* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
* @copyright Copyright © 2006 PradoSoft
* @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Web
* TUrlMapping Class
* The TUrlMapping module allows aributary URL path to be mapped to a
* particular service and page class. This module must be configured
* before a service is initialized, thus this module should be configured
* globally in the application.xml file and before any services.
* See {@link TUrlMappingPattern} for details regarding the mapping patterns.
* Similar to other modules, the <url /> configuration class
* can be customised using the class property.
* The URL mapping are evaluated in order, only the first mapping that matches
* the URL will be used. Cascaded mapping can be achieved by placing the URL mappings
* in particular order. For example, placing the most specific mappings first.
* The mapping can be load from an external file by specifying a configuration
* file using the {@link setConfigFile ConfigFile} property.
* Since TUrlMapping is a URL manager extending from {@link TUrlManager},
* you may override {@link TUrlManager::constructUrl} to support your pattern-based
* URL scheme.
* @author Wei Zhuo
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Web
* @since 3.0.5
class TUrlMapping extends TUrlManager
* File extension of external configuration file
const CONFIG_FILE_EXT='.xml';
* @var string default pattern class.
private $_defaultPatternClass='TUrlMappingPattern';
* @var TUrlMappingPattern[] list of patterns.
private $_patterns=array();
* @var TUrlMappingPattern matched pattern.
private $_matched;
* @var string external configuration file
private $_configFile=null;
* Initializes this module.
* This method is required by the IModule interface.
* @param TXmlElement configuration for this module, can be null
* @throws TConfigurationException if module is configured in the global scope.
public function init($xml)
throw new TConfigurationException('urlpath_dispatch_module_must_be_global');
* Initialize the module from configuration file.
* @throws TConfigurationException if {@link getConfigFile ConfigFile} is invalid.
protected function loadConfigFile()
$dom=new TXmlDocument;
throw new TConfigurationException(
* @return string external configuration file. Defaults to null.
public function getConfigFile()
return $this->_configFile;
* @param string external configuration file in namespace format. The file
* must be suffixed with '.xml'.
* @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the file is invalid.
public function setConfigFile($value)
throw new TConfigurationException('logrouter_configfile_invalid',$value);
* Load and configure each url mapping pattern.
* @param TXmlElement configuration node
* @throws TConfigurationException if specific pattern class is invalid
protected function loadUrlMappings($xml)
foreach($xml->getElementsByTagName('url') as $url)
$class = $this->_defaultPatternClass;
$pattern = Prado::createComponent($class);
if(!($pattern instanceof TUrlMappingPattern))
throw new TConfigurationException('urlpath_dispatch_invalid_pattern_class');
foreach($properties as $name=>$value)
$this->_patterns[] = $pattern;
* Parses the request URL and returns an array of input parameters.
* This method overrides the parent implementation.
* The input parameters do not include GET and POST variables.
* This method uses the request URL path to find the first matching pattern. If found
* the matched pattern parameters are used to return as the input parameters.
* @return array list of input parameters
public function parseUrl()
$url = $this->getRequest()->getUrl();
foreach($this->_patterns as $pattern)
$matches = $pattern->getPatternMatches($url);
if(count($matches) > 0)
foreach($matches as $key=>$value)
return $params;
return array();
* @return TUrlMappingPattern the matched pattern, null if not found.
public function getMatchingPattern()
return $this->_matched;
* @param TUrlMappingPattern change the Request service ID and page class.
protected function changeServiceParameters($pattern)
$request = $this->getRequest();
$id = $pattern->getServiceID();
$param = $pattern->getServiceParameter();
* URL Mapping Pattern Class
* Describes an URL mapping pattern, if a given URL matches the pattern, the
* TUrlMapping class will alter the THttpRequest parameters. The
* url matching is done using patterns and regular expressions.
* The {@link setPattern Pattern} property takes an string expression with
* parameter names enclosed between a left brace '{' and a right brace '}'.
* The pattens for each parameter can be set using {@link getParameters Parameters}
* attribute collection. For example
* In the above example, the pattern contains 3 parameters named "year",
* "month" and "day". The pattern for these parameters are, respectively,
* "\d{4}" (4 digits), "\d{2}" (2 digits) and "\d+" (1 or more digits).
* Essentially, the Parameters attribute name and values are used
* as substrings in replacing the placeholders in the Pattern string
* to form a complete regular expression string. A full regular expression
* may be expressed using the RegularExpression attribute or
* as the body content of the <module> tag. The above pattern is equivalent
* to the following regular expression pattern.
* /articles\/(?P\d{4})\/(?P\d{2})\/(?P\d+)/u
* The above regular expression used the "named group" feature available in PHP.
* Notice that you need to escape the slash in regular expressions.
* In the TUrlMappingPattern class, the pattern is matched against the
* path property of the url only.
* Thus, only an url that matches the pattern will be valid. For example,
* an url "http://example.com/articles/2006/07/21" will matches and is valid.
* However, "http://example.com/articles/2006/07/hello" is not
* valid since the "day" parameter pattern is not satisfied.
* The parameter values are available through the standard Request
* object. For example, $this->Request['year'].
* The {@link setServiceParameter ServiceParameter} and {@link setServiceID ServiceID}
* (the default ID is 'page') set the service parameter and service id respectively.
* The service parameter for the TPageService is the Page class name, other service
* may use the service parameter differently.
* For more complicated mappings, the body of the <url>
* can be used to specify the mapping pattern.
* @author Wei Zhuo
* @version $Id$
* @package System.Web
* @since 3.0.5
class TUrlMappingPattern extends TComponent
* @var string service parameter such as Page class name.
private $_serviceParameter;
* @var string service ID, default is 'page'.
private $_serviceID='page';
* @var string url pattern to match.
private $_pattern;
* @var TMap parameter regular expressions.
private $_parameters;
* @var string regular expression pattern.
private $_regexp;
* @var boolean case sensitive matching, default is true
private $_caseSensitive=true;
public function __construct()
$this->_parameters = Prado::createComponent('System.Collections.TAttributeCollection');
* Initialize the pattern, uses the body content as pattern is available.
* @param TXmlElement configuration for this module.
* @throws TConfigurationException if page class is not specified.
public function init($config)
$body = trim($config->getValue());
throw new TConfigurationException(
'dispatcher_url_service_parameter_missing', $this->getPattern());
* Subsitutue the parameter key value pairs as named groupings
* in the regular expression matching pattern.
* @return string regular expression pattern with parameter subsitution
protected function getParameterizedPattern()
$params= array();
$values = array();
foreach($this->parameters as $key => $value)
$params[] = '{'.$key.'}';
$values[] = '(?P<'.$key.'>'.$value.')';
$params[] = '/';
$values[] = '\\/';
$regexp = str_replace($params,$values,$this->getPattern());
$modifiers = $this->getModifiers();
return '/'.$regexp.'/'.$modifiers;
* @return string full regular expression mapping pattern
public function getRegularExpression()
return $this->_regexp;
* @param string full regular expression mapping patern.
public function setRegularExpression($value)
* @param string service parameter, such as page class name.
public function setServiceParameter($value)
* @return string service parameter, such as page class name.
public function getServiceParameter()
return $this->_serviceParameter;
* @param string service id to handle.
public function setServiceID($value)
* @return string service id.
public function getServiceID()
return $this->_serviceID;
* @return string url pattern to match.
public function getPattern()
return $this->_pattern;
* @param string url pattern to match.
public function setPattern($value)
$this->_pattern = $value;
* @param boolean case sensitive pattern matching, default is true.
public function setCaseSensitive($value)
* @return boolean case sensitive pattern matching, default is true.
public function getCaseSensitive()
return $this->_caseSensitive;
* @return TAttributeCollection parameter key value pairs.
public function getParameters()
return $this->_parameters;
* @param TAttributeCollection new parameter key value pairs.
public function setParameters($value)
* Uses URL pattern (or full regular expression if available) to
* match the given url path.
* @param TUri url to match against
* @return array matched parameters, empty if no matches.
public function getPatternMatches($url)
$path = $url->getPath();
$pattern = $this->getRegularExpression();
if($pattern === null)
$pattern = $this->getParameterizedPattern();
preg_match($pattern, $path, $matches);
return $matches;
* @return string regular expression matching modifiers.
protected function getModifiers()
$modifiers = 'u';
$modifiers .= 'i';
return $modifiers;