<?php /** * TSqliteSchema class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ prado::using('System.Testing.Data.Schema.TDbSchema'); prado::using('System.Testing.Data.Schema.TDbTableSchema'); prado::using('System.Testing.Data.Schema.sqlite.TSqliteColumnSchema'); prado::using('System.Testing.Data.Schema.sqlite.TSqliteCommandBuilder'); /** * TSqliteSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from a SQLite (2/3) database. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id: TSqliteSchema.php 2679 2009-06-15 07:49:42Z Christophe.Boulain $ * @package System.Testing.Data.Schema.sqlite * @since 1.0 */ class TSqliteSchema extends TDbSchema { /** * Returns all table names in the database. * @param string the schema of the tables. This is not used for sqlite database. * @return array all table names in the database. * @since 1.0.2 */ protected function findTableNames($schema='') { $sql="SELECT DISTINCT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name<>'sqlite_sequence'"; return $this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn(); } /** * Creates a command builder for the database. * @return TSqliteCommandBuilder command builder instance */ protected function createCommandBuilder() { return new TSqliteCommandBuilder($this); } /** * Creates a table instance representing the metadata for the named table. * @return TDbTableSchema driver dependent table metadata. Null if the table does not exist. */ protected function createTable($name) { $db=$this->getDbConnection(); $table=new TDbTableSchema; $table->name=$name; $table->rawName=$this->quoteTableName($name); if($this->findColumns($table)) { $this->findConstraints($table); return $table; } else return null; } /** * Collects the table column metadata. * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata * @return boolean whether the table exists in the database */ protected function findColumns($table) { $sql="PRAGMA table_info({$table->rawName})"; $columns=$this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); if(empty($columns)) return false; foreach($columns as $column) { $c=$this->createColumn($column); $table->columns[$c->name]=$c; if($c->isPrimaryKey) { if($table->primaryKey===null) $table->primaryKey=$c->name; else if(is_string($table->primaryKey)) $table->primaryKey=array($table->primaryKey,$c->name); else $table->primaryKey[]=$c->name; } } if(is_string($table->primaryKey) && !strncasecmp($table->columns[$table->primaryKey]->dbType,'int',3)) $table->sequenceName=''; return true; } /** * Collects the foreign key column details for the given table. * @param TDbTableSchema the table metadata */ protected function findConstraints($table) { $foreignKeys=array(); $sql="PRAGMA foreign_key_list({$table->rawName})"; $keys=$this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); foreach($keys as $key) { $column=$table->columns[$key['from']]; $column->isForeignKey=true; $foreignKeys[$key['from']]=array($key['table'],$key['to']); } $table->foreignKeys=$foreignKeys; } /** * Creates a table column. * @param array column metadata * @return TDbColumnSchema normalized column metadata */ protected function createColumn($column) { $c=new TSqliteColumnSchema; $c->name=$column['name']; $c->rawName=$this->quoteColumnName($c->name); $c->allowNull=!$column['notnull']; $c->isPrimaryKey=$column['pk']!=0; $c->isForeignKey=false; $c->init(strtolower($column['type']),$column['dflt_value']); return $c; } }