 * TPageService class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.Services

 * Include classes to be used by page service

 * TPageService class.
 * TPageService implements the service for serving user page requests.
 * Pages that are available to client users are stored under a directory specified by
 * {@link setBasePath BasePath}. The directory may contain subdirectories.
 * Pages serving for a similar goal are usually placed under the same directory.
 * A directory may contain a configuration file <b>config.xml</b> whose content
 * is similar to that of application configuration file.
 * A page is requested via page path, which is a dot-connected directory names
 * appended by the page name. Assume '<BasePath>/Users/Admin' is the directory
 * containing the page 'Update'. Then the page can be requested via 'Users.Admin.Update'.
 * By default, the {@link setBasePath BasePath} of the page service is the "pages"
 * directory under the application base path. You may change this default
 * by setting {@link setBasePath BasePath} with a different path you prefer.
 * Page name refers to the file name (without extension) of the page template.
 * In order to differentiate from the common control template files, the extension
 * name of the page template files must be '.page'. If there is a PHP file with
 * the same page name under the same directory as the template file, that file
 * will be considered as the page class file and the file name is the page class name.
 * If such a file is not found, the page class is assumed as {@link TPage}.
 * Modules can be configured and loaded in page directory configurations.
 * Configuration of a module in a subdirectory will overwrite its parent
 * directory's configuration, if both configurations refer to the same module.
 * By default, TPageService will automatically load two modules:
 * - {@link TTemplateManager} : manages page and control templates
 * - {@link TThemeManager} : manages themes used in a Prado application
 * In page directory configurations, static authorization rules can also be specified,
 * which governs who and which roles can access particular pages.
 * Refer to {@link TAuthorizationRule} for more details about authorization rules.
 * Page authorization rules can be configured within an <authorization> tag in
 * each page directory configuration as follows,
 * <authorization>
 *   <deny pages="Update" users="?" />
 *   <allow pages="Admin" roles="administrator" />
 *   <deny pages="Admin" users="*" />
 * </authorization>
 * where the 'pages' attribute may be filled with a sequence of comma-separated
 * page IDs. If 'pages' attribute does not appear in a rule, the rule will be
 * applied to all pages in this directory and all subdirectories (recursively).
 * Application of authorization rules are in a bottom-up fashion, starting from
 * the directory containing the requested page up to all parent directories.
 * The first matching rule will be used. The last rule always allows all users
 * accessing to any resources.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.Services
 * @since 3.0
class TPageService extends TService
	 * Configuration file name
	const CONFIG_FILE='config.xml';
	 * Default base path
	const DEFAULT_BASEPATH='pages';
	 * Prefix of ID used for storing parsed configuration in cache
	const CONFIG_CACHE_PREFIX='prado:pageservice:';
	 * Page template file extension
	const PAGE_FILE_EXT='.page';
	 * @var string root path of pages
	private $_basePath=null;
	 * @var string base path class in namespace format
	private $_basePageClass='TPage';
	 * @var string default page
	private $_defaultPage='Home';
	 * @var string requested page (path)
	private $_pagePath=null;
	 * @var TPage the requested page
	private $_page=null;
	 * @var array list of initial page property values
	private $_properties;
	 * @var boolean whether service is initialized
	private $_initialized=false;
	 * @var TThemeManager theme manager
	private $_themeManager=null;
	 * @var TTemplateManager template manager
	private $_templateManager=null;

	 * Constructor.
	 * Sets default service ID to 'page'.
	public function __construct()

	 * Initializes the service.
	 * This method is required by IService interface and is invoked by application.
	 * @param TXmlElement service configuration
	public function init($config)
		Prado::trace("Initializing TPageService",'System.Web.Services.TPageService');





	 * Initializes page context.
	 * Page context includes path alias settings, namespace usages,
	 * parameter initialization, module loadings, page initial properties
	 * and authorization rules.
	 * @param TPageConfiguration
	protected function initPageContext($pageConfig)

		// set path aliases and using namespaces
		foreach($pageConfig->getAliases() as $alias=>$path)
		foreach($pageConfig->getUsings() as $using)

		// initial page properties (to be set when page runs)

		// load parameters
		foreach($pageConfig->getParameters() as $id=>$parameter)
				foreach($parameter[1] as $name=>$value)

		// load modules specified in page directory config
		foreach($pageConfig->getModules() as $id=>$moduleConfig)
			Prado::trace("Loading module $id ({$moduleConfig[0]})",'System.Web.Services.TPageService');
			foreach($moduleConfig[1] as $name=>$value)
		foreach($modules as $module)


	 * Determines the requested page path.
	 * @return string page path requested
	protected function determineRequestedPagePath()
		return $pagePath;

	 * Collects configuration for a page.
	 * @param string page path in the format of Path.To.Page
	 * @param TXmlElement additional configuration
	 * @return TPageConfiguration
	protected function loadPageConfig($pagePath,$config=null)
			$pageConfig=new TPageConfiguration;
					foreach($timestamps as $fileName=>$timestamp)
						if($fileName===0) // application config file
							if($currentTimestamp[0]>$timestamp || ($timestamp>0 && !$currentTimestamp[0]))
							if($currentTimestamp[$fileName]>$timestamp || ($timestamp>0 && !$currentTimestamp[$fileName]))
				foreach($paths as $path)
				$pageConfig=new TPageConfiguration;
		return $pageConfig;

	 * @return TTemplateManager template manager
	public function getTemplateManager()
			$this->_templateManager=new TTemplateManager;
		return $this->_templateManager;

	 * @param TTemplateManager template manager
	public function setTemplateManager(TTemplateManager $value)

	 * @return TThemeManager theme manager
	public function getThemeManager()
			$this->_themeManager=new TThemeManager;
		return $this->_themeManager;

	 * @param TThemeManager theme manager
	public function setThemeManager(TThemeManager $value)

	 * @return string the requested page path
	public function getRequestedPagePath()
				throw new THttpException(404,'pageservice_page_required');
		return $this->_pagePath;

	 * @return TPage the requested page
	public function getRequestedPage()
		return $this->_page;

	 * @return string default page path to be served if no explicit page is request. Defaults to 'Home'.
	public function getDefaultPage()
		return $this->_defaultPage;

	 * @param string default page path to be served if no explicit page is request
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the page service is initialized
	public function setDefaultPage($value)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('pageservice_defaultpage_unchangeable');

	 * @return string root directory (in namespace form) storing pages. Defaults to 'pages' directory under application base path.
	public function getBasePath()
			if(($this->_basePath=realpath($basePath))===false || !is_dir($this->_basePath))
				throw new TConfigurationException('pageservice_basepath_invalid',$basePath);
		return $this->_basePath;

	 * @param string root directory (in namespace form) storing pages
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the service is initialized already or basepath is invalid
	public function setBasePath($value)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('pageservice_basepath_unchangeable');
		else if(($path=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value))===null || !is_dir($path))
			throw new TConfigurationException('pageservice_basepath_invalid',$value);

	 * Sets the base page class name (in namespace format).
	 * If a page only has a template file without page class file,
	 * this base page class will be instantiated.
	 * @param string class name
	public function setBasePageClass($value)

	 * @return string base page class name in namespace format. Defaults to 'TPage'.
	public function getBasePageClass()
		return $this->_basePageClass;

	 * Runs the service.
	 * This will create the requested page, initializes it with the property values
	 * specified in the configuration, and executes the page.
	public function run()
		Prado::trace("Running page service",'System.Web.Services.TPageService');
					throw new TConfigurationException('pageservice_pageclass_unknown',$className);


			// initialize page properties with those set in configurations
			foreach($this->_properties as $name=>$value)

			// set page template
			throw new THttpException(404,'pageservice_page_unknown',$this->getRequestedPagePath());


	 * Constructs a URL with specified page path and GET parameters.
	 * @param string page path
	 * @param array list of GET parameters, null if no GET parameters required
	 * @param boolean whether to encode the ampersand in URL, defaults to false.
	 * @param boolean whether to encode the GET parameters (their names and values), defaults to true.
	 * @return string URL for the page and GET parameters
	public function constructUrl($pagePath,$getParams=null,$encodeAmpersand=false,$encodeGetItems=true)
		return $this->getRequest()->constructUrl($this->getID(),$pagePath,$getParams,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems);

 * TPageConfiguration class
 * TPageConfiguration represents the configuration for a page.
 * The page is specified by a dot-connected path.
 * Configurations along this path are merged together to be provided for the page.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.Services
 * @since 3.0
class TPageConfiguration extends TComponent
	 * @var array list of page initial property values
	private $_properties=array();
	 * @var array list of namespaces to be used
	private $_usings=array();
	 * @var array list of path aliases
	private $_aliases=array();
	 * @var array list of module configurations
	private $_modules=array();
	 * @var array list of parameters
	private $_parameters=array();
	 * @var TAuthorizationRuleCollection list of authorization rules
	private $_rules=array();

	 * Returns list of page initial property values.
	 * Each array element represents a single property with the key
	 * being the property name and the value the initial property value.
	 * @return array list of page initial property values
	public function getProperties()
		return $this->_properties;

	 * Returns list of path alias definitions.
	 * The definitions are aggregated (top-down) from configuration files along the path
	 * to the specified page. Each array element represents a single alias definition,
	 * with the key being the alias name and the value the absolute path.
	 * @return array list of path alias definitions
	public function getAliases()
		return $this->_aliases;

	 * Returns list of namespaces to be used.
	 * The namespaces are aggregated (top-down) from configuration files along the path
	 * to the specified page. Each array element represents a single namespace usage,
	 * with the value being the namespace to be used.
	 * @return array list of namespaces to be used
	public function getUsings()
		return $this->_usings;

	 * Returns list of module configurations.
	 * The module configurations are aggregated (top-down) from configuration files
	 * along the path to the specified page. Each array element represents
	 * a single module configuration, with the key being the module ID and
	 * the value the module configuration. Each module configuration is
	 * stored in terms of an array with the following content
	 * ([0]=>module type, [1]=>module properties, [2]=>complete module configuration)
	 * The module properties are an array of property values indexed by property names.
	 * The complete module configuration is a TXmlElement object representing
	 * the raw module configuration which may contain contents enclosed within
	 * module tags.
	 * @return array list of module configurations to be used
	public function getModules()
		return $this->_modules;

	 * Returns list of parameter definitions.
	 * The parameter definitions are aggregated (top-down) from configuration files
	 * along the path to the specified page. Each array element represents
	 * a single parameter definition, with the key being the parameter ID and
	 * the value the parameter definition. A parameter definition can be either
	 * a string representing a string-typed parameter, or an array.
	 * The latter defines a component-typed parameter whose format is as follows,
	 * ([0]=>component type, [1]=>component properties)
	 * The component properties are an array of property values indexed by property names.
	 * @return array list of parameter definitions to be used
	public function getParameters()
		return $this->_parameters;

	 * Returns list of authorization rules.
	 * The authorization rules are aggregated (bottom-up) from configuration files
	 * along the path to the specified page.
	 * @return TAuthorizationRuleCollection collection of authorization rules
	public function getRules()
		return $this->_rules;

	 * Loads configuration for a page specified in a path format.
	 * @param string path to the page (dot-connected format)
	 * @param string root path for pages
	public function loadConfigurationFiles($pagePath,$basePath)
		foreach($paths as $p)
		$this->_rules=new TAuthorizationRuleCollection($this->_rules);

	 * Loads a specific config file.
	 * @param string config file name
	 * @param string page name, null if page is not required
	private function loadFromFile($fname,$page)
		Prado::trace("Loading $page with file $fname",'System.Web.Services.TPageService');
		if(empty($fname) || !is_file($fname))
		$dom=new TXmlDocument;
			throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_file_invalid',$fname);

	 * Loads a specific configuration xml element.
	 * @param TXmlElement config xml element
	 * @param string base path corresponding to this xml element
	 * @param string page name, null if page is not required
	public function loadXmlElement($dom,$configPath,$page)
		// paths
			foreach($pathsNode->getElementsByTagName('alias') as $aliasNode)
				if(($id=$aliasNode->getAttribute('id'))!==null && ($p=$aliasNode->getAttribute('path'))!==null)
					if($path===false || !is_dir($path))
						throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_aliaspath_invalid',$id,$p,$configPath);
						throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_alias_redefined',$id,$configPath);
					throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_alias_invalid',$configPath);
			foreach($pathsNode->getElementsByTagName('using') as $usingNode)
					throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_using_invalid',$configPath);

		// modules
			foreach($modulesNode->getElementsByTagName('module') as $node)
					throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_moduletype_required',$id,$configPath);

		// parameters
			foreach($parametersNode->getElementsByTagName('parameter') as $node)
					throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_parameter_invalid',$configPath);

		// authorization
			foreach($authorizationNode->getElements() as $node)
				else if($page!==null)
					foreach($ps as $p)
					$rules[]=new TAuthorizationRule($node->getTagName(),$node->getAttribute('users'),$node->getAttribute('roles'),$node->getAttribute('verb'));

		// pages
			if($page!==null)   // at the page folder
				foreach($pagesNode->getElementsByTagName('page') as $node)
						throw new TConfigurationException('pageserviceconf_page_invalid',$configPath);
