* Prado client-side javascript validation fascade.
* There are 4 basic classes, Validation, ValidationManager, ValidationSummary
* and TBaseValidator, that interact together to perform validation.
* The Prado.Validation class co-ordinates together the
* validation scheme and is responsible for maintaining references
* to ValidationManagers.
* The ValidationManager class is responsible for maintaining refereneces
* to individual validators, validation summaries and their associated
* groupings.
* The ValidationSummary take cares of display the validator error messages
* as html output or an alert output.
* The TBaseValidator is the base class for all validators and contains
* methods to interact with the actual inputs, data type conversion.
* An instance of ValidationManager must be instantiated first for a
* particular form before instantiating validators and summaries.
* Usage example: adding a required field to a text box input with
* ID "input1" in a form with ID "form1".
Prado.Validation = Class.create();
* A global validation manager.
* To validate the inputs of a particular form, call
* Prado.Validation.validate(formID, groupID)
* where formID is the HTML form ID, and the optional
* groupID if present will only validate the validators
* in a particular group.
managers : {},
* Validate the validators (those that DO NOT
* belong to a particular group) the form specified by the
* formID parameter. If groupID is specified
* then only validators belonging to that group will be validated.
* @param string ID of the form to validate
* @param string ID of the group to validate.
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
validate : function(formID, groupID, invoker)
return this.managers[formID].validate(groupID, invoker);
throw new Error("Form '"+form+"' is not registered with Prado.Validation");
* @return string first form ID.
getForm : function()
var keys = $H(this.managers).keys();
return keys[0];
* Check if the validators are valid for a particular form (and group).
* The validators states will not be changed.
* The validate function should be called first.
* @param string ID of the form to validate
* @param string ID of the group to validate.
isValid : function(formID, groupID)
return this.managers[formID].isValid(groupID);
return true;
* Add a new validator to a particular form.
* @param string the form that the validator belongs.
* @param object a validator
* @return object the manager
addValidator : function(formID, validator)
throw new Error("A validation manager for form '"+formID+"' needs to be created first.");
return this.managers[formID];
* Add a new validation summary.
* @param string the form that the validation summary belongs.
* @param object a validation summary
* @return object manager
addSummary : function(formID, validator)
throw new Error("A validation manager for form '"+formID+"' needs to be created first.");
return this.managers[formID];
setErrorMessage : function(validatorID, message)
if(validator.options.ID == validatorID)
validator.options.ErrorMessage = message;
$(validatorID).innerHTML = message;
Prado.ValidationManager = Class.create();
* Validation manager instances. Manages validators for a particular
* HTML form. The manager contains references to all the validators
* summaries, and their groupings for a particular form.
* Generally, Prado.Validation methods should be called rather
* than calling directly the ValidationManager.
Prado.ValidationManager.prototype =
validators : [], // list of validators
summaries : [], // validation summaries
groups : [], // validation groups
options : {},
* options['FormID']* The ID of HTML form to manage.
initialize : function(options)
this.options = options;
Prado.Validation.managers[options.FormID] = this;
* Validate the validators managed by this validation manager.
* @param string only validate validators belonging to a group (optional)
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
* @return boolean true if all validators are valid, false otherwise.
validate : function(group, invoker)
return this._validateGroup(group, invoker);
return this._validateNonGroup(invoker);
* Validate a particular group of validators.
* @param string ID of the form
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
* @return boolean false if group is not valid, true otherwise.
_validateGroup: function(groupID, invoker)
var valid = true;
if(validator.group == groupID)
valid = valid & validator.validate(invoker);
this.updateSummary(groupID, true);
return valid;
* Validate validators that doesn't belong to any group.
* @return boolean false if not valid, true otherwise.
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
_validateNonGroup : function(invoker)
var valid = true;
valid = valid & validator.validate(invoker);
this.updateSummary(null, true);
return valid;
* Gets the state of all the validators, true if they are all valid.
* @return boolean true if the validators are valid.
isValid : function(group)
return this._isValidGroup(group);
return this._isValidNonGroup();
* @return boolean true if all validators not belonging to a group are valid.
_isValidNonGroup : function()
var valid = true;
valid = valid & validator.isValid;
return valid;
* @return boolean true if all validators belonging to the group are valid.
_isValidGroup : function(groupID)
var valid = true;
if(validator.group == groupID)
valid = valid & validator.isValid;
return valid;
* Add a validator to this manager.
* @param Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator a new validator
addValidator : function(validator)
if(validator.group && !this.groups.include(validator.group))
* Add a validation summary.
* @param Prado.WebUI.TValidationSummary validation summary.
addSummary : function(summary)
* Gets all validators that belong to a group or that the validator
* group is null and the validator validation was false.
* @return array list of validators with error.
getValidatorsWithError : function(group)
var validators = this.validators.findAll(function(validator)
var notValid = !validator.isValid;
var inGroup = group && validator.group == group;
var noGroup = validator.group == null;
return notValid && (inGroup || noGroup);
return validators;
* Update the summary of a particular group.
* @param string validation group to update.
updateSummary : function(group, refresh)
var validators = this.getValidatorsWithError(group);
var inGroup = group && summary.group == group;
var noGroup = !group && !summary.group;
if(inGroup || noGroup)
summary.updateSummary(validators, refresh);
* TValidationSummary displays a summary of validation errors inline on a Web page,
* in a message box, or both. By default, a validation summary will collect
* ErrorMessage of all failed validators on the page. If
* ValidationGroup is not empty, only those validators who belong
* to the group will show their error messages in the summary.
* The summary can be displayed as a list, as a bulleted list, or as a single
* paragraph based on the DisplayMode option.
* The messages shown can be prefixed with HeaderText.
* The summary can be displayed on the Web page and in a message box by setting
* the ShowSummary and ShowMessageBox
* options, respectively.
Prado.WebUI.TValidationSummary = Class.create();
Prado.WebUI.TValidationSummary.prototype =
group : null,
options : {},
visible : false,
messages : null,
* options['ID']* Validation summary ID, i.e., an HTML element ID
* options['FormID']* HTML form that this summary belongs.
* options['ShowMessageBox'] True to show the summary in an alert box.
* options['ShowSummary'] True to show the inline summary.
* options['HeaderText'] Summary header text
* options['DisplayMode'] Summary display style, 'BulletList', 'List', 'SingleParagraph'
* options['Refresh'] True to update the summary upon validator state change.
* options['ValidationGroup'] Validation summary group
* options['Display'] Display mode, 'None', 'Fixed', 'Dynamic'.
* options['ScrollToSummary'] True to scroll to the validation summary upon refresh.
initialize : function(options)
this.options = options;
this.group = options.ValidationGroup;
this.messages = $(options.ID);
this.visible = this.messages.style.visibility != "hidden"
this.visible = this.visible && this.messages.style.display != "none";
Prado.Validation.addSummary(options.FormID, this);
* Update the validation summary to show the error message from
* validators that failed validation.
* @param array list of validators that failed validation.
* @param boolean update the summary;
updateSummary : function(validators, update)
if(validators.length <= 0)
if(update || this.options.Refresh != false)
return this.hideSummary(validators);
var refresh = update || this.visible == false || this.options.Refresh != false;
if(this.options.ShowSummary != false && refresh)
if(this.options.ScrollToSummary != false && refresh)
window.scrollTo(this.messages.offsetLeft-20, this.messages.offsetTop-20);
if(this.options.ShowMessageBox == true && refresh)
this.visible = true;
* Display the validator error messages as inline HTML.
updateHTMLMessages : function(messages)
while(this.messages.childNodes.length > 0)
new Insertion.Bottom(this.messages, this.formatSummary(messages));
* Display the validator error messages as an alert box.
alertMessages : function(messages)
var text = this.formatMessageBox(messages);
setTimeout(function(){ alert(text); },20);
* @return array list of validator error messages.
getMessages : function(validators)
var messages = [];
var message = validator.getErrorMessage();
if(typeof(message) == 'string' && message.length > 0)
return messages;
* Hides the validation summary.
hideSummary : function(validators)
{ if(typeof(this.options.OnHideSummary) == "function")
if(this.options.Display == "None" || this.options.Display == "Dynamic")
this.visible = false;
* Shows the validation summary.
showSummary : function(validators)
if(typeof(this.options.OnShowSummary) == "function")
this.visible = true;
* Return the format parameters for the summary.
* @param string format type, "List", "SingleParagraph" or "BulletList"
* @type array formatting parameters
formats : function(type)
case "List":
return { header : "
", first : "", pre : "", post : "
", last : ""};
case "SingleParagraph":
return { header : " ", first : "", pre : "", post : " ", last : "
case "BulletList":
return { header : "", first : "
* options['ID']* Validator ID, e.g. span with message
* options['FormID']* HTML form that the validator belongs
* options['ControlToValidate']*HTML form input to validate
* options['Display'] Display mode, 'None', 'Fixed', 'Dynamic'
* options['ErrorMessage'] Validation error message
* options['FocusOnError'] True to focus on validation error
* options['FocusElementID'] Element to focus on error
* options['ValidationGroup'] Validation group
* options['ControlCssClass'] Css class to use on the input upon error
* options['OnValidate'] Function to call immediately after validation
* options['OnValidationSuccess'] Function to call upon after successful validation
* options['OnValidationError'] Function to call upon after error in validation.
* options['ObserveChanges'] True to observe changes in input
initialize : function(options)
/* options.OnValidate = options.OnValidate || Prototype.emptyFunction;
options.OnSuccess = options.OnSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction;
options.OnError = options.OnError || Prototype.emptyFunction;
this.options = options;
this.control = $(options.ControlToValidate);
this.message = $(options.ID);
this.group = options.ValidationGroup;
this.manager = Prado.Validation.addValidator(options.FormID, this);
* @return string validation error message.
getErrorMessage : function()
return this.options.ErrorMessage;
* Update the validator span, input CSS class, and focus particular
* element. Updating the validator control will set the validator
* visible property to true.
updateControl: function(focus)
if(this.options.FocusOnError && !this.isValid )
this.visible = true;
refreshControlAndMessage : function()
this.visible = true;
if(this.options.Display == "Dynamic")
this.isValid ? this.message.hide() : this.message.show();
this.message.style.visibility = this.isValid ? "hidden" : "visible";
this.updateControlCssClass(this.control, this.isValid);
* Add a css class to the input control if validator is invalid,
* removes the css class if valid.
* @param object html control element
* @param boolean true to remove the css class, false to add.
updateControlCssClass : function(control, valid)
var CssClass = this.options.ControlCssClass;
if(typeof(CssClass) == "string" && CssClass.length > 0)
* Hides the validator messages and remove any validation changes.
hide : function()
this.isValid = true;
this.visible = false;
* Calls evaluateIsValid() function to set the value of isValid property.
* Triggers onValidate event and onSuccess or onError event.
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
* @return boolean true if valid.
validate : function(invoker)
//try to find the control.
this.control = $(this.options.ControlToValidate);
this.isValid = true;
return this.isValid;
if(typeof(this.options.OnValidate) == "function")
if(this.requestDispatched == false)
this.options.OnValidate(this, invoker);
this.isValid = this.evaluateIsValid();
this.isValid = true;
if(typeof(this.options.OnValidationSuccess) == "function")
if(this.requestDispatched == false)
this.options.OnValidationSuccess(this, invoker);
if(typeof(this.options.OnValidationError) == "function")
if(this.requestDispatched == false)
this.options.OnValidationError(this, invoker)
return this.isValid;
* Observe changes to the control input, re-validate upon change. If
* the validator is not visible, no updates are propagated.
* @param HTMLElement element that calls for validation
observeChanges : function(control)
if(!control) return;
var canObserveChanges = this.options.ObserveChanges != false;
var currentlyObserving = this._isObserving[control.id+this.options.ID];
if(canObserveChanges && !currentlyObserving)
var validator = this;
Event.observe(control, 'change', function()
this._isObserving[control.id+this.options.ID] = true;
* @return string trims the string value, empty string if value is not string.
trim : function(value)
return typeof(value) == "string" ? value.trim() : "";
* Convert the value to a specific data type.
* @param {string} the data type, "Integer", "Double", "Date" or "String"
* @param {string} the value to convert.
* @type {mixed|null} the converted data value.
convert : function(dataType, value)
if(typeof(value) == "undefined")
value = this.getValidationValue();
var string = new String(value);
case "Integer":
return string.toInteger();
case "Double" :
case "Float" :
return string.toDouble(this.options.DecimalChar);
case "Date":
if(typeof(value) != "string")
return value;
var value = string.toDate(this.options.DateFormat);
if(value && typeof(value.getTime) == "function")
return value.getTime();
return null;
case "String":
return string.toString();
return value;
* The ControlType property comes from TBaseValidator::getClientControlClass()
* Be sure to update the TBaseValidator::$_clientClass if new cases are added.
* @return mixed control value to validate
getValidationValue : function(control)
control = this.control
case 'TDatePicker':
if(control.type == "text")
value = this.trim($F(control));
date = value.toDate(this.options.DateFormat);
return date == null ? value : date;
return value;
return Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker.getDropDownDate(control).getTime();
case 'THtmlArea':
if(typeof tinyMCE != "undefined")
return this.trim($F(control));
case 'TRadioButton':
return this.getRadioButtonGroupValue();
return this.getFirstSelectedListValue();
return this.trim($F(control));
getRadioButtonGroupValue : function()
name = this.control.name;
value = "";
value = el.value;
return value;
* Observe changes in the drop down list date picker, IE only.
observeDatePickerChanges : function()
var DatePicker = Prado.WebUI.TDatePicker;
* Gets numeber selections and their values.
* @return object returns selected values in values property
* and number of selections in checks property.
getSelectedValuesAndChecks : function(elements, initialValue)
var checked = 0;
var values = [];
var isSelected = this.isCheckBoxType(elements[0]) ? 'checked' : 'selected';
if(element[isSelected] && element.value != initialValue)
return {'checks' : checked, 'values' : values};
* Gets an array of the list control item input elements, for TCheckBoxList
* checkbox inputs are returned, for TListBox HTML option elements are returned.
* @return array list control option elements.
getListElements : function()
case 'TCheckBoxList': case 'TRadioButtonList':
var elements = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.options.TotalItems; i++)
var element = $(this.options.ControlToValidate+"_c"+i);
return elements;
case 'TListBox':
var elements = [];
var element = $(this.options.ControlToValidate);
if(element && (type = element.type.toLowerCase()))
if(type == "select-one" || type == "select-multiple")
elements = $A(element.options);
return elements;
return [];
* @return boolean true if element is of checkbox or radio type.
isCheckBoxType : function(element)
if(element && element.type)
var type = element.type.toLowerCase();
return type == "checkbox" || type == "radio";
return false;
* @return boolean true if control to validate is of some of the TListControl type.
isListControlType : function()
var list = ['TCheckBoxList', 'TRadioButtonList', 'TListBox'];
return list.include(this.options.ControlType);
* @return string gets the first selected list value, initial value if none found.
getFirstSelectedListValue : function()
var initial = "";
if(typeof(this.options.InitialValue) != "undefined")
initial = this.options.InitialValue;
var elements = this.getListElements();
var selection = this.getSelectedValuesAndChecks(elements, initial);
return selection.values.length > 0 ? selection.values[0] : initial;
* TRequiredFieldValidator makes the associated input control a required field.
* The input control fails validation if its value does not change from
* the InitialValue option upon losing focus.
* options['InitialValue'] Validation fails if control input equals initial value.
Prado.WebUI.TRequiredFieldValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
* @return boolean true if the input value is not empty nor equal to the initial value.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var inputType = this.control.getAttribute("type");
if(inputType == 'file')
return true;
var a = this.getValidationValue();
var b = this.trim(this.options.InitialValue);
return(a != b);
* TCompareValidator compares the value entered by the user into an input
* control with the value entered into another input control or a constant value.
* To compare the associated input control with another input control,
* set the ControlToCompare option to the ID path
* of the control to compare with. To compare the associated input control with
* a constant value, specify the constant value to compare with by setting the
* ValueToCompare option.
* The DataType property is used to specify the data type
* of both comparison values. Both values are automatically converted to this data
* type before the comparison operation is performed. The following value types are supported:
* - Integer A 32-bit signed integer data type.
* - Float A double-precision floating point number data type.
* - Date A date data type. The format can be by the DateFormat option.
* - String A string data type.
* Use the Operator property to specify the type of comparison
* to perform. Valid operators include Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual,
* LessThan and LessThanEqual.
* options['ControlToCompare']
* options['ValueToCompare']
* options['Operator']
* options['Type']
* options['DateFormat']
Prado.WebUI.TCompareValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
//_observingComparee : false,
* Compares the input to another input or a given value.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var value = this.getValidationValue();
if (value.length <= 0)
return true;
var comparee = $(this.options.ControlToCompare);
var compareTo = this.getValidationValue(comparee);
var compareTo = this.options.ValueToCompare || "";
var isValid = this.compare(value, compareTo);
this.updateControlCssClass(comparee, isValid);
return isValid;
* Compares two values, their values are casted to type defined
* by DataType option. False is returned if the first
* operand converts to null. Returns true if the second operand
* converts to null. The comparision is done based on the
* Operator option.
compare : function(operand1, operand2)
var op1, op2;
if((op1 = this.convert(this.options.DataType, operand1)) == null)
return false;
if ((op2 = this.convert(this.options.DataType, operand2)) == null)
return true;
switch (this.options.Operator)
case "NotEqual":
return (op1 != op2);
case "GreaterThan":
return (op1 > op2);
case "GreaterThanEqual":
return (op1 >= op2);
case "LessThan":
return (op1 < op2);
case "LessThanEqual":
return (op1 <= op2);
return (op1 == op2);
* TCustomValidator performs user-defined client-side validation on an
* input component.
* To create a client-side validation function, add the client-side
* validation javascript function to the page template.
* The function should have the following signature:
* Use the ClientValidationFunction option
* to specify the name of the client-side validation script function associated
* with the TCustomValidator.
* options['ClientValidationFunction'] custom validation function.
Prado.WebUI.TCustomValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
* Calls custom validation function.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var value = this.getValidationValue();
var clientFunction = this.options.ClientValidationFunction;
if(typeof(clientFunction) == "string" && clientFunction.length > 0)
validate = clientFunction.toFunction();
return validate(this, value);
return true;
* Uses callback request to perform validation.
Prado.WebUI.TActiveCustomValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
validatingValue : null,
* Calls custom validation function.
evaluateIsValid : function()
value = this.getValidationValue();
if(!this.requestDispatched && value != this.validatingValue)
this.validatingValue = value;
request = new Prado.CallbackRequest(this.options.EventTarget, this.options);
request.options.onSuccess = this.callbackOnSuccess.bind(this);
request.options.onFailure = this.callbackOnFailure.bind(this);
this.requestDispatched = true;
return false;
return this.isValid;
callbackOnSuccess : function(request, data)
this.isValid = data;
this.requestDispatched = false;
if(typeof(this.options.onSuccess) == "function")
Prado.Validation.validate(this.options.FormID, this.group,null);
callbackOnFailure : function(request, data)
this.requestDispatched = false;
if(typeof(this.options.onFailure) == "function")
* TRangeValidator tests whether an input value is within a specified range.
* TRangeValidator uses three key properties to perform its validation.
* The MinValue and MaxValue options specify the minimum
* and maximum values of the valid range. The DataType option is
* used to specify the data type of the value and the minimum and maximum range values.
* These values are converted to this data type before the validation
* operation is performed. The following value types are supported:
* - Integer A 32-bit signed integer data type.
* - Float A double-precision floating point number data type.
* - Date A date data type. The date format can be specified by
* setting DateFormat option, which must be recognizable
* by Date.SimpleParse javascript function.
* - String A string data type.
* options['MinValue'] Minimum range value
* options['MaxValue'] Maximum range value
* options['DataType'] Value data type
* options['DateFormat'] Date format for date data type.
Prado.WebUI.TRangeValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
* Compares the input value with a minimum and/or maximum value.
* @return boolean true if the value is empty, returns false if conversion fails.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var value = this.getValidationValue();
if(value.length <= 0)
return true;
if(typeof(this.options.DataType) == "undefined")
this.options.DataType = "String";
if(this.options.DataType != "StringLength")
var min = this.convert(this.options.DataType, this.options.MinValue || null);
var max = this.convert(this.options.DataType, this.options.MaxValue || null);
value = this.convert(this.options.DataType, value);
var min = this.options.MinValue || 0;
var max = this.options.MaxValue || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
value = value.length;
if(value == null)
return false;
var valid = true;
if(min != null)
valid = valid && value >= min;
if(max != null)
valid = valid && value <= max;
return valid;
* TRegularExpressionValidator validates whether the value of an associated
* input component matches the pattern specified by a regular expression.
* options['ValidationExpression'] regular expression to match against.
Prado.WebUI.TRegularExpressionValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
* Compare the control input against a regular expression.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var value = this.getValidationValue();
if (value.length <= 0)
return true;
var rx = new RegExp(this.options.ValidationExpression);
var matches = rx.exec(value);
return (matches != null && value == matches[0]);
* TEmailAddressValidator validates whether the value of an associated
* input component is a valid email address.
Prado.WebUI.TEmailAddressValidator = Prado.WebUI.TRegularExpressionValidator;
* TListControlValidator checks the number of selection and their values
* for a TListControl that allows multiple selections.
Prado.WebUI.TListControlValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
* @return true if the number of selections and/or their values
* match the requirements.
evaluateIsValid : function()
var elements = this.getListElements();
if(elements && elements.length <= 0)
return true;
var selection = this.getSelectedValuesAndChecks(elements);
return this.isValidList(selection.checks, selection.values);
* Observe list elements for IE browsers of changes
observeListElements : function(elements)
if(Prado.Browser().ie && this.isCheckBoxType(elements[0]))
var validator = this;
* Determine if the number of checked and the checked values
* satisfy the required number of checks and/or the checked values
* equal to the required values.
* @return boolean true if checked values and number of checks are satisfied.
isValidList : function(checked, values)
var exists = true;
//check the required values
var required = this.getRequiredValues();
if(required.length > 0)
if(values.length < required.length)
return false;
exists = exists && values.include(requiredValue);
var min = typeof(this.options.Min) == "undefined" ?
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : this.options.Min;
var max = typeof(this.options.Max) == "undefined" ?
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : this.options.Max;
return exists && checked >= min && checked <= max;
* @return array list of required options that must be selected.
getRequiredValues : function()
var required = [];
if(this.options.Required && this.options.Required.length > 0)
required = this.options.Required.split(/,\s*/);
return required;
* TDataTypeValidator verifies if the input data is of the type specified
* by DataType option.
* The following data types are supported:
* - Integer A 32-bit signed integer data type.
* - Float A double-precision floating point number data type.
* - Date A date data type.
* - String A string data type.
* For Date type, the option DateFormat
* will be used to determine how to parse the date string.
Prado.WebUI.TDataTypeValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator,
evaluateIsValid : function()
value = this.getValidationValue();
if(value.length <= 0)
return true;
return this.convert(this.options.DataType, value) != null;