Prado.AjaxRequest = Class.create(); Prado.AjaxRequest.prototype = Object.clone(Ajax.Request.prototype); /** * Override Prototype's response implementation. */ Object.extend(Prado.AjaxRequest.prototype, { /*initialize: function(request) { this.CallbackRequest = request; this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); this.setOptions(request.options); this.request(request.url); },*/ /** * Customize the response, dispatch onXXX response code events, and * tries to execute response actions (javascript statements). */ respondToReadyState : function(readyState) { var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState]; var transport = this.transport, json = this.getBodyDataPart(Prado.CallbackRequest.DATA_HEADER); if (event == 'Complete') { var redirectUrl = this.getBodyContentPart(Prado.CallbackRequest.REDIRECT_HEADER); if(redirectUrl) document.location.href = redirectUrl; if ((this.getHeader('Content-type') || '').match(/^text\/javascript/i)) { try { json = eval('(' + transport.responseText + ')'); }catch (e) { if(typeof(json) == "string") json = Prado.CallbackRequest.decode(result); } } try { Prado.CallbackRequest.updatePageState(this,transport); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + transport.status, this, transport, json); Prado.CallbackRequest.dispatchActions(transport,this.getBodyDataPart(Prado.CallbackRequest.ACTION_HEADER)); (this.options['on' + this.transport.status] || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, json); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } } try { (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, json); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + event, this, transport, json); } catch (e) { this.dispatchException(e); } /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */ if (event == 'Complete') this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; }, /** * Gets header data assuming JSON encoding. * @param string header name * @return object header data as javascript structures. */ getHeaderData : function(name) { return this.getJsonData(this.getHeader(name)); }, getBodyContentPart : function(name) { if(typeof(this.transport.responseText)=="string") return Prado.Element.extractContent(this.transport.responseText, name); }, getJsonData : function(json) { try { return eval('(' + json + ')'); } catch (e) { if(typeof(json) == "string") return Prado.CallbackRequest.decode(json); } }, getBodyDataPart : function(name) { return this.getJsonData(this.getBodyContentPart(name)); } }); /** * Prado Callback client-side request handler. */ Prado.CallbackRequest = Class.create(); /** * Static definitions. */ Object.extend(Prado.CallbackRequest, { /** * Callback request target POST field name. */ FIELD_CALLBACK_TARGET : 'PRADO_CALLBACK_TARGET', /** * Callback request parameter POST field name. */ FIELD_CALLBACK_PARAMETER : 'PRADO_CALLBACK_PARAMETER', /** * Callback request page state field name, */ FIELD_CALLBACK_PAGESTATE : 'PRADO_PAGESTATE', FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET : 'PRADO_POSTBACK_TARGET', FIELD_POSTBACK_PARAMETER : 'PRADO_POSTBACK_PARAMETER', /** * List of form fields that will be collected during callback. */ PostDataLoaders : [], /** * Response data header name. */ DATA_HEADER : 'X-PRADO-DATA', /** * Response javascript execution statement header name. */ ACTION_HEADER : 'X-PRADO-ACTIONS', /** * Response errors/exceptions header name. */ ERROR_HEADER : 'X-PRADO-ERROR', /** * Page state header name. */ PAGESTATE_HEADER : 'X-PRADO-PAGESTATE', REDIRECT_HEADER : 'X-PRADO-REDIRECT', requestQueue : [], //all request objects requests : {}, getRequestById : function(id) { var requests = Prado.CallbackRequest.requests; if(typeof(requests[id]) != "undefined") return requests[id]; }, dispatch : function(id) { var requests = Prado.CallbackRequest.requests; if(typeof(requests[id]) != "undefined") requests[id].dispatch(); }, /** * Add ids of inputs element to post in the request. */ addPostLoaders : function(ids) { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; self.PostDataLoaders = self.PostDataLoaders.concat(ids); var list = []; self.PostDataLoaders.each(function(id) { if(list.indexOf(id) < 0) list.push(id); }); self.PostDataLoaders = list; }, /** * Dispatch callback response actions. */ dispatchActions : function(transport,actions) { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; if(actions && actions.length > 0) actions.each(self.__run.bind(self,transport)); }, /** * Prase and evaluate a Callback clien-side action */ __run : function(transport, command) { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; self.transport = transport; for(var method in command) { try { method.toFunction().apply(self,command[method]); } catch(e) { if(typeof(Logger) != "undefined") self.Exception.onException(null,e); } } }, /** * Respond to Prado Callback request exceptions. */ Exception : { /** * Server returns 500 exception. Just log it. */ "on500" : function(request, transport, data) { var e = request.getHeaderData(Prado.CallbackRequest.ERROR_HEADER); if (e) Logger.error("Callback Server Error "+e.code, this.formatException(e)); else Logger.error("Callback Server Error Unknown",''); }, /** * Callback OnComplete event,logs reponse and data to console. */ 'on200' : function(request, transport, data) { if(transport.status < 500) { var msg = 'HTTP '+transport.status+" with response : \n"; if(transport.responseText.trim().length >0) { var f = RegExp('()([\\s\\S\\w\\W]*)()',"m"); msg += transport.responseText.replace(f,'') + "\n"; } if(typeof(data)!="undefined" && data != null) msg += "Data : \n"+inspect(data)+"\n"; data = request.getBodyDataPart(Prado.CallbackRequest.ACTION_HEADER); if(data && data.length > 0) { msg += "Actions : \n"; data.each(function(action) { msg += inspect(action)+"\n"; }); }; } }, /** * Uncaught exceptions during callback response. */ onException : function(request,e) { msg = ""; $H(e).each(function(item) { msg += item.key+": "+item.value+"\n"; }) Logger.error('Uncaught Callback Client Exception:', msg); }, /** * Formats the exception message for display in console. */ formatException : function(e) { var msg = e.type + " with message \""+e.message+"\""; msg += " in "+e.file+"("+e.line+")\n"; msg += "Stack trace:\n"; var trace = e.trace; for(var i = 0; i"+trace[i]["function"]+"()"+"\n"; } msg += e.version+" "+e.time+"\n"; return msg; } }, /** * @return string JSON encoded data. */ encode : function(data) { return Prado.JSON.stringify(data); }, /** * @return mixed javascript data decoded from string using JSON decoding. */ decode : function(data) { if(typeof(data) == "string" && data.trim().length > 0) return Prado.JSON.parse(data); else return null; }, /** * Dispatch a normal request, no timeouts or aborting of requests. */ dispatchNormalRequest : function(callback) { callback.options.postBody = callback._getPostData(), callback.request(callback.url); return true; }, /** * Abort the current priority request in progress. */ tryNextRequest : function() { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; //Logger.debug('trying next request'); if(typeof(self.currentRequest) == 'undefined' || self.currentRequest==null) { if(self.requestQueue.length > 0) return self.dispatchQueue(); //else //Logger.warn('empty queque'); } //else //Logger.warn('current request ' +; }, /** * Updates the page state. It will update only if EnablePageStateUpdate and * HasPriority options are both true. */ updatePageState : function(request, transport) { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; var pagestate = $(self.FIELD_CALLBACK_PAGESTATE); var enabled = request.ActiveControl.EnablePageStateUpdate && request.ActiveControl.HasPriority; var aborted = typeof(self.currentRequest) == 'undefined' || self.currentRequest == null; if(enabled && !aborted && pagestate) { var data = request.getBodyContentPart(self.PAGESTATE_HEADER); if(typeof(data) == "string" && data.length > 0) pagestate.value = data; else { if(typeof(Logger) != "undefined") Logger.warn("Missing page state:"+data); //Logger.warn('## bad state: setting current request to null'); self.endCurrentRequest(); //self.tryNextRequest(); return false; } } self.endCurrentRequest(); //Logger.warn('## state updated: setting current request to null'); //self.tryNextRequest(); return true; }, enqueue : function(callback) { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; self.requestQueue.push(callback); //Logger.warn("equeued "", current queque length="+self.requestQueue.length); self.tryNextRequest(); }, dispatchQueue : function() { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; //Logger.warn("dispatching queque, length="+self.requestQueue.length+" request="+self.currentRequest); var callback = self.requestQueue.shift(); self.currentRequest = callback; //get data callback.options.postBody = callback._getPostData(), //callback.request = new Prado.AjaxRequest(callback); callback.timeout = setTimeout(function() { //Logger.warn("priority timeout"); self.abortRequest(; },callback.ActiveControl.RequestTimeOut); callback.request(callback.url); //Logger.debug("dispatched " + " ...") }, endCurrentRequest : function() { var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; if(typeof(self.currentRequest) != 'undefined' && self.currentRequest != null) clearTimeout(self.currentRequest.timeout); self.currentRequest=null; }, abortRequest : function(id) { //Logger.warn("abort id="+id); var self = Prado.CallbackRequest; if(typeof(self.currentRequest) != 'undefined' && self.currentRequest != null && == id) { var request = self.currentRequest; if(request.transport.readyState < 4) request.transport.abort(); //Logger.warn('## aborted: setting current request to null'); self.endCurrentRequest(); } self.tryNextRequest(); } }); /** * Automatically aborts the current request when a priority request has returned. */ Ajax.Responders.register({onComplete : function(request) { if(request && request instanceof Prado.AjaxRequest) { if(request.ActiveControl.HasPriority) Prado.CallbackRequest.tryNextRequest(); } }}); //Add HTTP exception respones when logger is enabled. Event.OnLoad(function() { if(typeof Logger != "undefined") Ajax.Responders.register(Prado.CallbackRequest.Exception); }); /** * Create and prepare a new callback request. * Call the dispatch() method to start the callback request. * * request = new Prado.CallbackRequest(UniqueID, callback); * request.dispatch(); * */ Prado.CallbackRequest.prototype = Object.extend(Prado.AjaxRequest.prototype, { /** * Prepare and inititate a callback request. */ initialize : function(id, options) { /** * Callback URL, same url as the current page. */ this.url = this.getCallbackUrl(); this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); this.Enabled = true; = id; if(typeof(id)=="string"){ Prado.CallbackRequest.requests[id] = this; } this.setOptions(Object.extend( { RequestTimeOut : 30000, // 30 second timeout. EnablePageStateUpdate : true, HasPriority : true, CausesValidation : true, ValidationGroup : null, PostInputs : true }, options || {})); this.ActiveControl = this.options; }, /** * Sets the request options * @return {Array} request options. */ setOptions: function(options){ this.options = { method: 'post', asynchronous: true, contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', encoding: 'UTF-8', parameters: '', evalJSON: true, evalJS: true }; Object.extend(this.options, options || { }); this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase(); if(Object.isString(this.options.parameters)){ this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toQueryParams(); } }, /** * Gets the url from the forms that contains the PRADO_PAGESTATE * @return {String} callback url. */ getCallbackUrl : function() { return $('PRADO_PAGESTATE').form.action; }, /** * Sets the request parameter * @param {Object} parameter value */ setCallbackParameter : function(value) { this.ActiveControl['CallbackParameter'] = value; }, /** * @return {Object} request paramater value. */ getCallbackParameter : function() { return this.ActiveControl['CallbackParameter']; }, /** * Sets the callback request timeout. * @param {integer} timeout in milliseconds */ setRequestTimeOut : function(timeout) { this.ActiveControl['RequestTimeOut'] = timeout; }, /** * @return {integer} request timeout in milliseconds */ getRequestTimeOut : function() { return this.ActiveControl['RequestTimeOut']; }, /** * Set true to enable validation on callback dispatch. * @param {boolean} true to validate */ setCausesValidation : function(validate) { this.ActiveControl['CausesValidation'] = validate; }, /** * @return {boolean} validate on request dispatch */ getCausesValidation : function() { return this.ActiveControl['CausesValidation']; }, /** * Sets the validation group to validate during request dispatch. * @param {string} validation group name */ setValidationGroup : function(group) { this.ActiveControl['ValidationGroup'] = group; }, /** * @return {string} validation group name. */ getValidationGroup : function() { return this.ActiveControl['ValidationGroup']; }, /** * Dispatch the callback request. */ dispatch : function() { //"dispatching request"); //trigger tinyMCE to save data. if(typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") tinyMCE.triggerSave(); if(this.ActiveControl.CausesValidation && typeof(Prado.Validation) != "undefined") { var form = this.ActiveControl.Form || Prado.Validation.getForm(); if(Prado.Validation.validate(form,this.ActiveControl.ValidationGroup,this) == false) return false; } if(this.ActiveControl.onPreDispatch) this.ActiveControl.onPreDispatch(this,null); if(!this.Enabled) return; // Opera don't have onLoading/onLoaded state, so, simulate them just // before sending the request. if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { if (this.ActiveControl.onLoading) { this.ActiveControl.onLoading(this,null); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onLoading',this, this.transport,null); } if (this.ActiveControl.onLoaded) { this.ActiveControl.onLoaded(this,null); Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onLoaded',this, this.transport,null); } } var result; if(this.ActiveControl.HasPriority) { return Prado.CallbackRequest.enqueue(this); //return Prado.CallbackRequest.dispatchPriorityRequest(this); } else return Prado.CallbackRequest.dispatchNormalRequest(this); }, abort : function() { return Prado.CallbackRequest.abortRequest(; }, /** * Collects the form inputs, encode the parameters, and sets the callback * target id. The resulting string is the request content body. * @return string request body content containing post data. */ _getPostData : function() { var data = {}; var callback = Prado.CallbackRequest; if(this.ActiveControl.PostInputs != false) { callback.PostDataLoaders.each(function(name) { $A(document.getElementsByName(name)).each(function(element) { //IE will try to get elements with ID == name as well. if(element.type && == name) { value = $F(element); if(typeof(value) != "undefined" && value != null) data[name] = value; } }) }) } if(typeof(this.ActiveControl.CallbackParameter) != "undefined") data[callback.FIELD_CALLBACK_PARAMETER] = callback.encode(this.ActiveControl.CallbackParameter); var pageState = $F(callback.FIELD_CALLBACK_PAGESTATE); if(typeof(pageState) != "undefined") data[callback.FIELD_CALLBACK_PAGESTATE] = pageState; data[callback.FIELD_CALLBACK_TARGET] =; if(this.ActiveControl.EventTarget) data[callback.FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET] = this.ActiveControl.EventTarget; if(this.ActiveControl.EventParameter) data[callback.FIELD_POSTBACK_PARAMETER] = this.ActiveControl.EventParameter; return $H(data).toQueryString(); } }); /** * Create a new callback request using default settings. * @param string callback handler unique ID. * @param mixed parameter to pass to callback handler on the server side. * @param function client side onSuccess event handler. * @param object additional request options. * @return boolean always false. */ Prado.Callback = function(UniqueID, parameter, onSuccess, options) { var callback = { 'CallbackParameter' : parameter || '', 'onSuccess' : onSuccess || Prototype.emptyFunction }; Object.extend(callback, options || {}); request = new Prado.CallbackRequest(UniqueID, callback); request.dispatch(); return false; };