* @author Qiang Xue * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Web\Services */ namespace Prado\Web\Services; /** * TSoapServer class. * * TSoapServer is a wrapper of the PHP SoapServer class. * It associates a SOAP provider class to the SoapServer object. * It also manages the URI for the SOAP service and WSDL. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Web\Services * @since 3.1 */ class TSoapServer extends TApplicationComponent { const WSDL_CACHE_PREFIX='wsdl.'; private $_id; private $_provider; private $_version=''; private $_actor=''; private $_encoding=''; private $_uri=''; private $_classMap; private $_persistent=false; private $_wsdlUri=''; private $_requestedMethod; private $_server; /** * @return string the ID of the SOAP server */ public function getID() { return $this->_id; } /** * @param string the ID of the SOAP server * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the ID ends with '.wsdl'. */ public function setID($id) { if(strrpos($this->_id,'.wsdl')===strlen($this->_id)-5) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('soapserver_id_invalid',$id); $this->_id=$id; } /** * Handles the SOAP request. */ public function run() { if(($provider=$this->getProvider())!==null) { Prado::using($provider); $providerClass=($pos=strrpos($provider,'.'))!==false?substr($provider,$pos+1):$provider; $this->guessMethodCallRequested($providerClass); $server=$this->createServer(); $server->setClass($providerClass, $this); if($this->_persistent) $server->setPersistence(SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION); } else $server=$this->createServer(); try { $server->handle(); } catch (Exception $e) { if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug) $this->fault($e->getMessage(), $e->__toString()); else $this->fault($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Generate a SOAP fault message. * @param string message title * @param mixed message details * @param string message code, defalt is 'SERVER'. * @param string actors * @param string message name */ public function fault($title, $details='', $code='SERVER', $actor='', $name='') { Prado::trace('SOAP-Fault '.$code. ' '.$title.' : '.$details, 'System.Web.Services.TSoapService'); $this->_server->fault($code, $title, $actor, $details, $name); } /** * Guess the SOAP method request from the actual SOAP message * * @param string $class current handler class. */ protected function guessMethodCallRequested($class) { $namespace = $class.'wsdl'; $message = file_get_contents("php://input"); $matches= array(); if(preg_match('/xmlns:([^=]+)="urn:'.$namespace.'"/', $message, $matches)) { if(preg_match('/<'.$matches[1].':([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/', $message, $method)) { $this->_requestedMethod = $method[1]; } } } /** * Soap method guessed from the SOAP message received. * @return string soap method request, null if not found. */ public function getRequestedMethod() { return $this->_requestedMethod; } /** * Creates the SoapServer instance. * @return SoapServer */ protected function createServer() { if($this->_server===null) { if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug) ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled",0); $this->_server = new SoapServer($this->getWsdlUri(),$this->getOptions()); } return $this->_server; } /** * @return array options for creating SoapServer instance */ protected function getOptions() { $options=array(); if($this->_version==='1.1') $options['soap_version']=SOAP_1_1; else if($this->_version==='1.2') $options['soap_version']=SOAP_1_2; if(!empty($this->_actor)) $options['actor']=$this->_actor; if(!empty($this->_encoding)) $options['encoding']=$this->_encoding; if(!empty($this->_uri)) $options['uri']=$this->_uri; if(is_string($this->_classMap)) { foreach(preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $this->_classMap) as $className) $options['classmap'][$className]=$className; //complex type uses the class name in the wsdl } return $options; } /** * Returns the WSDL content of the SOAP server. * If {@link getWsdlUri WsdlUri} is set, its content will be returned. * If not, the {@link setProvider Provider} class will be investigated * and the WSDL will be automatically genearted. * @return string the WSDL content of the SOAP server */ public function getWsdl() { if($this->_wsdlUri==='') { $provider=$this->getProvider(); $providerClass=($pos=strrpos($provider,'.'))!==false?substr($provider,$pos+1):$provider; Prado::using($provider); if($this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Performance && ($cache=$this->getApplication()->getCache())!==null) { $wsdl=$cache->get(self::WSDL_CACHE_PREFIX.$providerClass); if(is_string($wsdl)) return $wsdl; Prado::using('System.3rdParty.WsdlGen.WsdlGenerator'); $wsdl=WsdlGenerator::generate($providerClass, $this->getUri(), $this->getEncoding()); $cache->set(self::WSDL_CACHE_PREFIX.$providerClass,$wsdl); return $wsdl; } else { Prado::using('System.3rdParty.WsdlGen.WsdlGenerator'); return WsdlGenerator::generate($providerClass, $this->getUri(), $this->getEncoding()); } } else return file_get_contents($this->_wsdlUri); } /** * @return string the URI for WSDL */ public function getWsdlUri() { if($this->_wsdlUri==='') return $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl().$this->getService()->constructUrl($this->getID().'.wsdl',false); else return $this->_wsdlUri; } /** * @param string the URI for WSDL */ public function setWsdlUri($value) { $this->_wsdlUri=$value; } /** * @return string the URI for the SOAP service */ public function getUri() { if($this->_uri==='') return $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl().$this->getService()->constructUrl($this->getID(),false); else return $this->_uri; } /** * @param string the URI for the SOAP service */ public function setUri($uri) { $this->_uri=$uri; } /** * @return string the SOAP provider class (in namespace format) */ public function getProvider() { return $this->_provider; } /** * @param string the SOAP provider class (in namespace format) */ public function setProvider($provider) { $this->_provider=$provider; } /** * @return string SOAP version, defaults to empty (meaning not set). */ public function getVersion() { return $this->_version; } /** * @param string SOAP version, either '1.1' or '1.2' * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if neither '1.1' nor '1.2' */ public function setVersion($value) { if($value==='1.1' || $value==='1.2' || $value==='') $this->_version=$value; else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('soapserver_version_invalid',$value); } /** * @return string actor of the SOAP service */ public function getActor() { return $this->_actor; } /** * @param string actor of the SOAP service */ public function setActor($value) { $this->_actor=$value; } /** * @return string encoding of the SOAP service */ public function getEncoding() { return $this->_encoding; } /** * @param string encoding of the SOAP service */ public function setEncoding($value) { $this->_encoding=$value; } /** * @return boolean whether the SOAP service is persistent within session. Defaults to false. */ public function getSessionPersistent() { return $this->_persistent; } /** * @param boolean whether the SOAP service is persistent within session. */ public function setSessionPersistent($value) { $this->_persistent=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } /** * @return string comma delimit list of complex type classes. */ public function getClassMaps() { return $this->_classMap; } /** * @return string comma delimit list of class names */ public function setClassMaps($classes) { $this->_classMap = $classes; } }