* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Security */ namespace Prado\Security; /** * TAuthorizationRule class * * TAuthorizationRule represents a single authorization rule. * A rule is specified by an action (required), a list of users (optional), * a list of roles (optional), a verb (optional), and a list of IP rules (optional). * Action can be either 'allow' or 'deny'. * Guest (anonymous, unauthenticated) users are represented by question mark '?'. * All users (including guest users) are represented by asterisk '*'. * Authenticated users are represented by '@'. * Users/roles are case-insensitive. * Different users/roles are separated by comma ','. * Verb can be either 'get' or 'post'. If it is absent, it means both. * IP rules are separated by comma ',' and can contain wild card in the rules (e.g. ', 192.122.*.*') * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Security * @since 3.0 */ class TAuthorizationRule extends TComponent { /** * @var string action, either 'allow' or 'deny' */ private $_action; /** * @var array list of user IDs */ private $_users; /** * @var array list of roles */ private $_roles; /** * @var string verb, may be empty, 'get', or 'post'. */ private $_verb; /** * @var string IP patterns */ private $_ipRules; /** * @var boolean if this rule applies to everyone */ private $_everyone; /** * @var boolean if this rule applies to guest user */ private $_guest; /** * @var boolean if this rule applies to authenticated users */ private $_authenticated; /** * Constructor. * @param string action, either 'deny' or 'allow' * @param string a comma separated user list * @param string a comma separated role list * @param string verb, can be empty, 'get', or 'post' * @param string IP rules (separated by comma, can contain wild card *) */ public function __construct($action,$users,$roles,$verb='',$ipRules='') { $action=strtolower(trim($action)); if($action==='allow' || $action==='deny') $this->_action=$action; else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('authorizationrule_action_invalid',$action); $this->_users=array(); $this->_roles=array(); $this->_ipRules=array(); $this->_everyone=false; $this->_guest=false; $this->_authenticated=false; if(trim($users)==='') $users='*'; foreach(explode(',',$users) as $user) { if(($user=trim(strtolower($user)))!=='') { if($user==='*') { $this->_everyone=true; break; } else if($user==='?') $this->_guest=true; else if($user==='@') $this->_authenticated=true; else $this->_users[]=$user; } } if(trim($roles)==='') $roles='*'; foreach(explode(',',$roles) as $role) { if(($role=trim(strtolower($role)))!=='') $this->_roles[]=$role; } if(($verb=trim(strtolower($verb)))==='') $verb='*'; if($verb==='*' || $verb==='get' || $verb==='post') $this->_verb=$verb; else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('authorizationrule_verb_invalid',$verb); if(trim($ipRules)==='') $ipRules='*'; foreach(explode(',',$ipRules) as $ipRule) { if(($ipRule=trim($ipRule))!=='') $this->_ipRules[]=$ipRule; } } /** * @return string action, either 'allow' or 'deny' */ public function getAction() { return $this->_action; } /** * @return array list of user IDs */ public function getUsers() { return $this->_users; } /** * @return array list of roles */ public function getRoles() { return $this->_roles; } /** * @return string verb, may be empty, 'get', or 'post'. */ public function getVerb() { return $this->_verb; } /** * @return array list of IP rules. * @since 3.1.1 */ public function getIPRules() { return $this->_ipRules; } /** * @return boolean if this rule applies to everyone */ public function getGuestApplied() { return $this->_guest || $this->_everyone; } /** * @return boolean if this rule applies to everyone */ public function getEveryoneApplied() { return $this->_everyone; } /** * @return boolean if this rule applies to authenticated users */ public function getAuthenticatedApplied() { return $this->_authenticated || $this->_everyone; } /** * @param IUser the user object * @param string the request verb (GET, PUT) * @param string the request IP address * @return integer 1 if the user is allowed, -1 if the user is denied, 0 if the rule does not apply to the user */ public function isUserAllowed(IUser $user,$verb,$ip) { if($this->isVerbMatched($verb) && $this->isIpMatched($ip) && $this->isUserMatched($user) && $this->isRoleMatched($user)) return ($this->_action==='allow')?1:-1; else return 0; } private function isIpMatched($ip) { if(empty($this->_ipRules)) return 1; foreach($this->_ipRules as $rule) { if($rule==='*' || $rule===$ip || (($pos=strpos($rule,'*'))!==false && strncmp($ip,$rule,$pos)===0)) return 1; } return 0; } private function isUserMatched($user) { return ($this->_everyone || ($this->_guest && $user->getIsGuest()) || ($this->_authenticated && !$user->getIsGuest()) || in_array(strtolower($user->getName()),$this->_users)); } private function isRoleMatched($user) { foreach($this->_roles as $role) { if($role==='*' || $user->isInRole($role)) return true; } return false; } private function isVerbMatched($verb) { return ($this->_verb==='*' || strcasecmp($verb,$this->_verb)===0); } }