pattern['negPost']; return array($prefix, $postfix); } /** * Set the format pattern for negative values. * The negative pattern is composed of a prefix, and postfix in the form * <b>array(prefix, postfix)</b>. * @param arary negative pattern. */ function setNegativePattern($pattern) { $this->pattern['negPref'] = $pattern[0]; $this->pattern['negPost'] = $pattern[1]; } /** * Gets the format pattern for positive values. * The positive pattern is composed of a prefix, and postfix. * This function returns <b>array(prefix, postfix)</b>. * @return arary positive pattern. */ function getPositivePattern() { $prefix = $this->pattern['posPref']; $postfix = $this->pattern['posPost']; return array($prefix, $postfix); } /** * Set the format pattern for positive values. * The positive pattern is composed of a prefix, and postfix in the form * <b>array(prefix, postfix)</b>. * @param arary positive pattern. */ function setPositivePattern($pattern) { $this->pattern['posPref'] = $pattern[0]; $this->pattern['posPost'] = $pattern[1]; } /** * Gets the string to use as the currency symbol. * @return string currency symbol. */ function getCurrencySymbol($currency='USD') { if(isset($this->pattern['symbol'])) return $this->pattern['symbol']; else return $this->data['Currencies'][$currency][0]; } /** * Set the string to use as the currency symbol. * @param string currency symbol. */ function setCurrencySymbol($symbol) { $this->pattern['symbol'] = $symbol; } /** * Gets the string that represents negative infinity. * @return string negative infinity. */ function getNegativeInfinitySymbol() { return $this->pattern['negInfty']; } /** * Set the string that represents negative infinity. * @param string negative infinity. */ function setNegativeInfinitySymbol($value) { $this->pattern['negInfty'] = $value; } /** * Gets the string that represents positive infinity. * @return string positive infinity. */ function getPositiveInfinitySymbol() { return $this->pattern['posInfty']; } /** * Set the string that represents positive infinity. * @param string positive infinity. */ function setPositiveInfinitySymbol($value) { $this->pattern['posInfty'] = $value; } /** * Gets the string that denotes that the associated number is negative. * @return string negative sign. */ function getNegativeSign() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][6]; } /** * Set the string that denotes that the associated number is negative. * @param string negative sign. */ function setNegativeSign($value) { $this->data['NumberElements'][6] = $value; } /** * Gets the string that denotes that the associated number is positive. * @return string positive sign. */ function getPositiveSign() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][11]; } /** * Set the string that denotes that the associated number is positive. * @param string positive sign. */ function setPositiveSign($value) { $this->data['NumberElements'][11] = $value; } /** * Gets the string that represents the IEEE NaN (not a number) value. * @return string NaN symbol. */ function getNaNSymbol() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][10]; } /** * Set the string that represents the IEEE NaN (not a number) value. * @param string NaN symbol. */ function setNaNSymbol($value) { $this->data['NumberElements'][10] = $value; } /** * Gets the string to use as the percent symbol. * @return string percent symbol. */ function getPercentSymbol() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][3]; } /** * Set the string to use as the percent symbol. * @param string percent symbol. */ function setPercentSymbol($value) { $this->data['NumberElements'][3] = $value; } /** * Gets the string to use as the per mille symbol. * @return string percent symbol. */ function getPerMilleSymbol() { return $this->data['NumberElements'][8]; } /** * Set the string to use as the per mille symbol. * @param string percent symbol. */ function setPerMilleSymbol($value) { $this->data['NumberElements'][8] = $value; } } ?>