/* Created By: Corey Johnson E-mail: probablyCorey@gmail.com Requires: Prototype Javascript library (http://prototype.conio.net/) Use it all you want. Just remember to give me some credit :) */ // ------------ // Custom Event // ------------ CustomEvent = Class.create() CustomEvent.prototype = { initialize : function() { this.listeners = [] }, addListener : function(method) { this.listeners.push(method) }, removeListener : function(method) { var foundIndexes = this._findListenerIndexes(method) for(var i = 0; i < foundIndexes.length; i++) { this.listeners.splice(foundIndexes[i], 1) } }, dispatch : function(handler) { for(var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) { try { this.listeners[i](handler) } catch (e) { alert("Could not run the listener " + this.listeners[i] + ". " + e) } } }, // Private Methods // --------------- _findListenerIndexes : function(method) { var indexes = [] for(var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) { if (this.listeners[i] == method) { indexes.push(i) } } return indexes } } // ------ // Cookie // ------ var Cookie = { set : function(name, value, expirationInDays, path) { var cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape(value) if (expirationInDays) { var date = new Date() date.setDate(date.getDate() + expirationInDays) cookie += "; expires=" + date.toGMTString() } if (path) { cookie += ";path=" + path } document.cookie = cookie if (value && (expirationInDays == undefined || expirationInDays > 0) && !this.get(name)) { Logger.error("Cookie (" + name + ") was not set correctly... The value was " + value.toString().length + " charachters long (This may be over the cookie limit)"); } }, get : function(name) { var pattern = "(^|;)\\s*" + escape(name) + "=([^;]+)" var m = document.cookie.match(pattern) if (m && m[2]) { return unescape(m[2]) } else return null }, getAll : function() { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';') var cookieArray = [] for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { try { var name = unescape(cookies[i].match(/^\s*([^=]+)/m)[1]) var value = unescape(cookies[i].match(/=(.*$)/m)[1]) } catch (e) { continue } cookieArray.push({name : name, value : value}) if (cookieArray[name] != undefined) { Logger.waring("Trying to retrieve cookie named(" + name + "). There appears to be another property with this name though."); } cookieArray[name] = value } return cookieArray }, clear : function(name) { this.set(name, "", -1) }, clearAll : function() { var cookies = this.getAll() for(var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { this.clear(cookies[i].name) } } } // ------ // Logger // ----- Logger = { logEntries : [], onupdate : new CustomEvent(), onclear : new CustomEvent(), // Logger output log : function(message, tag) { var logEntry = new LogEntry(message, tag || "info") this.logEntries.push(logEntry) this.onupdate.dispatch(logEntry) }, info : function(message) { this.log(message, 'info') }, debug : function(message) { this.log(message, 'debug') }, warn : function(message) { this.log(message, 'warning') }, error : function(message, error) { this.log(message + ": \n" + error, 'error') }, clear : function () { this.logEntries = [] this.onclear.dispatch() } } LogEntry = Class.create() LogEntry.prototype = { initialize : function(message, tag) { this.message = message this.tag = tag } } LogConsole = Class.create() LogConsole.prototype = { // Properties // ---------- commandHistory : [], commandIndex : 0, // Methods // ------- initialize : function() { this.outputCount = 0 this.tagPattern = Cookie.get('tagPattern') || ".*" // I hate writing javascript in HTML... but what's a better alternative this.logElement = document.createElement('div') document.body.appendChild(this.logElement) Element.hide(this.logElement) this.logElement.style.position = "absolute" this.logElement.style.left = '0px' this.logElement.style.width = '100%' this.logElement.style.textAlign = "left" this.logElement.style.fontFamily = "lucida console" this.logElement.style.fontSize = "100%" this.logElement.style.backgroundColor = 'darkgray' this.logElement.style.opacity = 0.9 this.logElement.style.zIndex = 2000 // Add toolbarElement this.toolbarElement = document.createElement('div') this.logElement.appendChild(this.toolbarElement) this.toolbarElement.style.padding = "0 0 0 2px" // Add buttons this.buttonsContainerElement = document.createElement('span') this.toolbarElement.appendChild(this.buttonsContainerElement) this.buttonsContainerElement.innerHTML += '<button onclick="logConsole.toggle()" style="float:right;color:black">close</button>' this.buttonsContainerElement.innerHTML += '<button onclick="Logger.clear()" style="float:right;color:black">clear</button>' if(!Prado.Inspector.disabled) this.buttonsContainerElement.innerHTML += '<button onclick="Prado.Inspector.inspect()" style="float:right;color:black; margin-right:15px;">Object Tree</button>' //Add Tag Filter this.tagFilterContainerElement = document.createElement('span') this.toolbarElement.appendChild(this.tagFilterContainerElement) this.tagFilterContainerElement.style.cssFloat = 'left' this.tagFilterContainerElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Log Filter")) this.tagFilterElement = document.createElement('input') this.tagFilterContainerElement.appendChild(this.tagFilterElement) this.tagFilterElement.style.width = '200px' this.tagFilterElement.value = this.tagPattern this.tagFilterElement.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off') // So Firefox doesn't flip out Event.observe(this.tagFilterElement, 'keyup', this.updateTags.bind(this)) Event.observe(this.tagFilterElement, 'click', function() {this.tagFilterElement.select()}.bind(this)) // Add outputElement this.outputElement = document.createElement('div') this.logElement.appendChild(this.outputElement) this.outputElement.style.overflow = "auto" this.outputElement.style.clear = "both" this.outputElement.style.height = "200px" this.outputElement.style.backgroundColor = 'black' this.inputContainerElement = document.createElement('div') this.inputContainerElement.style.width = "100%" this.logElement.appendChild(this.inputContainerElement) this.inputElement = document.createElement('input') this.inputContainerElement.appendChild(this.inputElement) this.inputElement.style.width = '100%' this.inputElement.style.borderWidth = '0px' // Inputs with 100% width always seem to be too large (I HATE THEM) they only work if the border, margin and padding are 0 this.inputElement.style.margin = '0px' this.inputElement.style.padding = '0px' this.inputElement.value = 'Type command here' this.inputElement.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off') // So Firefox doesn't flip out Event.observe(this.inputElement, 'keyup', this.handleInput.bind(this)) Event.observe(this.inputElement, 'click', function() {this.inputElement.select()}.bind(this)) window.setInterval(this.repositionWindow.bind(this), 500) this.repositionWindow() // Listen to the logger.... Logger.onupdate.addListener(this.logUpdate.bind(this)) Logger.onclear.addListener(this.clear.bind(this)) // Preload log element with the log entries that have been entered for (var i = 0; i < Logger.logEntries.length; i++) { this.logUpdate(Logger.logEntries[i]) } // Feed all errors into the logger (For some unknown reason I can only get this to work // with an inline event declaration) Event.observe(window, 'error', function(msg, url, lineNumber) {Logger.error("Error in (" + (url || location) + ") on line "+lineNumber+"", msg)}) // Allow acess key link var accessElement = document.createElement('span') accessElement.innerHTML = '<button style="position:absolute;top:-100px" onclick="javascript:logConsole.toggle()" accesskey="d"></button>' document.body.appendChild(accessElement) if (Cookie.get('ConsoleVisible') == 'true') { this.toggle() } }, toggle : function() { if (this.logElement.style.display == 'none') { this.show() } else { this.hide() } }, show : function() { Element.show(this.logElement) this.outputElement.scrollTop = this.outputElement.scrollHeight // Scroll to bottom when toggled Cookie.set('ConsoleVisible', 'true') this.inputElement.select() }, hide : function() { Element.hide(this.logElement) Cookie.set('ConsoleVisible', 'false') }, output : function(message, style) { // If we are at the bottom of the window, then keep scrolling with the output var shouldScroll = (this.outputElement.scrollTop + (2 * this.outputElement.clientHeight)) >= this.outputElement.scrollHeight this.outputCount++ style = (style ? style += ';' : '') style += 'padding:1px;margin:0 0 5px 0' if (this.outputCount % 2 == 0) style += ";background-color:#101010" message = message || "undefined" message = message.toString().escapeHTML() this.outputElement.innerHTML += "<pre style='" + style + "'>" + message + "</pre>" if (shouldScroll) { this.outputElement.scrollTop = this.outputElement.scrollHeight } }, updateTags : function() { var pattern = this.tagFilterElement.value if (this.tagPattern == pattern) return try { new RegExp(pattern) } catch (e) { return } this.tagPattern = pattern Cookie.set('tagPattern', this.tagPattern) this.outputElement.innerHTML = "" // Go through each log entry again this.outputCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Logger.logEntries.length; i++) { this.logUpdate(Logger.logEntries[i]) } }, repositionWindow : function() { var offset = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop var pageHeight = self.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight this.logElement.style.top = (offset + pageHeight - Element.getHeight(this.logElement)) + "px" }, // Event Handlers // -------------- logUpdate : function(logEntry) { if (logEntry.tag.search(new RegExp(this.tagPattern, 'igm')) == -1) return var style = '' if (logEntry.tag.search(/error/) != -1) style += 'color:red' else if (logEntry.tag.search(/warning/) != -1) style += 'color:orange' else if (logEntry.tag.search(/debug/) != -1) style += 'color:green' else if (logEntry.tag.search(/info/) != -1) style += 'color:white' else style += 'color:yellow' this.output(logEntry.message, style) }, clear : function(e) { this.outputElement.innerHTML = "" }, handleInput : function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN ) { var command = this.inputElement.value switch(command) { case "clear": Logger.clear() break default: var consoleOutput = "" try { consoleOutput = eval(this.inputElement.value) } catch (e) { Logger.error("Problem parsing input <" + command + ">", e) break } Logger.log(consoleOutput) break } if (this.inputElement.value != "" && this.inputElement.value != this.commandHistory[0]) { this.commandHistory.unshift(this.inputElement.value) } this.commandIndex = 0 this.inputElement.value = "" } else if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_UP && this.commandHistory.length > 0) { this.inputElement.value = this.commandHistory[this.commandIndex] if (this.commandIndex < this.commandHistory.length - 1) { this.commandIndex += 1 } } else if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_DOWN && this.commandHistory.length > 0) { if (this.commandIndex > 0) { this.commandIndex -= 1 } this.inputElement.value = this.commandHistory[this.commandIndex] } else { this.commandIndex = 0 } } } // Load the Console when the window loads var logConsole; Event.OnLoad(function() { logConsole = new LogConsole()}); // ------------------------- // Helper Functions And Junk // ------------------------- function inspect(o) { var objtype = typeof(o); if (objtype == "undefined") { return "undefined"; } else if (objtype == "number" || objtype == "boolean") { return o + ""; } else if (o === null) { return "null"; } try { var ostring = (o + ""); } catch (e) { return "[" + typeof(o) + "]"; } if (typeof(o) == "function") { o = ostring.replace(/^\s+/, ""); var idx = o.indexOf("{"); if (idx != -1) { o = o.substr(0, idx) + "{...}"; } return o; } var reprString = function (o) { return ('"' + o.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"' ).replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f" ).replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b" ).replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n" ).replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t" ).replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r"); }; if (objtype == "string") { return reprString(o); } // recurse var me = arguments.callee; // short-circuit for objects that support "json" serialization // if they return "self" then just pass-through... var newObj; if (typeof(o.__json__) == "function") { newObj = o.__json__(); if (o !== newObj) { return me(newObj); } } if (typeof(o.json) == "function") { newObj = o.json(); if (o !== newObj) { return me(newObj); } } // array if (objtype != "function" && typeof(o.length) == "number") { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { var val = me(o[i]); if (typeof(val) != "string") { val = "undefined"; } res.push(val); } return "[" + res.join(", ") + "]"; } // generic object code path res = []; for (var k in o) { var useKey; if (typeof(k) == "number") { useKey = '"' + k + '"'; } else if (typeof(k) == "string") { useKey = reprString(k); } else { // skip non-string or number keys continue; } val = me(o[k]); if (typeof(val) != "string") { // skip non-serializable values continue; } res.push(useKey + ":" + val); } return "{" + res.join(", ") + "}"; } Array.prototype.contains = function(object) { for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (object == this[i]) return true } return false } // Helper Alias for simple logging var puts = function() {return Logger.log(arguments[0], arguments[1])} /************************************* Javascript Object Tree version 1.0 last revision:04.11.2004 steve@slayeroffice.com http://slayeroffice.com (c)2004 S.G. Chipman Please notify me of any modifications you make to this code so that I can update the version hosted on slayeroffice.com ************************************/ if(typeof Prado == "undefined") var Prado = {}; Prado.Inspector = { d : document, types : new Array(), objs : new Array(), hidden : new Array(), opera : window.opera, displaying : '', nameList : new Array(), format : function(str) { if(typeof(str) != "string") return str; str=str.replace(/</g,"<"); str=str.replace(/>/g,">"); return str; }, parseJS : function(obj) { var name; if(typeof obj == "string") { name = obj; obj = eval(obj); } win= typeof obj == 'undefined' ? window : obj; this.displaying = name ? name : win.toString(); for(js in win) { try { if(win[js] && js.toString().indexOf("Inspector")==-1 && (win[js]+"").indexOf("[native code]")==-1) { t=typeof(win[js]); if(!this.objs[t.toString()]) { this.types[this.types.length]=t; this.objs[t]={}; this.nameList[t] = new Array(); } this.nameList[t].push(js); this.objs[t][js] = this.format(win[js]+""); } } catch(err) { } } for(i=0;i<this.types.length;i++) this.nameList[this.types[i]].sort(); }, show : function(objID) { this.d.getElementById(objID).style.display=this.hidden[objID]?"none":"block"; this.hidden[objID]=this.hidden[objID]?0:1; }, changeSpan : function(spanID) { if(this.d.getElementById(spanID).innerHTML.indexOf("+")>-1){ this.d.getElementById(spanID).innerHTML="[-]"; } else { this.d.getElementById(spanID).innerHTML="[+]"; } }, buildInspectionLevel : function() { var display = this.displaying; var list = display.split("."); var links = ["<a href=\"javascript:var_dump()\">[object Window]</a>"]; var name = ''; if(display.indexOf("[object ") >= 0) return links.join("."); for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { name += (name.length ? "." : "") + list[i]; links[i+1] = "<a href=\"javascript:var_dump('"+name+"')\">"+list[i]+"</a>"; } return links.join("."); }, buildTree : function() { mHTML = "<div>Inspecting "+this.buildInspectionLevel()+"</div>"; mHTML +="<ul class=\"topLevel\">"; this.types.sort(); var so_objIndex=0; for(i=0;i<this.types.length;i++) { mHTML+="<li style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"Prado.Inspector.show('ul"+i+"');Prado.Inspector.changeSpan('sp" + i + "')\"><span id=\"sp" + i + "\">[+]</span><b>" + this.types[i] + "</b> (" + this.nameList[this.types[i]].length + ")</li><ul style=\"display:none;\" id=\"ul"+i+"\">"; this.hidden["ul"+i]=0; for(e=0;e<this.nameList[this.types[i]].length;e++) { var prop = this.nameList[this.types[i]][e]; var value = this.objs[this.types[i]][prop] var more = ""; if(value.indexOf("[object ") >= 0 && /^[a-zA-Z_]/.test(prop)) { if(this.displaying.indexOf("[object ") < 0) more = " <a href=\"javascript:var_dump('"+this.displaying+"."+prop+"')\"><b>more</b></a>"; else if(this.displaying.indexOf("[object Window]") >= 0) more = " <a href=\"javascript:var_dump('"+prop+"')\"><b>more</b></a>"; } mHTML+="<li style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"Prado.Inspector.show('mul" + so_objIndex + "');Prado.Inspector.changeSpan('sk" + so_objIndex + "')\"><span id=\"sk" + so_objIndex + "\">[+]</span>" + prop + "</li><ul id=\"mul" + so_objIndex + "\" style=\"display:none;\"><li style=\"list-style-type:none;\"><pre>" + value + more + "</pre></li></ul>"; this.hidden["mul"+so_objIndex]=0; so_objIndex++; } mHTML+="</ul>"; } mHTML+="</ul>"; this.d.getElementById("so_mContainer").innerHTML =mHTML; }, handleKeyEvent : function(e) { keyCode=document.all?window.event.keyCode:e.keyCode; if(keyCode==27) { this.cleanUp(); } }, cleanUp : function() { if(this.d.getElementById("so_mContainer")) { this.d.body.removeChild(this.d.getElementById("so_mContainer")); this.d.body.removeChild(this.d.getElementById("so_mStyle")); if(typeof Event != "undefined") Event.stopObserving(this.d, "keydown", this.handleKeyEvent.bind(this)); this.types = new Array(); this.objs = new Array(); this.hidden = new Array(); } }, disabled : document.all && !this.opera, inspect : function(obj) { if(this.disabled)return alert("Sorry, this only works in Mozilla and Firefox currently."); this.cleanUp(); mObj=this.d.body.appendChild(this.d.createElement("div")); mObj.id="so_mContainer"; sObj=this.d.body.appendChild(this.d.createElement("style")); sObj.id="so_mStyle"; sObj.type="text/css"; sObj.innerHTML = this.style; if(typeof Event != "undefined") Event.observe(this.d, "keydown", this.handleKeyEvent.bind(this)); this.parseJS(obj); this.buildTree(); cObj=mObj.appendChild(this.d.createElement("div")); cObj.className="credits"; cObj.innerHTML = "<b>[esc] to <a href=\"javascript:Prado.Inspector.cleanUp();\">close</a></b><br />Javascript Object Tree V2.0, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://slayeroffice.com/?c=/content/tools/js_tree.html\">more info</a>."; window.scrollTo(0,0); }, style : "#so_mContainer { position:absolute; top:5px; left:5px; background-color:#E3EBED; text-align:left; font:9pt verdana; width:85%; border:2px solid #000; padding:5px; z-index:1000; color:#000; } " + "#so_mContainer ul { padding-left:20px; } " + "#so_mContainer ul li { display:block; list-style-type:none; list-style-image:url(); line-height:2em; -moz-border-radius:.75em; font:10px verdana; padding:0; margin:2px; color:#000; } " + "#so_mContainer li:hover { background-color:#E3EBED; } " + "#so_mContainer ul li span { position:relative; width:15px; height:15px; margin-right:4px; } " + "#so_mContainer pre { background-color:#F9FAFB; border:1px solid #638DA1; height:auto; padding:5px; font:9px verdana; color:#000; } " + "#so_mContainer .topLevel { margin:0; padding:0; } " + "#so_mContainer .credits { float:left; width:200px; font:6.5pt verdana; color:#000; padding:2px; margin-left:5px; text-align:left; border-top:1px solid #000; margin-top:15px; width:75%; } " + "#so_mContainer .credits a { font:9px verdana; font-weight:bold; color:#004465; text-decoration:none; background-color:transparent; }" } //similar function to var_dump in PHP, brings up the javascript object tree UI. function var_dump(obj) { Prado.Inspector.inspect(obj); } //similar function to print_r for PHP var print_r = inspect;