Prado.Validation.TRequiredFieldValidator=function(){ var inputType = this.control.getAttribute("type"); if(inputType == 'file'){ return true; } else{ var trim=Prado.Util.trim; var a=trim(Form.Element.getValue(this.control)); var b=trim(this.attr.initialvalue); return(a!=b); } } Prado.Validation.TRegularExpressionValidator = function() { var trim = Prado.Util.trim; var value = trim(Form.Element.getValue(this.control)); if (value == "") return true; var rx = new RegExp(this.attr.validationexpression); var matches = rx.exec(value); return (matches != null && value == matches[0]); } Prado.Validation.TEmailAddressValidator = Prado.Validation.TRegularExpressionValidator; Prado.Validation.TCustomValidator = function() { var value = isNull(this.control) ? null : $F(this.control); var func = this.attr.clientvalidationfunction; eval("var validate = "+func); return validate && isFunction(validate) ? validate(this, value) : true; } Prado.Validation.TRangeValidator = function() { var trim = Prado.Util.trim; var value = trim(Form.Element.getValue(this.control)); if (value == "") return true; var minval = this.attr.minimumvalue; var maxval = this.attr.maximumvalue; if (undef(minval) && undef(maxval)) return true; if (minval == "") minval = 0; if (maxval == "") maxval = 0; var dataType = this.attr.type; if(undef(dataType)) return (parseFloat(value) >= parseFloat(minval)) && (parseFloat(value) <= parseFloat(maxval)); //now do datatype range check. var min = this.convert(dataType, minval); var max = this.convert(dataType, maxval); value = this.convert(dataType, value); return value >= min && value <= max; } Prado.Validation.TCompareValidator = function() { var trim = Prado.Util.trim; var value = trim(Form.Element.getValue(this.control)); if (value.length == 0) return true; var compareTo; var comparee = $(this.attr.controlhookup);; if(comparee) compareTo = trim(Form.Element.getValue(comparee)); else { compareTo = isString(this.attr.valuetocompare) ? this.attr.valuetocompare : ""; } var compare =; var isValid = compare.bind(this)(value, compareTo); //update the comparee control css class name and add onchange event once. if(comparee) { var className = this.attr.controlcssclass; if(isString(className) && className.length>0) Element.condClassName(comparee, className, !isValid); if(undef(this.observingComparee)) { Event.observe(comparee, "change", this.validate.bind(this)); this.observingComparee = true; } } return isValid; } /** * Compare the two values, also performs data type check. * @param {string} value to compare with * @param {string} value to compare * @type {boolean} true if comparison or type check is valid, false otherwise. */ = function(operand1, operand2) { var op1, op2; if ((op1 = this.convert(this.attr.type, operand1)) == null) return false; if (this.attr.operator == "DataTypeCheck") return true; if ((op2 = this.convert(this.attr.type, operand2)) == null) return true; switch (this.attr.operator) { case "NotEqual": return (op1 != op2); case "GreaterThan": return (op1 > op2); case "GreaterThanEqual": return (op1 >= op2); case "LessThan": return (op1 < op2); case "LessThanEqual": return (op1 <= op2); default: return (op1 == op2); } } Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator = function() { var min = undef(this.attr.min) ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : parseInt(this.attr.min); var max = undef(this.attr.max) ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : parseInt(this.attr.max); var elements = document.getElementsByName(this.attr.selector); if(elements.length <= 0) elements = document.getElementsBySelector(this.attr.selector); if(elements.length <= 0) return true; var required = new Array(); if(isString(this.attr.required) && this.attr.required.length > 0) required = this.attr.required.split(/,\s* /); var isValid = true; var validator = Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator; switch(elements[0].type) { case 'radio': case 'checkbox': isValid = validator.IsValidRadioList(elements, min, max, required); break; case 'select-multiple': isValid = validator.IsValidSelectMultipleList(elements, min, max, required); break; } var className = this.attr.elementcssclass; if(isString(className) && className.length>0) map(elements, function(element){ condClass(element, className, !isValid); }); if(undef(this.observingRequiredList)) { Event.observe(elements, "change", this.validate.bind(this)); this.observingRequiredList = true; } return isValid; } //radio group selection Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator.IsValidRadioList = function(elements, min, max, required) { var checked = 0; var values = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if(elements[i].checked) { checked++; values.push(elements[i].value); } } return Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator.IsValidList(checked, values, min, max, required); } //multiple selection check Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator.IsValidSelectMultipleList = function(elements, min, max, required) { var checked = 0; var values = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var selection = elements[i]; for(var j = 0; j < selection.options.length; j++) { if(selection.options[j].selected) { checked++; values.push(selection.options[j].value); } } } return Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator.IsValidList(checked, values, min, max, required); } //check if the list was valid Prado.Validation.TRequiredListValidator.IsValidList = function(checkes, values, min, max, required) { var exists = true; if(required.length > 0) { //required and the values must at least be have same lengths if(values.length < required.length) return false; for(var k = 0; k < required.length; k++) exists = exists && values.contains(required[k]); } return exists && checkes >= min && checkes <= max; }