* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
* @copyright 2010 Bigpoint GmbH
* @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
* @version $Id: TRpcClient.php 137 2010-03-27 22:13:36Z rrogge $
* @since 3.2
* TRpcClient class
* Note: When using setIsNotification(true), *every* following request is also
* considered to be a notification until you use setIsNotification(false).
* Usage:
* First, you can use the factory:
* $_rpcClient = TRpcClient::create('xml', 'http://host/server');
* $_result = $_rpcClient->remoteMethodName($param, $otherParam);
* or as oneliner:
* $_result = TRpcClient::create('json', 'http://host/server')->remoteMethod($param, ...);
* Second, you can also use the specific implementation directly:
* $_rpcClient = new TXmlRpcClient('http://host/server');
* $_result = $_rpcClient->remoteMethod($param, ...);
* or as oneliner:
* $_result = TXmlRpcClient('http://host/server')->hello();
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TRpcClient extends TApplicationComponent
* @var string url of the RPC server
private $_serverUrl;
* @var boolean whether the request is a notification and therefore should not care about the result (default: false)
private $_isNotification = false;
// magics
* @param string url to RPC server
* @param boolean whether requests are considered to be notifications (completely ignoring the response) (default: false)
public function __construct($serverUrl, $isNotification = false)
$this->_serverUrl = $serverUrl;
$this->_isNotification = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($isNotification);
// methods
* Creates an instance of the requested RPC client type
* @return TRpcClient instance
* @throws TApplicationException if an unsupported RPC client type was specified
public static function create($type, $serverUrl, $isNotification = false)
if(($_handler = constant('TRpcClientTypesEnumerable::'.strtoupper($type))) === null)
throw new TApplicationException('rpcclient_unsupported_handler');
return new $_handler($serverUrl, $isNotification);
* Creates a stream context resource
* @param mixed $content
* @param string $contentType mime type
protected function createStreamContext($content, $contentType)
return stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => "Content-Type: {$contentType}",
'content' => $content
* Performs the actual request
* @param string RPC server URL
* @param array payload data
* @param string request mime type
protected function performRequest($serverUrl, $payload, $mimeType)
if(($_response = @file_get_contents($serverUrl, false, $this->createStreamContext($payload, $mimeType))) === false)
throw new TRpcClientRequestException('Server did not respond with HTTP error code 200 ("'.$http_response_header[0].'")');
if(substr($http_response_header[0], -6) != '200 OK')
throw new TRpcClientResponseException('Server did not respond with HTTP error code 200 ("'.$http_response_header[0].'")');
return $_response;
// getter/setter
* @return boolean whether requests are considered to be notifications (completely ignoring the response)
public function getIsNotification()
return $this->_isNotification;
* @param string boolean whether the requests are considered to be notifications (completely ignoring the response) (default: false)
public function setIsNotification($bool)
$this->_isNotification = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($bool);
* @return string url of the RPC server
public function getServerUrl()
return $this->_serverUrl;
* @param string url of the RPC server
public function setServerUrl($value)
$this->_serverUrl = $value;
* TRpcClientTypesEnumerable class
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TRpcClientTypesEnumerable extends TEnumerable
const JSON = 'TJsonRpcClient';
const XML = 'TXmlRpcClient';
* TRpcClientRequestException class
* This Exception is fired if the RPC request fails because of transport problems e.g. when
* there is no RPC server responding on the given remote host.
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TRpcClientRequestException extends TApplicationException
* TRpcClientResponseException class
* This Exception is fired when the
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TRpcClientResponseException extends TApplicationException
* @param string error message
* @param integer error code (optional)
public function __construct($errorMessage, $errorCode = null)
* TJsonRpcClient class
* Note: When using setIsNotification(true), *every* following request is also
* considered to be a notification until you use setIsNotification(false).
* Usage:
* $_rpcClient = new TJsonRpcClient('http://host/server');
* $_result = $_rpcClient->remoteMethod($param, $otherParam);
* // or
* $_result = TJsonRpcClient::create('http://host/server')->remoteMethod($param, $otherParam);
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TJsonRpcClient extends TRpcClient
// magics
* @param string RPC method name
* @param array RPC method parameters
* @return mixed RPC request result
* @throws TRpcClientRequestException if the client fails to connect to the server
* @throws TRpcClientResponseException if the response represents an RPC fault
public function __call($method, $parameters)
// send request
$_response = $this->performRequest($this->getServerUrl(), $this->encodeRequest($method, $parameters), 'application/json');
// skip response handling if the request was just a notification request
return true;
// decode response
if(($_response = json_decode($_response, true)) === null)
throw new TRpcClientResponseException('Empty response received');
// handle error response
throw new TRpcClientResponseException($_response['error']);
return $_response['result'];
// methods
* @param string method name
* @param array method parameters
public function encodeRequest($method, $parameters)
static $_requestId;
$_requestId = ($_requestId === null) ? 1 : $_requestId + 1;
return json_encode(array(
'method' => $method,
'params' => $parameters,
'id' => $this->isNotification ? null : $_requestId
* Creates an instance of TJsonRpcClient
* @param string url of the rpc server
* @param boolean whether the requests are considered to be notifications (completely ignoring the response) (default: false)
public static function create($serverUrl, $isNotification = false)
return new self($serverUrl, $isNotification);
* TXmlRpcClient class
* Note: When using setIsNotification(true), *every* following request is also
* considered to be a notification until you use setIsNotification(false).
* Usage:
* $_rpcClient = new TXmlRpcClient('http://remotehost/rpcserver');
* $_rpcClient->remoteMethod($param, $otherParam);
* @author Robin J. Rogge
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Util
* @since 3.2
class TXmlRpcClient extends TRpcClient
// magics
* @param string RPC method name
* @param array RPC method parameters
* @return mixed RPC request result
* @throws TRpcClientRequestException if the client fails to connect to the server
* @throws TRpcClientResponseException if the response represents an RPC fault
public function __call($method, $parameters)
// send request
$_response = $this->performRequest($this->getServerUrl(), $this->encodeRequest($method, $parameters), 'text/xml');
// skip response handling if the request was just a notification request
return true;
// decode response
if(($_response = xmlrpc_decode($_response)) === null)
throw new TRpcClientResponseException('Empty response received');
// handle error response
throw new TRpcClientResponseException($_response['faultString'], $_response['faultCode']);
return $_response;
// methods
* @param string method name
* @param array method parameters
public function encodeRequest($method, $parameters)
return xmlrpc_encode_request($method, $parameters);
* Creates an instance of TXmlRpcClient
* @param string url of the rpc server
* @param boolean whether the requests are considered to be notifications (completely ignoring the response) (default: false)
public static function create($serverUrl, $isNotification = false)
return new self($serverUrl, $isNotification);