 * CMsCommandBuilder class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

prado::using ('System.Testing.Data.schame.TDbCommandBuilder');

 * TMssqlCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for tables for Mssql Servers.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id: TMssqlCommandBuilder.php 2679 2009-06-15 07:49:42Z Christophe.Boulain $
 * @package System.Testing.Data.schema.mssql
 * @since 1.0.4
class TMssqlCommandBuilder extends TDbCommandBuilder
	 * Returns the last insertion ID for the specified table.
	 * Override parent implemantation since PDO mssql driver does not provide this method
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @return mixed last insertion id. Null is returned if no sequence name.
	public function getLastInsertID($table)
			return $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand('SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()')->queryScalar();
			return null;

	 * Creates a COUNT(*) command for a single table.
	 * Override parent implementation to remove the order clause of criteria if it exists
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria
	 * @return TDbCommand query command.
	public function createCountCommand($table,$criteria)
		return parent::createCountCommand($table, $criteria);

	 * Creates a SELECT command for a single table.
	 * Override parent implementation to check if an orderby clause if specified when querying with an offset
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria
	 * @return TDbCommand query command.
	public function createFindCommand($table,$criteria)
		return parent::createFindCommand($table,$criteria);


	 * Creates an UPDATE command.
	 * Override parent implementation because mssql don't want to update an identity column
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @param array list of columns to be updated (name=>value)
	 * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria
	 * @return TDbCommand update command.
	public function createUpdateCommand($table,$data,$criteria)
		foreach($data as $name=>$value)
				if ($table->sequenceName !== null && $column->isPrimaryKey === true) continue;
				if($value instanceof TDbExpression)
				else if($bindByPosition)
			throw new TDbException('No columns are being updated for table "{0}".',
		$sql="UPDATE {$table->rawName} SET ".implode(', ',$fields);


		return $command;

	 * Creates a DELETE command.
	 * Override parent implementation to check if an orderby clause if specified when querying with an offset
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria
	 * @return TDbCommand delete command.
	public function createDeleteCommand($table,$criteria)
		$criteria=$this->checkCriteria($table, $criteria);
		return parent::createDeleteCommand($table, $criteria);

	 * Creates an UPDATE command that increments/decrements certain columns.
	 * Override parent implementation to check if an orderby clause if specified when querying with an offset
	 * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata
	 * @param TDbCriteria the query criteria
	 * @param array counters to be updated (counter increments/decrements indexed by column names.)
	 * @return TDbCommand the created command
	 * @throws CException if no counter is specified
	public function createUpdateCounterCommand($table,$counters,$criteria)
		$criteria=$this->checkCriteria($table, $criteria);
		return parent::createUpdateCounterCommand($table, $counters, $criteria);

	 * This is a port from Prado Framework.
	 * Overrides parent implementation. Alters the sql to apply $limit and $offset.
	 * The idea for limit with offset is done by modifying the sql on the fly
	 * with numerous assumptions on the structure of the sql string.
	 * The modification is done with reference to the notes from
	 * http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit-offset
	 * <code>
	 *  SELECT TOP n * FROM (
	 *    SELECT TOP z columns      -- (z=n+skip)
	 *    FROM tablename
	 *    ORDER BY key ASC
	 *  ) AS FOO ORDER BY key DESC -- ('FOO' may be anything)
	 * ) AS BAR ORDER BY key ASC    -- ('BAR' may be anything)
	 * </code>
	 * <b>Regular expressions are used to alter the SQL query. The resulting SQL query
	 * may be malformed for complex queries.</b> The following restrictions apply
	 * <ul>
	 *   <li>
	 * In particular, <b>commas</b> should <b>NOT</b>
	 * be used as part of the ordering expression or identifier. Commas must only be
	 * used for separating the ordering clauses.
	 *  </li>
	 *  <li>
	 * In the ORDER BY clause, the column name should NOT be be qualified
	 * with a table name or view name. Alias the column names or use column index.
	 * </li>
	 * <li>
	 * No clauses should follow the ORDER BY clause, e.g. no COMPUTE or FOR clauses.
	 * </li>
	 * @param string SQL query string.
	 * @param integer maximum number of rows, -1 to ignore limit.
	 * @param integer row offset, -1 to ignore offset.
	 * @return string SQL with limit and offset.
	 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
	public function applyLimit($sql, $limit, $offset)
		$limit = $limit!==null ? intval($limit) : -1;
		$offset = $offset!==null ? intval($offset) : -1;
		if ($limit > 0 && $offset <= 0) //just limit
			$sql = preg_replace('/^([\s(])*SELECT( DISTINCT)?(?!\s*TOP\s*\()/i',"\\1SELECT\\2 TOP $limit", $sql);
		else if($limit > 0 && $offset > 0)
			$sql = $this->rewriteLimitOffsetSql($sql, $limit,$offset);
		return $sql;

	 * Rewrite sql to apply $limit > and $offset > 0 for MSSQL database.
	 * See http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/#select-limit-offset
	 * @param string sql query
	 * @param integer $limit > 0
	 * @param integer $offset > 0
	 * @return sql modified sql query applied with limit and offset.
	 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
	protected function rewriteLimitOffsetSql($sql, $limit, $offset)
		$fetch = $limit+$offset;
		$sql = preg_replace('/^([\s(])*SELECT( DISTINCT)?(?!\s*TOP\s*\()/i',"\\1SELECT\\2 TOP $fetch", $sql);
		$ordering = $this->findOrdering($sql);

		$orginalOrdering = $this->joinOrdering($ordering);
		$reverseOrdering = $this->joinOrdering($this->reverseDirection($ordering));
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP {$limit} * FROM ($sql) as [__inner top table__] {$reverseOrdering}) as [__outer top table__] {$orginalOrdering}";
		return $sql;

	 * Base on simplified syntax http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa259187(SQL.80).aspx
	 * @param string $sql
	 * @return array ordering expression as key and ordering direction as value
	 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
	protected function findOrdering($sql)
		if(!preg_match('/ORDER BY/i', $sql))
			return array();
		preg_match_all('/(ORDER BY)[\s"\[](.*)(ASC|DESC)?(?:[\s"\[]|$|COMPUTE|FOR)/i', $sql, $matches);
		if(count($matches)>1 && count($matches[2]) > 0)
			$parts = explode(',', $matches[2][0]);
			foreach($parts as $part)
				if(preg_match_all('/(.*)[\s"\]](ASC|DESC)$/i', trim($part), $subs))
					if(count($subs) > 1 && count($subs[2]) > 0)
						$ordering[$subs[1][0]] = $subs[2][0];
					//else what?
					$ordering[trim($part)] = 'ASC';
		return $ordering;

	 * @param array ordering obtained from findOrdering()
	 * @return string concat the orderings
	 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
	protected function joinOrdering($orders)
			foreach($orders as $column => $direction)
				$str[] = $column.' '.$direction;
			return 'ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $str);

	 * @param array original ordering
	 * @return array ordering with reversed direction.
	 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
	protected function reverseDirection($orders)
		foreach($orders as $column => $direction)
			$orders[$column] = strtolower(trim($direction))==='desc' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
		return $orders;

	 * Checks if the criteria has an order by clause when using offset/limit.
	 * Override parent implementation to check if an orderby clause if specified when querying with an offset
	 * If not, order it by pk.
	 * @param TMssqlTableSchema table schema
	 * @param TDbCriteria criteria
	 * @return TDbCrireria the modified criteria
	protected function checkCriteria($table, $criteria)
		if ($criteria->offset > 0 && $criteria->order==='')
		return $criteria;