 * TActiveListControlAdapter class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gamil[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2011 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls

 * Load active control adapter.

 * TActiveListControlAdapter class.
 * Adapte the list controls to allows the selections on the client-side to be altered
 * during callback response.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
 * @since 3.1
class TActiveListControlAdapter extends TActiveControlAdapter implements IListControlAdapter
	 * @return boolean true if can update client-side attributes.
	protected function canUpdateClientSide()
		return $this->getControl()->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide();

	 * Selects an item based on zero-base index on the client side.
	 * @param integer the index (zero-based) of the item to be selected
	public function setSelectedIndex($index)
			// if a prompt is set, we mimic the postback behaviour of not counting it
			// in the index. We assume the prompt is _always_ the first item (Issue #368)

			if($index >= 0 && $index <= $this->getControl()->getItemCount())
					$this->getControl(), 'Index', $index);

	 * Selects a list of item based on zero-base indices on the client side.
	 * @param array list of index of items to be selected
	public function setSelectedIndices($indices)
			$n = $this->getControl()->getItemCount();


			$list = array();
			foreach($indices as $index)
				$index = intval($index);
				if($index >= 0 && $index <= $n)
					$list[] = $index;
			if(count($list) > 0)
					$this->getControl(), 'Indices', $list);

	 * Sets selection by item value on the client side.
	 * @param string the value of the item to be selected.
	public function setSelectedValue($value)
					$this->getControl(), 'Value', $value);

	 * Sets selection by a list of item values on the client side.
	 * @param array list of the selected item values
	public function setSelectedValues($values)
			$list = array();
			foreach($values as $value)
				$list[] = $value;
			if(count($list) > 0)
					$this->getControl(), 'Values', $list);

     * Clears all existing selections on the client side.
    public function clearSelection()
			if($this->getControl() instanceof TActiveDropDownList)
				// clearing a TActiveDropDownList's selection actually doesn't select the first item;
				// we mimic the postback behaviour selecting it (Issue #368)
				$this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->select($this->getControl(), 'Index', 0);
			} else {
				$this->getPage()->getCallbackClient()->select($this->getControl(), 'Clear');

	 * Update the client-side list options.
	public function updateListItems()
			$items = $this->getControl()->getItems();
			if($items instanceof TActiveListItemCollection
				&& $items->getListHasChanged())

 * TActiveListItemCollection class.
 * Allows TActiveDropDownList and TActiveListBox to add new options
 * during callback response. New options can only be added <b>after</b> the
 * {@link TControl::onLoad OnLoad} event.
 * The {@link getListHasChanged ListHasChanged} property is true when the
 * list items has changed. The control responsible for the list needs to
 * repopulate the client-side options.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
 * @since 3.1
class TActiveListItemCollection extends TListItemCollection
	 * @var IActiveControl control instance.
	private $_control;
	 * @var boolean true if list items were changed.
	private $_hasChanged=false;

	 * @return boolean true if active controls can update client-side and
	 * the onLoad event has already been raised.
	protected function canUpdateClientSide()
		return $this->getControl()->getActiveControl()->canUpdateClientSide()
				&& $this->getControl()->getHasLoaded();

	 * @param IActiveControl a active list control.
	public function setControl(IActiveControl $control)
		$this->_control = $control;

	 * @return IActiveControl active control using the collection.
	public function getControl()
		return $this->_control;

	 * @return boolean true if the list has changed after onLoad event.
	public function getListHasChanged()
		return $this->_hasChanged;

	 * Update client-side list items.
	public function updateClientSide()
		$client = $this->getControl()->getPage()->getCallbackClient();
		$client->setListItems($this->getControl(), $this);

	 * Inserts an item into the collection.
	 * The new option is added on the client-side during callback.
	 * @param integer the location where the item will be inserted.
	 * The current item at the place and the following ones will be moved backward.
	 * @param TListItem the item to be inserted.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the item being inserted is neither a string nor TListItem
	public function insertAt($index, $value)
		parent::insertAt($index, $value);
			$this->_hasChanged = true;

	 * Removes an item from at specified index.
	 * @param int zero based index.
	public function removeAt($index)
			$this->_hasChanged = true;
