 * TUrlMapping and TUrlMappingPattern class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gamil[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web


 * TUrlMapping Class
 * The TUrlMapping module allows PRADO to construct and recognize URLs
 * based on specific patterns.
 * TUrlMapping consists of a list of URL patterns which are used to match
 * against the currently requested URL. The first matching pattern will then
 * be used to decompose the URL into request parameters (accessible through
 * <code>$this->Request['paramname']</code>).
 * The patterns can also be used to construct customized URLs. In this case,
 * the parameters in an applied pattern will be replaced with the corresponding
 * GET variable values.
 * Since it is derived from {@link TUrlManager}, it should be configured globally
 * in the application configuration like the following,
 * <code>
 *  <module id="request" class="THttpRequest" UrlManager="friendly-url" />
 *  <module id="friendly-url" class="System.Web.TUrlMapping" EnableCustomUrl="true">
 *    <url ServiceParameter="Posts.ViewPost" pattern="post/{id}/" parameters.id="\d+" />
 *    <url ServiceParameter="Posts.ListPost" pattern="archive/{time}/" parameters.time="\d{6}" />
 *    <url ServiceParameter="Posts.ListPost" pattern="category/{cat}/" parameters.cat="\d+" />
 *  </module>
 * </code>
 * In the above, each <tt>&lt;url&gt;</tt> element specifies a URL pattern represented
 * as a {@link TUrlMappingPattern} internally. You may create your own pattern classes
 * by extending {@link TUrlMappingPattern} and specifying the <tt>&lt;class&gt;</tt> attribute
 * in the element.
 * The patterns can be also be specified in an external file using the {@link setConfigFile ConfigFile} property.
 * The URL mapping are evaluated in order, only the first mapping that matches
 * the URL will be used. Cascaded mapping can be achieved by placing the URL mappings
 * in particular order. For example, placing the most specific mappings first.
 * Only the PATH_INFO part of the URL is used to match the available patterns. The matching
 * is strict in the sense that the whole pattern must match the whole PATH_INFO of the URL.
 * From PRADO v3.1.1, TUrlMapping also provides support for constructing URLs according to
 * the specified pattern. You may enable this functionality by setting {@link setEnableCustomUrl EnableCustomUrl} to true.
 * When you call THttpRequest::constructUrl() (or via TPageService::constructUrl()),
 * TUrlMapping will examine the available URL mapping patterns using their {@link TUrlMappingPattern::getServiceParameter ServiceParameter}
 * and {@link TUrlMappingPattern::getPattern Pattern} properties. A pattern is applied if its
 * {@link TUrlMappingPattern::getServiceParameter ServiceParameter} matches the service parameter passed
 * to constructUrl() and every parameter in the {@link getPattern Pattern} is found
 * in the GET variables.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web
 * @since 3.0.5
class TUrlMapping extends TUrlManager
	 * File extension of external configuration file
	const CONFIG_FILE_EXT='.xml';
	 * @var TUrlMappingPattern[] list of patterns.
	private $_patterns=array();
	 * @var TUrlMappingPattern matched pattern.
	private $_matched;
	 * @var string external configuration file
	private $_configFile=null;
	 * @var boolean whether to enable custom contructUrl
	private $_customUrl=false;
	 * @var array rules for constructing URLs
	private $_constructRules=array();

	private $_urlPrefix='';

	private $_defaultMappingClass='TUrlMappingPattern';

	 * Initializes this module.
	 * This method is required by the IModule interface.
	 * @param TXmlElement configuration for this module, can be null
	 * @throws TConfigurationException if module is configured in the global scope.
	public function init($xml)
			throw new TConfigurationException('urlmapping_global_required');

	 * Initialize the module from configuration file.
	 * @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getConfigFile ConfigFile} is invalid.
	protected function loadConfigFile()
			$dom=new TXmlDocument;
			throw new TConfigurationException('urlmapping_configfile_inexistent',$this->_configFile);

	 * Returns a value indicating whether to enable custom constructUrl.
	 * If true, constructUrl() will make use of the URL mapping rules to
	 * construct valid URLs.
	 * @return boolean whether to enable custom constructUrl. Defaults to false.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function getEnableCustomUrl()
		return $this->_customUrl;

	 * Sets a value indicating whether to enable custom constructUrl.
	 * If true, constructUrl() will make use of the URL mapping rules to
	 * construct valid URLs.
	 * @param boolean whether to enable custom constructUrl.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function setEnableCustomUrl($value)

	 * @return string the part that will be prefixed to the constructed URLs. Defaults to the requested script path (e.g. /path/to/index.php for a URL http://hostname/path/to/index.php)
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function getUrlPrefix()
		return $this->_urlPrefix;

	 * @param string the part that will be prefixed to the constructed URLs. This is used by constructUrl() when EnableCustomUrl is set true.
	 * @see getUrlPrefix
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function setUrlPrefix($value)

	 * @return string external configuration file. Defaults to null.
	public function getConfigFile()
		return $this->_configFile;

	 * @param string external configuration file in namespace format. The file
	 * must be suffixed with '.xml'.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the file is invalid.
	public function setConfigFile($value)
			throw new TConfigurationException('urlmapping_configfile_invalid',$value);

	 * @return string the default class of URL mapping patterns. Defaults to TUrlMappingPattern.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function getDefaultMappingClass()
		return $this->_defaultMappingClass;

	 * Sets the default class of URL mapping patterns.
	 * When a URL matching pattern does not specify "class" attribute, it will default to the class
	 * specified by this property. You may use either a class name or a namespace format of class (if the class needs to be included first.)
	 * @param string the default class of URL mapping patterns.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function setDefaultMappingClass($value)

	 * Load and configure each url mapping pattern.
	 * @param TXmlElement configuration node
	 * @throws TConfigurationException if specific pattern class is invalid
	protected function loadUrlMappings($xml)
		foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName('url') as $url)
			if(!($pattern instanceof TUrlMappingPattern))
				throw new TConfigurationException('urlmapping_urlmappingpattern_required');
			foreach($properties as $name=>$value)


	 * Parses the request URL and returns an array of input parameters.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * The input parameters do not include GET and POST variables.
	 * This method uses the request URL path to find the first matching pattern. If found
	 * the matched pattern parameters are used to return as the input parameters.
	 * @return array list of input parameters
	public function parseUrl()
		foreach($this->_patterns as $pattern)
				foreach($matches as $key=>$value)
				return $params;
		return parent::parseUrl();

	 * Constructs a URL that can be recognized by PRADO.
	 * This method provides the actual implementation used by {@link THttpRequest::constructUrl}.
	 * Override this method if you want to provide your own way of URL formatting.
	 * If you do so, you may also need to override {@link parseUrl} so that the URL can be properly parsed.
	 * The URL is constructed as the following format:
	 * /entryscript.php?serviceID=serviceParameter&get1=value1&...
	 * If {@link THttpRequest::setUrlFormat THttpRequest.UrlFormat} is 'Path',
	 * the following format is used instead:
	 * /entryscript.php/serviceID/serviceParameter/get1,value1/get2,value2...
	 * @param string service ID
	 * @param string service parameter
	 * @param array GET parameters, null if not provided
	 * @param boolean whether to encode the ampersand in URL
	 * @param boolean whether to encode the GET parameters (their names and values)
	 * @return string URL
	 * @see parseUrl
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function constructUrl($serviceID,$serviceParam,$getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems)
	 		if(!(is_array($getItems) || ($getItems instanceof Traversable)))
				foreach($this->_constructRules[$key] as $rule)
						return $rule->constructUrl($getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems);
		return parent::constructUrl($serviceID,$serviceParam,$getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems);

	 * @return TUrlMappingPattern the matched pattern, null if not found.
	public function getMatchingPattern()
		return $this->_matched;

 * TUrlMappingPattern class.
 * TUrlMappingPattern represents a pattern used to parse and construct URLs.
 * If the currently requested URL matches the pattern, it will alter
 * the THttpRequest parameters. If a constructUrl() call matches the pattern
 * parameters, the pattern will generate a valid URL. In both case, only the PATH_INFO
 * part of a URL is parsed/constructed using the pattern.
 * To specify the pattern, set the {@link setPattern Pattern} property.
 * {@link setPattern Pattern} takes a string expression with
 * parameter names enclosed between a left brace '{' and a right brace '}'.
 * The patterns for each parameter can be set using {@link getParameters Parameters}
 * attribute collection. For example
 * <code>
 * <url ... pattern="articles/{year}/{month}/{day}"
 *          parameters.year="\d{4}" parameters.month="\d{2}" parameters.day="\d+" />
 * </code>
 * In the above example, the pattern contains 3 parameters named "year",
 * "month" and "day". The pattern for these parameters are, respectively,
 * "\d{4}" (4 digits), "\d{2}" (2 digits) and "\d+" (1 or more digits).
 * Essentially, the <tt>Parameters</tt> attribute name and values are used
 * as substrings in replacing the placeholders in the <tt>Pattern</tt> string
 * to form a complete regular expression string.
 * For more complicated patterns, one may specify the pattern using a regular expression
 * by {@link setRegularExpression RegularExpression}. For example, the above pattern
 * is equivalent to the following regular expression-based pattern:
 * <code>
 * /^articles\/(?P<year>\d{4})\/(?P<month>\d{2})\/(?P<day>\d+)$/u
 * </code>
 * The above regular expression used the "named group" feature available in PHP.
 * Notice that you need to escape the slash in regular expressions.
 * Thus, only an url that matches the pattern will be valid. For example,
 * a URL <tt>http://example.com/index.php/articles/2006/07/21</tt> will match the above pattern,
 * while <tt>http://example.com/index.php/articles/2006/07/hello</tt> will not
 * since the "day" parameter pattern is not satisfied.
 * The parameter values are available through the <tt>THttpRequest</tt> instance (e.g.
 * <tt>$this->Request['year']</tt>).
 * The {@link setServiceParameter ServiceParameter} and {@link setServiceID ServiceID}
 * (the default ID is 'page') set the service parameter and service id respectively.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web
 * @since 3.0.5
class TUrlMappingPattern extends TComponent
	 * @var string service parameter such as Page class name.
	private $_serviceParameter;
	 * @var string service ID, default is 'page'.
	private $_serviceID='page';
	 * @var string url pattern to match.
	private $_pattern;
	 * @var TMap parameter regular expressions.
	private $_parameters;
	 * @var string regular expression pattern.
	private $_regexp='';

	private $_customUrl=true;

	private $_manager;

	private $_caseSensitive=true;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param TUrlManager the URL manager instance
	public function __construct(TUrlManager $manager)
		$this->_parameters=new TAttributeCollection;

	 * @return TUrlManager the URL manager instance
	public function getManager()
		return $this->_manager;

	 * Initializes the pattern.
	 * @param TXmlElement configuration for this module.
	 * @throws TConfigurationException if service parameter is not specified
	public function init($config)
			throw new TConfigurationException('urlmappingpattern_serviceparameter_required', $this->getPattern());

	 * Substitute the parameter key value pairs as named groupings
	 * in the regular expression matching pattern.
	 * @return string regular expression pattern with parameter subsitution
	protected function getParameterizedPattern()
		foreach($this->_parameters as $key=>$value)
		return $regexp;

	 * @return string full regular expression mapping pattern
	public function getRegularExpression()
		return $this->_regexp;

	 * @param string full regular expression mapping pattern.
	public function setRegularExpression($value)

	 * @return boolean whether the {@link getPattern Pattern} should be treated as case sensititve. Defaults to true.
	public function getCaseSensitive()
		return $this->_caseSensitive;

	 * @param boolean whether the {@link getPattern Pattern} should be treated as case sensititve.
	public function setCaseSensitive($value)

	 * @param string service parameter, such as page class name.
	public function setServiceParameter($value)

	 * @return string service parameter, such as page class name.
	public function getServiceParameter()
		return $this->_serviceParameter;

	 * @param string service id to handle.
	public function setServiceID($value)

	 * @return string service id.
	public function getServiceID()
		return $this->_serviceID;

	 * @return string url pattern to match. Defaults to ''.
	public function getPattern()
		return $this->_pattern;

	 * @param string url pattern to match.
	public function setPattern($value)
		$this->_pattern = $value;

	 * @return TAttributeCollection parameter key value pairs.
	public function getParameters()
		return $this->_parameters;

	 * @param TAttributeCollection new parameter key value pairs.
	public function setParameters($value)

	 * Uses URL pattern (or full regular expression if available) to
	 * match the given url path.
	 * @param THttpRequest the request module
	 * @return array matched parameters, empty if no matches.
	public function getPatternMatches($request)
		return $matches;

	 * Returns a value indicating whether to use this pattern to construct URL.
	 * @return boolean whether to enable custom constructUrl. Defaults to true.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function getEnableCustomUrl()
		return $this->_customUrl;

	 * Sets a value indicating whether to enable custom constructUrl using this pattern
	 * @param boolean whether to enable custom constructUrl.
	public function setEnableCustomUrl($value)

	 * @param array list of GET items to be put in the constructed URL
	 * @return boolean whether this pattern IS the one for constructing the URL with the specified GET items.
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function supportCustomUrl($getItems)
		if(!$this->_customUrl || $this->getPattern()===null)
			return false;
		foreach($this->_parameters as $key=>$value)
				return false;
		return true;

	 * Constructs a URL using this pattern.
	 * @param array list of GET variables
	 * @param boolean whether the ampersand should be encoded in the constructed URL
	 * @param boolean whether the GET variables should be encoded in the constructed URL
	 * @return string the constructed URL
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function constructUrl($getItems,$encodeAmpersand,$encodeGetItems)
		// for the GET variables matching the pattern, put them in the URL path
		foreach($getItems as $key=>$value)


		// for the rest of the GET variables, put them in the query string
				foreach($extra as $name=>$value)
						foreach($value as $v)
				foreach($extra as $name=>$value)
						foreach($value as $v)
		return $url;
