* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Web */ namespace Prado\Web; /** * TAssetManager class * * TAssetManager provides a scheme to allow web clients visiting * private files that are normally web-inaccessible. * * TAssetManager will copy the file to be published into a web-accessible * directory. The default base directory for storing the file is "assets", which * should be under the application directory. This can be changed by setting * the {@link setBasePath BasePath} property together with the * {@link setBaseUrl BaseUrl} property that refers to the URL for accessing the base path. * * By default, TAssetManager will not publish a file or directory if it already * exists in the publishing directory and has an older modification time. * If the application mode is set as 'Performance', the modification time check * will be skipped. You can explicitly require a modification time check * with the function {@link publishFilePath}. This is usually * very useful during development. * * TAssetManager may be configured in application configuration file as follows, * * * * where {@link getBasePath BasePath} and {@link getBaseUrl BaseUrl} are * configurable properties of TAssetManager. Make sure that BasePath is a namespace * pointing to a valid directory writable by the Web server process. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Web * @since 3.0 */ class TAssetManager extends TModule { /** * Default web accessible base path for storing private files */ const DEFAULT_BASEPATH='assets'; /** * @var string base web accessible path for storing private files */ private $_basePath=null; /** * @var string base URL for accessing the publishing directory. */ private $_baseUrl=null; /** * @var boolean whether to use timestamp checking to ensure files are published with up-to-date versions. */ private $_checkTimestamp=false; /** * @var TApplication application instance */ private $_application; /** * @var array published assets */ private $_published=array(); /** * @var boolean whether the module is initialized */ private $_initialized=false; /** * Initializes the module. * This method is required by IModule and is invoked by application. * @param TXmlElement module configuration */ public function init($config) { $application=$this->getApplication(); if($this->_basePath===null) $this->_basePath=dirname($application->getRequest()->getApplicationFilePath()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::DEFAULT_BASEPATH; if(!is_writable($this->_basePath) || !is_dir($this->_basePath)) throw new TConfigurationException('assetmanager_basepath_invalid',$this->_basePath); if($this->_baseUrl===null) $this->_baseUrl=rtrim(dirname($application->getRequest()->getApplicationUrl()),'/\\').'/'.self::DEFAULT_BASEPATH; $application->setAssetManager($this); $this->_initialized=true; } /** * @return string the root directory storing published asset files */ public function getBasePath() { return $this->_basePath; } /** * Sets the root directory storing published asset files. * The directory must be in namespace format. * @param string the root directory storing published asset files * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the module is initialized already */ public function setBasePath($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('assetmanager_basepath_unchangeable'); else { $this->_basePath=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value); if($this->_basePath===null || !is_dir($this->_basePath) || !is_writable($this->_basePath)) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('assetmanager_basepath_invalid',$value); } } /** * @return string the base url that the published asset files can be accessed */ public function getBaseUrl() { return $this->_baseUrl; } /** * @param string the base url that the published asset files can be accessed * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the module is initialized already */ public function setBaseUrl($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('assetmanager_baseurl_unchangeable'); else $this->_baseUrl=rtrim($value,'/'); } /** * Publishes a file or a directory (recursively). * This method will copy the content in a directory (recursively) to * a web accessible directory and returns the URL for the directory. * If the application is not in performance mode, the file modification * time will be used to make sure the published file is latest or not. * If not, a file copy will be performed. * @param string the path to be published * @param boolean If true, file modification time will be checked even if the application * is in performance mode. * @return string an absolute URL to the published directory * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the file path to be published is * invalid */ public function publishFilePath($path,$checkTimestamp=false) { if(isset($this->_published[$path])) return $this->_published[$path]; else if(empty($path) || ($fullpath=realpath($path))===false) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('assetmanager_filepath_invalid',$path); else if(is_file($fullpath)) { $dir=$this->hash(dirname($fullpath)); $fileName=basename($fullpath); $dst=$this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir; if(!is_file($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fileName) || $checkTimestamp || $this->getApplication()->getMode()!==TApplicationMode::Performance) $this->copyFile($fullpath,$dst); return $this->_published[$path]=$this->_baseUrl.'/'.$dir.'/'.$fileName; } else { $dir=$this->hash($fullpath); if(!is_dir($this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir) || $checkTimestamp || $this->getApplication()->getMode()!==TApplicationMode::Performance) { Prado::trace("Publishing directory $fullpath",'System.Web.UI.TAssetManager'); $this->copyDirectory($fullpath,$this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir); } return $this->_published[$path]=$this->_baseUrl.'/'.$dir; } } /** * @return array List of published assets * @since 3.1.6 */ public function getPublished() { return $this->_published; } /** * @param $values List of published assets * @since 3.1.6 */ protected function setPublished($values=array()) { $this->_published = $values; } /** * Returns the published path of a file path. * This method does not perform any publishing. It merely tells you * if the file path is published, where it will go. * @param string directory or file path being published * @return string the published file path */ public function getPublishedPath($path) { $path=realpath($path); if(is_file($path)) return $this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->hash(dirname($path)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($path); else return $this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->hash($path); } /** * Returns the URL of a published file path. * This method does not perform any publishing. It merely tells you * if the file path is published, what the URL will be to access it. * @param string directory or file path being published * @return string the published URL for the file path */ public function getPublishedUrl($path) { $path=realpath($path); if(is_file($path)) return $this->_baseUrl.'/'.$this->hash(dirname($path)).'/'.basename($path); else return $this->_baseUrl.'/'.$this->hash($path); } /** * Generate a CRC32 hash for the directory path. Collisions are higher * than MD5 but generates a much smaller hash string. * @param string string to be hashed. * @return string hashed string. */ protected function hash($dir) { return sprintf('%x',crc32($dir.Prado::getVersion())); } /** * Copies a file to a directory. * Copying is done only when the destination file does not exist * or has an older file modification time. * @param string source file path * @param string destination directory (if not exists, it will be created) */ protected function copyFile($src,$dst) { if(!is_dir($dst)) { @mkdir($dst); @chmod($dst, PRADO_CHMOD); } $dstFile=$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($src); if(@filemtime($dstFile)<@filemtime($src)) { Prado::trace("Publishing file $src to $dstFile",'System.Web.TAssetManager'); @copy($src,$dstFile); } } /** * Copies a directory recursively as another. * If the destination directory does not exist, it will be created. * File modification time is used to ensure the copied files are latest. * @param string the source directory * @param string the destination directory * @todo a generic solution to ignore certain directories and files */ public function copyDirectory($src,$dst) { if(!is_dir($dst)) { @mkdir($dst); @chmod($dst, PRADO_CHMOD); } if($folder=@opendir($src)) { while($file=@readdir($folder)) { if($file==='.' || $file==='..' || $file==='.svn') continue; else if(is_file($src.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file)) { if(@filemtime($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file)<@filemtime($src.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file)) { @copy($src.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file,$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); @chmod($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file, PRADO_CHMOD); } } else $this->copyDirectory($src.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file,$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); } closedir($folder); } else { throw new TInvalidDataValueException('assetmanager_source_directory_invalid', $src); } } /** * Publish a tar file by extracting its contents to the assets directory. * Each tar file must be accomplished with its own MD5 check sum file. * The MD5 file is published when the tar contents are successfully * extracted to the assets directory. The presence of the MD5 file * as published asset assumes that the tar file has already been extracted. * @param string tar filename * @param string MD5 checksum for the corresponding tar file. * @param boolean Wether or not to check the time stamp of the file for publishing. Defaults to false. * @return string URL path to the directory where the tar file was extracted. */ public function publishTarFile($tarfile, $md5sum, $checkTimestamp=false) { if(isset($this->_published[$md5sum])) return $this->_published[$md5sum]; else if(($fullpath=realpath($md5sum))===false || !is_file($fullpath)) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('assetmanager_tarchecksum_invalid',$md5sum); else { $dir=$this->hash(dirname($fullpath)); $fileName=basename($fullpath); $dst=$this->_basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir; if(!is_file($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fileName) || $checkTimestamp || $this->getApplication()->getMode()!==TApplicationMode::Performance) { if(@filemtime($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fileName)<@filemtime($fullpath)) { $this->copyFile($fullpath,$dst); $this->deployTarFile($tarfile,$dst); } } return $this->_published[$md5sum]=$this->_baseUrl.'/'.$dir; } } /** * Extracts the tar file to the destination directory. * N.B Tar file must not be compressed. * @param string tar file * @param string path where the contents of tar file are to be extracted * @return boolean true if extract successful, false otherwise. */ protected function deployTarFile($path,$destination) { if(($fullpath=realpath($path))===false || !is_file($fullpath)) throw new TIOException('assetmanager_tarfile_invalid',$path); else { Prado::using('System.IO.TTarFileExtractor'); $tar = new TTarFileExtractor($fullpath); return $tar->extract($destination); } } }