* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Util */ namespace Prado\Util; /** * TEmailLogRoute class. * * TEmailLogRoute sends selected log messages to email addresses. * The target email addresses may be specified via {@link setEmails Emails} property. * Optionally, you may set the email {@link setSubject Subject} and the * {@link setSentFrom SentFrom} address. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Util * @since 3.0 */ /** * TEmailLogRoute class. * * TEmailLogRoute sends selected log messages to email addresses. * The target email addresses may be specified via {@link setEmails Emails} property. * Optionally, you may set the email {@link setSubject Subject} and the * {@link setSentFrom SentFrom} address. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Util * @since 3.0 */ class TEmailLogRoute extends TLogRoute { /** * Regex pattern for email address. */ const EMAIL_PATTERN='/^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/'; /** * Default email subject. */ const DEFAULT_SUBJECT='Prado Application Log'; /** * @var array list of destination email addresses. */ private $_emails=array(); /** * @var string email subject */ private $_subject=''; /** * @var string email sent from address */ private $_from=''; /** * Initializes the route. * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. * @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getSentFrom SentFrom} is empty and * 'sendmail_from' in php.ini is also empty. */ public function init($config) { if($this->_from==='') $this->_from=ini_get('sendmail_from'); if($this->_from==='') throw new TConfigurationException('emaillogroute_sentfrom_required'); } /** * Sends log messages to specified email addresses. * @param array list of log messages */ protected function processLogs($logs) { $message=''; foreach($logs as $log) $message.=$this->formatLogMessage($log[0],$log[1],$log[2],$log[3]); $message=wordwrap($message,70); $returnPath = ini_get('sendmail_path') ? "Return-Path:{$this->_from}\r\n" : ''; foreach($this->_emails as $email) mail($email,$this->getSubject(),$message,"From:{$this->_from}\r\n{$returnPath}"); } /** * @return array list of destination email addresses */ public function getEmails() { return $this->_emails; } /** * @return array|string list of destination email addresses. If the value is * a string, it is assumed to be comma-separated email addresses. */ public function setEmails($emails) { if(is_array($emails)) $this->_emails=$emails; else { $this->_emails=array(); foreach(explode(',',$emails) as $email) { $email=trim($email); if(preg_match(self::EMAIL_PATTERN,$email)) $this->_emails[]=$email; } } } /** * @return string email subject. Defaults to TEmailLogRoute::DEFAULT_SUBJECT */ public function getSubject() { if($this->_subject===null) $this->_subject=self::DEFAULT_SUBJECT; return $this->_subject; } /** * @param string email subject. */ public function setSubject($value) { $this->_subject=$value; } /** * @return string send from address of the email */ public function getSentFrom() { return $this->_from; } /** * @param string send from address of the email */ public function setSentFrom($value) { $this->_from=$value; } }