/** ARRAY EXTENSIONS by Caio Chassot (http://v2studio.com/k/code/) */ //function v2studio_com_code() //{ /** * Searches Array for value. * returns the index of the first item * which matches value, or -1 if not found. * searching starts at index 0, or at start, if specified. * * Here are the rules for an item to match value * if strict is false or not specified (default): * if value is a: * # function -> value(item) must be true * # RegExp -> value.test(item) must be true * # anything else -> item == value must be true * @param value the value (function, regexp) to search * @param start where to start the search * @param strict use strict comparison (===) for everything */ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(value, start, strict) { start = start || 0; for (var i=start; ivalue returns the first matched item, or null if not found * Parameters work the same as indexOf * @see #indexOf */ Array.prototype.find = function(value, start, strict) { var i = this.indexOf(value, start, strict); if (i != -1) return this[i]; return null } /* A.contains(value [, strict]) /** * aliases: has, include * returns true if value is found in Array, otherwise false; * relies on indexOf, see its doc for details on value and strict * @see #indexOf */ Array.prototype.contains = function(value,strict) { return this.indexOf(value,0,strict) !== -1; } Array.prototype.has = Array.prototype.contains; Array.prototype.include = Array.prototype.contains; /** * counts occurences of value in Array * relies on indexOf, see its doc for details on value and strict * @see #indexOf */ Array.prototype.count = function(value, strict) { var pos, start = 0, count = 0; while ((pos = this.indexOf(value, start, strict)) !== -1) { start = pos + 1; count++; } return count; } /** * if all is false or not provied: * removes first occurence of value from Array * if all is provided and true: * removes all occurences of value from Array * returns the array * relies on indexOf, see its doc for details on value and strict * @see #indexOf */ Array.prototype.remove = function(value,all,strict) { while (this.contains(value,strict)) { this.splice(this.indexOf(value,0,strict),1); if (!all) break } return this; } /* A.merge(a [, a]*) Append the contents of provided arrays into the current takes: one or more arrays returns: current array (modified) */ Array.prototype.merge = function() { var a = []; for (var i=0; i */ Array.prototype.min = function() { if (!this.length) return; var n = this[0]; for (var i=1; ithis[i]) n=this[i]; return n; } /* A.min() returns the graetest item in array by comparing them with < */ Array.prototype.max = function() { if (!this.length) return; var n = this[0]; for (var i=1; i 0; } /* A.each(fn) method form of each function */ Array.prototype.each = function(fn) { return each(this, fn) } /* A.map([fn]) method form of map function */ Array.prototype.map = function(fn) { return map(this, fn) } /* A.filter([fn]) method form of filter function */ Array.prototype.filter = function(fn) { return filter(this, fn) } Array.prototype.select = Array.prototype.filter /* A.reduce([initial,] fn) method form of filter function */ Array.prototype.reduce = function() { var args = map(arguments); fn = args.pop(); d = args.pop(); return reduce(this, d, fn); } Array.prototype.inject = Array.prototype.reduce /* A.reject(fn) deletes items in A *in place* for which fn(item) is true returns a */ Array.prototype.reject = function(fn) { if (typeof(fn)=='string') fn = __strfn('item,idx,list', fn); var self = this; var itemsToRemove = []; fn = fn || function(v) {return v}; map(self, function(item,idx,list) { if (fn(item,idx,list)) itemsToRemove.push(idx) } ); itemsToRemove.reverse().each(function(idx) { self.splice(idx,1) }); return self; } /* __strfn(args, fn) this is used internally by each, map, combine, filter and reduce to accept strings as functions. takes: `args` -> a string of comma separated names of the function arguments `fn` -> the function body if `fn` does not contain a return statement, a return keyword will be added before the last statement. the last statement is determined by removing the trailing semicolon (';') (if it exists) and then searching for the last semicolon, hence, caveats may apply (i.e. if the last statement has a string or regex containing the ';' character things will go wrong) */ function __strfn(args, fn) { function quote(s) { return '"' + s.replace(/"/g,'\\"') + '"' } if (!/\breturn\b/.test(fn)) { fn = fn.replace(/;\s*$/, ''); fn = fn.insert(fn.lastIndexOf(';')+1, ' return '); } return eval('new Function(' + map(args.split(/\s*,\s*/), quote).join() + ',' + quote(fn) + ')' ); } /* each(list, fn) traverses `list`, applying `fn` to each item of `list` takes: `list` -> anything that can be indexed and has a `length` property. usually an array. `fn` -> either a function, or a string containing a function body, in which case the name of the paremeters passed to it will be 'item', 'idx' and 'list'. se doc for `__strfn` for peculiarities about passing strings for `fn` `each` provides a safe way for traversing only an array's indexed items, ignoring its other properties. (as opposed to how for-in works) */ function each(list, fn) { if (typeof(fn)=='string') return each(list, __strfn('item,idx,list', fn)); for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) fn(list[i], i, list); } /* map(list [, fn]) traverses `list`, applying `fn` to each item of `list`, returning an array of values returned by `fn` parameters work the same as for `each`, same `__strfn` caveats apply if `fn` is not provided, the list item is returned itself. this is an easy way to transform fake arrays (e.g. the arguments object of a function or nodeList objects) into real javascript arrays. e.g.: args = map(arguments) If you don't care about map's return value, you should use `each` this is a simplified version of python's map. parameter order is different, only a single list (array) is accepted, and the parameters passed to [fn] are different: [fn] takes the current item, then, optionally, the current index and a reference to the list (so that [fn] can modify list) see `combine` if you want to pass multiple lists */ function map(list, fn) { if (typeof(fn)=='string') return map(list, __strfn('item,idx,list', fn)); var result = []; fn = fn || function(v) {return v}; for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) result.push(fn(list[i], i, list)); return result; } /* combine(list [, list]* [, fn]) takes: `list`s -> one or more lists (see `each` for definition of a list) `fn` -> Similar s `each` or `map`, a function or a string containing a function body. if a string is used, the name of parameters passed to the created function will be the lowercase alphabet letters, in order: a,b,c... same `__strfn` caveats apply combine will traverse all lists concurrently, passing each row if items as parameters to `fn` if `fn` is not provided, a function that returns a list containing each item in the row is used. if a list is smaller than the other, `null` is used in place of its missing items returns: an array of the values returned by calling `fn` for each row of items */ function combine() { var args = map(arguments); var lists = map(args.slice(0,-1),'map(item)'); var fn = args.last(); var toplen = map(lists, "item.length").max(); var vals = []; if (!fn) fn = function(){return map(arguments)}; if (typeof fn == 'string') { if (lists.length > 26) throw 'string functions can take at most 26 lists'; var a = 'a'.charCodeAt(0); fn = __strfn(map(range(a, a+lists.length),'String.fromCharCode(item)').join(','), fn); } map(lists, function(li) { while (li.length < toplen) li.push(null); map(li, function(item,ix){ if (ix < vals.length) vals[ix].push(item); else vals.push([item]); }); }); return map(vals, function(val) { return fn.apply(fn, val) }); } /* filter(list [, fn]) returns an array of items in `list` for which `fn(item)` is true parameters work the same as for `each`, same `__strfn` caveats apply if `fn` is not specified the items are evaluated themselves, that is, filter will return an array of the items in `list` which evaluate to true this is a similar to python's filter, but parameter order is inverted */ function filter(list, fn) { if (typeof(fn)=='string') return filter(list, __strfn('item,idx,list', fn)); var result = []; fn = fn || function(v) {return v}; map(list, function(item,idx,list) { if (fn(item,idx,list)) result.push(item) } ); return result; } /* reduce(list [, initial], fn) similar to python's reduce. paremeter onder inverted... TODO: document this properly takes: `list` -> see doc for `each` to learn more about it `inirial -> TODO: doc` `fn` -> similar to `each` too, but in the case where it's a string, the name of the paremeters passed to it will be 'a' and 'b' same `__strfn` caveats apply */ function reduce(list, initial, fn) { if (undef(fn)) { fn = initial; initial = window.undefined; // explicit `window` object so browsers that do not have an `undefined` keyword will evaluate to the (hopefully) undefined parameter `undefined` of `window` } if (typeof(fn)=='string') return reduce(list, initial, __strfn('a,b', fn)); if (isdef(initial)) list.splice(0,0,initial); if (list.length===0) return false; if (list.length===1) return list[0]; var result = list[0]; var i = 1; while(i