bitmask) */ protected $structure; public function __construct() { $this->result = array(); } /** * Map the object $object to the given $eventTypeMask, $eventSources and $eventCategories. * * Example: * * [ eventType x eventSource x eventCategory ] |-> [ object ] * * * @param int $eventTypeMask * @param array(string) $eventSources * @param array(string) $eventCategories * @param object $object * * @return void */ public function map( $eventTypeMask, $eventSources, $eventCategories, $object ) { $eventTypes = $this->getMaskArray( $eventTypeMask ); $result = array( $object ); if ( count( $eventTypes ) == 0 ) { $eventTypes = array( "*" ); } if ( count( $eventSources ) == 0 ) { $eventSources = array( "*" ); } if ( count( $eventCategories ) == 0) { $eventCategories = array( "*" ); } $c = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventCategories, $result ); $s = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventSources, $c ); $new = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventTypes, $s ); $this->mergeHash( $new, $this->structure, $history ); } /** * Unmap the object $object to the given $eventTypeMask, $eventSources and $eventCategories. * * @param int $eventTypeMask * @param array(string) $eventSources * @param array(string) $eventCategories * @param object $object * * @return void */ public function unmap( $eventTypeMask, $eventSources, $eventCategories, $object) { $eventTypes = $this->getMaskArray( $eventTypeMask ); $result = array( $object ); if ( count( $eventTypes ) == 0 ) { $eventTypes = array( "*" ); } if ( count( $eventSources ) == 0 ) { $eventSources = array( "*" ); } if ( count( $eventCategories ) == 0) { $eventCategories = array( "*" ); } $c = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventCategories, $result ); $s = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventSources, $c ); $new = $this->createMinimumHash( $eventTypes, $s ); $this->unmergeHash( $this->structure, $new, $history ); } /** * Fills the array $out with the keys $inKeys and the value $inValue. * * @param array inKeys * @param mixed $inValue * @param array &$out * @return array */ protected function createMinimumHash($inKeys, $inValue ) { foreach ( $inKeys as $key ) { $out[$key] = $inValue; } return $out; } /** * * * @return void **/ protected function mergeSingle( &$in, &$history ) { $extra = $this->get( $history[0], $history[1], $history[2] ); $extra = array_merge( $in, $extra ); $tmp =& $this->structure[$history[0]]; $tmp =& $tmp[$history[1]]; $tmp =& $tmp[$history[2]]; foreach ( $extra as $inKey => $inVal ) { if ( !isset( $tmp ) || !in_array( $inVal, $tmp ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $inKey ) ) { $tmp[] = $inVal; } else { $tmp[$inKey] =& $inVal; } } } } // XXX should change out.. the way it is now. protected function mergeHash( &$in, $out, &$history ) { $depth = count( $history ); if ( $depth == 3 ) { $this->mergeSingle( $in, $history ); } $i = 0; foreach ( $in as $inKey => $inVal ) { $history[$depth] = $inKey; if ( strcmp( $inKey, "*" ) == 0) { if ( is_array( $out ) ) { foreach ( $out as $outKey => $outVal ) { $history[$depth] = $outKey; $this->mergeHash( $in[$inKey], $out[$outKey], $history ); } } } $history[$depth] = $inKey; if ( is_array( $inVal ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $inKey ) ) { // FIXME $this->mergeHash( $in[$inKey], $out, $history ); } else { //$this->mergeHash( $in[$inKey], $out[$inKey], $history ); $this->mergeHash( $in[$inKey], $out, $history ); } } } array_pop( $history ); } // XXX: ugly, should get a rewrite. protected function unmergeHash( &$out, &$in, &$history ) { $depth = count( $history ); if ( $depth == 3 ) { foreach ( $in as $inKey => $inVal ) { if ( !isset( $out ) || in_array( $inVal, $out ) ) { if ( is_array( $out ) ) { foreach ( $out as $outKey => $outVal ) { if ( $outVal === $inVal ) { unset( $out[$outKey] ); $result = true; } } } } } } foreach ( $in as $inKey => $inVal ) { $history[$depth] = $inKey; if ( strcmp( $inKey, "*" ) == 0) { if ( is_array( $out ) ) { foreach ( $out as $outKey => $outVal ) { $this->unmergeHash( $out[$outKey], $in[$inKey], $history ); } } } if ( is_array( $inVal ) ) { $this->unmergeHash( $out[$inKey], $in[$inKey], $history ); } } array_pop( $history ); } /** * Returns the bits set in $mask as separate values in an array. * * @return array(int) */ protected function getMaskArray( $mask ) { $result = array(); $input = 1; while ( $input <= $mask ) { if ( $mask & $input ) { $result[] = $input; } $input <<= 1; } return $result; } /** * Returns an array with objects are mapped to the key generated by $eventType, $eventSource and $eventCategory. * * The eventType is an integer from in the range: 2^x with x -> N+. * (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... ) * * @param int $eventType * @param string $eventSource * @param string $eventCategory * @return array(object). */ public function get( $eventType, $eventSource, $eventCategory) { $tmp = $this->structure; if ( isset( $tmp[$eventType] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp[$eventType]; } else if ( isset( $tmp [ "*" ] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp["*"]; } else { return array(); } if ( isset( $tmp[$eventSource] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp[$eventSource]; } else if ( isset( $tmp [ "*" ] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp["*"]; } else { return array(); } if ( isset( $tmp[$eventCategory] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp[$eventCategory]; } else if ( isset( $tmp [ "*" ] ) ) { $tmp = $tmp["*"]; } else { return array(); } return $tmp; } public function printStructure() { $this->printStructureRecursive( $this->structure, $history = array() ); } protected function printStructureRecursive( $structure, &$history ) { $depth = count( $history ); if ( $depth == 3 ) { $tmp =& $this->structure[$history[0]]; $tmp =& $tmp[$history[1]]; $tmp =& $tmp[$history[2]]; if ( isset( $tmp ) ) { foreach ( $tmp as $key => $val ) { echo $history[0] . " " . $history[1] . " " . $history[2] . " [ $key => $val ]\n"; } } return; } foreach ( $structure as $key => $val ) { $history[$depth] = $key; $this->printStructureRecursive( $structure, $history ); } } } ?>