* @author Knut Urdalen * @link http://www.pradosoft.com * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package Prado\Web\Services */ namespace Prado\Web\Services; /** * TFeedService class * * TFeedService provides to end-users feed content. * * TFeedService manages a set of feeds. The service parameter, referring * to the ID of the feed, specifies which feed content to be provided to end-users. * * To use TFeedService, configure it in application configuration as follows, * * * * * * * * where each <feed> element specifies a feed identified by its "id" value (case-sensitive). * * PHP configuration style: * * array( * 'feed' => array( * 'ch1' => array( * 'class' => 'Path.To.FeedClass1', * 'properties' => array( * ... * ), * ), * ) * * * The class attribute indicates which PHP class will provide the actual feed * content. Note, the class must implement {@link IFeedContentProvider} interface. * Other initial properties for the feed class may also be specified in the * corresponding <feed> element. * * To retrieve the feed content identified by "ch2", use the URL * /path/to/index.php?feed=ch2 * * @author Qiang Xue * @author Knut Urdalen * @author Carl G. Mathisen * @package Prado\Web\Services * @since 3.1 */ class TFeedService extends TService { private $_feeds=array(); /** * Initializes this module. * This method is required by the IModule interface. * @param mixed configuration for this module, can be null */ public function init($config) { if($this->getApplication()->getConfigurationType()==TApplication::CONFIG_TYPE_PHP) { if(is_array($config)) { foreach($config as $id => $feed) $this->_feeds[$id] = $feed; } } else { foreach($config->getElementsByTagName('feed') as $feed) { if(($id=$feed->getAttributes()->remove('id'))!==null) $this->_feeds[$id]=$feed; else throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_id_required'); } } } /** * @return string the requested feed path */ protected function determineRequestedFeedPath() { return $this->getRequest()->getServiceParameter(); } /** * Runs the service. * This method is invoked by application automatically. */ public function run() { $id=$this->getRequest()->getServiceParameter(); if(isset($this->_feeds[$id])) { $feedConfig=$this->_feeds[$id]; $properties = array(); $feed = null; if($this->getApplication()->getConfigurationType()==TApplication::CONFIG_TYPE_PHP) { if(isset($feedConfig['class'])) { $feed=Prado::createComponent($feedConfig['class']); if($service instanceof IFeedContentProvider) $properties=isset($feedConfig['properties'])?$feedConfig['properties']:array(); else throw new TConfigurationException('jsonservice_response_type_invalid',$id); } else throw new TConfigurationException('jsonservice_class_required',$id); } else { $properties=$feedConfig->getAttributes(); if(($class=$properties->remove('class'))!==null) { $feed=Prado::createComponent($class); if(!($feed instanceof IFeedContentProvider)) throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_feedtype_invalid',$id); } else throw new TConfigurationException('feedservice_class_required',$id); } // init feed properties foreach($properties as $name=>$value) $feed->setSubproperty($name,$value); $feed->init($feedConfig); $content=$feed->getFeedContent(); //$this->getResponse()->setContentType('application/rss+xml'); $this->getResponse()->setContentType($feed->getContentType()); $this->getResponse()->write($content); } else throw new THttpException(404,'feedservice_feed_unknown',$id); } }