 * Auto complete textbox via AJAX.
Prado.AutoCompleter = Class.create();

 * Overrides parent implementation of updateElement by trimming the value.
Prado.AutoCompleter.Base = function(){};
Prado.AutoCompleter.Base.prototype = Object.extend(Autocompleter.Base.prototype,
  updateElement: function(selectedElement) 
    if (this.options.updateElement) {

    var value = Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(selectedElement, 'informal');
    var lastTokenPos = this.findLastToken();
    if (lastTokenPos != -1) {
      var newValue = this.element.value.substr(0, lastTokenPos + 1);
      var whitespace = this.element.value.substr(lastTokenPos + 1).match(/^\s+/);
      if (whitespace)
        newValue += whitespace[0];
      this.element.value = (newValue + value).trim();
    } else {
      this.element.value = value.trim();
    if (this.options.afterUpdateElement)
      this.options.afterUpdateElement(this.element, selectedElement);

 * Based on the Prototype Autocompleter class.
 * This client-side component should be instantiated from a Prado component.
 * Usage: <t>new Prado.AutoCompleter('textboxID', 'updateDivID', {callbackID : '...'});
Prado.AutoCompleter.prototype = Object.extend(new Autocompleter.Base(),
	 * This component is initialized by
	 * <code>new Prado.AutoCompleter(...)</code>
	 * @param string the ID of the textbox element to observe
	 * @param string the ID of the div to display the auto-complete options
	 * @param array a hash of options, e.g. auto-completion token separator.
	initialize : function(element, update, options)
		this.baseInitialize(element, update, options);

	 * The callback function, i.e., function called on successful AJAX return.
	 * Calls update choices in the Autocompleter.
	 * @param string new auto-complete options for display
	onUpdateReturn : function(result)
		if(isString(result) && result.length > 0)

	 * Requesting new choices using Prado's client-side callback scheme.
	getUpdatedChoices : function()
		Prado.Callback(this.element.id, this.getToken(), this.onUpdateReturn.bind(this));

 * Prado TActivePanel client javascript. Usage
 * <code>
 * Prado.ActivePanel.register("id", options);
 * Prado.ActivePanel.update("id", "hello");
 * </code>
Prado.ActivePanel =
	callbacks : {},

	register : function(id, options)
		Prado.ActivePanel.callbacks[id] = options;

	update : function(id, param)
		var request = new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(id,

 * Client-script for TActivePanel. Uses Callback to notify the server
 * for updates, if update option is set, the innerHTML of the update ID
 * is set to the returned output.
Prado.ActivePanel.Request = Class.create();
Prado.ActivePanel.Request.prototype =
	initialize : function(element, options)
		this.element = element;

	 * Set some options.
	setOptions : function(options)
		this.options =
			onSuccess : this.onSuccess.bind(this)
		Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

	 * Make the callback request
	callback : function(param)
		this.options.params = [param];
		new Prado.AJAX.Callback(this.element, this.options);

	 * Callback onSuccess handler, update the element innerHTML if necessary
	onSuccess : function(result, output)
			var element = $(this.options.update)
			if(element) element.innerHTML = output;

 * Drop container to accept draggable component drops.
Prado.DropContainer = Class.create();
Prado.DropContainer.prototype = Object.extend(new Prado.ActivePanel.Request(),
	initialize : function(element, options)
		this.element = element;
			onDrop : this.onDrop.bind(this),
			evalScripts : true,
			onSuccess : options.onSuccess || this.update.bind(this)
		Droppables.add(element, this.options);

	onDrop : function(draggable, droppable)

	update : function(result, output)
		this.onSuccess(result, output);
		if (this.options.evalScripts)