 * This file contains the TDbCommand class.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2009 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

 * TDbCommand represents an SQL statement to execute against a database.
 * It is usually created by calling {@link TDbConnection::createCommand}.
 * The SQL statement to be executed may be set via {@link setText Text}.
 * To execute a non-query SQL (such as insert, delete, update), call
 * {@link execute}. To execute an SQL statement that returns result data set
 * (such as SELECT), use {@link query} or its convenient versions {@link queryRow},
 * {@link queryColumn}, or {@link queryScalar}.
 * If an SQL statement returns results (such as a SELECT SQL), the results
 * can be accessed via the returned {@link TDbDataReader}.
 * TDbCommand supports SQL statment preparation and parameter binding.
 * Call {@link bindParam} to bind a PHP variable to a parameter in SQL.
 * Call {@link bindValue} to bind a value to an SQL parameter.
 * When binding a parameter, the SQL statement is automatically prepared.
 * You may also call {@link prepare} to explicitly prepare an SQL statement.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Testing.Data
 * @since 1.0
class TDbCommand extends TComponent
	private $_connection;
	private $_text='';
	private $_statement=null;
	private $_params;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param TDbConnection the database connection
	 * @param string the SQL statement to be executed
	public function __construct(TDbConnection $connection,$text)

	 * Set the statement to null when serializing.
	public function __sleep()
		return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));

	 * @return string the SQL statement to be executed
	public function getText()
		return $this->_text;

	 * Specifies the SQL statement to be executed.
	 * Any previous execution will be terminated or cancel.
	 * @param string the SQL statement to be executed
	public function setText($value)

	 * @return TDbConnection the connection associated with this command
	public function getConnection()
		return $this->_connection;

	 * @return PDOStatement the underlying PDOStatement for this command
	 * It could be null if the statement is not prepared yet.
	public function getPdoStatement()
		return $this->_statement;

	 * Prepares the SQL statement to be executed.
	 * For complex SQL statement that is to be executed multiple times,
	 * this may improve performance.
	 * For SQL statement with binding parameters, this method is invoked
	 * automatically.
	public function prepare()
			catch(Exception $e)
				Prado::log('Error in preparing SQL: '.$this->getText(),TLogger::ERROR,'System.Testing.Data.TDbCommand');
				throw new TDbException('TDbCommand failed to prepare the SQL statement: {0}',

	 * Cancels the execution of the SQL statement.
	public function cancel()

	 * Binds a parameter to the SQL statement to be executed.
	 * @param mixed Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement
	 * using named placeholders, this will be a parameter name of
	 * the form :name. For a prepared statement using question mark
	 * placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of the parameter.
	 * @param mixed Name of the PHP variable to bind to the SQL statement parameter
	 * @param int SQL data type of the parameter. If null, the type is determined by the PHP type of the value.
	 * @param int length of the data type
	 * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.PDOStatement-bindParam.php
	public function bindParameter($name, &$value, $dataType=null, $length=null)
		else if($length===null)

	 * Binds a value to a parameter.
	 * @param mixed Parameter identifier. For a prepared statement
	 * using named placeholders, this will be a parameter name of
	 * the form :name. For a prepared statement using question mark
	 * placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of the parameter.
	 * @param mixed The value to bind to the parameter
	 * @param int SQL data type of the parameter. If null, the type is determined by the PHP type of the value.
	 * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.PDOStatement-bindValue.php
	public function bindValue($name, $value, $dataType=null)

	 * Executes the SQL statement.
	 * This method is meant only for executing non-query SQL statement.
	 * No result set will be returned.
	 * @return integer number of rows affected by the execution.
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function execute()
		$params=$this->_connection->enableParamLogging && !empty($this->_params) ? '. Bind with parameter ' . implode(', ',$this->_params) : '';
		Prado::trace('Executing SQL: '.$this->getText().$params,'System.Testing.Data.TDbCommand');
			if($this->_statement instanceof PDOStatement)
			return $n;
		catch(Exception $e)
			Prado::log('Error in executing SQL: '.$this->getText().$params,TLogger::ERROR,'System.Testing.Data.TDbCommand');
			throw new TDbException('TDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: {0}',

	 * @return String prepared SQL text for debugging purposes.
	public function getDebugStatementText()
		if(Prado::getApplication()->getMode() === TApplicationMode::Debug)
			$params=$this->_connection->enableParamLogging && !empty($this->_params) ? '. Bind with parameter ' . implode(', ',$this->_params) : '';
			return $this->_statement instanceof PDOStatement ?
				: $this->getText().$params;


	 * Executes the SQL statement and returns query result.
	 * This method is for executing an SQL query that returns result set.
	 * @return TDbDataReader the reader object for fetching the query result
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function query()
		return $this->queryInternal('',0);

	 * Executes the SQL statement and returns all rows.
	 * @param boolean whether each row should be returned as an associated array with
	 * column names as the keys or the array keys are column indexes (0-based).
	 * @return array all rows of the query result. Each array element is an array representing a row.
	 * An empty array is returned if the query results in nothing.
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function queryAll($fetchAssociative=true)
		return $this->queryInternal('fetchAll',$fetchAssociative ? PDO::FETCH_ASSOC : PDO::FETCH_NUM);

	 * Executes the SQL statement and returns the first row of the result.
	 * This is a convenient method of {@link query} when only the first row of data is needed.
	 * @param boolean whether the row should be returned as an associated array with
	 * column names as the keys or the array keys are column indexes (0-based).
	 * @return array the first row of the query result, false if no result.
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function queryRow($fetchAssociative=true)
		return $this->queryInternal('fetch',$fetchAssociative ? PDO::FETCH_ASSOC : PDO::FETCH_NUM);

	 * Executes the SQL statement and returns the value of the first column in the first row of data.
	 * This is a convenient method of {@link query} when only a single scalar
	 * value is needed (e.g. obtaining the count of the records).
	 * @return mixed the value of the first column in the first row of the query result. False is returned if there is no value.
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function queryScalar()
		if(is_resource($result) && get_resource_type($result)==='stream')
			return stream_get_contents($result);
			return $result;

	 * Executes the SQL statement and returns the first column of the result.
	 * This is a convenient method of {@link query} when only the first column of data is needed.
	 * Note, the column returned will contain the first element in each row of result.
	 * @return array the first column of the query result. Empty array if no result.
	 * @throws CException execution failed
	public function queryColumn()
		return $this->queryInternal('fetchAll',PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

	 * @param string method of PDOStatement to be called
	 * @param mixed the first parameter to be passed to the method
	 * @return mixed the method execution result
	private function queryInternal($method,$mode)
		$params=$this->_connection->enableParamLogging && !empty($this->_params) ? '. Bind with parameter ' . implode(', ',$this->_params) : '';
		Prado::trace('Querying SQL: '.$this->getText().$params,'System.Testing.Data.TDbCommand');
			if($this->_statement instanceof PDOStatement)
				$result=new TDbDataReader($this);
			return $result;
		catch(Exception $e)
			Prado::log('Error in querying SQL: '.$this->getText().$params,TLogger::ERROR,'System.Testing.Data..TDbCommand');
			throw new TDbException('TDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: {0}',