/** * TrimPath Template. Release 1.0.16. * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Metaha. * * TrimPath Template is licensed under the GNU General Public License * and the Apache License, Version 2.0, as follows: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var TrimPath; // TODO: Debugging mode vs stop-on-error mode - runtime flag. // TODO: Handle || (or) characters and backslashes. // TODO: Add more modifiers. (function() { // Using a closure to keep global namespace clean. var theEval = eval; // Security, to ensure eval cleanliness. if (TrimPath == null) TrimPath = new Object(); if (TrimPath.evalEx == null) TrimPath.evalEx = function(src) { return theEval(src); }; TrimPath.parseTemplate = function(tmplContent, optTmplName, optEtc) { if (optEtc == null) optEtc = TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc; var funcSrc = parse(tmplContent, optTmplName, optEtc); var func = TrimPath.evalEx(funcSrc, optTmplName, 1); if (func != null) return new optEtc.Template(optTmplName, tmplContent, funcSrc, func, optEtc); return null; } try { String.prototype.process = function(context, optFlags) { var template = TrimPath.parseTemplate(this, null); if (template != null) return template.process(context, optFlags); return this; } } catch (e) { // Swallow exception, such as when String.prototype is sealed. } TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc = {}; // Exposed for extensibility. TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementTag = "forelse|for|if|elseif|else|var|macro"; TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementDef = { // Lookup table for statement tags. "if" : { delta: 1, prefix: "if (", suffix: ") {", paramMin: 1 }, "else" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} else {" }, "elseif" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} else { if (", suffix: ") {", paramDefault: "true" }, "/if" : { delta: -1, prefix: "}" }, "for" : { delta: 1, paramMin: 3, prefixFunc : function(stmtParts, state, tmplName, etc) { if (stmtParts[2] != "in") throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "bad for loop statement: " + stmtParts.join(' ')); var iterVar = stmtParts[1]; var listVar = "__LIST__" + iterVar; return [ "var ", listVar, " = ", stmtParts[3], ";", "if ((", listVar, ") != null && (", listVar, ").length > 0) { for (var ", iterVar, "_index in ", listVar, ") { var ", iterVar, " = ", listVar, "[", iterVar, "_index];" ].join(""); } }, "forelse" : { delta: 0, prefix: "} } else { if (", suffix: ") {", paramDefault: "true" }, "/for" : { delta: -1, prefix: "} }" }, "var" : { delta: 0, prefix: "var ", suffix: ";" }, "macro" : { delta: 1, prefix: "function ", suffix: "{ var _OUT_arr = []; var _OUT = { write: function(m) { if (m) _OUT_arr.push(m); }, }; " }, "/macro" : { delta: -1, prefix: " return _OUT_arr.join(''); }" } } TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef = { "eat" : function(v) { return ""; }, "escape" : function(s) { return String(s).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"); }, "capitalize" : function(s) { return String(s).toUpperCase(); }, "default" : function(s, d) { return s != null ? s : d; } } TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef.h = TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.modifierDef.escape; TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.Template = function(tmplName, tmplContent, funcSrc, func, etc) { this.process = function(context, flags) { if (context == null) context = {}; if (context._MODIFIERS == null) context._MODIFIERS = {}; for (var k in etc.modifierDef) { if (context._MODIFIERS[k] == null) context._MODIFIERS[k] = etc.modifierDef[k]; } if (flags == null) flags = {}; var resultArr = []; var resultOut = { write: function(m) { if (m) resultArr.push(m); } }; try { func(resultOut, context, flags); } catch (e) { if (flags.throwExceptions == true) throw e; var result = new String(resultArr.join("") + "[ERROR: " + e.toString() + "]"); result["exception"] = e; return result; } return resultArr.join(""); } this.name = tmplName; this.source = tmplContent; this.sourceFunc = funcSrc; this.toString = function() { return "TrimPath.Template [" + tmplName + "]"; } } TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.ParseError = function(name, line, message) { this.name = name; this.line = line; this.message = message; } TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.ParseError.prototype.toString = function() { return ("TrimPath template ParseError in " + this.name + ": line " + this.line + ", " + this.msg); } var parse = function(body, tmplName, etc) { body = cleanWhiteSpace(body); var funcText = [ "var TrimPath_Template_TEMP = function(_OUT, _CONTEXT, _FLAGS) { with (_CONTEXT) {" ]; var state = { stack: [], line: 1 }; // TODO: Fix line number counting. var endStmtPrev = -1; while (endStmtPrev + 1 < body.length) { var begStmt = endStmtPrev; // Scan until we find some statement markup. begStmt = body.indexOf("{", begStmt + 1); while (begStmt >= 0) { if (body.charAt(begStmt - 1) != '$' && // Not an expression or backslashed, body.charAt(begStmt - 1) != '\\') { // so we assume it must be a statement tag. var offset = (body.charAt(begStmt + 1) == '/' ? 2 : 1); // Close tags offset of 2 skips '/'. // 10 is larger than maximum statement tag length. if (body.substring(begStmt + offset, begStmt + 10 + offset).search(TrimPath.parseTemplate_etc.statementTag) == 0) break; // Found a match. } begStmt = body.indexOf("{", begStmt + 1); } if (begStmt < 0) // In "a{for}c", begStmt will be 1. break; var endStmt = body.indexOf("}", begStmt + 1); // In "a{for}c", endStmt will be 5. if (endStmt < 0) break; emitSectionText(body.substring(endStmtPrev + 1, begStmt), funcText); emitStatement(body.substring(begStmt, endStmt +1), state, funcText, tmplName, etc); endStmtPrev = endStmt; } emitSectionText(body.substring(endStmtPrev + 1), funcText); if (state.stack.length != 0) throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "unclosed, unmatched statement(s): " + state.stack.join(",")); funcText.push("}}; TrimPath_Template_TEMP"); return funcText.join(""); } var emitStatement = function(stmtStr, state, funcText, tmplName, etc) { var parts = stmtStr.slice(1, -1).split(' '); var stmt = etc.statementDef[parts[0]]; // Here, parts[0] == for/if/else/... if (stmt == null) { // Not a real statement. emitSectionText(stmtStr, funcText); return; } if (stmt.delta < 0) { if (state.stack.length <= 0) throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "close tag does not match any previous statement: " + stmtStr); state.stack.pop(); } if (stmt.delta > 0) state.stack.push(stmtStr); if (stmt.paramMin != null && stmt.paramMin >= parts.length) throw new etc.ParseError(tmplName, state.line, "statement needs more parameters: " + stmtStr); if (stmt.prefixFunc != null) funcText.push(stmt.prefixFunc(parts, state, tmplName, etc)); else funcText.push(stmt.prefix); if (stmt.suffix != null) { if (parts.length <= 1) { if (stmt.paramDefault != null) funcText.push(stmt.paramDefault); } else { for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { if (i > 1) funcText.push(' '); funcText.push(parts[i]); } } funcText.push(stmt.suffix); } } var emitSectionText = function(text, funcText) { if (text.length <= 0) return; var nlPrefix = 0; // Index to first non-newline in prefix. var nlSuffix = text.length - 1; // Index to first non-space/tab in suffix. while (nlPrefix < text.length && (text.charAt(nlPrefix) == '\n')) nlPrefix++; while (nlSuffix >= 0 && (text.charAt(nlSuffix) == ' ' || text.charAt(nlSuffix) == '\t')) nlSuffix--; if (nlSuffix < nlPrefix) nlSuffix = nlPrefix; if (nlPrefix > 0) { funcText.push('if (_FLAGS.keepWhitespace == true) _OUT.write("'); funcText.push(text.substring(0, nlPrefix).replace('\n', '\\n')); funcText.push('");'); } var lines = text.substring(nlPrefix, nlSuffix + 1).split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { emitSectionTextLine(lines[i], funcText); if (i < lines.length - 1) funcText.push('_OUT.write("\\n");\n'); } if (nlSuffix + 1 < text.length) { funcText.push('if (_FLAGS.keepWhitespace == true) _OUT.write("'); funcText.push(text.substring(nlSuffix + 1).replace('\n', '\\n')); funcText.push('");'); } } var emitSectionTextLine = function(line, funcText) { var endExprPrev = -1; while (endExprPrev + 1 < line.length) { var begExpr = line.indexOf("${", endExprPrev + 1); // In "a${b}c", begExpr == 1 if (begExpr < 0) break; var endExpr = line.indexOf("}", begExpr + 2); // In "a${b}c", endExpr == 4; 2 == "${".length if (endExpr < 0) break; emitText(line.substring(endExprPrev + 1, begExpr), funcText); // Example: exprs == 'firstName|default:"John Doe"|capitalize'.split('|') var exprArr = line.substring(begExpr + 2, endExpr).replace(/\|\|/g, "#@@#").split('|'); for (var k in exprArr) exprArr[k] = exprArr[k].replace(/#@@#/g, '||'); funcText.push('_OUT.write('); emitExpression(exprArr, exprArr.length - 1, funcText); funcText.push(');'); endExprPrev = endExpr; } emitText(line.substring(endExprPrev + 1), funcText); } var emitText = function(text, funcText) { if (text == null || text.length <= 0) return; text = text.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); text = text.replace(/"/g, '\\"'); funcText.push('_OUT.write("'); funcText.push(text); funcText.push('");'); } var emitExpression = function(exprArr, index, funcText) { // Ex: foo|a:x|b:y1,y2|c:z1,z2 is emitted as c(b(a(foo,x),y1,y2),z1,z2) var expr = exprArr[index]; // Ex: exprArr == [firstName,capitalize,default:"John Doe"] if (index <= 0) { // Ex: expr == 'default:"John Doe"' funcText.push(expr); return; } var parts = expr.split(':'); funcText.push('_MODIFIERS["'); funcText.push(parts[0]); // The parts[0] is a modifier function name, like capitalize. funcText.push('"]('); emitExpression(exprArr, index - 1, funcText); if (parts.length > 1) { funcText.push(','); funcText.push(parts[1]); } funcText.push(')'); } var cleanWhiteSpace = function(result) { result = result.replace(/\t/g, " "); result = result.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); result = result.replace(/\r/g, "\n"); result = result.replace(/^(.*\S)[ \t]+$/gm, "$1"); // Right trim. return result; } // The DOM helper functions depend on DOM/DHTML, so they only work in a browser. // However, these are not considered core to the engine. // TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate = function(elementId, optDocument, optEtc) { if (optDocument == null) optDocument = document; var element = optDocument.getElementById(elementId); var content = element.value; // Like textarea.value. if (content == null) content = element.innerHTML; // Like textarea.innerHTML. content = content.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"); return TrimPath.parseTemplate(content, elementId, optEtc); } TrimPath.processDOMTemplate = function(elementId, context, optFlags, optDocument, optEtc) { return TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate(elementId, optDocument, optEtc).process(context, optFlags); } }) ();