 * TActiveRatingList class file.
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gamil[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2006 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls

 * TActiveRatingList Class
 * Displays clickable images that represent a TActiveRadioButtonList
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
 * @since 3.1
class TActiveRatingList extends TActiveRadioButtonList
	const SCRIPT_PATH = 'prado/activeratings';

	 * @var array list of published rating images.
	private $_ratingImages = array();

	 * Sets the default repeat direction to horizontal.
	public function __construct()

	 * @return boolean whether the items in the column can be edited. Defaults to false.
	public function getReadOnly()
		return $this->getViewState('ReadOnly',false);

	 * @param boolean whether the items in the column can be edited
	public function setReadOnly($value)

	 * The repeat layout must be Table.
	 * @param string repeat layout type
	 * @throws TInvaliddataValueException when repeat layout is not Table.
	public function setRepeatLayout($value)
			throw new TInvalidDataValueException('ratinglist_table_layout_only');

	 * @return float rating value.
	public function getRating()
		return $this->getViewState('Rating',0.0);

	 * @param float rating value, also sets the selected Index
	public function setRating($value)
		$rating = TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value);
		$this->setViewState('Rating', $rating);
		$canUpdate = $this->getActiveControl()->getEnableUpdate();

	 * @param float rating value
	 * @return int rating as integer
	protected function getRatingIndex($rating)
		$interval = $this->getHalfRatingInterval();
		$base = intval($rating)-1;
		$remainder = $rating-$base-1;
		return $remainder > $interval[1] ? $base+1 : $base;

	 * @param int change the rating selection index
	public function setSelectedIndex($value)
		$value = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value);
		$canUpdate = $this->getActiveControl()->getEnableUpdate();

	 * Calls the client-side static method for this control class.
	 * @param string static method name
	 * @param mixed method parmaeter
	protected function callClientFunction($func,$value)
		$client = $this->getPage()->getCallbackClient();
		$code = $this->getClientClassName().'.'.$func;

	 * @return string control or html element ID for displaying a caption.
	public function getCaptionID()
		return $this->getViewState('CaptionID', '');

	 * @param string control or html element ID for displaying a caption.
	public function setCaptionID($value)
		$this->setViewState('CaptionID', $value, '');

	protected function getCaptionControl()
				return $control;
		throw new TInvalidDataValueException(

	public function setCaption($value)

	public function getCaption()
		return $this->getCaptionControl()->getText();

	 * @param boolean true to enable the rating to be changed.
	public function setEnabled($value)
		$value = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);

	 * @param string set the rating style, default is "default"
	public function setRatingStyle($value)
	   $this->setViewState('RatingStyle', $value, 'default');

	 * @return TActiveRatingListStyle current rating style
	public function getRatingStyle()
	   return $this->getViewState('RatingStyle', 'default');

	 * Sets the interval such that those rating values within the interval
	 * will be considered as a half star rating.
	 * @param array rating display half value interval, default is array(0.3, 0.7);
	public function setHalfRatingInterval($value)
				TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value), array(0.3, 0.7));

	 * @return array rating display half value interval, default is array(0.3, 0.7);
	public function getHalfRatingInterval()
		return $this->getViewState('HalfRating', array(0.3, 0.7));

	 * @return string rating style css class name.
	protected function getRatingStyleCssClass()
		return 'TActiveRatingList_'.$this->getRatingStyle();

	 * @return array list of post back options.
	protected function getPostBackOptions()
		$options = parent::getPostBackOptions();
		$options['Style'] = $this->getRatingStyleCssClass();
		$options['CaptionID'] = $this->getCaptionControlID();
		$options['SelectedIndex'] = $this->getSelectedIndex();
		$options['Rating'] = $this->getRating();
		$options['HalfRating'] = $this->getHalfRatingInterval();
		return $options;

	 * Registers the javascript code for initializing the active control
	 * only if {@link setReadOnly ReadOnly} property is false.
	protected function renderClientControlScript($writer)

	 * @return string find the client ID of the caption control.
	protected function getCaptionControlID()
					return $control->getClientID();
				return $id;
		return '';

	 * @param string asset file in the self::SCRIPT_PATH directory.
	 * @return string asset file url.
	protected function getAssetUrl($file='')
		$base = $this->getPage()->getClientScript()->getPradoScriptAssetUrl();
		return $base.'/'.self::SCRIPT_PATH.'/'.$file;

	 * @param string rating style name
	 * @return string URL of the css style file
	protected function publishRatingListStyle($style)
		$cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
		$url = $this->getAssetUrl($style.'.css');
			$cs->registerStyleSheetFile($url, $url);
		return $url;

	 * @param string rating style name
	 * @param string rating image file extension, default is '.gif'
	 * @return array URL of publish the rating images
	protected function publishRatingListImages($style, $fileExt='.gif')
		$types = array('blank', 'selected', 'half', 'combined');
		$files = array();
		foreach($types as $type)
			$files[$type] = $this->getAssetUrl("{$style}_{$type}{$fileExt}");
		return $files;

	 * Add rating style class name to the class attribute
	 * when {@link setReadOnly ReadOnly} property is true and when the
	 * {@link setCssClass CssClass} property is empty.
	 * @param THtmlWriter renderer
	public function render($writer)
			$writer->addAttribute('class', $this->getRatingStyleCssClass());
				$this->getClientClassName(), $this->getPostBackOptions());

	 * Publish the the rating style css file and rating image files.
	public function onPreRender($param)

		$this->_ratingImages = $this->publishRatingListImages($this->getRatingStyle());

	 * Renders the rating images if {@link setReadOnly ReadOnly} is true
	 * otherwise render the radio buttons.
	public function renderItem($writer,$repeatInfo,$itemType,$index)
			$this->renderStaticRating($writer, $repeatInfo, $itemType, $index);
			parent::renderItem($writer, $repeatInfo, $itemType, $index);

	 * Renders the static rating images.
	protected function renderStaticRating($writer, $repeatInfo, $itemType, $index)
		$image = new TImage;

	 * @param integer rating image index
	 * @return string the rating image corresponding to current index to be rendered.
	protected function getRatingImageType($index)
		$rating = floatval($this->getRating());
		$int = intval($rating);
		$limit = $this->getHalfRatingInterval();
		if($index < $int || ($rating < $index+1 && $rating > $index+$limit[1]))
			return 'selected';
		if($rating >= $index+$limit[0] && $rating <= $index+$limit[1])
			return 'half';
		return 'blank';

	 * Gets the name of the javascript class responsible for performing postback for this control.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @return string the javascript class name
	protected function getClientClassName()
		return 'Prado.WebUI.TActiveRatingList';
