<?php /** * TApplication class file * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System */ /** * Includes TPageService class (default service) */ require_once(PRADO_DIR.'/Web/Services/TPageService.php'); /** * TApplication class. * * TApplication coordinates modules and services, and serves as a configuration * context for all Prado components. * * TApplication adopts a modular structure. A TApplication instance is a composition * of multiple modules. A module is an instance of class implementing * {@link IModule} interface. Each module accomplishes certain functionalities * that are shared by all Prado components in an application. * There are default modules and user-defined modules. The latter offers extreme * flexibility of extending TApplication in a plug-and-play fashion. * Modules cooperate with each other to serve a user request by following * a sequence of lifecycles predefined in TApplication. * * TApplication dispatches each user request to a particular service which * finishes the actual work for the request with the aid from the application * modules. * * TApplication uses a configuration file to specify the settings of * the application, the modules, the services, the parameters, and so on. * * Examples: * <code> * $application=new TApplication($configFile); * $application->run(); * </code> * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System * @since 3.0 */ class TApplication extends TComponent implements IApplication { /** * Default service ID */ const DEFAULT_SERVICE='page'; /** * @var array list of events that define application lifecycles */ private static $_steps=array( 'BeginRequest', 'Authentication', 'PostAuthentication', 'Authorization', 'PostAuthorization', 'LoadState', 'PostLoadState', 'PreRunService', 'RunService', 'PostRunService', 'SaveState', 'PostSaveState', 'EndRequest' ); /** * @var array list of types that the named modules must be of */ private static $_moduleTypes=array( 'request'=>'THttpRequest', 'response'=>'THttpResponse', 'session'=>'THttpSession', 'cache'=>'ICache', 'error'=>'IErrorHandler' ); /** * @var string application ID */ private $_id; /** * @var string unique application ID */ private $_uniqueID; /** * @var boolean whether the request is completed */ private $_requestCompleted=false; /** * @var integer application state */ private $_step; /** * @var IService current service instance */ private $_service; /** * @var array list of application modules */ private $_modules; /** * @var TMap list of application parameters */ private $_parameters; /** * @var string configuration file */ private $_configFile; /** * @var string cache file */ private $_cacheFile; /** * @var string user type */ private $_userType='System.Security.TUser'; /** * @var IUser user instance */ private $_user=null; /** * Constructor. * Loads application configuration and initializes application. * If a cache is specified and present, it will be used instead of the configuration file. * If the cache file is specified but is not present, the configuration file * will be parsed and the result is saved in the cache file. * @param string configuration file path (absolute or relative to current running script) * @param string cache file path */ public function __construct($configFile,$cacheFile='') { parent::__construct(); Prado::setApplication($this); if(($this->_configFile=realpath($configFile))===false) throw new TIOException('application_configfile_invalid',$configFile); $this->_cacheFile=$cacheFile; } /** * Executes the lifecycles of the application. */ public function run() { try { $this->initApplication($this->_configFile,$this->_cacheFile); $n=count(self::$_steps); $this->_step=0; $this->_requestCompleted=false; while($this->_step<$n) { $method='on'.self::$_steps[$this->_step]; $this->$method(null); if($this->_requestCompleted && $this->_step<$n-1) $this->_step=$n-1; else $this->_step++; } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->onError($e); } } /** * Completes current request processing. * This method can be used to exit the application lifecycles after finishing * the current cycle. */ public function completeRequest() { $this->_requestCompleted=true; } /** * @return string application ID */ public function getID() { return $this->_id; } /** * @param string application ID */ public function setID($value) { $this->_id=$value; } /** * @return string an ID that unique identifies this Prado application from the others */ public function getUniqueID() { return $this->_uniqueID; } /** * @return string configuration file path */ public function getConfigurationFile() { return $this->_configFile; } /** * @return IService the currently requested service */ public function getService() { return $this->_service; } /** * Adds a module to application. * Note, this method does not do module initialization. * Also, if there is already a module with the same ID, an exception will be raised. * @param string ID of the module * @param IModule module object * @throws TInvalidOperationException if a module with the same ID already exists */ public function setModule($id,IModule $module) { if(isset($this->_modules[$id])) throw new TInvalidOperationException('application_module_existing',$id); else $this->_modules[$id]=$module; } /** * @return IModule the module with the specified ID, null if not found */ public function getModule($id) { return isset($this->_modules[$id])?$this->_modules[$id]:null; } /** * @return array list of loaded application modules, indexed by module IDs */ public function getModules() { return $this->_modules; } /** * @return TMap the list of application parameters */ public function getParameters() { return $this->_parameters; } /** * @return THttpRequest the request object */ public function getRequest() { return isset($this->_modules['request'])?$this->_modules['request']:null; } /** * @return THttpResponse the response object */ public function getResponse() { return isset($this->_modules['response'])?$this->_modules['response']:null; } /** * @return THttpSession the session object */ public function getSession() { return isset($this->_modules['session'])?$this->_modules['session']:null; } /** * @return ICache the cache object, null if not exists */ public function getCache() { return isset($this->_modules['cache'])?$this->_modules['cache']:null; } /** * @return IErrorHandler the error hanlder module */ public function getErrorHandler() { return isset($this->_modules['error'])?$this->_modules['error']:null; } /** * @return IRoleProvider provider for user auth management */ public function getAuthManager() { return isset($this->_modules['auth'])?$this->_modules['auth']:null; } /** * @return IUser the application user */ public function getUser() { return $this->_user; } /** * @param IUser the application user */ public function setUser(IUser $user) { $this->_user=$user; } /** * Loads configuration and initializes application. * Configuration file will be read and parsed (if a valid cache version exists, * it will be used instead). Then, modules are created and initialized; * The requested service is created and initialized. * @param string configuration file path (absolute or relative to current executing script) * @param string cache file path, empty if no present or needed * @throws TConfigurationException if config file is not given, or module is redefined of invalid type, or service not defined or of invalid type */ protected function initApplication($configFile,$cacheFile) { if($cacheFile==='' || @filemtime($cacheFile)<filemtime($configFile)) { $config=new TApplicationConfiguration; if(empty($configFile)) throw new TConfigurationException('application_configfile_required'); $config->loadFromFile($configFile); if($cacheFile!=='') { if(($fp=fopen($cacheFile,'wb'))!==false) { fputs($fp,Prado::serialize($config)); fclose($fp); } else syslog(LOG_WARNING,'Prado application config cache file '.$cacheFile.' cannot be created.'); } } else { $config=Prado::unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile)); } // generates unique ID by hashing the configuration file path $this->_uniqueID=md5(realpath($configFile)); // set path aliases and using namespaces foreach($config->getAliases() as $alias=>$path) Prado::setPathOfAlias($alias,$path); foreach($config->getUsings() as $using) Prado::using($using); // set application properties foreach($config->getProperties() as $name=>$value) $this->setSubProperty($name,$value); // load parameters $this->_parameters=new TMap; foreach($config->getParameters() as $id=>$parameter) { if(is_string($parameter)) $this->_parameters->add($id,$parameter); else { $component=Prado::createComponent($parameter[0]); foreach($parameter[1] as $name=>$value) $component->setSubProperty($name,$value); $this->_parameters->add($id,$component); } } // load and init modules specified in app config $this->_modules=array(); foreach($config->getModules() as $id=>$moduleConfig) { if(isset($this->_modules[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('application_module_redefined',$id); $module=Prado::createComponent($moduleConfig[0]); if(isset(self::$_moduleTypes[$id]) && !($module instanceof self::$_moduleTypes[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('application_module_invalid',$id,self::$_moduleTypes[$id]); $this->_modules[$id]=$module; foreach($moduleConfig[1] as $name=>$value) $module->setSubProperty($name,$value); $module->init($this,$moduleConfig[2]); } if(($serviceID=$this->getRequest()->getServiceID())===null) $serviceID=self::DEFAULT_SERVICE; if(($serviceConfig=$config->getService($serviceID))!==null) { $service=Prado::createComponent($serviceConfig[0]); if(!($service instanceof IService)) throw new TConfigurationException('application_service_invalid',$serviceID); $this->_service=$service; foreach($serviceConfig[1] as $name=>$value) $service->setSubProperty($name,$value); $service->init($this,$serviceConfig[2]); $this->attachEventHandler('RunService',array($service,'run')); } else throw new TConfigurationException('application_service_unknown',$serviceID); } /** * Raises Error event. * This method is invoked when an exception is raised during the lifecycles * of the application. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onError($param) { if($this->hasEventHandler('Error')) $this->raiseEvent('Error',$this,$param); else echo $param; } /** * Raises BeginRequest event. * At the time when this method is invoked, application modules are loaded * and initialized, user request is resolved and the corresponding service * is loaded and initialized. The application is about to start processing * the user request. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onBeginRequest($param) { $this->raiseEvent('BeginRequest',$this,$param); } /** * Raises Authentication event. * This method is invoked when the user request needs to be authenticated. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onAuthentication($param) { $this->raiseEvent('Authentication',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PostAuthentication event. * This method is invoked right after the user request is authenticated. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPostAuthentication($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PostAuthentication',$this,$param); } /** * Raises Authorization event. * This method is invoked when the user request needs to be authorized. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onAuthorization($param) { $this->raiseEvent('Authorization',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PostAuthorization event. * This method is invoked right after the user request is authorized. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPostAuthorization($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PostAuthorization',$this,$param); } /** * Raises LoadState event. * This method is invoked when the application needs to load state (probably stored in session). * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onLoadState($param) { $this->raiseEvent('LoadState',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PostLoadState event. * This method is invoked right after the application state has been loaded. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPostLoadState($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PostLoadState',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PreRunService event. * This method is invoked right before the service is to be run. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPreRunService($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PreRunService',$this,$param); } /** * Raises RunService event. * This method is invoked when the service runs. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onRunService($param) { $this->raiseEvent('RunService',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PostRunService event. * This method is invoked right after the servie is run. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPostRunService($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PostRunService',$this,$param); } /** * Raises SaveState event. * This method is invoked when the application needs to save state (probably stored in session). * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onSaveState($param) { $this->raiseEvent('SaveState',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PostSaveState event. * This method is invoked right after the application state has been saved. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPostSaveState($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PostSaveState',$this,$param); } /** * Raises EndRequest event. * This method is invoked when the application completes the processing of the request. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onEndRequest($param) { $this->raiseEvent('EndRequest',$this,$param); } } /** * TApplicationConfiguration class. * * This class is used internally by TApplication to parse and represent application configuration. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System * @since 3.0 */ class TApplicationConfiguration extends TComponent { /** * @var array list of application initial property values, indexed by property names */ private $_properties=array(); /** * @var array list of namespaces to be used */ private $_usings=array(); /** * @var array list of path aliases, indexed by alias names */ private $_aliases=array(); /** * @var array list of module configurations */ private $_modules=array( 'request'=>array('THttpRequest',array(),null), 'response'=>array('THttpResponse',array(),null), 'error'=>array('TErrorHandler',array(),null) ); /** * @var array list of service configurations */ private $_services=array( 'page'=>array('TPageService',array(),null) ); /** * @var array list of parameters */ private $_parameters=array(); /** * Parses the application configuration file. * @param string configuration file name * @throws TConfigurationException if config file cannot be read or any parsing error is found */ public function loadFromFile($fname) { if(!is_file($fname)) throw new TConfigurationException('application_configuration_inexistent',$fname); $configPath=dirname($fname); $dom=new TXmlDocument; $dom->loadFromFile($fname); // application properties foreach($dom->getAttributes() as $name=>$value) $this->_properties[$name]=$value; // paths if(($pathsNode=$dom->getElementByTagName('paths'))!==null) { foreach($pathsNode->getElementsByTagName('alias') as $aliasNode) { if(($id=$aliasNode->getAttribute('id'))!==null && ($path=$aliasNode->getAttribute('path'))!==null) { $path=str_replace('\\','/',$path); if(preg_match('/^\\/|.:\\/|.:\\\\/',$path)) // if absolute path $p=realpath($path); else $p=realpath($configPath.'/'.$path); if($p===false || !is_dir($p)) throw new TConfigurationException('application_alias_path_invalid',$id,$path); $this->_aliases[$id]=$p; } else throw new TConfigurationException('application_alias_element_invalid'); } foreach($pathsNode->getElementsByTagName('using') as $usingNode) { if(($namespace=$usingNode->getAttribute('namespace'))!==null) $this->_usings[]=$namespace; else throw new TConfigurationException('application_using_element_invalid'); } } // application modules if(($modulesNode=$dom->getElementByTagName('modules'))!==null) { foreach($modulesNode->getElementsByTagName('module') as $node) { $properties=$node->getAttributes(); if(($id=$properties->itemAt('id'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('application_module_element_invalid'); if(($type=$properties->remove('type'))===null && isset($this->_modules[$id]) && $this->_modules[$id][2]===null) { $type=$this->_modules[$id][0]; unset($this->_modules[$id]); } if($type===null) throw new TConfigurationException('application_module_element_invalid'); if(isset($this->_modules[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('application_module_redefined',$id); else { $node->setParent(null); $this->_modules[$id]=array($type,$properties->toArray(),$node); } } } // services if(($servicesNode=$dom->getElementByTagName('services'))!==null) { foreach($servicesNode->getElementsByTagName('service') as $node) { $properties=$node->getAttributes(); if(($id=$properties->itemAt('id'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('application_service_element_invalid'); if(($type=$properties->remove('type'))===null && isset($this->_services[$id]) && $this->_services[$id][2]===null) { $type=$this->_services[$id][0]; unset($this->_services[$id]); } if($type===null) throw new TConfigurationException('application_service_element_invalid'); if(isset($this->_services[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('application_service_redefined',$id); else { $node->setParent(null); $this->_services[$id]=array($type,$properties->toArray(),$node); } } } // parameters if(($parametersNode=$dom->getElementByTagName('parameters'))!==null) { foreach($parametersNode->getElementsByTagName('parameter') as $node) { $properties=$node->getAttributes(); if(($id=$properties->remove('id'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('application_parameter_element_invalid'); if(($type=$properties->remove('type'))===null) $this->_parameters[$id]=$node->getValue(); else $this->_parameters[$id]=array($type,$properties->toArray()); } } } /** * @return array list of application initial property values, indexed by property names */ public function getProperties() { return $this->_properties; } /** * @return array list of path aliases, indexed by alias names */ public function getAliases() { return $this->_aliases; } /** * @return array list of namespaces to be used */ public function getUsings() { return $this->_usings; } /** * @return array list of module configurations */ public function getModules() { return $this->_modules; } /** * @return array list of service configurations */ public function getService($id) { return isset($this->_services[$id])?$this->_services[$id]:null; } /** * @return array list of parameters */ public function getParameters() { return $this->_parameters; } } ?>