Prado.Validation =Class.create(); Object.extend(Prado.Validation, { managers : {}, validate : function(formID, groupID) { if(this.managers[formID]) { return this.managers[formID].validate(groupID); } else { throw new Error("Form '"+form+"' is not registered with Prado.Validation"); } }, isValid : function(formID, groupID) { if(this.managers[formID]) return this.managers[formID].isValid(groupID); return true; }, addValidator : function(formID, validator) { if(this.managers[formID]) this.managers[formID].addValidator(validator); else throw new Error("A validation manager for form '"+formID+"' needs to be created first."); }, addSummary : function(formID, validator) { if(this.managers[formID]) this.managers[formID].addSummary(validator); else throw new Error("A validation manager for form '"+formID+"' needs to be created first."); } }); Prado.Validation.prototype = { validators : [], summaries : [], groups : [], options : {}, initialize : function(options) { this.options = options; Prado.Validation.managers[options.FormID] = this; }, validate : function(group) { if(group) return this._validateGroup(group); else return this._validateNonGroup(); }, _validateGroup: function(groupID) { var valid = true; var manager = this; if(this.groups.include(groupID)) { this.validators.each(function(validator) { if( == groupID) valid = valid & validator.validate(manager); else validator.hide(); }); } this.updateSummary(groupID, true); return valid; }, _validateNonGroup : function() { var valid = true; var manager = this; this.validators.each(function(validator) { if(! valid = valid & validator.validate(manager); else validator.hide(); }); this.updateSummary(null, true); return valid; }, isValid : function(group) { if(group) return this._isValidGroup(group); else return this._isValidNonGroup(); }, _isValidNonGroup : function() { var valid = true; this.validators.each(function(validator) { if(! valid = valid & validator.isValid; }); return valid; }, _isValidGroup : function(groupID) { var valid = true; if(this.groups.include(groupID)) { this.validators.each(function(validator) { if( == groupID) valid = valid & validator.isValid; }); } return valid; }, addValidator : function(validator) { this.validators.push(validator); if( && !this.groups.include( this.groups.push(; }, addSummary : function(summary) { this.summaries.push(summary); }, getValidatorsWithError : function(group) { var validators = this.validators.findAll(function(validator) { var notValid = !validator.isValid; var inGroup = group && == group; var noGroup = == null; return notValid && (inGroup || noGroup); }); return validators; }, updateSummary : function(group, refresh) { var validators = this.getValidatorsWithError(group); this.summaries.each(function(summary) { var inGroup = group && == group; var noGroup = !group && !; if(inGroup || noGroup) summary.updateSummary(validators, refresh); else summary.hideSummary(true); }); } }; Prado.WebUI.TValidationSummary = Class.create(); Prado.WebUI.TValidationSummary.prototype = { group : null, options : {}, visible : false, summary : null, initialize : function(options) { this.options = options; = options.ValidationGroup; this.summary = $(options.ID); this.visible = != "hidden" this.visible = this.visible && != "none"; Prado.Validation.addSummary(options.FormID, this); }, updateSummary : function(validators, update) { if(validators.length <= 0) return this.hideSummary(update); var refresh = update || this.visible == false || this.options.Refresh != false; if(this.options.ShowSummary != false && refresh) { this.displayHTMLMessages(this.getMessages(validators)); this.visible = true; } if(this.options.ScrollToSummary != false) window.scrollTo(this.summary.offsetLeft-20, this.summary.offsetTop-20); if(this.options.ShowMessageBox == true && refresh) { this.alertMessages(this.getMessages(validators)); this.visible = true; } }, displayHTMLMessages : function(messages) {; = "visible"; while(this.summary.childNodes.length > 0) this.summary.removeChild(this.summary.lastChild); new Insertion.Bottom(this.summary, this.formatSummary(messages)); }, alertMessages : function(messages) { var text = this.formatMessageBox(messages); setTimeout(function(){ alert(text); },20); }, getMessages : function(validators) { var messages = []; validators.each(function(validator) { var message = validator.getErrorMessage(); if(typeof(message) == 'string' && message.length > 0) messages.push(message); }) return messages; }, hideSummary : function(refresh) { if(refresh || this.options.Refresh != false) { if(this.options.Display == "None" || this.options.Display == "Dynamic") this.summary.hide();"hidden"; this.visible = false; } }, formats : function(type) { switch(type) { case "List": return { header : "
", first : "", pre : "", post : "
", last : ""}; case "SingleParagraph": return { header : " ", first : "", pre : "", post : " ", last : "
"}; case "BulletList": default: return { header : "", first : ""}; } }, formatSummary : function(messages) { var format = this.formats(this.options.DisplayMode); var output = this.options.HeaderText ? this.options.HeaderText + format.header : ""; output += format.first; messages.each(function(message) { output += message.length > 0 ? format.pre + message + : ""; }); output += format.last; return output; }, formatMessageBox : function(messages) { var output = this.options.HeaderText ? this.options.HeaderText + "\n" : ""; for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { switch(this.options.DisplayMode) { case "List": output += messages[i] + "\n"; break; case "BulletList": default: output += "- " + messages[i] + "\n"; break; case "SingleParagraph": output += messages[i] + " "; break; } } return output; } }; Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator = Class.create(); Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator.prototype = { enabled : true, visible : false, isValid : true, options : {}, _isObserving : false, group : null, initialize : function(options) { options.OnValidate = options.OnValidate || Prototype.emptyFunction; options.OnSuccess = options.OnSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction; options.OnError = options.OnError || Prototype.emptyFunction; this.options = options; this.control = $(options.ControlToValidate); this.message = $(options.ID); = options.ValidationGroup; Prado.Validation.addValidator(options.FormID, this); }, getErrorMessage : function() { return this.options.ErrorMessage; }, updateControl: function() { if(this.message) { if(this.options.Display == "Dynamic") this.isValid ? this.message.hide() :; = this.isValid ? "hidden" : "visible"; } this.updateControlCssClass(this.control, this.isValid); if(this.options.FocusOnError && !this.isValid) Prado.Element.focus(this.options.FocusElementID); this.visible = true; }, updateControlCssClass : function(control, valid) { var CssClass = this.options.ControlCssClass; if(typeof(CssClass) == "string" && CssClass.length > 0) { if(valid) control.removeClassName(CssClass); else control.addClassName(CssClass); } }, hide : function() { this.isValid = true; this.updateControl(); this.visible = false; }, validate : function(manager) { if(this.enabled) this.isValid = this.evaluateIsValid(manager); this.options.OnValidate(this, manager); this.updateControl(); if(this.isValid) this.options.OnSuccess(this, manager); else this.options.OnError(this, manager); this.observeChanges(manager); return this.isValid; }, observeChanges : function(manager) { if(this.options.ObserveChanges != false && !this._isObserving) { var validator = this; Event.observe(this.control, 'change', function() { if(validator.visible) { validator.validate(manager); manager.updateSummary(; } }); this._isObserving = true; } }, trim : function(value) { return typeof(value) == "string" ? value.trim() : ""; }, convert : function(dataType, value) { if(typeof(value) == "undefined") value = $F(this.control); var string = new String(value); switch(dataType) { case "Integer": return string.toInteger(); case "Double" : case "Float" : return string.toDouble(this.options.DecimalChar); case "Currency" : return string.toCurrency(this.options.GroupChar, this.options.Digits, this.options.DecimalChar); case "Date": var value = string.toDate(this.options.DateFormat); if(value && typeof(value.getTime) == "function") return value.getTime(); else return null; case "String": return string.toString(); } return value; } } Prado.WebUI.TRequiredFieldValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator, { evaluateIsValid : function() { var inputType = this.control.getAttribute("type"); if(inputType == 'file') { return true; } else { var a = this.trim($F(this.control)); var b = this.trim(this.options.InitialValue); return(a != b); } } }); Prado.WebUI.TCompareValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator, { _observingComparee : false, evaluateIsValid : function(manager) { var value = this.trim($F(this.control)); if (value.length <= 0) return true; var comparee = $(this.options.ControlToCompare); if(comparee) var compareTo = this.trim($F(comparee)); else var compareTo = this.options.ValueToCompare || ""; var isValid, compareTo); if(comparee) { this.updateControlCssClass(comparee, isValid); this.observeComparee(comparee, manager); } return isValid; }, observeComparee : function(comparee, manager) { if(this.options.ObserveChanges != false && !this._observingComparee) { var validator = this; Event.observe(comparee, "change", function() { if(validator.visible) { validator.validate(manager); manager.updateSummary(; } }); this._observingComparee = true; } }, compare : function(operand1, operand2) { var op1, op2; if((op1 = this.convert(this.options.DataType, operand1)) == null) return false; if ((op2 = this.convert(this.options.DataType, operand2)) == null) return true; switch (this.options.Operator) { case "NotEqual": return (op1 != op2); case "GreaterThan": return (op1 > op2); case "GreaterThanEqual": return (op1 >= op2); case "LessThan": return (op1 < op2); case "LessThanEqual": return (op1 <= op2); default: return (op1 == op2); } } }); Prado.WebUI.TCustomValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator, { evaluateIsValid : function(manager) { var value = $F(this.control); var clientFunction = this.options.ClientValidationFunction; if(typeof(clientFunction) == "string" && clientFunction.length > 0) { validate = clientFunction.toFunction(); return validate(this, value); } return true; } }); Prado.WebUI.TRangeValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator, { evaluateIsValid : function(manager) { var value = this.trim($F(this.control)); if(value.length <= 0) return true; if(typeof(this.options.DataType) == "undefined") this.options.DataType = "String"; var min = this.convert(this.options.DataType, this.options.MinValue || null); var max = this.convert(this.options.DataType, this.options.MaxValue || null); value = this.convert(this.options.DataType, value); Logger.warn(min+" <= "+value+" <= "+max); if(value == null) return false; var valid = true; if(min != null) valid = valid && value >= min; if(max != null) valid = valid && value <= max; return valid; } }); Prado.WebUI.TRegularExpressionValidator = Class.extend(Prado.WebUI.TBaseValidator, { evaluateIsValid : function(master) { var value = this.trim($F(this.control)); if (value.length <= 0) return true; var rx = new RegExp(this.options.ValidationExpression); var matches = rx.exec(value); return (matches != null && value == matches[0]); } }); Prado.WebUI.TEmailAddressValidator = Prado.WebUI.TRegularExpressionValidator;