<?php /** * TLogRouter, TLogRoute, TFileLogRoute, TEmailLogRoute class file * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @author Brad Anderson <javalizard@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2010 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util */ Prado::using('System.Data.TDbConnection'); /** * TLogRouter class. * * TLogRouter manages routes that record log messages in different media different ways. * For example, a file log route {@link TFileLogRoute} records log messages * in log files. An email log route {@link TEmailLogRoute} sends log messages * to email addresses. * * Log routes may be configured in application or page folder configuration files * or an external configuration file specified by {@link setConfigFile ConfigFile}. * The format is as follows, * <code> * <route class="TFileLogRoute" Categories="System.Web.UI" Levels="Warning" Roles="developer,administrator,other" Active="false" /> * <route class="TEmailLogRoute" Categories="Application" Levels="Fatal" Emails="admin@pradosoft.com" /> * </code> * PHP configuration style: * <code> * * </code> * You can specify multiple routes with different filtering conditions and different * targets, even if the routes are of the same type. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @author Carl G. Mathisen <carlgmathisen@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ class TLogRouter extends TModule { /** * @var array list of routes available */ private $_routes=array(); /** * @var array list of routes needed to be logged before the page flush */ private $_preroutes=array(); /** * @var string external configuration file */ private $_configFile=null; /** * @var boolean whether to do any routes */ private $_active=true; /** * Initializes this module. * This method is required by the IModule interface. * @param mixed configuration for this module, can be null * @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getConfigFile ConfigFile} is invalid. */ public function init($config) { parent::init($config); if($this->_configFile!==null) { if(is_file($this->_configFile)) { if($this->getApplication()->getConfigurationType()==TApplication::CONFIG_TYPE_PHP) { $phpConfig = include $this->_configFile; $this->loadConfig($phpConfig); } else { $dom=new TXmlDocument; $dom->loadFromFile($this->_configFile); $this->loadConfig($dom); } } else throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_configfile_invalid',$this->_configFile); } $this->loadConfig($config); // This is needed for FirePhp because it outputs headers $this->getApplication()->attachEventHandler('onPreFlushOutput',array($this,'collectLogsPreFlush')); $this->getApplication()->attachEventHandler('OnEndRequest',array($this,'collectLogs')); } /** * Loads configuration from an XML element or PHP array * @param mixed configuration node * @throws TConfigurationException if log route class or type is not specified */ private function loadConfig($config) { if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['routes']) && is_array($config['routes'])) { foreach($config['routes'] as $route) { $properties = isset($route['properties'])?$route['properties']:array(); if(!isset($route['class'])) throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routeclass_required'); if(isset($properties['disabled']) && $properties['disabled']) continue; $route=Prado::createComponent($route['class']); if(!($route instanceof TLogRoute)) throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routetype_invalid'); $this->_routes[]=$route; if($route instanceof IHeaderRoute) $this->_preroutes[]=$route; try { foreach($properties as $name=>$value) $route->setSubproperty($name,$value); $route->init($route); } catch(Exception $e) { $route->InitError = $e; Prado::log("Log Route " . $route->Id . ' with name ' . $route->Name, TLogger::WARNING, 'System.Util.TLogRouter'); } } } } else { foreach($config->getElementsByTagName('route') as $routeConfig) { $properties=$routeConfig->getAttributes(); if(($disabled=$properties->remove('disabled'))!==null) continue; if(($class=$properties->remove('class'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routeclass_required'); $route=Prado::createComponent($class); if(!($route instanceof TLogRoute)) throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_routetype_invalid'); $this->_routes[]=$route; if($route instanceof IHeaderRoute) $this->_preroutes[]=$route; try { foreach($properties as $name=>$value) $route->setSubproperty($name,$value); $route->init($routeConfig); } catch(Exception $e) { $route->InitError = $e; Prado::log("Log Route " . $route->Id . ' with name ' . $route->Name, TLogger::WARNING, 'System.Util.TLogRouter'); } } } } /** * This returns the installed routes * @return array of TLogRoute */ public function getRoutes() { return $this->_routes; } /** * Adds a TLogRoute instance to the log router. If a log route implements {@link IHeaderRoute} * then it will get its log route data just before the page is written (b/c it needs that for the headers) * * @param TLogRoute $route * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the route object is invalid */ public function addRoute($route) { if(!($route instanceof TLogRoute)) throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('logrouter_routetype_invalid'); $this->_routes[]=$route; if($route instanceof IHeaderRoute) $this->_preroutes[]=$route; $route->init($this); } /** * @return string external configuration file. Defaults to null. */ public function getConfigFile() { return $this->_configFile; } /** * @return boolean whether the TLogRouter is active or not. */ public function getActive() { return $this->_active; } /** * @param boolean tells the object whether it's active or not. */ public function setActive($v) { $this->_active = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($v); } /** * @param string external configuration file in namespace format. The file * must be suffixed with '.xml'. * @throws TConfigurationException if the file is invalid. */ public function setConfigFile($value) { if(($this->_configFile=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value,$this->getApplication()->getConfigurationFileExt()))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_configfile_invalid',$value); } /** * Collects log messages from a logger. * This method is an event handler to the application's onPreFlush event. * Only pre flush routes get this treatment. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function collectLogsPreFlush($param) { if(!$this->_active) return; $logger=Prado::getLogger(); foreach($this->_preroutes as $route) $route->collectLogs($logger); } /** * Collects log messages from a logger. * This method is an event handler to the application's EndRequest event. * Only post flush routes get this treatment. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function collectLogs($param) { if(!$this->_active) return; $logger=Prado::getLogger(); foreach($this->_routes as $route) if(!in_array($route, $this->_preroutes)) $route->collectLogs($logger); } } /** * IHeaderRoute interface. * * This is used for registering log routers that output to the header so it can be routed before the page flush. * * @author Brad Anderson <javalizard@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ interface IHeaderRoute { } /** * TLogRoute class. * * TLogRoute is the base class for all log route classes. * A log route object retrieves log messages from a logger and sends it * somewhere, such as files, emails. * The messages being retrieved may be filtered first before being sent * to the destination. The filters include log level filter and log category filter. * * To specify level filter, set {@link setLevels Levels} property, * which takes a string of comma-separated desired level names (e.g. 'Error, Debug'). * To specify category filter, set {@link setCategories Categories} property, * which takes a string of comma-separated desired category names (e.g. 'System.Web, System.IO'). * * Level filter and category filter are combinational, i.e., only messages * satisfying both filter conditions will they be returned. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ abstract class TLogRoute extends TApplicationComponent { /** * @var array lookup table for level names */ protected static $_levelNames=array( TLogger::DEBUG=>'Debug', TLogger::INFO=>'Info', TLogger::NOTICE=>'Notice', TLogger::WARNING=>'Warning', TLogger::ERROR=>'Error', TLogger::ALERT=>'Alert', TLogger::FATAL=>'Fatal' ); /** * @var array lookup table for level values */ protected static $_levelValues=array( 'debug'=>TLogger::DEBUG, 'info'=>TLogger::INFO, 'notice'=>TLogger::NOTICE, 'warning'=>TLogger::WARNING, 'error'=>TLogger::ERROR, 'alert'=>TLogger::ALERT, 'fatal'=>TLogger::FATAL ); /** * @var string the id of the route */ private $_id=null; /** * @var string the name of the route */ private $_name=null; /** * @var integer log level filter (bits) */ private $_levels=null; /** * @var array log category filter */ private $_categories=null; /** * @var array log controls filter */ private $_controls=null; /** * @var array role filter */ private $_roles=null; /** * @var int|string the reference to the hit metadata. This is a transient property per page hit. */ private $_metaid=null; /** * @var int the user id of the hit. This is a transient property per page hit. */ private $_userid=null; /** * @var boolean whether this is an active route or not */ private $_active=true; /** * $var Exception any problems on the loading of the module */ private $_error=null; /** * Initializes the route. * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. */ public function init($config) { if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['id'])) $this->_id = $config['id']; if(isset($config['name'])) $this->Name = $config['name']; if(isset($config['active'])) $this->Active = $config['active']; if(isset($config['roles'])) $this->Roles = $config['roles']; if(isset($config['categories'])) $this->Categories = $config['categories']; if(isset($config['levels'])) $this->Levels = $config['levels']; if(isset($config['controls'])) $this->Controls = $config['controls']; } } /** * @return string the id of the route */ public function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * @param The id of the route. */ public function setId($id) { $this->_id = $id; } /** * @return string the name of the route */ public function getName() { return $this->_name; } /** * @param The name of the route. */ public function setName($name) { $this->_name = $name; } /** * @return boolean true if the route is active */ public function getActive() { return $this->_active; } /** * @param boolean sets the object to active or not. */ public function setActive($v) { $this->_active = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($v); } /** * @return Exception this returns any errors the log route has */ public function getInitError() { return $this->_error; } /** * @param mixed this sets the errors that the log route may have */ public function setInitError($v) { $this->_error = $v; } /** * @return string this returns the meta data id associated with the route */ public function getMetaId() { return $this->_metaid; } /** * @param string this sets the meta data id associated with the route. */ public function setMetaId($v) { $this->_metaid = $v; } /** * @return string this returns the user id associated with the route. */ public function getUserId() { return $this->_userid; } /** * @return string this sets the user id associated with the route. */ public function setUserId($v) { $this->_userid = $v; } /** * @return array log roles filter */ public function getRoles() { return $this->_roles; } /** * @param array|string The roles that this log router is attached to. */ public function setRoles($roles) { if(is_array($roles)) $this->_roles=$roles; else { $this->_roles=array(); $roles=strtolower($roles); foreach(explode(',',$roles) as $role) { $role=trim($role); if(!in_array($role, $this->_roles)) $this->_roles[] = $role; } } } /** * @return integer log level filter */ public function getLevels() { return $this->_levels; } /** * @param integer|string integer log level filter (in bits). If the value is * a string, it is assumed to be comma-separated level names. Valid level names * include 'Debug', 'Info', 'Notice', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Alert' and 'Fatal'. */ public function setLevels($levels) { if(is_integer($levels)) $this->_levels=$levels; else { $this->_levels=null; if(is_string($levels)) $levels = explode(',',strtolower($levels)); foreach($levels as $level) { $level=trim($level); if(isset(self::$_levelValues[$level])) $this->_levels|=self::$_levelValues[$level]; } } } /** * @return array list of categories to be looked for */ public function getCategories() { return $this->_categories; } /** * @param array|string list of categories to be looked for. If the value is a string, * it is assumed to be comma-separated category names. */ public function setCategories($categories) { if(is_array($categories)) $this->_categories=$categories; else { $this->_categories=array(); foreach(explode(',',$categories) as $category) { if(($category=trim($category))!=='') $this->_categories[]=$category; } } } /** * @return array list of controls to be looked for */ public function getControls() { return $this->_controls; } /** * @param array|string list of controls to be looked for. If the value is a string, * it is assumed to be comma-separated control client ids. */ public function setControls($controls) { if(is_array($controls)) $this->_controls=$controls; else { $this->_controls=array(); foreach(explode(',',$controls) as $control) { if(($control=trim($control))!=='') $this->_controls[]=$control; } } } /** * @param integer level value * @return string level name */ protected function getLevelName($level) { return isset(self::$_levelNames[$level])?self::$_levelNames[$level]:'Unknown'; } /** * @param string level name * @return integer level value */ protected function getLevelValue($level) { return isset(self::$_levelValues[$level])?self::$_levelValues[$level]:0; } /** * Formats a log message given different fields. * @param string message content * @param integer message level * @param string message category * @param integer timestamp * @return string formatted message */ protected function formatLogMessage($message,$level,$category,$time, $memory) { if(!$this->MetaId) $this->MetaId = $this->Request->UserHostAddress; return '[metaid: ' .$this->MetaId.'] ' . @date('M d H:i:s',$time).' [Memory: '.$memory.'] ['.$this->getLevelName($level).'] ['.$category.'] '.$message."\n"; } /** * Retrieves log messages from logger to log route specific destination. * @param TLogger logger instance */ public function collectLogs(TLogger $logger) { // if not active or roles don't match, end function if(!$this->_active || ($this->_roles && !array_intersect($this->_roles, $this->User->Roles))) return; Prado::trace('Routing Logs: '.get_class($this) . '->id='.$this->id,'System.Util.TLogRouter'); $logs=$logger->getLogs($this->getLevels(),$this->getCategories(),$this->getControls()); if(!empty($logs)) $this->processLogs($logs); } /** * @return string this is the xml representation of the route */ public function toXml() { $xml = '<route ' . $this->encodeId() . $this->encodeName() . $this->encodeClass() . $this->encodeLevels() . $this->encodeCategories() . $this->encodeRoles() . $this->encodeControls() . '/>'; return $xml; } /** * @return string this encodes the id of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeId() { return 'id="'. htmlentities($this->_id) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the name of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeName() { $active = ''; if(!$this->_active) $active = 'active="'. ($this->_active?'true':'false') .'" '; return 'name="'. htmlentities($this->_name) .'" ' . $active; } /** * @return string this encodes the class of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeClass() { return 'class="'. get_class($this) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the levels of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeLevels() { if(!$this->_levels) return ''; $levels = array(); foreach(self::$_levelNames as $level => $name) if($level & $this->_levels) $levels[] = strtolower($name); return 'levels="'. htmlentities(implode(',', $levels)) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the categories of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeCategories() { if(!$this->_categories) return ''; return 'categories="'. htmlentities(implode(',', $this->_categories)) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the roles of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeRoles() { if(!$this->_roles) return ''; return 'roles="'. htmlentities(implode(',', $this->_roles)) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the controls of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeControls() { if(!$this->_controls) return ''; return 'controls="'. htmlentities(implode(',', $this->_controls)) .'" '; } /** * Processes log messages and sends them to specific destination. * Derived child classes must implement this method. * @param array list of messages. Each array elements represents one message * with the following structure: * array( * [0] => message * [1] => level * [2] => category * [3] => timestamp * [4] => memory in bytes * [5] => control); */ abstract protected function processLogs($logs); } /** * TFileLogRoute class. * * TFileLogRoute records log messages in files. * The log files are stored under {@link setLogPath LogPath} and the file name * is specified by {@link setLogFile LogFile}. If the size of the log file is * greater than {@link setMaxFileSize MaxFileSize} (in kilo-bytes), a rotation * is performed, which renames the current log file by suffixing the file name * with '.1'. All existing log files are moved backwards one place, i.e., '.2' * to '.3', '.1' to '.2'. The property {@link setMaxLogFiles MaxLogFiles} * specifies how many files to be kept. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ class TFileLogRoute extends TLogRoute { /** * @var integer maximum log file size */ private $_maxFileSize=512; // in KB /** * @var integer number of log files used for rotation */ private $_maxLogFiles=2; /** * @var string directory storing log files */ private $_logPath=null; /** * @var string original directory set for the log files so it can be recreated */ private $_logPradoPath=null; /** * @var string log file name */ private $_logFile='prado.log'; /** * Initializes the route. * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. * @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getSentFrom SentFrom} is empty and * 'sendmail_from' in php.ini is also empty. */ public function init($config) { parent::init($config); if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['logfile'])) $this->LogFile = $config['logfile']; if(isset($config['logpath'])) $this->LogPath = $config['logpath']; if(isset($config['maxfilesize'])) $this->MaxFileSize = $config['maxfilesize']; if(isset($config['maxfilesize'])) $this->MaxLogFiles = $config['maxlogfiles']; } } /** * @return string this encodes the TFileLogRoute as a string */ public function toXml() { $xml = '<route ' .$this->encodeId(). $this->encodeName().$this->encodeClass() . $this->encodeLevels() . $this->encodeCategories() . $this->encodeControls() . $this->encodeRoles() . $this->encodeMaxFileSize(). $this->encodeMaxLogFiles(). $this->encodeLogPath().$this->encodeLogFile().'/>'; return $xml; } /** * @return string this encodes the maxfilesize of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeMaxFileSize() { if(!$this->MaxFileSize) return ''; return 'maxfilesize="'. addslashes($this->MaxFileSize) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the maxlogfiles of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeMaxLogFiles() { if(!$this->MaxFileSize) return ''; return 'maxlogfiles="'. addslashes($this->MaxLogFiles) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the logpath of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeLogPath() { if(!$this->LogPath) return ''; return 'logpath="'. addslashes($this->_logPradoPath) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the logfile of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeLogFile() { if(!$this->LogFile) return ''; return 'logfile="'. addslashes($this->LogFile) .'" '; } /** * @return string directory storing log files. Defaults to application runtime path. */ public function getLogPath() { if($this->_logPath===null) $this->_logPath=$this->getApplication()->getRuntimePath(); return $this->_logPath; } /** * @param string directory (in namespace format) storing log files. * @throws TConfigurationException if log path is invalid */ public function setLogPath($value) { $this->_logPradoPath = $value; if(($this->_logPath=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value))===null || !is_dir($this->_logPath) || !is_writable($this->_logPath)) throw new TConfigurationException('filelogroute_logpath_invalid',$value); } /** * @return string log file name. Defaults to 'prado.log'. */ public function getLogFile() { return $this->_logFile; } /** * @param string log file name */ public function setLogFile($value) { $this->_logFile=$value; } /** * @return integer maximum log file size in kilo-bytes (KB). Defaults to 1024 (1MB). */ public function getMaxFileSize() { return $this->_maxFileSize; } /** * @param integer maximum log file size in kilo-bytes (KB). * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the value is smaller than 1. */ public function setMaxFileSize($value) { $this->_maxFileSize=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($this->_maxFileSize<=0) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('filelogroute_maxfilesize_invalid'); } /** * @return integer number of files used for rotation. Defaults to 2. */ public function getMaxLogFiles() { return $this->_maxLogFiles; } /** * @param integer number of files used for rotation. */ public function setMaxLogFiles($value) { $this->_maxLogFiles=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($this->_maxLogFiles<1) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('filelogroute_maxlogfiles_invalid'); } /** * Saves log messages in files. * @param array list of log messages */ protected function processLogs($logs) { $logFile=$this->getLogPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getLogFile(); if(@filesize($logFile)>$this->_maxFileSize*1024) $this->rotateFiles(); foreach($logs as $log) error_log($this->formatLogMessage($log[0],$log[1],$log[2],$log[3],$log[4]),3,$logFile); } /** * Rotates log files. */ protected function rotateFiles() { $file=$this->getLogPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getLogFile(); for($i=$this->_maxLogFiles;$i>0;--$i) { $rotateFile=$file.'.'.$i; if(is_file($rotateFile)) { if($i===$this->_maxLogFiles) unlink($rotateFile); else rename($rotateFile,$file.'.'.($i+1)); } } if(is_file($file)) rename($file,$file.'.1'); } } /** * TEmailLogRoute class. * * TEmailLogRoute sends selected log messages to email addresses. * The target email addresses may be specified via {@link setEmails Emails} property. * Optionally, you may set the email {@link setSubject Subject} and the * {@link setSentFrom SentFrom} address. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ class TEmailLogRoute extends TLogRoute { /** * Regex pattern for email address. */ const EMAIL_PATTERN='/^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/'; /** * Default email subject. */ const DEFAULT_SUBJECT='Prado Application Log'; /** * @var array list of destination email addresses. */ private $_emails=array(); /** * @var string email subject */ private $_subject=''; /** * @var string email sent from address */ private $_from=''; /** * Initializes the route. * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. * @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getSentFrom SentFrom} is empty and * 'sendmail_from' in php.ini is also empty. */ public function init($config) { parent::init($config); if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['emails'])) $this->Emails = $config['emails']; if(isset($config['subject'])) $this->Subject = $config['subject']; if(isset($config['from'])) $this->SentFrom = $config['from']; } if($this->_from==='') $this->_from=ini_get('sendmail_from'); if($this->_from==='') throw new TConfigurationException('emaillogroute_sentfrom_required'); } /** * @return string this encodes the TEmailLogRoute as an xml element */ public function toXml() { $xml = '<route ' .$this->encodeId(). $this->encodeName().$this->encodeClass() . $this->encodeLevels() . $this->encodeCategories() . $this->encodeControls() . $this->encodeRoles() . $this->encodeEmails(). $this->encodeSubject(). $this->encodeFrom().'/>'; return $xml; } /** * @return string this encodes the emails of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeEmails() { if(!$this->Emails) return ''; return 'emails="'. addslashes(implode(',',$this->Emails)) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the subject of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeSubject() { if($this->Subject == self::DEFAULT_SUBJECT) return ''; return 'subject="'. htmlentities(addslashes($this->Subject)) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the from email of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeFrom() { return 'sentfrom="'. htmlentities(addslashes($this->SentFrom)) .'" '; } /** * This sends a test email with a test log message */ public function sendTestEmail() { $this->processLogs(array( array('Test Message',TLogger::DEBUG,'System.Util.TEmailLogRoute',microtime(true),memory_get_usage()) )); } /** * Sends log messages to specified email addresses. * @param array list of log messages */ protected function processLogs($logs) { $message=''; foreach($logs as $log) $message.=$this->formatLogMessage($log[0],$log[1],$log[2],$log[3],$log[4]); $message=wordwrap($message,70); $returnPath = ini_get('sendmail_path') ? "Return-Path:{$this->_from}\r\n" : ''; foreach($this->_emails as $email) mail($email,$this->getSubject(),$message,"From:{$this->_from}\r\n{$returnPath}"); } /** * @return array list of destination email addresses */ public function getEmails() { return $this->_emails; } /** * @return array|string list of destination email addresses. If the value is * a string, it is assumed to be comma-separated email addresses. */ public function setEmails($emails) { if(is_array($emails)) $this->_emails=$emails; else { $this->_emails=array(); foreach(explode(',',$emails) as $email) { $email=trim($email); if(preg_match(self::EMAIL_PATTERN,$email)) $this->_emails[]=$email; } } } /** * @return string email subject. Defaults to TEmailLogRoute::DEFAULT_SUBJECT */ public function getSubject() { if($this->_subject===null) $this->_subject=self::DEFAULT_SUBJECT; return $this->_subject; } /** * @param string email subject. */ public function setSubject($value) { $this->_subject=$value ? $value : null; } /** * @return string send from address of the email */ public function getSentFrom() { return $this->_from; } /** * @param string send from address of the email */ public function setSentFrom($value) { $this->_from=$value; } } /** * TBrowserLogRoute class. * * TBrowserLogRoute prints selected log messages in the response. * * @author Xiang Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.0 */ class TBrowserLogRoute extends TLogRoute { /** * @var string css class for indentifying the table structure in the dom tree */ private $_cssClass='log-route-browser'; /** * Sends log messages to the browser. * This does quartile analysis on the logs to highlight the memory and time offenders * @param array list of log messages */ public function processLogs($logs) { if(empty($logs) || $this->getApplication()->getMode()==='Performance') return; $first = $logs[0][3]; $mem_first = $logs[0][4]; $even = true; $use_interquartile_top_bottom = false; $response = $this->getApplication()->getResponse(); $c = count($logs); for($i=0,$n=count($logs); $i<$n; $i++) { $logs[$i]['i'] = $i; if($i > 1 && $i < $n-1) { $logs[$i]['time_delta'] = $logs[$i+1][3] - $logs[$i][3]; $logs[$i]['time_total'] = $logs[$i+1][3] - $first; $logs[$i]['mem_delta'] = $logs[$i+1][4] - $logs[$i][4]; $logs[$i]['mem_total'] = $logs[$i+1][4] - $mem_first; } else { $logs[$i]['time_delta'] = '?'; $logs[$i]['time_total'] = $logs[$i][3] - $first; $logs[$i]['mem_delta'] = '?'; $logs[$i]['mem_total'] = $logs[$i][4] - $mem_first; } $logs[$i]['even'] = !($even = !$even); } { vrsort($logs, 'mem_delta'); $median = $logs[round($c/2)]; $q1 = $logs[round($c/4)]; $q3 = $logs[round($c*3/4)]; $mem_delta_median = $median['mem_delta']; $mem_delta_q1 = $q1['mem_delta']; $mem_delta_q3 = $q3['mem_delta']; $irq = $mem_delta_q1 - $mem_delta_q3; if($use_interquartile_top_bottom) { $top = $mem_delta_q1 + $irq * 1.5; $bottom = $mem_delta_q3 - $irq * 1.5; } else { $top = $logs[round($c*2/100)]['mem_delta']; $bottom = $logs[round($c*98/100)]['mem_delta']; } $sum_top = 0; $sum_bottom = 0; $top_value = $mem_delta_q1; $bottom_value = $mem_delta_q3; $top_outliers = 0; $bottom_outliers = 0; for($i=0,$n=count($logs); $i<$n; $i++) { $logs[$i]['mem_delta_order'] = $i; $logs[$i]['top_outlier'] = false; $logs[$i]['bottom_outlier'] = false; if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] > $top) { $logs[$i]['top_outlier'] = true; $top_outliers++; $sum_top += $logs[$i]['mem_delta']; } if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] < $bottom) { $logs[$i]['bottom_outlier'] = true; $bottom_outliers++; $sum_bottom += $logs[$i]['mem_delta']; } if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] > $mem_delta_q1) { $logs[$i]['mem_delta_quartile'] = 0; if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] > $top_value) $top_value = $logs[$i]['mem_delta']; } else if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] > $mem_delta_median) { $logs[$i]['mem_delta_quartile'] = 1; } else if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] > $mem_delta_q3) { $logs[$i]['mem_delta_quartile'] = 2; } else { $logs[$i]['mem_delta_quartile'] = 3; if($logs[$i]['mem_delta'] < $bottom_value) $bottom_value = $logs[$i]['mem_delta']; } } if($top_outliers) $sum_top /= $top_outliers; if($bottom_outliers) $sum_bottom /= $bottom_outliers; } $metrics = array( 'mem_outliers' => $top_outliers + $bottom_outliers, 'mem_top_outliers' => $top_outliers, 'mem_bottom_outliers' => $bottom_outliers, 'mem_avg_top_outliers' => round($sum_top), 'mem_avg_bottom_outliers' => round($sum_bottom), 'mem_median' => $mem_delta_median, 'mem_q1' => $mem_delta_q1, 'mem_q3' => $mem_delta_q3, 'mem_top_irq' => $top, 'mem_bottom_irq' => $bottom, 'mem_top' => $top_value, 'mem_bottom' => $bottom_value ); { vrsort($logs, 'time_delta'); $median = $logs[round($c/2)]; $q1 = $logs[round($c/4)]; $q3 = $logs[round($c*3/4)]; $time_delta_median = $median['time_delta']; $time_delta_q1 = $q1['time_delta']; $time_delta_q3 = $q3['time_delta']; $irq = $time_delta_q1 - $time_delta_q3; if($use_interquartile_top_bottom) { $top = $time_delta_q1 + $irq * 1.5; $bottom = $time_delta_q3 - $irq * 1.5; } else { $top = $logs[round($c*2/100)]['time_delta']; $bottom = $logs[round($c*98/100)]['time_delta']; } $sum_top = 0; $sum_bottom = 0; $top_value = $time_delta_q1; $bottom_value = $time_delta_q3; $top_outliers = 0; $bottom_outliers = 0; for($i=0,$n=count($logs); $i<$n; $i++) { $logs[$i]['time_delta_order'] = $i; $logs[$i]['time_top_outlier'] = false; $logs[$i]['time_bottom_outlier'] = false; if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] > $top) { $logs[$i]['time_top_outlier'] = true; $top_outliers++; $sum_top += $logs[$i]['time_delta']; } if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] < $bottom) { $logs[$i]['time_bottom_outlier'] = true; $bottom_outliers++; $sum_bottom += $logs[$i]['time_delta']; } if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] > $time_delta_q1) { $logs[$i]['time_delta_quartile'] = 0; if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] > $top_value) $top_value = $logs[$i]['time_delta']; } else if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] > $time_delta_median) { $logs[$i]['time_delta_quartile'] = 1; } else if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] > $time_delta_q3) { $logs[$i]['time_delta_quartile'] = 2; } else { $logs[$i]['time_delta_quartile'] = 3; if($logs[$i]['time_delta'] < $bottom_value) $bottom_value = $logs[$i]['time_delta']; } } if($top_outliers) $sum_top /= $top_outliers; if($bottom_outliers) $sum_bottom /= $bottom_outliers; } $metrics += array( 'time_outliers' => round(($top_outliers + $bottom_outliers) * 1000, 3), 'time_top_outliers' => $top_outliers, 'time_bottom_outliers' => $bottom_outliers, 'time_avg_top_outliers' => round($sum_top * 1000, 3), 'time_avg_bottom_outliers' => round($sum_bottom * 1000, 3), 'time_median' => round($time_delta_median * 1000, 3), 'time_q1' => round($time_delta_q1 * 1000, 3), 'time_q3' => round($time_delta_q3 * 1000, 3), 'time_top_irq' => round($top * 1000, 3), 'time_bottom_irq' => round($bottom * 1000, 3), 'time_top' => round($top_value * 1000, 3), 'time_bottom' => round($bottom_value * 1000, 3) ); vsort($logs, 'i'); //ksort($logs); $response->write($this->renderHeader($metrics)); for($i=0,$n=count($logs);$i<$n;++$i) { $response->write($this->renderMessage($logs[$i])); } $response->write($this->renderFooter()); } /** * @param string the css class of the control */ public function setCssClass($value) { $this->_cssClass = TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); } /** * @return string the css class of the control */ public function getCssClass() { return TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->_cssClass); } protected function renderHeader($metrics) { $string = ''; if($className=$this->getCssClass()) { $string = <<<EOD <table class="$className"> <tr class="header"> <th colspan="7"> Application Log </th> </tr><tr class="description"> <th> </th> <th>Category</th><th>Message</th> <th>Time Spent (s)</th> <th>Cumulated Time Spent (s)</th> <th>Δ Memory</th> <th>Memory</th> </tr> EOD; } else { $top_outliers = 'unset'; if($metrics['mem_top_outliers']) $top_outliers = 'Avg Upper Outlier: '. $metrics['mem_avg_top_outliers'] . ' '; if($metrics['time_top_outliers']) $time_top_outliers = 'Avg Upper Outlier: '. $metrics['time_avg_top_outliers'] . ' ms '; $string = <<<EOD <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%" style="table-layout:auto"> <tr> <th style="background-color: black; color:white;" colspan="7"> Application Log </th> </tr> <tr> <th style="background-color: black; color:white;" colspan="7"> Memory Stats- Top Value: {$metrics['mem_top']} {$top_outliers} Q1: {$metrics['mem_q1']} Median: {$metrics['mem_median']} Q3: {$metrics['mem_q3']} Bottom Value: {$metrics['mem_bottom']} </th> </tr> <tr> <th style="background-color: black; color:white;" colspan="7"> Time Stats- Top Value: {$metrics['time_top']} ms {$time_top_outliers} Q1: {$metrics['time_q1']} ms Median: {$metrics['time_median']} ms Q3: {$metrics['time_q3']} ms Bottom Value: {$metrics['time_bottom']} ms </th> </tr> <tr style="background-color: #ccc; color:black"> <th style="width: 15px"> </th> <th style="width: auto">Category</th> <th style="width: auto">Message</th> <th style="width: 120px">Time Spent (s)</th> <th style="width: 150px">Cumulated Time Spent (s)</th> <th style="width: 100px">Δ Memory</th> <th style="width: 120px">Memory</th> </tr> EOD; } return $string; } protected function renderMessage($log) { $string = ''; $total = sprintf('%0.6f', $log['time_total']); $delta = sprintf('%0.6f', $log['time_delta']); $mem_total = $log['mem_total']; $mem_delta = $log['mem_delta']; $msg = preg_replace('/\(line[^\)]+\)$/','',$log[0]); //remove line number info $msg = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($msg); if($this->getCssClass()) { //$log[1] = 0xF; $colorCssClass = $log[1]; $memcolor = $log['top_outlier'] ? 'high-memory': ($mem_delta < 0 ? 'negative-memory': ''); $timecolor = $log['time_top_outlier'] ? 'high-time': ($delta > 0.001 ? 'medium-time': ''); $string = <<<EOD <tr class="message"> <td class="code level-$colorCssClass"> </td> <td class="category">{$log[2]}</td> <td class="message">{$msg}</td> <td class="time $timecolor">{$delta}</td> <td class="cumulatedtime">{$total}</td> <td class="mem_change $memcolor">{$mem_delta}</td> <td class="mem_total">{$mem_total}</td> </tr> EOD; } else { $bgcolor = $log['even'] ? "#fff" : "#eee"; $color = $this->getColorLevel($log[1]); $memcolor = $log['top_outlier'] ? '#e00': ($mem_delta < 0 ? '#080': ''); $timecolor = $log['time_top_outlier'] ? '#e00': ($delta > 0.001 ? '#00c': ''); $string = <<<EOD <tr style="background-color: {$bgcolor}; color:#000"> <td style="border:1px solid silver;background-color: $color;"> </td> <td>{$log[2]}</td> <td>{$msg}</td> <td style="text-align:center; color: $timecolor">{$delta}</td> <td style="text-align:center">{$total}</td> <td style="text-align:center; color: $memcolor">{$mem_delta}</td> <td style="text-align:center">{$mem_total}</td> </tr> EOD; } return $string; } protected function getColorLevel($level) { switch($level) { case TLogger::DEBUG: return 'green'; case TLogger::INFO: return 'black'; case TLogger::NOTICE: return '#3333FF'; case TLogger::WARNING: return '#33FFFF'; case TLogger::ERROR: return '#ff9933'; case TLogger::ALERT: return '#ff00ff'; case TLogger::FATAL: return 'red'; } return ''; } protected function renderFooter() { $string = ''; if($this->getCssClass()) { $string .= '<tr class="footer"><td colspan="7" align="center">'; foreach(self::$_levelValues as $name => $level) { $string .= '<span class="level-'.$level.'">'.strtoupper($name)."</span>"; } } else { $string .= "<tr><td colspan=\"7\" style=\"text-align:center; background-color:black; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding:0.2em;\">"; foreach(self::$_levelValues as $name => $level) { $string .= "<span style=\"color:white; border:1px solid white; background-color:".$this->getColorLevel($level); $string .= ";margin: 0.5em; padding:0.01em;\">".strtoupper($name)."</span>"; } } $string .= '</td></tr></table>'; return $string; } } /** * TArraySorter class. * TArraySorter allows one to easily sort an array based on the value of a specific key * * @author Brad Anderson <javalizard@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System * @since 3.2a */ class TArraySorter { private $_v; public function __construct($v) { $this->_v = $v; } public function sort_func($a, $b) { return $a[$this->_v] > $b[$this->_v]; } public function sort_func_rev($a, $b) { return $a[$this->_v] < $b[$this->_v]; } public function avsort(&$array) { uasort($array, array($this, 'sort_func')); } public function vsort(&$array) { usort($array, array($this, 'sort_func')); } public function avrsort(&$array) { uasort($array, array($this, 'sort_func_rev')); } public function vrsort(&$array) { usort($array, array($this, 'sort_func_rev')); } } /** * This sorts an array of arrays based on a the value of a key in the child array * This sort drops all associations and reindexes the keys numerically in order * @param array &$array of arrays to be sorted * @param string $key the $key in the child arrays to use to sort by */ function vsort(&$array, $key) { $vsort = new TArraySorter($key); $vsort->vsort($array); unset($vsort); } /** * This sorts an array of arrays based on a the value of a key in the child array * This sort keeps all associations but reorders the array * @param array &$array of arrays to be sorted * @param string $key the $key in the child arrays to use to sort by */ function avsort(&$array, $key) { $uvsort = new TArraySorter($key); $uvsort->avsort($array); unset($uvsort); } /** * This sorts an array of arrays based on a the value of a key in the child array in reverse order * This sort drops all associations and reindexes the keys numerically in order * @param array &$array of arrays to be sorted * @param string $key the $key in the child arrays to use to sort by */ function vrsort(&$array, $key) { $vsort = new TArraySorter($key); $vsort->vrsort($array); unset($vsort); } /** * This sorts an array of arrays based on a the value of a key in the child array in reverse order * This sort keeps all associations but reorders the array * @param array &$array of arrays to be sorted * @param string $key the $key in the child arrays to use to sort by */ function avrsort(&$array, $key) { $vsort = new TArraySorter($key); $vsort->avrsort($array); unset($vsort); } /** * TDbLogRoute class * * TDbLogRoute stores log messages in a database table. * To specify the database table, set {@link setConnectionID ConnectionID} to be * the ID of a {@link TDataSourceConfig} module and {@link setLogTableName LogTableName}. * If they are not setting, an SQLite3 database named 'sqlite3.log' will be created and used * under the runtime directory. * * By default, the database table name is 'pradolog'. It has the following structure: * <code> * CREATE TABLE pradolog * ( * log_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, * metakey VARCHAR(39), * userid BIGINT, * level INTEGER, * category VARCHAR(128), * memory INTEGER NOT NULL, * cntl VARCHAR(128) NULL, * logtime VARCHAR(20), * message VARCHAR(255), INDEX(metakey), INDEX(userid), INDEX(level), INDEX(category), INDEX(cntl), INDEX(logtime)); * </code> * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.1.2 */ class TDbLogRoute extends TLogRoute { /** * @var string the ID of TDataSourceConfig module */ private $_connID=''; /** * @var TDbConnection the DB connection instance */ private $_db; /** * @var string name of the DB log table */ private $_logTable='pradolog'; /** * @var boolean whether the log DB table should be created automatically */ private $_autoCreate=true; /** * Destructor. * Disconnect the db connection. */ public function __destruct() { if($this->_db!==null) $this->_db->setActive(false); } /** * Initializes this module. * This method is required by the IModule interface. * It initializes the database for logging purpose. * @param TXmlElement configuration for this module, can be null * @throws TConfigurationException if the DB table does not exist. */ public function init($config) { if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['connectionid'])) $this->ConnectionID = $config['connectionid']; if(isset($config['logtablename'])) $this->LogTableName = $config['logtablename']; if(isset($config['autocreatelogtable'])) $this->AutoCreateLogTable = $config['autocreatelogtable']; } if(!$this->checkForTable()) { // DB table not exists if($this->_autoCreate) $this->createDbTable(); else throw new TConfigurationException('db_logtable_inexistent',$this->_logTable); } parent::init($config); } /** * This checks for the existance of the log table * @return boolean true if the table exists, false if not */ protected function checkForTable() { $db=$this->getDbConnection(); $db->setActive(true); $sql='SELECT * FROM '.$this->_logTable.' WHERE 0'; try { $db->createCommand($sql)->query()->close(); return true; } catch( Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * @return string this encodes the TDbLogRoute as xml */ public function toXml() { $xml = '<route ' .$this->encodeId(). $this->encodeName().$this->encodeClass() . $this->encodeLevels() . $this->encodeCategories() . $this->encodeControls() . $this->encodeRoles() . $this->encodeConnectionID(). $this->encodeLogTableName(). $this->encodeAutoCreateLogTable().'/>'; return $xml; } /** * @return string this encodes the id of the database module of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeConnectionID() { return 'connectionid="'. addslashes($this->ConnectionID) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the table name of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeLogTableName() { return 'logtablename="'. addslashes($this->LogTableName) .'" '; } /** * @return string this encodes the auto create log table of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeAutoCreateLogTable() { return 'autocreatelogtable="'. $this->AutoCreateLogTable .'" '; } /** * Stores log messages into database. * @param array list of log messages */ protected function processLogs($logs) { try { if(!$this->MetaId) $this->MetaId = $this->Request->UserHostAddress; $sql='INSERT INTO '.$this->_logTable.'(metakey, userid, level, category, memory, cntl, logtime, message) VALUES (:metakey, :userid, :level, :category, :memory, :cntl, :logtime, :message)'; $command=$this->getDbConnection()->createCommand($sql); foreach($logs as $log) { $command->bindValue(':metakey',$this->MetaId); $command->bindValue(':userid',$this->UserId); $command->bindValue(':level',$log[1]); $command->bindValue(':category',$log[2]); $command->bindValue(':memory',$log[4]); $command->bindValue(':cntl',$log[5]); $command->bindValue(':logtime',$log[3]); $command->bindValue(':message',$log[0]); $command->execute(); } } catch(Exception $e) { // table may be deleted from when this was instantiated //probable case: deleted table (aka. dumped database), and don't fail in this case //If the table is there, something else is up and rethrow error if($this->checkForTable()) throw $e; } } /** * Creates the DB table for storing log messages. * @todo create sequence for PostgreSQL */ protected function createDbTable() { $db = $this->getDbConnection(); $driver=$db->getDriverName(); $autoidAttributes = ''; if($driver==='mysql') $autoidAttributes = 'AUTO_INCREMENT'; // metakey = varchar 39 because that's the size of an IPv6 address $sql='CREATE TABLE '.$this->_logTable.' ( log_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ' . $autoidAttributes . ', metakey VARCHAR(39), userid BIGINT, level INTEGER NOT NULL, category VARCHAR(128), memory INTEGER NOT NULL, cntl VARCHAR(128) NULL, logtime DECIMAL(20,8) NOT NULL, message VARCHAR(255), INDEX(metakey), INDEX(userid), INDEX(level), INDEX(category), INDEX(cntl), INDEX(logtime))'; $db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } /** * Creates the DB connection. * @param string the module ID for TDataSourceConfig * @return TDbConnection the created DB connection * @throws TConfigurationException if module ID is invalid or empty */ protected function createDbConnection() { if($this->_connID!=='') { $config=$this->getApplication()->getModule($this->_connID); if($config instanceof TDataSourceConfig) return $config->getDbConnection(); else throw new TConfigurationException('dblogroute_connectionid_invalid',$this->_connID); } else { $db=new TDbConnection; // default to SQLite3 database $dbFile=$this->getApplication()->getRuntimePath().'/sqlite3.log'; $db->setConnectionString('sqlite:'.$dbFile); return $db; } } /** * @return TDbConnection the DB connection instance */ public function getDbConnection() { if($this->_db===null) $this->_db=$this->createDbConnection(); return $this->_db; } /** * @return string the ID of a {@link TDataSourceConfig} module. Defaults to empty string, meaning not set. */ public function getConnectionID() { return $this->_connID; } /** * Sets the ID of a TDataSourceConfig module. * The datasource module will be used to establish the DB connection for this log route. * @param string ID of the {@link TDataSourceConfig} module */ public function setConnectionID($value) { $this->_connID=$value; } /** * @return string the name of the DB table to store log content. Defaults to 'pradolog'. * @see setAutoCreateLogTable */ public function getLogTableName() { return $this->_logTable; } /** * Sets the name of the DB table to store log content. * Note, if {@link setAutoCreateLogTable AutoCreateLogTable} is false * and you want to create the DB table manually by yourself, * you need to make sure the DB table is of the following structure: * (key CHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB, expire INT) * @param string the name of the DB table to store log content * @see setAutoCreateLogTable */ public function setLogTableName($value) { $this->_logTable=$value; } /** * @return boolean whether the log DB table should be automatically created if not exists. Defaults to true. * @see setAutoCreateLogTable */ public function getAutoCreateLogTable() { return $this->_autoCreate; } /** * @param boolean whether the log DB table should be automatically created if not exists. * @see setLogTableName */ public function setAutoCreateLogTable($value) { $this->_autoCreate=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } } /** * TFirebugLogRoute class. * * TFirebugLogRoute prints selected log messages in the firebug log console. * * {@link http://www.getfirebug.com/ FireBug Website} * * @author Enrico Stahn <mail@enricostahn.com>, Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.1.2 */ class TFirebugLogRoute extends TBrowserLogRoute { protected function renderHeader () { $string = <<<EOD <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ if (typeof(console) == 'object') { console.log ("[Cumulated Time] [Time] [Memory] [Level] [Category] [Message]"); EOD; return $string; } protected function renderMessage ($log) { $logfunc = $this->getFirebugLoggingFunction($log[1]); $total = sprintf('%0.6f', $log['time_total']); $delta = sprintf('%0.6f', $log['time_delta']); $msg = trim($this->formatLogMessage($log[0],$log[1],$log[2],'',$log[4])); $msg = preg_replace('/\(line[^\)]+\)$/','',$msg); //remove line number info $msg = "[{$total}] [{$delta}] ".$msg; // Add time spent and cumulated time spent $string = $logfunc . '(\'' . addslashes($msg) . '\');' . "\n"; return $string; } protected function renderFooter () { $string = <<<EOD } </script> EOD; return $string; } protected function getFirebugLoggingFunction($level) { switch ($level) { case TLogger::DEBUG: case TLogger::INFO: case TLogger::NOTICE: return 'console.log'; case TLogger::WARNING: return 'console.warn'; case TLogger::ERROR: case TLogger::ALERT: case TLogger::FATAL: return 'console.error'; } return 'console.log'; } } /** * TFirePhpLogRoute class. * * TFirePhpLogRoute prints log messages in the firebug log console via firephp. * * {@link http://www.getfirebug.com/ FireBug Website} * {@link http://www.firephp.org/ FirePHP Website} * * Due to the usage of headers, this log route can only supply a log until the page is sent. * * @author Yves Berkholz <godzilla80[at]gmx[dot]net> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Util * @since 3.1.5 */ class TFirePhpLogRoute extends TLogRoute implements IHeaderRoute { /** * Default group label */ const DEFAULT_LABEL = 'System.Util.TLogRouter(TFirePhpLogRoute)'; private $_groupLabel = null; static public function available() { require_once Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.3rdParty.FirePHPCore') . '/FirePHP.class.php'; $instance = FirePHP::getInstance(true); $available = $instance->detectClientExtension(); return $available; } /** * Initializes the route. * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. */ public function init($config) { parent::init($config); if(is_array($config)) { if(isset($config['grouplabel'])) $this->GroupLabel = $config['grouplabel']; } if($this->Application->Service instanceof IPageEvents) { $this->Application->Service->OnPreRenderComplete[] = array($this, 'checkHeadFlush'); } } /** * Not having the head tag flush when it's done is a small price to pay to enable firephp * @param TXmlElement configurations specified in {@link TLogRouter}. */ public function checkHeadFlush($sender, $page) { if(!$this->Active) return; $heads = $page->findControlsByType('THead'); // there should only be one but it's an array, so why not? foreach($heads as $head) { if($head->RenderFlush) { Prado::log('Turning off head flush option for firephp', TLogger::INFO, 'System.Util.TFirePhpLogRoute'); $head->RenderFlush = false; } } } /** * @return string this encodes the TFirePhpLogRoute of the route as an xml attribute */ public function toXml() { $xml = '<route ' .$this->encodeId(). $this->encodeName().$this->encodeClass() . $this->encodeLevels() . $this->encodeCategories() . $this->encodeControls() . $this->encodeRoles() . $this->encodeGroupLabel(). '/>'; return $xml; } /** * @return string this encodes the grouplabel of the route as an xml attribute */ protected function encodeGroupLabel() { if($this->GroupLabel == self::DEFAULT_LABEL) return ''; return 'grouplabel="'. htmlentities(addslashes($this->GroupLabel)) .'" '; } /** * Stores log messages into database. * @param array list of log messages */ public function processLogs($logs) { if(empty($logs) || $this->getApplication()->getMode()==='Performance') return; if( headers_sent() ) { echo ' <div style="width:100%; background-color:darkred; color:#FFF; padding:2px"> TFirePhpLogRoute.GroupLabel "<i>' . $this -> getGroupLabel() . '</i>" - Routing to FirePHP impossible, because headers already sent! </div> '; $fallback = new TFirebugLogRoute(); $fallback->processLogs($logs); return; } require_once Prado::getPathOfNamespace('System.3rdParty.FirePHPCore') . '/FirePHP.class.php'; $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true); $firephp -> setOptions(array('useNativeJsonEncode' => false)); $firephp -> group($this->getGroupLabel(), array('Collapsed' => true)); $firephp ->log('Time, Message'); $first = $logs[0][3]; $c = count($logs); for($i=0,$n=$c;$i<$n;++$i) { $message = $logs[$i][0]; $level = $logs[$i][1]; $category = $logs[$i][2]; if ($i<$n-1) { $delta = $logs[$i+1][3] - $logs[$i][3]; $total = $logs[$i+1][3] - $first; } else { $delta = '?'; $total = $logs[$i][3] - $first; } $message = sPrintF('+%0.6f: %s', $delta, preg_replace('/\(line[^\)]+\)$/','',$message)); $firephp ->fb($message, $category, self::translateLogLevel($level)); } $firephp ->log( sPrintF('%0.6f', $total), 'Cumulated Time'); $firephp -> groupEnd(); } protected static function translateLogLevel($level) { switch($level) { case TLogger::INFO: return FirePHP::INFO; case TLogger::DEBUG: case TLogger::NOTICE: return FirePHP::LOG; case TLogger::WARNING: return FirePHP::WARN; case TLogger::ERROR: case TLogger::ALERT: case TLogger::FATAL: return FirePHP::ERROR; } return FirePHP::LOG; } /** * @return string group label. Defaults to TFirePhpLogRoute::DEFAULT_LABEL */ public function getGroupLabel() { if($this->_groupLabel===null) $this->_groupLabel=self::DEFAULT_LABEL; return $this->_groupLabel; } /** * @param string group label. */ public function setGroupLabel($value) { $this->_groupLabel=$value ? $value : null; } }