how to properly encode a URL (e.g. used in javascript or css includes) how to display context information for template parsing and instantiation? File name? line number? how to do this for Theme (skin files)? think more about encoding/decoding <%@ MasterClass="Pages.MasterPage" %> Features to be implemented later: - SmartNavigation: TForm, TPage Main Problems: 1. How to solve viewstate ID mapping problems? What if a control has changed its ID before saving viewstate? 5. What if in a getter, it needs to address a sibling or child control? 6. learn more details about WebParts When a page is requested, 2.0 does the following - application creates the page instance by new operator - application invokes page.processrequest - page.frameworkinitialize is invoked - ... ControlBuilder.InitObject(page) - ... ... set SkinID - ... ... apply stylesheet skin - ... ... init simple properties (basic property types) - ... ... init complex proprerties (e.g. Font-Name), may need to call InitObject on Font - ... ... init data bindings - ... ... call BuildChildren if item implements IParserAccessor (Control implements it) - ... ... ... for each body item - ... ... ... ... get the control builder for the control class - ... ... ... ... call ControlBuilder.BuildObject - ... ... ... ... ... call InitObject - ... ... ... ... if it is user control (control with template) - ... ... ... ... ... call UserControl.InitializeAsUserControl(page) - ... ... ... ... ... ... call frameworkinitialize (won't call InitObject anymore) - ... ... ... ... call control.AddParsedSubObject(item) - ... ... init template properties (should be a property with template type, will use TemplateBuilder to build the object) - ... ... bind field to control (pass some fields from TemplateControl to the new control) How is a UserControl initialized if created dynamically? - ... InitializeAsUserControl invoked in OnInit (which will be caught up if the control is dynamically created) Findings: Control lifecycles: const CS_CONSTRUCTED=0; // after constructor const CS_FRAMEWORK_INITIALIZED=1; // after children created and properties set const CS_CHILDREN_INITIALIZED=2; // right before OnInit (also before applySkin, but after children OnInit) const CS_INITIALIZED=3; // right after OnInit const CS_STATE_LOADED=4; // right after loading state const CS_LOADED=5; // right after loaded const CS_PRERENDERED=6; // right after prerender stylesheet is applied before setting control properties (after skinID is set) skin is applied right before OnInit ControlBuilder is responsible to call AddParsedSubObject Its BuildChildren is My understanding of lifecycles: Page constructed (using new operator) Page.ProcessRequest Page.FrameworkInitialize Page.InitializeStyleSheet Page.determinePostBackMode Page.loadScrollPosition Page.performPreInit Page.initRecursive Page.onInitComplete Page.loadAllState Page.processPostData Page.onPreLoad Page.loadRecursive Page.processPostData Page.raiseChangedEvents Page.raisePostBackEvent Page.onLoadComplete Page.raiseCallBackEvent -> exit Page.preRenderRecursive Page.performPreRenderComplete Page.saveAllState Page.onSaveStateComplete Page.renderControl Page.unloadRecursive Possible solution for SkinID: setting SkinID will cause skin change immediately. With control hierarchy storing: Page constructed (template parsed but not instantiated) Page.loadAllState <---- page state totally restored Page.loadRecursive Page.processPostData Page.raiseChangedEvents Page.raisePostBackEvent or Page.raiseCallBackEvent Page.preRenderRecursive Page.saveAllState Page.renderControl Page.unloadRecursive Page constructed Page.frameworkInitialize (instantiating template) Page.initRecursive Page.saveAllState Page.renderControl Page.unloadRecursive edit distance. (UIUC) Jiawei Han: graph similarity mining module service? page service? index.php? TODOs renderer?? Dispose -->> viewstate id-based or index-based, structure keeping?? <<-- HttpContext, url/path template path adapter parser class metadata attributes: e.g. the body content of a control can be parsed as child controls, or property values or list items Imagine a usecase (hmmm...could have problem....) How to specify two list properties for a single control? <com:TListBox> <ID>abc</ID> <Items> <ListItem Value="yyy">xxx</ListItem> <ListItem>yyy</ListItem> </Items> </com:TListBox> how to define a control with template?? TemplateControl.LoadControl or LoadTemplate is used for controls that allows taking template contents for their attributes. UserControl! starting from the template instead of class idNotCalculated = 1; marked = 2; disableViewState = 4; controlsCreated = 8; invisible = 0x10; visibleDirty = 0x20; idNotRequired = 0x40; isNamingContainer = 0x80; creatingControls = 0x100; notVisibleOnPage = 0x200; themeApplied = 0x400; mustRenderID = 0x800; disableTheming = 0x1000; enableThemingSet = 0x2000; styleSheetApplied = 0x4000; controlAdapterResolved = 0x8000; designMode = 0x10000; designModeChecked = 0x20000; disableChildControlState = 0x40000; isWebControlDisabled = 0x80000; controlStateApplied = 0x100000; useGeneratedID = 0x200000; TODO: clean up ID, namingcontainer things: A control can be added into page hierarchy in the following ways - newly created in template - manual ID - need automatic ID - dynamically created in code - manual ID - need automatic ID - a previously removed control - manual ID - need automatic ID When a control changes its ID, the following things are necessary: - If it is a namingContainer - all its descendant must update their unique ID - If it is a normal control, nothing needs to be done - In both cases, the namingContainer's nametable has to be updated When a control changes its page, ...? - All its children have to change the page too When a control changes its parent, ...? - This is like remvoedControl + addedControl. When a control changes its namingcontainer ...? - All its child controls have to change namingcontainer recursively The old namingContainer nametable must also be changed recursively. When a control changes its templateControl...?? - Nothing to be done. ControlState ============ Constructed Initialized ViewStateLoaded Loaded PreRendered 2.0 lifecycles ======================== Application: BeginRequest Application: PreAuthenticateRequest Application: AuthenticateRequest Application: PostAuthenticateRequest Application: PreAuthorizeRequest Application: AuthorizeRequest Application: PostAuthorizeRequest Application: PreResolveRequestCache Application: ResolveRequestCache Application: PostResolveRequestCache Application: PreMapRequestHandler Page: Construct Application: PostMapRequestHandler Application: PreAcquireRequestState Application: AcquireRequestState Application: PostAcquireRequestState Application: PreRequestHandlerExecute Page: AddParsedSubObject Page: CreateControlCollection Page: AddedControl Page: AddParsedSubObject Page: AddedControl Page: ResolveAdapter Page: DeterminePostBackMode Page: PreInit Control: ResolveAdapter Control: Init Control: TrackViewState Page: Init Page: TrackViewState Page: InitComplete Page: LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium Control: LoadViewState Page: EnsureChildControls Page: CreateChildControls Page: PreLoad Page: Load Control: DataBind Control: Load Page: EnsureChildControls Page: LoadComplete Page: EnsureChildControls Page: PreRender Control: EnsureChildControls Control: PreRender Page: PreRenderComplete Page: SaveViewState Control: SaveViewState Page: SaveViewState Control: SaveViewState Page: SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium Page: SaveStateComplete Page: CreateHtmlTextWriter Page: RenderControl Page: Render Page: RenderChildren Control: RenderControl Page: VerifyRenderingInServerForm Page: CreateHtmlTextWriter Control: Unload Control: Dispose Page: Unload Page: Dispose Application: PostRequestHandlerExecute Application: PreReleaseRequestState Application: ReleaseRequestState Application: PostReleaseRequestState Application: PreUpdateRequestCache Application: UpdateRequestCache Application: PostUpdateRequestCache Application: EndRequest Application: PreSendRequestHeaders Application: PreSendRequestContent