
Call with new Effect.Fade(element)

Example: onclick="new Effect.Fade(this)"

Click here or the image to start effect


Call with new Effect.Highlight(element)

Example: onclick="new Effect.Highlight(this)"

Click here or the image to start effect


Call with new Effect.Appear(element)

Example: onclick="new Effect.Appear('appear')"

Start effect


Call with new Effect.Scale(element, percent)

Note: if you scale a div, all contained elements must have width or height set with em. If you scale an image, width and height are not required to be set. Also, Effect.Scale is aware of other scaling effects done on the target element, and will act accordingly. The percent parameter is always relative of the original size of the element.

Example: onmouseover="new Effect.Scale('scale',150)" onmouseout="new Effect.Scale('scale',100)"


Call with new Effect.Squish(element)

Click me to squish.


Call with new Effect.Puff(element)

Works with absolute and relative positioned elements. In this example, divs with float:left are used.

(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.
(floating) Click me to puff.