<?php /** * TMemCacheSession class * * @author Carl G. Mathisen <carlgmathisen@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2007 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id: TMemCacheSession.php $ * @package System.Web */ /** * TMemCacheSession class * * TMemCacheSession provides access for storing sessions in memcache. * Beware, session data will be stored in memory. Old data will be flushed * if you run out of cache memory. Configure your memcache carefully. * Keep in mind that memcached is a cache not a database. It is fast, * but not reliable storage. * * <module id="session" class="TMemCacheSession" SessionName="SSID" * CookieMode="Allow" AutoStart="true" GCProbability="1" * UseTransparentSessionID="true" TimeOut="3600" /> * <server Host="hostname1" Port="11211" /> * <server Host="hostname2" Port="11211" Weight="1" Timeout="1" RetryInterval="15" Persistent="true" /> * </module> * * @author Carl G. Mathisen <carlgmathisen@gmail.com> * @version $Id: TMemCacheSession.php $ * @package System.Web * @since 3.1.0 */ class TMemCacheSession extends THttpSession { /** * @var MemCache */ private $_memCache=null; /** * @var boolean if the module is initialized */ private $_initialized=false; /** * File extension of external configuration file */ const CONFIG_FILE_EXT='.xml'; /** * @var array list of servers available */ private $_servers=array(); /** * @var string external configuration file */ private $_configFile=null; /** * @var string */ private $_prefix = 'PRADO'; /** * @var string */ private $_host = 'localhost'; /** * @var integer */ private $_port = 11211; /** * Connecting to memcached. If no servers are defined in config, we will use *the default server {@see Host} and {@see Port}, localhost and 11211 respectively. */ public function init($config) { $this->setAutoStart(true); $this->setUseCustomStorage(true); if(!extension_loaded('memcache')) throw new TConfigurationException('memcache_extension_required'); if($this->_configFile!==null) { if(is_file($this->_configFile)) { $dom=new TXmlDocument; $dom->loadFromFile($this->_configFile); $this->loadConfig($dom); } else throw new TConfigurationException('memcachesession_configfile_invalid',$this->_configFile); } $this->loadConfig($config); $this->_memCache = new MemCache; if(count($this->_servers)) { foreach($this->_servers as $server) { Prado::trace('Adding server '.$server['Host'].' from serverlist', 'System.Web.TMemCacheSession'); if($this->_memCache->addServer($server['Host'],$server['Port'],$server['Persistent'], $server['Weight'],$server['Timeout'],$server['RetryInterval'])===false) throw new TConfigurationException('memcache_connection_failed',$server['Host'],$server['Port']); } } else { Prado::trace('Adding server '.$this->_host.' from serverlist', 'System.Web.TMemCacheSession'); if($this->_memCache->addServer($this->_host,$this->_port)===false) throw new TConfigurationException('memcache_connection_failed',$this->_host,$this->_port); } $this->_initialized=true; } /** * Loads configuration from an XML element * @param TXmlElement configuration node * @throws TConfigurationException if log route class or type is not specified */ private function loadConfig($xml) { if($xml instanceof TXmlElement) { foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName('server') as $serverConfig) { $properties=$serverConfig->getAttributes(); if(($host=$properties->remove('Host'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('memcachesession_serverhost_required'); if(($port=$properties->remove('Port'))===null) throw new TConfigurationException('memcachesession_serverport_required'); if(!is_numeric($port)) throw new TConfigurationException('memcachesession_serverport_invalid'); $server = array('Host'=>$host,'Port'=>$port,'Weight'=>1,'Timeout'=>1800,'RetryInterval'=>15,'Persistent'=>true); $checks = array( 'Weight'=>'memcachesession_serverweight_invalid', 'Timeout'=>'memcachesession_servertimeout_invalid', 'RetryInterval'=>'memcachesession_serverretryinterval_invalid' ); foreach($checks as $property=>$exception) { $value=$properties->remove($property); if($value!==null && is_numeric($value)) $server[$property]=$value; else if($value!==null) throw new TConfigurationException($exception); } $server['Persistent']= TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($properties->remove('Persistent')); $this->_servers[]=$server; } } } /** * Session open handler. * @param string session save path * @param string session name * @return boolean whether session is opened successfully */ public function _open($savePath,$sessionName) { return true; } /** * Session close handler. * @return boolean whether session is closed successfully */ public function _close() { return true; } /** * Session read handler. * @param string session ID * @return string the session data */ public function _read($id) { $key = $this->calculateKey($id); return $this->_memCache->get($key); } /** * Session write handler. * @param string session ID * @param string session data * @return boolean whether session write is successful */ public function _write($id,$data) { $key = $this->calculateKey($id); $res = $this->_memCache->set($key,$data,MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED,$this->_timeOut); return $res; } /** * Session destroy handler. * This method should be overriden if {@link setUseCustomStorage UseCustomStorage} is set true. * @param string session ID * @return boolean whether session is destroyed successfully */ public function _destroy($id) { $key = $this->calculateKey($id); return $this->_memCache->delete($key); } /** * Session GC (garbage collection) handler. * Memcache has it's own garbage collection * @param integer the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. * @return boolean whether session is GCed successfully */ public function _gc($maxLifetime) { return true; } /** * @return string host name of the memcache server */ public function getHost() { return $this->_host; } /** * @param string host name of the memcache server * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the module is already initialized */ public function setHost($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('memcache_host_unchangeable'); else $this->_host=$value; } /** * @return integer port number of the memcache server */ public function getPort() { return $this->_port; } /** * @param integer port number of the memcache server * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the module is already initialized */ public function setPort($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('memcache_port_unchangeable'); else $this->_port=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); } /** * @param string prefix of our memcache data key */ public function setPrefix($value) { if($this->_initialized) throw new TInvalidOperationException('memcache_prefix_unchangeable'); else $this->_prefix = $value; } /** * @return string prefix of our memcache data key */ public function getPrefix() { return $this->_prefix; } /** * @param string memcache data key * @return safe memcache key within 256 characters */ private function calculateKey($key) { return md5($this->_prefix.$key); } } ?>