<?php /** * IUser interface. * * This interface must be implemented by user objects. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Security * @since 3.0 */ interface IUser { public function getManager(); public function getName(); public function setName($value); public function getIsGuest(); public function setIsGuest($value); public function getRoles(); public function setRoles($value); /** * @param string role to be tested * @return boolean whether the user is of this role */ public function isInRole($role); public function saveToString(); public function loadFromString($string); } class TUser extends TComponent implements IUser { private $_manager; private $_isGuest=false; private $_name=''; private $_roles=array(); public function __construct($manager=null) { parent::__construct(); $this->_manager=$manager; } public function getManager() { return $this->_manager; } public function getName() { return $this->_name; } public function setName($value) { $this->_name=$value; } public function getIsGuest() { return $this->_isGuest; } public function setIsGuest($value) { $this->_isGuest=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); if($this->_isGuest) { $this->_name=$this->_manager->getGuestName(); $this->_roles=array(); } } public function getRoles() { return $this->_roles; } public function setRoles($value) { if(is_array($value)) $this->_roles=$value; else { $this->_roles=array(); foreach(explode(',',$value) as $role) $this->_roles[]=trim($value); } } public function isInRole($role) { return in_array($role,$this->_roles); } public function saveToString() { return serialize(array($this->_name,$this->_roles,$this->_isGuest)); } public function loadFromString($data) { if(!empty($data)) { $array=unserialize($data); $this->_name=$array[0]; $this->_roles=$array[1]; $this->_isGuest=$array[2]; } return $this; } } class TUserManager extends TComponent implements IModule { private $_id; private $_users=array(); private $_guestName='Guest'; private $_passwordMode='MD5'; public function init($application,$config) { foreach($config->getElementsByTagName('user') as $node) $this->_users[$node->getAttribute('name')]=$node->getAttribute('password'); } public function getID() { return $this->_id; } public function setID($value) { $this->_id=$value; } public function getGuestName() { return $this->_guestName; } public function setGuestName($value) { $this->_guestName=$value; } public function getPasswordMode() { return $this->_passwordMode; } public function setPasswordMode($value) { $this->_passwordMode=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,array('Clear','MD5','SHA1')); } public function validateUser($username,$password) { if($this->_passwordMode==='MD5') $password=md5($password); else if($this->_passwordMode==='SHA1') $password=sha1($password); return (isset($this->_users[$username]) && $this->_users[$username]===$password); } public function logout($user) { $user->setIsGuest(true); $user->setName($this->getGuestName()); } public function getUser($username=null) { if($username===null) { $user=new TUser($this); $user->setIsGuest($username===null); return $user; } else if(isset($this->_users[$username])) { $user=new TUser($this); $user->setName($username); return $user; } else return null; } } ?>